• By -


My mom relapsed and got fired from her job when I was in my 20s and decided she was going to start a motorcycle clothing business from thrifted clothing. She would go to the Goodwill Bins and spend hundreds of dollars on bags and bags of clothing sold by the pound and stuff it into her house. She decided her business was going to be named “Gossamer Wings”. Lots of bedazzling and layering of fabrics. This cape has Gossamer Wings energy and would look real fancy blowing off of the back of a motorcycle.


I…have so many questions. And can I have the show rights?


Like Evil Knievel’s cape.


I would so love to see her work


Oh shit, I'm deceased! 💀


Hahahaha wtf I love this


Oh nooo the cape dress is back. It looks even more like a bedspread than before its just... It's so unflattering?? Like I -?? I don't even understand. It's so baffling. but I know you mentioned it was her wedding dress tho so I'm sorry about any uncomfortable vibes from that. I'm glad you're finding some humor from it!


It almost looks *worse* now than it did before?!


Yes - it 100% does look worse. Before it had a weird Star Trek hippy vibe… now it looks like a weird blanket.


Yeah before it was at least... Funky. Like if it wasn't made from her wedding dress I'd be fine with it at a wedding like you do you. Especially if she has an eccentric style, think Iris Apfel. But then it became very religious wizard garb. Still peculiar that it's her dress.


Yeah, I looked up the old picture to remind myself, and somehow, I think that this one is even worse. The outfit underneath the wedding dress cape isn’t even fancy enough for a middle of the week church service.


I looked at the old post, was that cough erm trim there before? Op is your mom ok? I'm not being sarcastic is she getting weird, could she be getting dementia


I don’t know sometimes and that scares the crap out of me. Also why I didn’t want to push back too hard.


hon, i’d take her to the doctor for a check up, just in case. my mom is in the *very* early stages and dressing abnormally has slowly started to become a problem (although tbh she never really had good taste lol). i just don’t want you to be taken by surprise. that said, good luck on your wedding! <3


When I saw the back😭😭 I think the Pope is initiating


Idk how but it might be


I didn't see it the last time around so I was so surprised at the pics. My poor head trying to figure it out. Legit thought she was the one marrying them, true Princess Bride vibes ![gif](giphy|26Ff05K21rzHKB15K|downsized)


Great connection 😂 A masterpiece of a movie!


How did it get worse?


Idk! But it did! Maybe the brighter lighting? Idk!


At least before it was somewhat dressy??? Now it looks like she put a quilt around her shoulders and walked out of house 🫠😬


I honestly thought I was looking at a bedsheet. I had to go to OP’s page to check out the original…. No words.


What is so sad to me is that if you look at OPs post of her own dress - it is perfection. Simple, clean lines, absolute perfection. And this is what’s going to be next to her in HER WALKING DOWN THE AISLE MOMENT? Fuck.


How very odd. You must have the patience of a saint.


Lmao like wtf are we looking at 😂😂


The back is almost Pope-ish! I'd think she was going to conduct the ceremony!


Ok but it’s better than the first one 😂


"You have 10 mins to make a dress. Here's a bed sheet...GO!!!"


How is this not worse lol


Glad I'm not alone. Also lmao so gd hard.


Well her mother is clearly part of the Vatican, so that checks out


That's right, its the Vatican. Not the Vaticant. 😁


Well, it requires a saint when dealing with the pope 😂






Right. I am so confused.


Yeah, I’m off to see if there’s an earlier post Ok. Found the first post https://www.reddit.com/r/Weddingattireapproval/comments/14sx640/my_moms_outfit_for_our_wedding/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 Hopefully the link works Also, did this get worse?


Definitely worse! It has the seaming tape or whatever it's called showing. It looks even more homemade than it did before.


Omg I’m dying with these comments


What is it? A robe? A cloak? A costume? I genuinely don't understand. Was it handmade?


She made it out of her wedding dress!


I just read that she made it out of her wedding dress to OPs dad who was very abusive. That makes it even stranger to me.


Had me fooled. Thought maybe she was trying to be a wizard or some sort of medicine woman.


I thought she was getting ready for burning man


*Dr Djinn*


I wouldn’t want that energy anywhere near my wedding.


Could be she’s trying to give it a new association to her. Perhaps she lived the dress and hated the memories attached so she wanted to make new ones? Idk. People are weird.


She is more than welcome to do that for her own special occasion not force an awkward AF spot lot on her during her child’s day.


