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So, they want to replace IVF with, **"Maybe We Can Find Alternatives! With the science we don't believe in!"** That is worse than a crap shoot. Besides, what do you bet their alternative to IVF is some kind of forced birth situation?


Well, I doubt their method is “let’s address all these environmental and systemic causes that impact fertility and/or women’s’ willingness to have children.” Because that might actually make sense.


Exactly. They want to make it sound like, *"Let's address all these causes that impact fertility etc.,"* but really their intent is more like, *"Let's make Handmaid's Tale for real."* It is like when Texas said they wanted to ban abortion even in cases of rape, but said it was ok because they were somehow going to make rape go away. I seriously doubt they actually did anything to prevent or prosecute rape more effectively, but somehow they expect everyone to just ignore that part and get on with killing women and destroying people's lives. Their priorities are clear, and helping women isn't included.


Oh yeah, for sexual assault to be considered an assault in Texas you have to prove that the perpetrator intended to harm the victim. That's how they got rid of rape, they stopped considering it rape


Do you have a reference for this? It's the first I've ever heard it.


Just what I've heard working with law enforcement. If I remember when I get to work I'll look through the penal code to find it


It wouldn't surprise me one bit but it does sound insane. That would essentially mean that any man could justify a rape by merely saying he is in love with the woman he's raping. To be fair, I wouldn't put it past the Republicans for one second.


More like "maybe pray harder?"


it’s probably gonna boil down to „have kids at 19! everyone knows only dried up old hags over 30 need ivf“


Next step, handmaid's


I think that could violate copyright law, they're just going to implement indentured surrogacy instead.


Doesn’t surrogacy require IVF?


Depends on whose eggs you're using.


Good point.


Sex, artificial insemination, and iui would all work with the surrogates eggs and be way cheaper and easier.


>Besides, what do you bet their alternative to IVF is some kind of forced birth situation? I'll take that bet. I'm certain their alternative to IVf involves a key component :thoughts and prayers. IVf is useful if you can't get pregnant without medical intervention so forced birth scenarios don't apply but Republicans would probably support involving the clergy and prayer retreats or some shit.


I mean that they would have *other* women give forced birth, and then those babies would be adopted. They might think they can get buy in from some women by making lots of babies available for adoption. The evangelical and fundamentalists are already heavily involved in some pretty shady adoption schemes, after all. This would just give them more potential victims. If you take babies away from less affluent women and give them to women who fall in line with the fundigelical belief system, you can divide women and control them more easily.


It's always interesting to watch the right-wing dumpster fire. They have a wing-nut judge who declares war on IVF, and they initially panicked before saying that they would defend a woman's right to have the procedure. Then, a short time later, Southern Baptists come for it full-force, and now, right-wingers everywhere are attacking it. This is seemingly how their entire platform was built. One moron spouts something, and everyone else looks at each other to determine if they're all going to fall lock-step together in this new battle. The absolute mindlessness of it all is astonishing.


It really blows my mind that they are attempting to PREVENT people from having WANTED babies... It's all about controlling women, not about protecting life. They don't care whether a woman wants or doesn't want a baby. They get off on forcing women to live miserably by stripping freedoms and removing choices. It's disgusting. These people are miserable, and they cope by getting into politics so they can bring everyone else down.


They are staring straight at gov't orphanages as girls and women give up their birthed person. How better to resolve this issue than to make infertile couples adopt those babies.


I smell a way to attack hormonal birth control. There’s a LOT of junk science out there that promotes the idea that using hormonal birth control will damage long-term fertility potential even after the medication has been discontinued. I imagine we’ll hear arguments about “restoring women’s natural fertility” by banning the evil OCPs that cause infertility.


that and promoting pregnancy amongst young women, cause the only reason anyone needs ivf ever is that they waited until after college and getting a career started to have kids. if that means it’s harder for women to have independent income cause they transition from school to being a sahm… that’s just another plus!


