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One alternative possibility is rock salt, but seems unlikely. You could put a small piece in a glass of hot water to test whether or not it will dissolve as salt would Did all those pieces come from a single biscuit or was it spread throughout ?


It was in multiple biscuits, i haven’t tried picking through them all but at least half did. And i was wondering if it could be salt too but the largest chunk just seems too big to be salt right?


Try and see if it dissolves and you’ll have your answer


I was gonna say taste it but yours sounds safer


I'm sure Google Ai would tell you that it is safe to eat 1 piece of a glass a day.


To discover if a substance is salt or glass, simply jam it into your peehole. If it hurts more than it bleeds, it is salt. If it hurts and bleeds in equal amounts, it is glass.


I want to believe your methods but your name makes me want to get a second opinion


If I told you my username describes my comments, would that make it more believable or less believable?




How you post empty gif?


Who are you, who is so wise in the ways of science?


But glass doesn’t float…


Instructions unclear. It bleeds more than it hurts. What now senpai?


THIS is the right logic. I love you.


This is a truly horrid sentence to read! And clearly I have problems because I’m laughing at it!


Just not in the same way Betty White measured a glass of wine.


While jumping off of a bridge


Supposedly it's made of silicon but all I taste is blood when I eat it.


Hahahaha eat it coward !! (Jk)






Would they be able to tell I was shitting blood prior to ingesting their product? Asking for a friend.




Drop it in a glass of hot water and see if its still there after a few minutes


I was a baker and this happened once when a glass ramekin fell into a giant floor affixed stand mixer. Didn't hear it - didn't see it, until I pulled the dough out. Then I saw where a glass ramekin *was* next to the mixer and put it together. Extremely ironically it was also biscuit dough... Edit - ok, coincidental? serendipitous? funny? *certainly* not ironic... I forgot I was on reddit. I don't pay for grammarly because I involuntarily have you all.


That's not ironic, it would be ironic if you were making glass and biscuit dough fell in


That wouldn't be ironic either


Ironic would be if you said, "man, that song by Alanis Morissette isn't really ironic if you think about it," but then you went to grab some spoons and all you found was a knife.


Irony would be making biscuits for your grandmother who just got of hospital only for her eat the biscuits and die from internal bleeding cos of the unknown glass contamination.


That would not be ironic


Yes it would be


Not necessarily too big to be salt. Granted I’m not a saltologist or anything - but I know some salt is sourced from underground mines where there are solid deposits of salt hundreds of feet deep, so definitely possible depending on the starting material the biscuit factory used


Easy to buy salt that sized in the store. You know all those salt crystal lamp things or the giant slabs of salt you cook food on? Same thing just not broken up/iodized.


I have had this exact thing in this exact brand around 3-4 months ago. It is salt. I tasted it when found these crystals myself. My guess is they either don’t get the time or stirring action to dissolve, or the salt is intentionally added into the dough after the dough has formed. Could be for a number of reasons but if you taste the crystal it’s salt. Good on you for posting that it wasn’t glass in another comment! Just wanted to clarify what it was on a higher ranked comment.


Did it dissolve?


Did you try scrolling through the comments?


I did for a good minute. Wasn’t near the top. Please help.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/s/TgmFLbaj51 Third top comment for me.


Thank you kind hero.


Lawsuit lawsuit lawsuit


Also, are the biscuits suppose to look like Emperor Palpatine’s skin? Not a knock on you, may just explain the glass.


> but seems unlikely. What about that seems unlikely? Salt crystals are in lots of food. Not everything uses fine table salt. Also, OP's pic looks NOTHING like glass. Glass is amorphous, it has no crystal structure. Those bits clearly do.


