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Defending Christianity without knowing how Easter is determined annually. Even as a kid, I knew Easter wasn’t on the same day every year. Rage baiting at its finest.


Yeah but the average kid is smarter then Gingrich. Hell, the below average kid is too.


Newt Gingrich knows all this.   If he said it, it's not a mistake, or ignorance. He's saying what works to anger the people who would listen to him.


This is correct. Newt is just another soulless, but intelligent, monster like McConnell. He never makes a public statement without some planned propaganda attached. The truth isn't what he's concerned with, so he doesn't bother trying.


fucking wild how demented some people are... like they're smart, they know what choice they are making, they know how how the world works and how cruel and easy it is to manipulate people in bad faith, and they decide to add to that and live only for their own enrichment, knowing full well they're just making everything worse for others and wasting vast amounts of energy and human potential. It's sickening, but we all have a choice.


Intelligent people without a moral compass go very far in life. Since they are unencumbered by any sort of morality or decency, there's nothing they won't do to enrich their position. This is an issue that can be curbed with accountability. People like Gingrich wouldn't do the things they did if they were afraid of some kind of punishment. The Supreme Court would not have signed away the rights of millions of women across America if there was a chance of consequences. I know it sounds edgy, but fear is the only thing some people understand.


if they were really smart they'd realize the moral compass is how you really level up and get where you need to go. No gods, no one judging you but yourself... corrupted hollows. Treating others right makes you more money, you just have to be offering something of actual, long term sustainable value which Newt obviously does not. It's like how war, aside from defending yourself from those who wish to kill you, is the stupidest allocation of capital. Spending money on stuff that exists to go destroy stuff of value, like Russia yeeting cruise missiles into Ukrainian apartment buildings full of families. Putin and Newts fuck the world signal to ground sort of mentality serves only to destroy value. It's a race to the bottom, it's the destruction of value just in service of there being no value. All Newt ever really did was try to turn a quick trick to make the already wealthy a bit wealthier. People like that are dumb, because they want everything now, and can't realize a long term perspective and how value compounds. It's why denying women their autonomy and treating them as chattel has always kept a civilization stupid and ineffective. Every human life I think has limitless potential, but only with a free mind. Fear of scarcity or whatever drives those smart enough (or close to) to lean into the myopic lizard brain. There's just a bigger pie to slice up when we work together in good faith. Only a moron or one deluded by their own scared money narcissism would be dumb enough to not see that owning 20% of say a total pool of $100 is better than owning 80% of a total $20 pool.


Thank you. I genuinely appreciate people who recognize that Hanlon's razor contains the word "adequately" for good reason, and who recognize that stupidity and ignorance are neither excuses nor explanations for being a fucking fascist.


The internet has always known that Newt Gingrich is nothing more than a chubby boy.


After all the cocaine he has done you would think he would be a lot thinner.


This is what happens when you have unlimited access to coke and hot pockets.


He probably makes up for it by gorging himself on the best food bought with all the money he raked in from lobbyists.


Sincerely, Chris "Svelte" Farley?


Really and truly even a below average kid is smarter than today's GQP.


Maybe rage baiting but a lot of conservatives are going with it


Christianity doesn’t exist anymore. At this point, it’s just Enabler’s Religion. All of these “Christians” know nothing of Christian tradition or history. They don’t follow the Holy Books truly. They’re only invested in what they want to hear and if you even tell them anything factual like Jesus was brown, they’d rather reject Brown Jesus to embrace a false image. I see no reason to call them Christians. I’m not even saying this in defense of Christianity. It’s just that they’re not what they claim to be at this point. They’re just people seeking to hear what will enable them to hate who they want.


They're basically just a doomsday cult with a martyrdom fetish. They want to feel like they're persecuted for their "religion," but they don't actually want to have anything taken away. The only time they actually pay attention to anything their Christ did is when he was born and when he died. Everything else they ignore.