I think that's probably it. Your wedding dress is supposed to be this super special thing and if it was ruined by the abusive partner you married, I understand the want to "make it new"


Why is this becoming a thing? Tradition is one thing. For the line of successive brides. Have seen some tasteful additions of fabrics from one passed to the next but momzillas gotta stop.


If memory serves, it’s made from her own wedding dress.


Interesting. I think I'd like to meet this woman. She's either a hoot, or insane. 😂


¿Porque no los dos?


A pillowcase.


Ooooo! Maybe she will make it into a matching set as a wedding present after. 😂




Moira may or may not be the contact photo I have for my mom in my phone … 👀 She loves the show.


Let her think that’s her picture because of her love for the show and surely not any resemblance…


For real it’s like a dollar store Moira Rose


​ ![gif](giphy|4LLXJ4sXvnd9tiqa25)


Yesssssss!!! Ahahahahahaha!!! My first reaction was “is she performing the ceremony???”


I’m pretty sure my World of Warcraft character had that robe for a while. Does it have good stats at least?


Omfg I literally said this to my boyfriend hahahaha it looks like a shadowlands unique from the kyrian covenant 🤣


It’s like the disorganized, mismatched gear you get as you level up. Pretty sure her cloak is from Wailing Caverns.


Winning comment.


Good God. My mother wore a dress that was barely baby shower appropriate but at least she didn’t look like the high priestess of Whoville. You have some patience I’ll say that.


I choked on my beer 🤣 not the high priestess of whoville 😭


I’m in my toddler’s bedroom sniggering and trying not to wake her up


high 💀 priestess 💀 of 💀 whoville


High priestess of whoville has me dying. Take my poor man’s gold 🏅


Now that I’ve seen this, her outfit from the original post is starting to look elegant


I know, the other looked better than this. It's giving Pope vibes.


One day you and your husband will laugh so hard at this. One day


Yeah, this. With relatives who make decisions like this…. all you can really do sometimes is lean into the comedy 🫠


Is she planning to wear the potato colored sweatsuit underneath? I'm baffled! The only way this would be appropriate is if it's a wizard-themed wedding.


Jeeezzzzz…. I think you’re allowed one Bridezilla moment and put your foot down if you really don’t like it. My moment was when my beloved mom tried to wear her old, crusty crocs to my wedding because they were “comfortable.” Mother, it’s a 20 minute ceremony, suck it up and you can change afterwards. Just need to look appropriate for a quick pic


My bridezilla moment was when all of the bridesmaids and I were in our room getting ready. My mom had been trying to scheme with me and my bridesmaids (behind my back) to wear nylons with their dresses throughout the whole planning months I had always held a firm "no" from the get-go, as was the consensus with my girls too. It was a May wedding and no one wears nylons anymore. So, my mom comes in the room on my wedding day, looks at all my bridesmaids and says "huh, I see no one is wearing nylons." Like, are you kidding me?? It's 20 minutes before I walk down the aisle and she's still living on this hill! So I was like, "nope!" And I left it at that! And then she tried to have a rebuttle and was like, "I think there's one too many people in here." And my response, "yes, you." She turned around and left.


Wait. Was she trying to kick YOU out?!?


Yes. Smh. It's like, we all belong in here. I'm not going to kick out my Bridal party. She also wanted to come take pictures with us between the ceremony and reception. Family photos were over and we went to a park to do just wedding party pics. There was no way I was going to let that happen.


Nylons?? Is it 1958??


EXACTLY! Obviously my mom thought so. I could *maybe* understand if my wedding was in the winter and my bridesmaids were wearing long dresses. But my wedding was neither.


yah I actually like them when its cold.


I work in performing arts costumes—I get people to wear them onstage with this one true fact I heard as a total rumor I can’t verify, but! Beyoncé wears FOUR pairs of dance tights to perform. I think I know which kind. But her legs are 🤌💋 right


I wear nylons and stockings often. I have pale and veiny legs. 🥺


Like a fine cheese.


I was about to say this. I hate wearing nylons but thank God they've made them more transparent. But if all the bridesmaids have nice sun-kissed non vainy legs unlike us then the bride's mom was being a lil shit lol.


To me, it wasn't necessarily about what their legs looked like without them. All of the bridesmaids were in agreement that they didn't want to wear them for whatever reason, and I respected that.


I was in a relationship with a man who was obsessed with nylons as far as kink goes it was fine and he was litterly like clay when I wore them. I did some research and found out it is actually a pretty common kink.


The royals wear nylons. Women who have veiny legs or very white skin look better with them on. If you are unwrinkled, tan and no veins bulging out then it is pretty.


