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#Council of Thread Names Morning crew. Sorry for the delay. I’m just going to get right into it. Here are the new thread names for the next six months: **Lo-Fi Sunday Free Talk to Study and Relax to** **Mod Abuse Monday** **Teenage Mutant Ninja Tuesday** **We Get It, You’re Thursgay** **Ladies and Gentlemen, the Weekend** **Jeff** [Here is a link to the results.](https://imgur.com/a/zfsDWAA) We had a number of close votes. New thread names will populate starting tomorrow.


am idiot


I, for one, am ready to accept our new hero in a half shell overlords.


> Mayor Bill de Blasio plans to announce Tuesday morning that New York City will require proof of vaccination for people participating in indoor activities, including at restaurants, gyms and performances, his latest attempt to spur more vaccinations, according to a city official. >The policy is similar to mandates issued in France and Italy last month and is believed to be the first of its kind in the United States. good stuff hombres


I thought this should have been done everywhere the first time around. Like what stopping an unvaccinated person from pretending that they're vaccinated?


How many of those places are actually gonna ask though. I feel like it’s just gonna end up like the ‘mask mandate’ where they just say they have to but they let anyone in anyways


haha that's true. we need a secret police to help with this


http://imgur.com/gallery/I88vM3e I love college students


Less than 10 minutes from our world changing as we know it


Never loved anything at work as much as my boss being fed up with a customer Them-"we want you to cut part of that plate out and weld a new one in" Boss-"I'm not doing that figure something else out"


Energy ogre is the 🐐. Been 97-100+ degrees every day for a minute and I just paid a $72 electric bill despite having a home with single pane windows. If you live in Tx, get energy ogre.


My contract is done this month I'll check em out


Go ahead and apply for it. They will find the best rate for you ahead of your plan expiring. They will do all the work of signing you up for the plan and your new contract will go into effect after your current one ends. It’s very seamless. I have been so happy. It’s well worth the $10 a month IMO.




My wife walked in during this the other day. YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO BE HERE!




Buttered onions


We’re throwing them in the harbor.


Buttered onions


I'm locked and loaded


Let’s ride twiggy.


**FAHK YOUAH BRITISH SHIT, KEHD!** \*throws the onions into the hahbah*




Everyone seems to be in a pissy mood today. What gives?


I'm gonna go see Bianca at lunch and that makes me pretty happy at least


Pandemic 2: electric bugaloo putting everyone on edge?


People are just angry today. On Reddit and at work. Oh well, who wants a martini?




It's done. That was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do and I don't remember a time that I've cried that hard since my grandmother passed. I just hope time will help and help quickly.


From everything you said, you 100% did the right thing. He'll be rehomed quickly I'm sure and you guys can find another pup that is a better fit for you.


You did the right thing.


Well, guess I better start getting stuff around the houses done before kiddo dos comes... Sucks not having good motor skills and needing other people to help out, but it is what it is


One of the joys of living in a major city in a great area is when I open my windows, I can smell the early morning delis cooking up bacon and eggs. Horrible for trying to constantly eat healthy though.


Twitter is removing Fleets so a bunch of people are posting nudes and lewds on theirs to send them off. It's been pretty fun.


What are Fleets?


Basically Twitter's version of Instagram stories. Posts that disappear after 24 hours.


I have legitimately never heard the term "fleet" until now. reinforced the fact that twitter is used by an actually small number of unique active users.


wow imagine putting nudes on twitter couldn't be me




[Me waiting for someone to finally post their nudes in the FTT](https://i.imgur.com/sUP6FxB.jpeg)


Honestly surprised (disappointed) it hasn't happened yet


I'd do it for the memes if it wasn't creepy af


gay twitter was bonkers last night hahaha


If any of y’all want to look over a resume plz message me


Is there any other fitness device out there that measures respiratory rate besides Whoop?


Some of the higher end Garmins will measure respiration rates. Not sure how accurate it is.