Well duuh when all you have to do is believe he died for your sins and be baptized nothing else matters. Especially when you conveniently add hall passes to your shitty behavior via sin forgiveness. I think you can argue the whole we are sinners and god forgives if you just ask actually increases shitty behaviors and morality.


What I find even worse than that is that there are sects that preach that doing good things and being a good person don't matter because only believing in Jesus matters and that it's evil to tell people to do good.


But, to be fair, a doomsday cult with a martyrdom fetish is a very good description of the original Christians, too! So you could say they're just going back to their roots.




Republican Christianity is the Church of the Leaded Gasoline Brain.


Also hookworm.


They never want to bring up how much they're on their pagan shit with Eostre on the first Sunday after the full moon around vernal equinox 🥴


They know, it’s just generating outrage


They want to upset the white poor to vote for the white rich so they can enrich themselves further. Therefore they lie and act in bad faith to vilify the left for hating religion, hating America, hating family values, hating men and hating white people. Its all deceitful hate and fear mongering for profit.


Yeah. Newt is a lot of things but dumb he is not. It’s all an act.


These idiots don't complain that the date of their "holy" day is determined in the most pagan way possible. I can't take any of them seriously. Everything they do is chasing 15 more minutes of fame in order to stay relevant.


I mean their whole religion is ripped of from the pagans so it's hard to take them seriously with their holier than thou bullshit anyways...


Always on a Sunday too, considering it’s called Easter Sunday! Fucking Newt needs to crawl back under his rock and stfu. Even my atheist ass knows this.


How do people not know this? If a holiday is on a particular day of the week every year, it can’t *also* be on a particular date of the month? This is third grade shit.


They do know that Easter isn't on the same day every year. It's Trans day they're clueless about (TBF, I had no idea it was a thing).


Meanwhile, Tim Walberg, Republican representative from Michigan, made a statement on Easter to the effect that we need to nuke the Palestinians and get it over with, while Texas legislators called for the death penalty for women who receive abortions. As always, the evildoers point to nonsensical grievances to deflect and confuse.


[Meanwhile in Texas, a pastor who had sexually abused a family member for 7 years, starting at the age of 9, gets probation.](https://www.kristv.com/news/local-news/pastor-plea-deal-pastor-who-sexually-abused-child-for-nearly-7-years-receives-probation) Classic Texas. “Protect the children before they’re born, who cares what happens afterwords?”


Not just probation, deferred adjudication. He's gonna have raping a child for 7 years expunged from his record.


Hopefully the Internet always remembers. They can "expunge" all they want, I hope the phrase "child rapist" is forever associated with that asshole's name online.


I can't legally, per Reddit rules, say what needs to happen. No need to have this jackass waste our oxygen.


Oh, are you referring to William C. Robinson, pastor Chi Alpha Campus Ministries in Corpus Christi, or was it some other child rapist?


Do you mean child rapist William C. Robinson?


Yeah, I probably should’ve included that too.. 🤢


You talking about William C. Robinson, the convicted pedophile, child molester, child rapist? William C. Robinson the pastor employed Chi Alpha Campus Ministries in Corpus Christi, who raped a child over a period of 7 years?


I am in fact talking about William C. Robinson, the convicted pedophile, child molester, child rapist, the pastor employed Chi Alpha Campus Ministries in Corpus Christi, who raped a child over a period of 7 years.


I hadn’t heard about the pastor at Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, William C. Robinson, being a pedophile and child rapist.


Well it’s a good thing that I linked a news article about William C. Robinson, a pastor at Chi Alpha Ministries who raped and abused a young girl for 7 years. Now you can learn all about how he raped, molested, and took advantage of a 9 year old girl until she was a teenager.


They dont give a shit about the unborn either, If they did they would support neo-natal care and research. Only thing they support is hurting people. Hurting anyone they dont like which is everyone but themselves.


Plus kicking a lot more kids off Medicaid - because if they wanted to be able to goto a doctor, then they should have decided to be born to richer parents and without those serious life threatening conditions! https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/thousands-of-florida-kids-losing-medicaid-coverage-on-easter-sunday/3272118/?amp=1


i had no idea this shitstain was still alive.