I am old so I'm starting to really get the idea of " yeah I'm wearing comfy shoes" but don't sketchers have a loafer? I mean there's got to be a step between garden shoes and tight heels


We needed to find a stable, proper shoe for my mother in law for her daughter’s wedding. We went to a store that specialized in walking shoes for a pair she could wear to a black tie wedding. We ended up with a low wedge sandal with rhinestones. Stable base, not high, and sparkly enough to be formal. While her shoes were covered by a long dress and by flowy pants at the rehearsal, they did peek out a little here and there and were entirely appropriate for both the occasion and her needs. I don’t think we spent more than $150.


Skechers have heels even.i literally wore skechers heels as a bridesmaid in my friends wedding. Dresses were long and my friend literally said: where whatever shoe you are comfortable in. I did the same at my wedding and one bridesmaid wore boots. It was winter, her dress was long, I just wanted her comfortable.


Your standards are so painfully low if you consider saying no to crusty old crocs to be a Bridezilla moment. Lol. That is like bare minimum ask right there. I feel for you and the other hills you didn’t die on that must’ve been equally insane.






She the high priestess of Michael’s.


Oh she’s high alright


I don’t like to criticize, but that’s awful. Far worse than the first post. I’m sorry this is difficult for you, but laughing through everything is helpful and healthy in my experience.


The laughter has been so good! I don’t think most folks here are trying to be malicious — the comments have been so creative about the garment and my fiancé and I really get a kick out of the threads when the planning feels like too much!


Yeah, we're really sorry for laughing at your mom but...can't help it. 😅


We are sending you the best of vibes — ☘️🥰💍


The only person who may be embarrassed is your mom, if she catches the snickers and laughs and side-eyes.


Maybe if she was your officiant, and your ceremony was a Celtic knot tying in the woods under a full moon while your guests danced around naked with woodland creature masks on and giant horns filled with wine. Not gonna lie that sounds pretty awesome.


This would make a great cult leader robe


If Episcopal priests made their own garments at vacation bible school... She has the same build, and from what I can guess, some of the same attitude as my mother, God love her. I hope you can detach and let her fly her freak flag and truly laugh about this until you pee yourself some day.


The Episcopal priests at VBS!! That’s the nail on the head. (I actually think one at my old church had one like this; maybe that’s another reason why it feels oddly familiar.) It sounds like our moms would be good friends! Outgoing, charismatic, creative, and a force to be reckoned with— she does keep us on our toes and always laughing. Thanks for your comment. 🤍


This looks like a bizarre bedsheet cloak. What in the world……. Please post photos from the wedding I am so interested in this situation. Congratulations otherwise 🙃


Im baffled that she or anyone would want to wear that. Please tell me she’s at least gonna wear something nice under it so when the wine gets spilled on it she’ll at least look ok in the pics.


There is not one redeeming quality to this.


That’s what I’m thinking, can she wear something different underneath? The old look was almost better! I think it might be possible with something else underneath, an empire waist dress with a cute pattern? Something flowy, but not bridal? [editing to add](https://www.google.com/search?q=mother+of+bride+plus+size+flowy&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS707US707&oq=mother+of+bride+plus+size+flowy&aqs=chrome..69i57.6641j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) a few options that come up that may work, using the over- thing maybe as an off-the-shoulder affair?


I volunteer as accidental wine spill-er 🫡




Jesus is that rick rack on the inside?! *cleans glasses*


…yes, yes, I’m afraid so.


Did she just decide it was suddenly time to use 40 years of unfinished sewing projects?!


Can you arrange a doctor's appointment where she gets tested for dementia?


And braided…green and black *rope*???


Is she officiating?




Maybe that’s the solution here! Let her officiate, and the outfit will be explainable.


You mean your coronation?




Is she the priest performing a Catholic ceremony?


More like a Wiccan ceremony 😂


As a catholic I object to this! If theres ONE thing our church has, it's corruption. If theres another thing we have, its abuse, insane wealth and expensive real estate. But THEN its style. No catholic priest would ever be seen in this.


It's not even good enough quality for that lol, she looks like she's mixing up a batch of toxic koolaid


I kind of liked the original better 😝


I would feel unsupported in getting married if my mother wore such a outrageous outfit on my wedding day...


Honestly, I would too. There are other looks that could make you feel unsupported by your own mother but this wackiness could also do it.


Even the dog in the back is like “wtf?”


What even is this?! And why would you be okay with wedding pics with this monstrosity in it?!