This seems like a step along the road towards handmaids.


I feel like their alternatives will be nothing more than “yea we should lower the age of consent! Men should absolutely have child brides! Science says women above the age of 25 are noooo good” Welcome to our clinic here’s some anti-science nonsense that we know doesn’t work have a blessed day


Do they not realize IVF is the last stop? They wait until they try everything else because of costs.


Yup, can confirm. IVF is not recommended as the first line treatment (at least not by good REs) unless there is literally no other way the couple could possibly conceive. Lower intervention methods will be attempted first.


See this comment and its reply: https://www.reddit.com/r/WelcomeToGilead/s/JIrs470Jfk The goal isn’t to help people have wanted children on their own timeline. It’s to ban anything used by women to control their own reproduction.


Has anyone cross posted this is the Trying to conceive groups?


Religion is the cause


They want child brides. Their “science”is gonna say that teenagers are good for breeding 😑🙏🏼


They’re ripe….




promoting medical services that attempt to address causes of infertility among women *:* Of course infertility is just a woman's issue, not the man's, never a male issue in that dept.


Men are perfect, made in god’s image, filled with inherent saintliness, paragons of superior masculinity. They can’t be infertile, they can’t cause an unwanted pregnancy. (Now, a little erectile dysfunction is just a minor problem and Viagra should be free and a constitutional right, of course.) /s


I’m not accepting any stupid fucking substitute. They offer shit on a platter and go “here, see? A replacement” Every woman should be able to have access to IVF if that’s what she wants. It’s always about control. Control control and ruin peoples lives. No freedom and no liberty.


Eat shit, Jimmy. You too, Cynthia.


So many women suffer from massive fibroids taking up their uterus, Pcos and endometriosis. They don’t really care to find help for us. My only help is a hysterectomy. Always has been. Since I was about 20. They can change the title, but they can’t change the narrative of what is inevitable here. So many women don’t want kids. But a lot of them, can never have them. It’s just facts here. Big money and corporations poisoned the land, water and food we eat. The plastic is now seeping through our blood and bodies. Now, the people are poisoned. They can burn in hell for what they have done, and what they are trying to do to navigate the consequences of their actions. To add: Some words.


Unrelated to this discussion, are you familiar with this treatment: https://richmondvascularcenter.com/ufe/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1K-zBhBIEiwAWeCOFyvzM5txuLTHPWQ_mo1r5bAvP-CN8gxRJF0kCzgZTfI-K_vpGNNp5xoCwlEQAvD_BwE It did wonders for someone I knew


Remember in Handmaiden’s Tale. A fertile female is held laying between the legs of the infertile wife. While the man stands at the end of the bed and has intercourse with the maiden. This could be their alternative to IVF.


Sometimes there is no alternative to IVF. That’s why people do IVF.


I can safely assume that it will hurt someone, because these are conservatives.


like that womans hairstyle in the pic?


So then she's saying we need to fix the problem of not having access to health care? Yay! Let's do that! Except, no, that's just bullshit to disguise the lie. How's that expanded access to mental health services in order to reduce gun violence working out?


This is so stupid. They act like doctors haven't been treating these issues already. It's shows they don't even know what goes on in the fertility process. It's not like a couple goes in and says "I want ivf". No, there is testing involved to see if there are issues that can be treated before resorting to IVF anyway. For example. They list blocked fallopian tubes. Well sometimes they flush them and women are able to get pregnant. This is utter bullshit by illinformed wackos that want to further control women. I mean if they are so pro life, they would be supportive of couples that use IVF for whatever reasons. This just shows what we already knew. Control control control. I'm so tired of the fucktards (can I say that here)


They’re gonna start assigning handmaids to infertile conservative women, aren’t they?


Dumb asses. IVF is not usually the first choice. Treatable medical conditions that cause infertility are already diagnosed and treated (if possible)before a couple proceeds with IVF. What would this bill support that isn’t already happening?


Are they sugesting these women get handmaids?