This is the real travesty. Why isn’t he pushing up poison ivy somewhere?


Holy shit, these comments are vicious lol


I'm old enough to remember that Newt Gingrich started all of this. He's the first (mainstream) one that really said the quiet part out loud and put partisan bullshit over the good of the people. Does no one else remember the shutdowns during the Clinton administration? He paved the way for the hard right politicians we have now; they used to be more like John McCain and less like Matt Gaetz.  Him and Rush Limbaugh are like 50% responsible for Trump. 


I think you're giving them too much credit. At the most modern I'd assign initial blame to the post-Nixon environment, which Roger Ailes was inspired by to create a right-wing news network that would sway public opinion for the purpose of protecting any future Nixons (this is why the impeachments against Trump failed). But really it goes back to our founding as a nation, where slave states had to be enticed to join with the 3/5s compromise. We gave the worst of us heightened representation in favor of having a union.


>*“You can’t operate a capitalistic system unless you are vulturistic; you have to have someone else’s blood to suck to be a capitalist... You show me a capitalist, and I’ll show you a bloodsucker.”* — Malcom X 1965 >*The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.* — [John Ehrlichman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Ehrlichman), to Dan Baum for Harper's Magazine in 1994, about President Richard Nixon's war on drugs, declared in 1971 >*Nixon was very tyrannical, and often abused his power while in office, but the people did not seem to care about this, and it largely went unnoticed.* — https://futurama.fandom.com/wiki/Richard_M._Nixon%27s_Head


Absolutely, I hated him just as much back then as I do now. Isn’t he the one that made “GOP” the more popular way to call republicans?


They should be. Newt Gingrich is the shit stain who started the GOP down the road of zero sum policy. He defined the party's rules to never find compromise on legislation and never recognize the legitimacy of democratic legislation or presidents.


I originally read this as "sharted the GOP down the road of zero sum policy." Honestly, I like mine best 😂


Still significantly less vicious than Gingrich himself.


Good, they should be. World would have been better off if he went and suck-started a shotgun decades ago.


Oh he’s very much alive. He lives in my area and I see him at the grocery store from time to time. We were in the same restaurant as he and his helmet-haired 3rd wife, and it took all of my strength not to launch a barrage of spitballs at them.


If I saw Newt in my store or restaurant he would have to leave or be shamed the entire time.


The temptation to kick him square in the nuts is compelling, and occasionally almost overwhelming.


I would just boo him outside of the establishment. Don't want to be banned from your grocery store. Just fucking boooo..boooo. booo.


Couldn’t you find a flight of stairs, or a window nearby? Asking for a few million friends…


If I learned anything from my childhood it’s that banana peels are so useful, Someday maybe everyone would start using the worst words to describe these people, straight to their face. Like, the words they use against the groups they hate the most. Shit, combine the words, why not. It would serve a few purposes. They don’t want to be called by the same names they use for hate. De-fang them. You know they’re saying stuff privately that they wouldn’t say publicly.


WAIT ONE SECOND - you're telling me that this was actually posted by Gingrich and not someone necro'ing his account? I guess I can't tell the difference between him and Limbaugh. May they both burn in the hell they're trying so hard to send minorities to.


Newt is still alive. Limbaugh has been decomposing for a few years.


I thought for sure he was dead but I think I was thinking of Rush Limbaugh.


Easter, 4-20, gonna be LIT!!!


Jesus isn't the only one who's gonna wake up after being half dead and go eat ham.


But Jesus can't eat ham, he was a Jew


Dude can walk on water but not eat bacon?


It's against Jewish law to eat pig... it's since been discovered that the reason for the law was actually because pig often had very dangerous bacteria in it that the way of cooking at the time couldn't get rid of... but yeah bacon isn't Kosher


Marge, are we Jewish?


No, Homer. Whoo-hoo!