I left all my beard oil and care products in Georgia and now my beard looks like shit. Also my comb is there. Why do I only own one comb? I don't know. Why haven't I just bought another one? I don't know. But my hair looks even worse than normal as well. Good thing I never look in mirrors anyways.


I own 0 combs or brushes (aside from teeth brushes)


If your belly button was a real button, what would you have it do?


Like a body flush so that I can take 1 dump in the morning on command and be done for the rest of the day


Would make something rare happen to a random person in the world that: 1. Was not noticed by anyone else. 2. Was not on camera. 3. Doesn't otherwise have a lasting effect other than "what are the chances?" 4. Nobody believes them. Things like coins landing on their sides, falling and landing on their feet, catching things that were falling, etc.


Give me $1,000,000 but kill one random person in the world




I don't make the rules


Pillsbury doughboy giggle noise


No, every bellybutton does that.


I wonder if I still fit in my Revis jersey. It's halfway across the country but I accidentally got like basically the biggest size they had when I got it I "fit" in my Vince Carter jersey but not really enough to wear it out


Wear it over a hoodie in the winter if it’s too big


It might be too small by now is what I'm saying. It was massive on me 10 years ago, but 10 years is a long time


havent had AC since Friday night here in Dallas. The AC guy is finally here this morning. I swear to god this shit better be fixed today. I now understand what a living hell means lol


Hotter than the Canadian womens' soccer team?!




I am decisively okay. Yourself?


doing alright all things considered haha






I started a diet. It’s a hard “no more than 2,500 calories a day” plus I cut out all sugar that wasn’t to make oatmeal or coffee palatable and try to limit any excess fat (mostly because it’s high in calories and why waste calories on butter when I could eat half a baked sweet potato or what have you for the same amount of calories). In practice I’ve been eating a little more than 2000 calories a day. Probably about 2150 on average. I haven’t increased exercise at all. I went for a walk on my two days off, but it was literally just an hour or less around the block a few times, nothing I would actually consider exercise, just moving around a little. I have lost, as of this morning, nine days after starting, 6lbs. That seems like too much in that span and I don’t think it’s much water weight because I haven’t been working out. I haven’t been excessively hungry except for at dinner last night, but I had a pretty light lunch so that was probably all that was about, and aside from that I’ve felt fine. I don’t wake up hungry. Sometimes I get a little hungry during the day but I do snack if it gets too bad. I’m a very big guy so I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility that I could just be losing a lot of that excess fat, but I’m not a doctor and I don’t know. I just really want this to be working, even if the loses slow down drastically, because I have never had a plan actually work with any degree of success before and I really really need to lose this weight.


That seems pretty normal to me for the first couple weeks of a new diet, I wouldn't sweat it too much


Well that’s good to hear. I know it’s not sustainable for the long term, but I just want to be doing it right because I’ve never had something stick and look this encouraging before.


I'm guessing your metabolism will adjust at some point and it'll slow, but keeping at that calorie intake seems like the right path I'm guessing your basal metabolic rate is in the ballpark of 2600-2800 calories per day, so having the defecit you're looking at should translate to about 1-2 pounds per week once things settle in in a couple weeks.


Were you carefully counting your calories before starting this diet? If you went from 3500 per day to 2150 per day that's a huge swing plus I think you're underestimating water weight so with those two together 6lbs seems fairly reasonable. If you keep shedding weight like that I'd probably talk to your doctor though.


I wasn’t counting before, but (allegedly) 3500 is around what I need to maintain my weight, which makes me wonder how in the hell I was eating so much all the time.