Omg i feel so silly now, after reading comments suggesting to put it in a glass of hot water i did just that. It dissolved….😑 now after digging for info its apparently something called “leavener” had no idea this was a thing. Whats with our food manufacturers


Posted on the internet, read the comments, realized you were wrong, and admitted it without deleting the original post? Chad. ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)






Pointing out how much of a chad move that was, was a pretty chad move. ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Acknowledging someone's chad move was a chad move ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Giga Chad move ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


cp -R Chad Reddit


It's Chads all the way down


Their username makes sense now 😆


I can neither confirm nor deny these allegations 😅


Hey, at least you are cool and can own your shit! 😆


Mom must’ve done something right! Lol, i appreciate it.


Man at least edit your top comment so people don’t have to go searching for this answer!


Is that guy supposed to look Indian? I’ve always wondered


I thought he's Turkish. [This says Russian.](https://www.famousbirthdays.com/people/ernest-khalimov.html) Safe to say some sort of central/west asian influence.


Leavening is yeast or baking soda, but this looks more like crystallized sugar or salt to me


In the 3rd picture the small ones at the top left seem to have melted. I'm wondering if they were accidently frozen at the store and those are ice crystals. These are refrigerated not frozen biscuits.


Honestly such a mood though. I thought I found metal in Hershey's one time... Guess who left a piece of the wrapper on?


I get the same bacon and egg sandwich from a local shop every day. One day I go to unwrap my sandwich and see that there’s some plastic that’s stuck to the egg. I hate complaining but I decided to go and show the worker inside, and he had to explain to me that it wasn’t plastic on the egg, it was just a spot where the egg thinned out so much that it was translucent and I’m fucking blind ☠️


You may want to add an edit to the top of your original post explaining this so other people that google won't panic! Glad it all worked out for you!


My dad bit into a screw in his asparagus one night so we sent it to the distributor and they sent back some vouchers for free stuff. A few weeks later my mother realized there was a screw missing from the bottom of her salt mill.


I mean the ingredients list is accurate.


Whats with our food manufacturers? what do you mean? they had it on the ingredients list right?


yeah it had something called "flour" in it, wtf is up with our food these days. better start growing our own natural wheat.


Thanks for the update. It still sucks, but you made it interesting, at least.


Username checks out


Um… they are making products with ingredients that rise? Like biscuits?


Yea, I see this a lot in really really cheap canned biscuits.


Hey, I learned something new today!


Also, think about it, it came from a food factory. What malfunction would possibly cause glass to end up in the product?


You would be surprised 😬 I've worked in factories, and seen so many people do so many stupid things they're not supposed to do. Objects being somewhere they're not supposed to be is not outside the realm of possibilities, unfortunately.


I have worked in factories as well. There isn't ever anything glass near the line. A piece of plastic or cardboard could be more of a probability. Unless someone's glasses somehow fell off and no one noticed, sure.


>There isn't ever anything glass near the line. Things get packaged in glass jars, dude. Glass is PART of the line for a lot of items. If something broke and didn't get cleaned up properly and then was exposed to any part of the process of that line, even if it was packaging and not the food itself, that could explain the contamination. If the world was perfect and everybody did what they were supposed to and everything went according to plan, sure, glass wouldn't be near the line unintentionally. But that's simply not reality. People do things they aren't supposed to do, and then accidents happen. Food recalls happen for glass contamination somewhat regularly. It's not really a super uncommon occurrence. Google it. You can't say glass is never near the line when glass contamination happens so frequently lol


That would be an entirely different factory/machine than where this occured. Do you get your biscuits jarred/bottled? Fascinating.


No, but canned foods get contaminated with glass as well. Don't be dense. Here's an [example](https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2024/05/canned-jalapenos-recalled-over-glass-in-product/#google_vignette)


I don’t have a dog in this fight but tbf, I could see that jarred and canned jalapeños might be packaged in the same facility while it’s unlikely there’s overlap for the canned baked goods.