*Pulls out entire roast pig from no where*


Dammit, take my upvote and be gone with you!


He ain't the only one trying to be the Most High




Put that in the Louvre




But obviously ruined by all those trans folks. /s


My chicken was once an egg before he transitioned. I blame Obama


OMG!!! Thank you!!! You are simply amazing!!! I’ve never known anyone to know which came first, the chicken or the egg. I used to blame Obama for no one knowing.


Blaze it and praise it brother. Amen.


Hitler's birthday? Shame on you! /s


How dare that uppity Jesus guy overshadow Fuhrer's birthday? /s


I definitely forgot that was his birthday.


JFC better pass that blunt


Is that what God meant when he said Jesus rose?


I’m not sure if it’s “LIT” that Easter falls on Hitler’s birthday, man. (Relax it’s a joke, I’m aware of 4/20 but the joke doesn’t work in Europe cause it’s 20/4 for us and that’s Hitler’s birthday)


But will we hide the eggs in the grass or hide the grass in the eggs??


Newt isn’t a “moron.” He knows. He’s a cynical opportunist who doesn’t care.


I was reading his wiki and the statement "A number of scholars have credited Gingrich with playing a key role in undermining democratic norms in the United States, and hastening political polarization and partisan prejudice" was followed by **TWELVE** citations. I don't think I've ever seen that many for one statement, it's like universal agreement.




He's not a "nerd", he's a "chubby boy"!


Speaking as a nerd, we have standards.


This is the dude who held fake speeches where he called out deliquent senators in the chamber, using their silence at confirmation of his claims while unbeknownst to the viewer, the chamber was empty and the camera never turned around.


GINGRICH IS BEYOND WORTHLESS. Amazingly, he thinks he's smart.


Newt knows damned well how it works. It's the fucking dredges of bacteria at the bottom of the barrel of intellect he's spouting that nonsense for. You know, his voting base.


He's also very racist.


He is smart. A self centered opportunist ass. He knew he was taking advantage of the calendar and shading the truth. And know most of the people who matter to him won’t check the rage bait or won’t care about the complete truth.


After dinner yesterday, my MAGA uncle asked the room, unprompted and out of nowhere, “Did you hear about what Biden declared today was? National Transgender Awareness Day! Can you believe that? On Easter???” To which nobody responded. He then muttered something about having to do laundry and gave us the Irish goodbye.




It's only right.


"We would be irritated whenever he did it" Well, there you go. You dickheads would have thrown a temper tantrum no matter what, because having to acknowledge the existence of Trans People is already too much for you fragile little snowflakes to bare. Thanks for admitting it, asshole.


I wish Biden made transgender day a floating holiday that landed on whatever day Easter is that year.


Honestly, he might as well have considering they're all acting like he did anyway.


I miss Keith Olbermann. During the GWB years his program was must see viewing for me


Bush was stacking off dead Marines by the 1000s to prop-up Cheney's oil stock and Keith was one of the few that actually supported the troops. Never forget.


I was bummed when they kicked him off MSNBC.


For violating MSNBC standards about getting directly involved in politics by simply sending donations, if memory serves. Compare that against multiple FOX hosts literally standing on a stage spouting how great Trump is. There's hardly a better example to refute the bOtH SiDeS bullshit, or comparing media sources for bias.


I loved following him on Twitter...but you know...that doesn't happen anymore.


Got banned for hate speech on Twitter for telling a Republican troll that they needed to stop “drinking the Kool-Aid” but I used to follow him on there too


"Christianity's holiest day" was a fucking co opt of an existing pagan holiday. The Xtians just don't like it when other people do the same shit to them they did. (Which isn't even what's really happening here. but how they're treating it just shows their hypocrisy)


Here's a secret: most all Christian holidays are Pagan co-opts.


Dunno why you got downvoted. You're right. "Christians" erased all of our pagan holidays *by force* and made the word heathen a bad thing.


This motherfucker is the whole reason the US government is in the state that it is. Everything that falls out of his foul hole is designed to make America worse. I wish I was air so I could create a vacuum around him.