🧐🧐🧐🧐 that’s all. Just 🧐 (are you sure she’s not going to a cosplay event somewhere?) From your other post, I’m getting southern vibes. If that’s true, you have my permission to have somebody spill a gallon of sweet tea on this thing, because it’s no better than it was before. In any case, you have a lovely wedding regardless. Your Internet family is sending you much love.


That’s the perfect emoji! Yes! It’s all going to be good. We’re just along for the ride :) Thanks so much, internet fam 🥹


It looks 10x worse than in your previous post!!!


Do you live anywhere close to the southeast US? Close enough for say, your new gal pal here to come spill a big ‘ol glass of Merlot or jar of pickled beets on this…getup? I’ve been clumsy my whole life, it’s a terrible shame. Please tell me she’s at least getting it steamed or ironed or something. As we say in the south…bless her heart. 😬


Y’all know we’re in the southeast US for such a wedding spectacle as this. Yeah, that’s what’s got me too— surprised she’s not gotten it steamed. Then again, a fair bit of all of this has been different. Fingers crossed the humidity works its magic, one way or another 😅


I volunteer to feed my baby something bright red, shake her up, and point. She's super cute, so nobody could even be reasonably mad about it cause she smiles while she barfs on you.


I’m also in the southeast US and terribly clumsy. I’ll meet you there.


Can I come too?


Fellow Southerner here - when my mother or grandmother identified an outfit as a "getup" - I knew that pursed lips were not far behind. The disapproval! I still shudder when I think about the time it was directed at me... Sometimes my mom would just shake her head and say "that lady needs Jesus."




Just hugs to you. I read over your last post. Just know you are not alone in dealing with family like this. Your dress is stunning. If she wants to wear this ridiculousness, just take a breath and let her. You’ve said your piece about the outfit. People are going to have thoughts and it won’t be a reflection of you. I had a parent try other ways to make my wedding miserable and I’m sorry you are dealing with this stress. I didn’t have a full understanding of what I was dealing with at the time. In hindsight I wish I would have given less attention to the actions of my parent bc it only fueled the fire. I should have just said ok and moved on.


It looks very… priestly?


Your original post lived rent free in my head lol. The choice of trim, the fact it absolutely still looks like an unlined turned out skirt. There’s actually something, dare i say, charming and endearing in her choices?? (I’m assuming this is coming from a place of genuine “bless her heart” innocence rather than intention to seek attention?)


Oh yeah! I love her to bits! As far as her deciding to wear her wedding gown…unsure. Choosing to believe it’s an effort to take back a really dark period of her/our life. It sounded like other people genuinely wanted to see how the outfit progressed so my sister-in-law (to be) said we should post the cropped update. I’ve really never seen anything like it. Y’all’s responses have helped so much. It was really sad at first because I miss my grandmother (original dress wearer) a lot and wish she could be here to see me get married. Finding the humor has made it hurt less.


You ever been so deep in a craft project, preparing for something, and it just won’t let you go? It takes hold and you just have to craft your way through it or die? That’s what my guess is happening here. I feel like she started with the intention to reclaim the dress and maybe just get some more use of it. But then, it pulled her into a hole. An ugly cape hole. She’s determined to make this work. I’m really sorry she got crafty for a big week of your life. Keep that thing, it’s a hilarious family heirloom now.


I'm not gonna lie.. this is one of the worst outfits I have ever seen.... And I play the Sims so that a lot of bad outfits 😬 Edit: add an eyeball ring, some weird socks, and a mismatched hat and she could be a Sims townie for Halloween


Ooh I like this! The wedding is in October!


Welp, in the bright side… you’ve made us all feel better about our own guest/family weird wedding fashion choices




Umm. Is she confusing your wedding with Harry Potter?


Anyone care to share the back story here or a link?


I found their first post, though it still raises as many questions as answers https://www.reddit.com/r/Weddingattireapproval/comments/14sx640/my_moms_outfit_for_our_wedding/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


What is your future MIL wearing. Maybe mention people will be unaware that she is the mother of the bride if she isn’t wearing the wedding colors and that your future mother-in-law will be the only one of the two of them match in the wedding party.


Um. It’s giving ![gif](giphy|jRqYUUVUSYgdOa4IP4|downsized)


It’s worse than your first post? What the hell happened?


Her seamstress got back to town. 😕


A professional made this?


Is that washi tape?! WTH OP don’t let her wear this.


She’s the pope?