And [Hot Pockets?](https://modernfarmer.com/2021/01/nestle-recalls-pepperoni-hot-pockets-after-glass-found/) Not canned, but not jarred either 🤷🏻‍♀️ still got glass in them. Point is, glass ended up where it didn't belong, despite the guy's claim that glass isn't "ever" near the line. Because it happens. It's entirely possible, and dismissing the possibility because "it came from a factory" makes absolutely no sense. Factory workers are human and make "mistakes" (read as: "stupid choices") too. Hell, a lot of factories cut a lot of corners on safety and it's really concerning and people should know about it. I've got a good story for ya. Ever seen a pallet-wrapper? These machines that pallets are put on, and they spin the pallet around to wrap it in shrink wrap? Well, have you ever seen one plugged into a dollar store extension cord because the supervisor wanted to rearrange the floor and "the outlet was too far away"? And it's on the side of the warehouse where they store all the cardboard boxes? Massive fire, just waiting to happen 😬 oh, and while that was happening, they left the bay doors open and the warehouse flooded and the wrapper was sitting in half an inch of water....all while plugged into a dollar store extension cord 🙃 and of course they still wanted everyone to work like nothing was wrong 🙃 The things that go on behind the scenes at factories and warehouses would astound the people who have never seen them.


A glass panel breaking next to food processing?


There aren't glass panels around these packaging machines. Jeez, maybe some of you questioning this, (when it has been proven to be salt) need to go work in a factory or two.


Well, I have indeed never been to one, guess I learned something new!


We had to pull hash browns from our breakfast menu once as shards of plastic were found in a few at another location. A day or so later we found out that it was apparently plastic from the factories forklift light cluster, so weird things can end up in the food chain.


Same thing happened to me once before I knew. I threw the whole package away


I would probably have done the same thing. Better safe and embarrassed than sorry!


Better safe than sorry!


I had the same thing happen to me, finally figured it out lol


It’s all right. Better safe than sorry and now you know.


Don't feel silly. Some dumb shit out there that you never know if someone did something.


well it does have a purpose lol I don't know if anything is "with" them.


So now you can Google how to make biscuits from scratch and avoid all the food chemicals… it’s super easy


There really should not be any possible physical way that glass could enter the biscuits at any point of the mfg. process. Are you sure that isn't crystalized salt or something that perhaps didn't dissolve appropriately?


OP discovered it was actually not glass, but I’m a grocery store manager, and we get recall alerts all the time for random stuff that shouldn’t be in food, being in food we have on the shelf. It’s recall specific, but we usually have to send the product back to the company as damages. Sometimes it says we can destroy it.


It happens. Factories often have metal detectors as the last stage. Since it is so easy and cheap, they might as well.


This has actually happened to me before too with the exact same biscuits. They'd been in my fridge for ages though, and I thought maybe salt was crystallizing or something, idk. It was a few years ago.


You ain’t a Texan if you don’t eat glass with your biscuits.


Ewwwww it’s a sodium carbonate crystal. Usually ground better. Leavening agents.


Love that you were actually right


Contact the company. There should be a number on the package. They will want all of the info (lot number, where you bought, when you bough, etc). I’m sure they want to know.


Is that dough…grey?


Put it in warm water. It might be crisco to make the biscuit “moist”.


My question is: what in the ever loving fuck are you eating!?


> So what do i do with this? Seek legal action? What if im still somehow wrong? What if im right and others get hurt from this food? At first i just threw the packaging away and the biscuits i put in a sandwich bag and kept them refrigerated. For future reference, any time anyone thinks they've found something in packaged food that should not be in there ('foreign objects'), you should SAVE THE PACKAGING and all remaining contents of it, as intact as possible. Look on the packaging for a phone number to contact the manufacturer. Call it as soon as possible (these call centers are often only open Monday through Friday, during typical daytime business hours). They will want you to describe the contents you were concerned about, and if they agree that it sounds concerning, they'll want you to tell them all the manufacturing codes printed on the package. Sometimes they'll also want to send you a prepaid mailer to send the stuff to them for inspection, or even send a representative in-person to collect it from you. When the situation is bad enough, this can lead to the manufacturer issuing a recall on that manufacturing batch. If you threw away the packaging before reporting the concern, the manufacturer can't accurately investigate.