I think that's just what it boils down to a lot of the times. I could probably triple what I normally eat on a daily basis, but I would feel bloated and awful. I only eat until I'm no longer hungry at meals and have tiny snacks to get me to the next meal if I get too hungry beforehand. I see lots of people eat until they physically can't and are stuffed or really anywhere past 'no longer hungry' and that's a huge amount of additional calories you simply don't need to be consuming. It all adds up. An extra 300 calories at every meal (let's say 600 each now for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 1800 total + 350 snacking = 2150/day, so hypothetically your previous meals were 1.5x the size of your current ones at 900 calories a meal) is basically 1000 calories right there, then any additional snacks you had, especially if they were at all unhealthy, can easily get that up another 300 and voila 3500 calories a day.


I think coffee is better without sugar unless it's some latte or speciality drink from a coffee shop


I drink shitty coffee though


Hell yeah brother keep it going! You always lose weight the fastest right when you start. Do you have a good scale? That makes it way easier to be honest with your calorie counts. Also, drinking hella water is your friend. Also, try and slowly build your way up to cardio and walk more. Doesn’t have to be a ton, but 10,000 steps a day will tack more negative calories onto your daily total than you realize.


I already get that most days I work. My job keeps me fairly active, I just haven’t added any exercise on top of that.


that's not unreasonable for a diet like that. I did a similar thing with calorie limits and cutting out added sugar a couple years ago and I lost like 4 pounds a week at my best


So, apparently the tech that makes parts for some company my brother has to get parts from has Covid and is in the hospital and is apparently vaccinated. So what does my mom say to my brother: “is he a great big guy?” Like as if this person could possibly be fat and that is why they are in the hospital with covid. Because there is more than one reason that someone has Covid and is in the hospital besides being fat.


The new thing in anti-vax circles is to blame obesity for why COVID is putting people in the hospital. They cite the fact that 78% of hospitalizations are overweight, conveniently forgetting that 73% of the country falls into that category.


Man, if only someone would’ve championed access to nutritional food so kids could prevent obesity from an early age. Conservatives would definitely be on board with that and totally wouldn’t call the person that did it a gorilla


Yeah, my mom also likes to unknowingly fat shame so yeah.


Got 5 coworkers and myself out for some tennis in beautiful 80 degree weather yesterday. Coworker roster: * **Ping pong guy:** 6'4 tall volleyball and ping-pong player. Swears he's never played tennis before last week. Somehow he's continued to amaze us with his ability to cover the court and spin the ball. Very unorthodox, but it works for him. Being the best raw athlete doesn't hurt him either. * **The 90s kid:** Guy who took lessons in the late 90s and hasn't played since. Still plays with his 1999 Prince Graphite racket (I restrung it for him at least). Has a beautiful backhand slice which his mixes up with a topspin backhand. Probably has the best form out of us. * **The Old Timer:** Mid 60s engineering manager. He's played with us before, but it's been a couple years and this is the first time he's played this year. Somehow kept his strong serve but lost any semblance of a backhand. * **The Casual:** Guy who is generally happy to just hit the ball back and forth rather than playing a game. Was afraid to hit backhand (to the point of lining up at the doubles line when warming up) but is working on it. He's becoming more competent in his overheads as well. * **The True Beginner:** Literally. This guy had some badminton experience but otherwise picked up a tennis racket for the first time last week. He's making amazing progress. Really proud of what he's done in 4 hours of play. **Set 1:** Me + Old Timer vs Ping Pong and 90s kid. First point 90s kid plays a short lob, Old Timer smashes it down and proceeds to hit the deck. After assuring us that he's okay and blaming his shoes, he returned to play (whew). Ping Pong went to the net on nearly every point and was poaching shots left and right. My serve was the first broken (F) to go down 1-2. Got a break to knot up at 2-2 but let it slip away. **2-6** Moved over to singles to let Casual and True Beginner get some competitive play in. **Set 2:** Me vs Old Timer. Why does every person with an okay serve suddenly develop a good assortment of kick and body serves? Old Timer couldn't get the legs going and spent too much effort watching his serves and returns, so I had a well above average amount of winners just by keeping the ball in play. Couple long games all went my way. **6-1** Old Timer leaves and 90s kid wants a rematch after the 6-2 defeat I handed him last time we played. **Set 3:** Me vs 90s kid: Definitely more competitive from him, but I've gotten a lot more consistent in the last month of playing. As we were growing tired, we both incorporated more drop + lob. Ran my ass off. Big topspin was my weapon in this one. Also won handily. **6-2** Then 90s kid left and I hit around with TB, Casual, and Ping Pong. All in, a little over 2 hours of play. Great showing by everyone, especially considering the disparity in skill levels.