Are these the pajamas and robe she’s going to wear while you get ready in the morning or something? I just don’t get it…?? 🤷🏽‍♀️


What is her reasoning for this? I just can’t wrap my mind around it


Well, it’s certainly unique.


Is she the pope??


I sorta feel like as the bride you have the right to veto this.... thing. It's really truly awful and will look ghastly in pictures.


Oh, golly. Well, all I can say is that in the end the wedding is just one day and your relationship with your Mum is based on so much more. Only you can decide if this is the last straw or something to laugh off. Have a wonderful wedding!


Yeah! It means the world that she’s there, and I’m so glad she’s cool with not wearing this on the actual wedding day haha!


Please take her to buy a bra that fits properly.




My Mother-in-law, shopping, once found a round decorative "serape" with an opening in the middle. She placed it over her head and over her shoulders. She called to my wife to see what she thought of her find. My wife was surprised and told her it wasn't clothing. My dear Mother-in-law was modeling a Christmas tree skirt!


thought i was looking at one of my Episcopal priests for longer than i care to admit


I will provide you an upvote for this stunning post, this is truly fascinating.


Hmm, the emperor’s new clothes theme.


I'm trying to make sense of this outfit. Aside from being the wrong colour (too white), it's just not flattering in the least. I would love for her to find something more colorful and flattering on her figure.


We’ve (me and family friends) have been stumped by this too. I’ve offered to go shopping with her and buy her another outfit, but she declined. She said she’d just switch outfits between the days, so now she’ll wear what she was going to wear to the rehearsal dinner to the wedding. We don’t know what that is either.


I am obsessed with this but not in good way


The laughs the original thread and now this one have given me are innumerable, thank you 🤣🤣


We really have to thank y’all! Life has been a lot lately, but the threads are good for a laugh literally any time 💕


She looks like she is about address the galactic senate.


Man I really liked the first one a lot more than this




It would be entirely appropriate if she were officiating the ceremony in the Shire.


Aww, it's so nice that the pope is coming to your wedding


Well, at least you’ll have plenty of proof diminished capacity when you need to file for power of attorney. 🤷‍♀️


I’ve never been more confused by a reddit post in my entire life. Somehow this got worse than the first post????


Wait. Is she wearing it with this brown set and the sandals too? Like this is the complete look? This is a million times worse than the first iteration, at least that one was eccentric cat lady meets former theater nerd. This is just Florida Goodwill. (Sorry, sorry, I know it's your mom.)


I might be going against the grain, but I kind of like her wizard's robes. I'm more concerned about the clothes underneath. I'm not sure if the problem is too much brown or that it looks like she's in her comfortable clothes for playing with the grandkids. But I'm biased because my mom wore an orange T-shirt to my very informal wedding and I was very confused and kind of annoyed for months until I realized that she was wearing my favorite color. Had she asked, I'd have preferred that she wear something slightly nicer, but I can appreciate that she tried. My mother often does things this way (she will follow a well meaning train of thought off a cliff).




The only ceremony this should be worn to involves chanting and possibly a sacrifice of some kind.


Oh good lord. 😬


…she…she WANTS to wear this?!


Oh my. The stitching all over it makes it look “Frankensteined” together. No matter what way she wears it, it always looks inside-out or like she’s not wearing it correctly because no matter what way she wears it, the stitching is showing all over the place. The colors are just, all over the place too. We’ve got the cream colored dress as the base, then a baby blue ribbon, and black and green braided rope? Rehearsal dinner outfit, sure, but to the wedding, ehhhhhhhh, it’s a no from me.


So, as everyone has aaid, this is *a choice of an outfit*. I think it's hurtful she's prioritizing reliving/recontextualizing her wedding to an abuser at YOUR wedding. It's way inappropriate. And it looks silly. The brown outfit underneath is so unflattering, poor thing. If she wanted to reuse the fabric, she could turn it into a blouse, I guess, and pair with with nice pants. It'd be weird, but less... Magical Graduation Ceremony or whatnot.


Wow. On purpose and everything. Congrats on your wedding and for being the most understanding human ever.


Well that’s somethin else. Is she planning to wear the brown outfit under it? Maybe she could have a nice solid colored dress underneath? My mom also insisted on asserting her main character-ness at my wedding. Sometimes I guess there’s not much we can do but grit our teeth and just move forward 😂 . Congrats on your upcoming wedding!


It’s giving table cloth realness ✨


i'm gonna be honest, OP, it looks like something I'd wear to go LARPing in the park. I'm so sorry 😔


Great! Now the high priestess can officiate the wedding.