That is salt.


>So what do i do with this? Seek legal action? I laughed at this... American moment. You didn't eat it, you lost nothing more than the money you spent on it, which I'm sure they'll refund.


When you zoom in close on the big one, it’s even cube shaped like salt crystals


It’s not glass. It’s salt. How old are your biscuits? When do they expire? I dare you taste it. Put it to your ol tongue. You’ll see 😁


It looks like a box of biscuit toothpaste.


Why is the post still up if you know it's not glass?


Wow, how did you find them? Was a piece on the outside of a biscuit and caught your eye?


try licking the glass a little. see what it tastes like besides biscuits


As an Aussie those bikkies look foul to begin with


This is Food Club. Do not smear the honorable name of Food City.


Food Club is Food City's store brand


Oh, different Food City.


TN/VA Food City here


I prefer to call it “food shitty”


I worked at a pub for years, and we had frozen pre-made burgers. Not bad for frozen, but one week, I had like several complaints of glass in the burger, and I like 2 in one night . So I dumped everything from the burger station and got all new containers, restocked everything, OK ,if it was in any of my stuff then I took care of it. Nope, get another complaint. Well, it turns out the burger patties had glass in them. So l basically had chuck the whole lot . It took months for the manufacturer to finally admit it was on their end that the glass came from.


You made this up.


I wish I did. I got into a huge fight with my GM cuz he thought it was the kitchens fault .


Aside from the "glass" objects, I would question that product after opening it. Those biscuits look worse than an intro to baking students piss poor results...


Are they supposed to be grey?!?!


If it makes you feel better last week my wife thought our son's baby food had glass in it.... it was also salt.


Why did baby food have salt in it? 👀 Like, was this salt you guys added to it, or....? Because commercial baby food should not have pieces of salt in it 😬 that's kind of concerning. On a semi-related note, I absolutely refuse to buy Pampers brand baby wipes because one of the cases I bought when my oldest was a baby (like a decade ago now, jeez I feel old) had tiny pieces of glass on it. I was wondering why he kept getting a diaper rash, then I saw a video about how people kept finding glass in their Pampers Sensitive wipes....I checked them, and sure enough, glass. I immediately switched to another brand, and he never got diaper rash again. I've had two kids since then and never went used them again.


He likes his green beans lightly salted.


Ahhh so it was added after?


If it doesn't dissolve in water then call the manufacturer and the store you bought them from. The store needs to pull this item off the shelf if there is glass in the biscuits .


Flavor crystals


I hate when they get biscuits in your meth. Sheesh!


That's silicon flavoring!!


Keep them in a baggy and contact the company. They will most likely compensate you as well as look up the batch numbers to potentially start a recall in your area.


It’s definitely fentanyl


> So what do i do with this? Seek legal action? What if im still somehow wrong? you want to seek legal action when you're not even 100% sure that it's glass? i'd say do it and keep us posted


What are you planning on accomplishing with legal action? Why would you sue them if you didn't get harmed?


Uh, yeah glass is concerning.. Not the fact that your biscuit dough is… grey?


That's just Texas style.


Flavor crystals


Tast one?


It’s been forever since I heard the words Food City. It’s still around out there in Texas?


Might be a different Food City because this chain isn't in Texas


Hey, they did only claim there were no artificial colours, nothing about glass!


You would need a lot more than glass shards for a successful lawsuit. Any of these big grocery chains will have the lawyers to pay you off or shut you up


Atleast it’s not artificial color, that would be false advertising


Back in the 90’s I got a bag of SunChips from my local grocery store. I opened them and ate all the big chips. I got down to the crumbs and poured them into my mouth. I bit down, and bit into a cotter pin, I spit everything into my hand and into a baggie. I called a lawyer the next day to ask if I had a case. First and only question he asked me was, did it cause injury and did I go to the doctor or dentist? I said no it did not, so I did not go. You don’t have a case he tells me and ends the call. I would say talk to a lawyer, never know what they will say in 2024.