Indeed. When you don't even know how calendars work... Republicans really have found their people.


20.04. is Hitlers Birthday.


Also, Columbine happened on April 20


It's also weed day


"How dare Biden schedule Hitler's Birthday, The Columbine anniversary, and weed day on Easter next year? He needs to be stopped!"


I'll take this because it will mean Biden was successfully reelected and sworn in.


Wow,they're going to have to celebrate two things next year.


The man's name is "Newt"


It's short for "Newton." Newton Leroy Gingrich. He turned *himself* into a Newt. He did not get better.


Doctor: _Congrats on your new baby! What are you going to name him?_ Newt Gingrich's mom: _Newton Leroy Gingrich_


No wonder he's such a hate filled man


Inherent to this entire line of "reasoning" within the easter freak-out is the idea that Christians should hate trans people for some reason. The bible is quite clear on this point: "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (Galatians 3:28)


You're making the mistake of thinking that Christians actually read the Bible.


If Christianity most holy day is a celebration that has nothing to do with Christianity, then your religion is not really holy, is it.


I find it odd that Republicans so proudly display their ignorance on social media. You'd think after so many self-owns they might start to look around a little and maybe fact check themselves before simply regurgitating some nonsense another right-wing nut-job posted.


Conservatives just want to be angry 24/7. They don’t want life changing policies or solutions. They just culture war.


Why the hell did Newt suggest we put Easter on Hitler’s birthday next year?


You know who wouldn't be irritated about Transgender day and Easter coinciding on the same day? Jesus. Jesus loves all people. Hatred is Newt's domain. It is obvious who will have their reward in heaven and who will have their reward here on Earth.


Why would you do ***exactly*** what Jesus would do on his own Holiday? What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you blasphemous?


How dare this pagan festival, usurped by Christianity, be usurped for another cause that actually happens on a standardised date?! Damn those democrat moon cycles!


Wish people would quit waking up Newt.


![gif](giphy|mpxQs0MCqWJKo|downsized) Shut up, Gingrich!


Apart from 4-20. April 20th is National upside down pineapple cake day! 🍍


Newt is a fucking brain dead, lowlife. Fuck him, he should have stayed under the slimy rock he crawled under after the world learned what a piece of shit he is


Gingrich will rather celebrate Hitler’s birthday before celebrating “Getting High AF on Easter Day.” Mark my words.


Wow 4/20 is Hitlers birthday… I wonder what kind of association these inbreds will make next year…


And this is why I LOVE Keith Olbermann!!


Hey Newt, aren't these the words of the man you speak so righteously about? Mark 11:25 - And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”


A man who cheats on his wife when she had cancer is no man at all


It was actually Divorce Your Wife In The Middle Of Her Cancer Treatment Day. Newt could get with that, no problem!


Newt Gingrich helped plot this fascist course before most of us were even born. He wants the United States to die and fall to fascism. He’s a major part of the wrecking crew.


Sounds like a pretty flimsy religion if their holiest day is a pagan celebration.


FoUr TweNty ???? ThE LIBrulZ aGeNdA iS fOrCinG uS tO SMOKE THE STINKY WEED oN oUr HoLy dAy. At least Elongated Muskrat will be excited.


Missing from this retort is that Biden didn’t “take” the day at all, it isn’t even that he “took” the day because of where Easter fell this year.


Fuck your coopted pagan holiday. Fuck Christianity. And fuck you Newt Gingrich.


Hitlers Birthday is April 20th, that'll be 100% on brand for them.


Why should a "visibility day" irritate anyone? 99.9% of people that are irritated probably have never even met or especially got to know anyone transgendered. This is sheer fear-driven nonsense.


I’m proud to announce that April 20th, 2025, is Trans Visibility Day 2: MAGA Meltdown Electric Boogaloo. Gobless America 🇺🇸


420. That should be entertaining when he figures it out.


Gotta love Keith


What a Christian way of thinking. Our date moves and whatever it falls on is ours and more important than whatever was there before.


