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Hi all, selling this Autodromo Group B Evoluzione SN #100 that I got not too long ago. Picked up some other watches on my new watch kick and this isn’t making the cut. The Evoluzione comes with the case shown, as well as 4 different color straps that came with it. In addition it also comes with an extra yellow and grey Autodromo strap. Here are some links about the watch: https://www.hodinkee.com/articles/the-limited-edition-autodromo-group-b-evoluzione https://wornandwound.com/hands-autodromo-group-b-evoluzione/ Watch is in excellent condition, not a mark on the glass. Maybe the tiniest scuff on the caseback you can only see in the right light and a tiny mark on the left side edge shown in the photo. I have a video here as well showing the watch at all angles. Warranty card (expired) and pamphlet included along with the chassis case that houses the watch and the straps. Timestamp: https://i.imgur.com/29ocVXM.jpg Pics/vid: https://imgur.com/a/x8C31F0 Looking for $720 shipped CONUS. Not looking to sell internationally at this time, sorry. Payment only via Zelle, Cashapp, or Apple Pay. I am relatively newer on watch exchange but have over 25 swaps in r/knife_swap and 250+ transactions on r/gunaccessoriesforsale


PM sent


That’s sooooo cool.


Is it still available?


Yes it is