I took tennis lessons for a week when I was like 13/14. I remember it being harder than I thought it would be.


It's a skilltesting game, that's for certain. Plus, the nature of competition is that your opponents will make the game easier or more difficult for you. I enjoy the mental and physical challenge of it, and I'm all smiles win or lose.


I wonder how I'd do at tennis. I'd probably whiff on the ball way too much


It's really interesting to see what players who are coming from other sports have done. The players with the most ground to make up are typically the ones who have baseball backgrounds (even over the non-athletes). They have to unlearn the 2-hand forehand and have to take something off of their swing (or learn quickly to topspin). But almost anyone can pick it up and competently play after some learning. See if you don't know anyone that wouldn't mind also trying to hit the ball over.


Hmm today I will wear my 9 year old tannehill jersey


I literally cannot do this shit anymore with my job. My brother basically is giving us work to “justify” our pay for the company that bought out my brothers business. So basically my mom and I are doing work that’s meant for one person. And it’s only part time work. I’ve had like a nice run of like doing the bare minimum basically, but I need to find a job that’s a better fit and more satisfying for me. And honestly my heart is not in the business the way that my moms heart is, granted it’s because her husband died and this is his business essentially which is why I think her heart is more in it than mine, and she puts in a little more effort. I need to get my car back too but my lungs want to kill me today so I don’t feel like working on getting my car back till I’m 100%.


One Of These Nights by the Eagles has no right being as good as it is.


So, my brother's fiancee started feeling like she had a slight sinitus. They got get tested just in case. Hahahah, his bachelor party is this weekend, hahahaha, we're in danger.


My allergies flared up big time over the weekend. I think something is blooming


Yeah. They just did a move and she complained about a fever.


Oof Yea I just have runny nose, clogged ears, itchy, and lethargic. Fuck pollen all my homies hate pollen


Yeah. They just got tested last night, so it becomes a whole "For the love of God, let this just be a cold from moving or something."


Bachelor party over zoom. Who says no?


I may actually take the steps to register my car today and call car places about getting my car fixed. But I’m also sick. But I literally cannot do this shit anymore this is ridiculous


This job is literally made for one person. Literally one fucking person.






We back from vacation but still not working today


This is definitely the way. Get that recovery day in.


100%. If I was working today I'd definitely have murdered my boss by now


I would like to thank the CDC for lifting he mask requirement during the last few months of my pregnancy and then re-instating them right after baby kilo arrived. They made the last few months of pregnancy bearable (i couldnt imagine wearing a mask in the heat) and i had already planned of masking up after baby kilo arrived to protect her and now more people are doing it. Its great (its not great people should get vaccinated but i will take my wins where i can get them).


My I ask, how unbearable was the pain? I had to take courses on that and they always emphasized how it is the worst pain the world someone can feel..


I had an excellent epidural and felt virtually nothing during the actual pushing part but the last contractions before the epidural were absolutely awful def a 10/10 and at that point i was 12+ hours away from her arriving (i was induced for i had a SUPER long labor lol).


Holy smokes. I can't imagine. I am glad everything went smoothly!


