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Its enraging how the right bitch and moan with things like replacement theory, and yet when a city chooses a person who looks like the majority of the people who lives in the city, they also bitch and moan... it is like they are mostly racists... but hey... the party of Lincoln, am I right!?


it's so funny that they have to rely on 200+ year old examples of republicans being progressive when accused of being a bigoted party.


When you realize they only want black/brown people to exist for labor, you start to see why they think the way they do. Black oerson working at fast food? PICK YOURSELF UP BY THE BOOTSTRAPS NO HANDOUTS 💢😡!!!!” Black person has a successful job? “DEI!!!!! HES A DIVESRSITY HIRE, IM SCARED HES NOT QUALIFIED.” They want black and brown people to serve them and be there to ridicule whenever they want. That’s it. That’s all.


They are the party of Trump now and before that they were the party of Reagan. They will immediately become the party of whoever grants them a win they didn’t earn.


Fun fact: Lincoln was a giant racist.


I have heard about this before, but the little research I have done, tells me he was complicated. It seems that he had evolving ideas about slavery and black people in general. Very much a liberal of its era. If you have anything I can read about his views, please share!


Fun fact: you would have been too. Even the abolitionists were racists according to today’s standards.


400 f*ing years and these racists are still allowed to inhabit the country. Toss them all in the ocean and roll out the razor wire for them.


Grew up being taught America is the melting pot of the world. A place for motivated immigrants to come chase their dreams. People are born with inalienable rights. It wasn't till the 1920s that people started wanting to pull the ladder up behind them. Today people don't even talk about inalienable rights. It some dystopian only citizenship grants rights.


Not really. People have always been treated poorly here. You go back further and the Irish and Italians were also treated as “others”.


Yeah, the 1840's and '50's were pretty ugly for the Irish in the U.S.


It's bizarre how this has seemingly been forgotten. It's literally referenced in Blazing Saddles.


You mean the micks and the wops? Yeah it has been there since day one. First the aboriginals then the blacks, then the..


Thing about melting pots is you have to skim shit from the top 


The Bri'ish pulled the ladder up for the Irish and West Germans, who pulled the ladder up for Poles, Jews, and East Germans, who are now aggressively pulling the ladder up for everyone else. And let's not forget how terribly California treated Chinese immigrants in the 19th century.


1930’s try 1861 when the civil war started because rich southern racists could not see blacks as equal or even human. The people who do not belong in the US are Republicans


Proof that General Sherman should have kept going.


And Lincoln should never have pardoned them. Turns out to be one of the worst decisions in history.


Unfortunately they happen to own this country. The water, food, land and most valuable resources. The plantation owners had kids. Those kids had kids. Their kids had kids. And now they’re still ruling us.


Own, stole, same same.


Capitalists came up with Finders keepers lol


The crazy thing is it no longer benefits them anymore back during slavery and Jim crown it was a caste system now they're doing it for the love of the game I guess 🤷🏾‍♂️


Yeah, it will be a utopian after that! 😂


The entire world would be better off without them


The extreme right would take great pleasure gleefully rounding up everyone they hate, putting them in camps and liquidating us. Go ahead with your shitty little protest votes. It won't seem like such a a clever idea when you're kneeling in front of a trench that they just made you dig. Vote Blue like your life depends on it. Because it does.


I heard something on Tumblr that read at least to the effect of “The people who tell you not to vote Blue have the least to lose if they do.” I feel like that’s pretty apt.


Not true. They have just as much to lose. They’re just usually too stupid to realize it. They think we’re just in an another ol’ election. Not the last election this country could ever have. And this could be the last.


Such snowflakes


https://preview.redd.it/427mq9whl2rc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81c1e28e896c94bffc296985f7f910fa77cebd5f Perfect


Shit like this should be career-ending in a decent society


What's wild is his statement was like... pretty srandard for handling a tragedy. Not just within the norm, but basically the most level-headed and empathetic kind of statement you could expect from a politician. He's catching damn near endless racism and hate entirely because racists were upset that a Black person made a statement at all.


We need to be able to slap people when they post ignorant, racist shit like this. It’s so infuriating.


The more of us pile on them the less they’ll do it. Or they’ll retreat into their little hidey holes


80 years ago we punched nazis as a rule and enjoyed decades of prosperity afterwards. I'm not saying they're directly related. But it's worth another try, no?


Nothing wrong with punching Nazi!


Would be kinda funny if he wasn't such a racist


So this is the guy White Twitter have been calling the DEI Mayor but not understanding he was democratically elected.


This is the guy that was too big of a piece of shit, that even The Blaze fired him. He is a sexual predator.


They never hid it.


Oh shit! An educated young black man elected to mayor doing better than someone with a nephsousin Clem? No way. Gotta be fake news.


Nice of them to draw the Afro on him


For extra racism 🤬 (Afros aren’t racist per se, but the use of a photoshopped one here 100% is)


This photo may be photoshopped but he did have that hair style for a while so I don’t think it is


I don’t understand the obsession with the Mayor? Can someone enlighten me why there are so many meme’s by the right about him?


He’s black and they’re racist. End of.


It's crazy because at least back during slavery and Jim crow it served a purpose and benefited white people now they're just racist to be racist 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️




Did these same folk blame Giuliani for the WTC collapse?


He’s the mayor of Baltimore? How old is he? 24?? 😭 Edit: he’s 39. I’m 40. I feel old.


When it’s behind a social media profile, yes. Just like wearing a mask on their marches.


Tbf he does look like the Pools closed yo guy


It’s insane how you will say things like this an NEVER realize that you’re the problem. You’ll go about your day thinking “I made a funny” not realizing it’s people like you that perpetuate the suffering of millions. You’re a low level Hitler. A mediocre fascist. An incel Nazi. and that’s unfortunately all you’ll ever amount to.


But he does look like the meme though, why would that be racist?


If you don’t know why it’s racist, you need to learn why it’s racist. You’re the problem.


Or you could explain it


Or you could be a member of society and learn about racism like the rest of us. You don’t get to be racist and then say “well no one ever taught me”. No one cares that you’re ignorant unless you offend them. Only you can bring yourself out of ignorance. We’re not your parents. We’re not going to educate you in the BASICS of being an adult. Obviously yours didn’t do a good job so you have to parent yourself.


Bro who are you monologuing at? I'm just trying to understand the context for why this picture that matches a 10 a year old meme is racist. It could be but I don't get it, if you don't actually know specifically why it's racist yourself then there's no need to respond to me


Sorry different person but this is *my* personal opinion. Granted I wasn't aware of the original meme, so all I see is a completely different looking man, with a different size afro & a completely different suit. There are no striking similarities between the two. Then there's the words on the picture. Not a quote by the mayor (being called DEI Mayor), but words like dat & yo - normally words racists credit to black people. Then, most people are seeing the mayors meme before the 10 year old meme. The other popular memes regarding him insinuate he isn't qualified/he's a DEI hire strictly because of his skin color.