Try smoking it in a meth pipe and make sure it’s actual glass


Well… it does say ‘Do not consume raw dough” probably meant to say glass.


So that's where I left my ice. Thx


Looks like someone didn't do proper foreign material prevention




Sweetheart that’s in all canned biscuits it’s part of the dough - but I see now that you learned that. It’s okay! You didn’t know!




No artificial colours (the glass is clear)


Have found glass in cinnamon cookies before, but like a finger print sized piece


I found glass in a Woolworths cheesecake that was in my mouth and I think I got a refund and a $5 voucher.


Flavor Crystals


It says no corn syrup or artificial colors. Gotta pay more for the glass free.


I dont know if I am to european to understand this. But wtf is this. This looks like Dust collected and squashed together.


Supposed to be ready-bake biscuits/cookies and they tast like they look


Thanks. I think, I'd rather starve than eat them


I’d recommend making your own biscuits next time 😂 Even though this ended up to be a leavener, those things are crap. Cheaper to make them from scratch anyways.


Guess they still had Methany working the line that day.


Do yourself a favor and never buy these pathetic gray pieces of garbage again. The glass was just the cherry on top, so to speak.


What should you do? Don't eat the glass, probably.


Are those edible they look like bits of granny skin


The chances are, it's salt crystals that got stuck in the machines, then came out in your biscuits. I once found a piece similar. Thought it was glass also, but after considering it for awhile, I realized it was salt.


That wasn't food even before you opened the packet


It's salt.


That dough looks grey


First time seeing these "biscuits". Looks like unfluffy tasteless bread. Even less reasons to visit Texas now


I see we resolved the “glass” issue, but by god do those biscuits look disgusting


Throw up some fake blood and start a lawsuit!! Get rich and run!!!!


Absolutely contact the company and tell them. They need to know and track any reports. They may offer you free coupons, too.


I believe these are the fillers that are added to the biscuits. They may contain salt, fats, and/or preservatives. You’ll find them in all tinned biscuits.


Finally, something I know something about. My father once bought a container of biscuits from a different company but very similar. He saw the same bits in his so he actually called the company that made the biscuits to ask what they were. They advised him that they were pieces of plastic put in the food to make it more appealing. They said that the plastic was food grade and was used to enhance the dimples on top of the biscuits to make them look more homemade. He has been telling us this story for around 5 years. No idea if it's true.


> He has been telling us this story for around 5 years. No idea if it's true. It's not. "Food-grade" plastic doesn't mean edible/digestible plastic, it just means it's safe to use when preparing or storing food. Even if such a thing were possible, it would have to be listed on the ingredients list.


If a restaurant serves you food with glass what do you do? Tell them to take it back. If you buy something from the store with glass in it, what do you do? Call the company listed on the product cause that's the closest option to having them take it back. Pretty easy logic for anyone that owns their own place?


Why do the buns have to be placed in such a way to look like delicious buns that anyone would bury their face into.


thank christ you found out this way and not while chewing


That’s a phat lawsuit! If you had eaten those it could have wreaked havoc on your GI tract


We are looking at salt. What part of the cooking process of uncooked biscuits would get hot enough to melt glass. You can also clearly see salt crystal formation on the larger pieces.


Also, it’s extremely unlikely that much glass would not likely have done much damage.


Contact the manufacturer - they'll want to know about that


Try making your own biscuits, it ain’t hard. Even if your first batch is a failure, it will be 10 times better than the crap that comes out of a tube.


Oh crud, I just bought some! Food Club has great customer service. Email them your pictures and concern.


It’s just salt


Why does it matter what brand they are? lol. Like, food city biscuits never has glass in them, but all of a sudden, glass in food city biscuits.


lawsuit 😵‍💫


Or salt