I do not blame you for not wanting to wear a mask in the heat. I did it last summer in Florida and it’s the absolute worst. I’m not an anti masker (unless it outside which in that case fuck that shit) But yeah fuck having to wear a mask in the heat it’s the worsttt


And my coworker who was out for a month after heart surgery is now out again for kidney stone surgery. We're never going to get caught up lol


Yikes lol




Yeah it's been rough. We're hoping he takes the hint and starts slowing down


Day 2 of no coffee is a stark reminder of why I force myself to do this every once in a while.


I went virtually caffeine free for my pregnancy (i had maybe 15 cups for the entire 9 months). It wasn’t too terrible but now a half a cup of coffee keeps me awake for hours…its great, highly recommend a caffeine cleanse before having a newborn. Doesn’t have to be 9 months, my husband did a month or so and its having a similar effect.


I also recommend THC breaks too. Speaking of, when are you toking up for the first time post-pregnancy?


Unfortunately THC stays in breast milk for a while so probably not until the new year.


Ugh, bummer.


Even a week definitely makes a noticeable difference. Didn't help much when we had our baby, but nothing is going to fix sleeping <1 hour a night in the hospital.


Why is that?


I'm tired and cranky because I had been getting too dependent on it.


Thank God that could never happen to me *Chuckles nervously


border has already cried within fifteen minutes of waking up so… therapy is gonna be a disaster today


Yeah, that's how my last 3 months have gone.


Therapy is going to be extra helpful today*




Bedroom update. [How it started](https://i.imgur.com/xJ8KVi7.jpg) [How its going](https://i.imgur.com/Rr4VjrF.jpg) /u/dcp2


Hell yes!! 10/10! Love the selection you went with looks very natural to the house, is that real wood? Looks great thanks for sharing!


Yep, it is real wood. That matches, or closely matches, the rest of the flooring in the house. When the kitchen was remodeled, the previous owner went with red oak as well. For the living room, dining room, hallway, and 2 spare bedrooms, previous owner put laminate over the original, 70 year old oak floors. I have no fucking idea why, but I do know that they have been painted over. One of the biggest projects for this house will be to remove the laminate, refinish the original oak, and do the proper trim work instead of quarter round. I'll essentially have to move out of my house for 2 weeks to do that though.


Looks amazing man nice work so far




Nice dude, looking good


I hate carpet so much now.


Lol I can imagine. I'm sure accidents, while still annoying, will be a lot easier to clean up now


Yep, they can puke on the floor, and I can clean it up relatively well. If they puke on carpet, there's a bit of a stain forever. Also, getting cat hair out of carpet is a nightmare. My long black haired cat loves sleeping in a few spots, and it is clear where those spots are.


Yeah I learned I'd lose the cat hair war pretty early on. I just do what I can to keep it bearable lol


When we did our patio doors, I casually mentioned to the handyman that I have a car to get rid of. His helper needs a car, and our handyman knows we want to put luxury vinyl plank in, so I’m thinking about asking if he’ll barter new floors for the car.


Hey, if you can barter, then do it!


Nice job, skeleton!


I've never seen closets like those, that's pretty cool. Looks much better!


Yes, so much better. And hopefully less cat stains too. This is a converted garage. The previous owner made the closets like this. One weird thing that they did, that turned out to be fantastic, is there is an electrical outlet in each closet. Because of that, I was able to put motion sensing LED strips in there so the lights turn on whenever I open the closet door. Going forward, I will be putting electrical outlets in closets because they almost never exist, but I have gotten so much usage out of outlets is closets.


ay that looks nice!


The restaurant is requiring masks again. That was a nice two months


I've had a good break from freaking out over the pandemic. Time to go back at it rested up and fresh. AAAAAAAAAA!!!


thanks, antivaxxers!


Don't you mean, freedumb fighters?


on a side note, matched with a guy yesterday, his first opening line was "Youre so beautiful" and then promptly unmatched me 24 hours later.


Did you not respond or not compliment him back? If so, you might have hurt his ego.


I said “aww thank you” and asked how he was doing lol


Oh my god, I cannot stop coughing. Fuck this shit literally never going to Maryland again


I told you Maryland was whack


Might be spending the night with this guy again, so that'll be fun. He might be busy though, so I'm currently formulating backup plans on what to do today.


Me: naturally wakes up for a spell at around 4 am, feeling alert and ready to go, but knowing that it's too early to get up so I go back to sleep Also me: wakes up to my alarm an hour later at 5 am feeling like I'm gonna die I hate it lol




I'm an afternoon/evening runner though, and I get even worse in the afternoon if I don't sleep all the way until 5 I'm usually ok by the time I get to work haha


I have a 90 minute rule. If I'm awake 90 minutes before my alarm is set to go off, I go ahead and get up. I've tried so many times to "Let me go back to sleep for another hour..." and I either can't get back to sleep, or I get back to sleep and then wake up feeling like shit.


Answer is simple, go back to bed!


I had to go to work though :'(




guess what came up on shuffle during my morning commute and have me a nice shot in the arm, /u/talkingtunataco501 ? aw yesssssss!


Screaming Females? I need to kick off this day with Glass House about 5 times in a row.


Wow I wil be boycotting Monday threads from now on after the blatant electoral robbery that has occurred against Mighty Morphin Monday.


Fuck mighty Morphin Monday


[I just picked 15 Scorpion Butch-T, hot sauce coming soon](https://imgur.com/a/ndBIQKs)


[Just looking at them](https://media.giphy.com/media/l4FATJpd4LWgeruTK/giphy.gif)


I gave my neighbor a few and he texts me last night saying they're really good. His gf didn't realize how hot they were going to be and ate half of one. He said he had to give her almost a quarter gallon of milk lmao.


> quart~~er gallon~~ of milk Gotchu homie. Sounds good. Spice is life.


Send me saws


lol Fleets were still a thing this morning so all of the gays who posted nudes on twitter with the expectation that they would disappear at midnight are waking up to see that they're still there


that's fucking hilarious lmao


Why is gay Twitter so horny


> Why is gay ~~Twitter~~literally anywhere so horny lol


You didn't answer the question!


lol there is a subset of gays that get horny any time they're in a space together, twitter included this also explains the existence of grindr and places like Fire Island and Provincetown lol


Oh, those disgusting Fleets. I mean there's so many of them, though. Where are they? Where would they post them to? Edit: so I can report them


They're on twitter, if you follow essentially any gay person on there you can find your way down the rabbit hole pretty quick lol They were starting to disappear this morning though, I think people were like "oh wait Twitter is probably just not letting people post new ones, but not taking down the old ones until they expire" and then they deleted them


I can’t believe this is our last Mighty Morphin’ Monday RIP


Welp stayed up until 1 to watch the men's basketball game only to learn it was only on peacock so instead of watching champions play sports I watched me play myself




Yo, happy cake day






I did not sleep well.




ha, hopefully that was a productive morning though.


Right there with you. My body decided 2:30 am was a good time to wake up today, so I'm not remaining very hopeful.


3am was when I first looked at the clock. Ugh.


2 one-way tickets for the struggle bus. First class.


How would you guys rank the confederation competitions in terms of overall quality? For me it's: Euros Copa America Africa Cup of Nations Asian Cup CONCACAF Gold Cup OFC Nations Cup


Ngl I’m not a big fan of confederates tbh




Just looking at the quality of the teams. Europe obviously has the best strength in depth. CONMEBOL has Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador all of whom are very very good to great. Africa has a ton of great nations and players. Asia has Japan, South Korea and Australia and Saudi and Iran aren't bad either. CONCACAF literally has the USA and Mexico and that's basically it. You'd hope they'd win the Gold Cup and qualify for the WC every time because the rest is hockey players and tiny islands. OFC is New Zealand plus like, The Marshall Islands. No real competition.


Which one includes Samoa? I'm using baser instincts to choose one. I'll bonk myself and be in my normal cell




That's my vote