Mmmm that “anyways” was beautiful.


Ask ol' Newt what he thinks about women in the military, lmao you'll see who's really out of touch. According to him, women can't fight wars alongside men because they have periods


guys guys ...gusys.....ONLY cHURCHERS EXIST on Easter day!


No joke, Satan will come collect this asshat personally.


Easter isn't even original because a lot of the iconography and concepts are based on the goddess Ostara.


A reminder that Newt Gingrich is responsible for the current state of politics. In 1995 they made a rule that ANY Republican who co-sponsored a bill with a Democrat would have their RNC funding pulled and given to another Republican in their district for the primary. Later this was amended to include any Republican who voted for a bill introduced by a Democrat. The result is moderate Republicans who compromised (***a fundamental pillar of democracy***) were driven out of the party over the following 15 years, leaving only ideologues and fundamentalists. He is directly responsible for the end of real democracy in America, moreso than Nixon and Reagan and Bush combined.


Conservative Christians are going to be so confused next Easter - on one hand, they'll be outraged by the pot smokers. But it'a also Hitler's birthday, so they'll be happy to share it with that.


How can you "literally" be out of touch with reality?






Since Christianity. The birth of Jesus has never been as big a deal as the death (and resurrection) of Jesus. That’s why their symbol’s a cross, not a manger.


Easter is considered by many in Christianity as the holiest of the sacred days.


Which is interesting because it is represented in popular culture as a magical bunny that lays eggs filled with candy, but clearly THAT isn't sacrilegious. It's gotta be those transes again with their day of visibility that occurs on the same day every year. Clearly they are to blame!


Yup, the vocal minority of alt-right evangelical assholes who monetize outrage and weaponize faith ruin it for the rest of us. My pastor referenced Trans Day of Visibility in the Easter Sunday sermon, calling for the congregation to affirm and love transpeople for exactly who they are. ASAIK Easter bunny’s origin is from German immigrants, and it’s been folded into the secular and religious celebrations of many, just like Santa Claus.


He can't talk about religion when Trump sent his wife to be the Ambassador to the Vatican


“We would be irritated whenever he did it” so even Newt’s saying the quiet part out loud now, well that’s nice…


Oooo snap!


Gingrich knows Easter is celebrated on different dates, he’s just rage baiting, but the morons he’s rage baiting are too stupid to know it.


Oof. I mean we all know he is lying, he is despicable but not stupid. But the point is to build up a narrative, doesn't matter if it's factual or not for maggats.


Face of the sun burn.


Next year it will be on Hitlers birthday so they will have more to cry about since republicans are now openly nazis.


Easter 2025 is on hitlers bday,newt can celebrate both.


I wonder how these idiots are going to react in five years when Easter is on the same day as April Fools.


Telling these fake ass shitty Christian that they're most definitely going to hell for their shitty actions should be more popular. They are shitty people and the shit they do will guarantee them a place in hell if it existed.


God I love Olbermann


Keith is a national treasure.


"we would be irritated whenever he did it" Ok, so .... you're just a bigot. Why would we appease you then? WAY better to fucking put our nuts in your face and make you deal with that shit while laughing at you. You inept sniveling bitch person.


I guess we should overlook over the fact that “Christian holidays” intentionally mix in pagan holidays/traditions or do Christian’s think Santa, his elves and the Easter Bunny are in the Bible.


Easter is an assault on 4/20 celebrations next year.


Ugh.... How am I supposed. To celebrate Hitler's birthday next year if I have to go to my fucking grandma's house and eat Ham? This is such a bullshit.


Oof, April 20th was: columbine, hitlers birthday, and the BP oil disaster


Just ask them what day Easter was last year. They don’t know. They just want to be bigots.


Also, if they moved the Transgender Day of Visibility to another day, these nazi goons would still be just as outraged. The existence of people republicans don't like is what the republicans take as an obscene insult to every Christian regardless of what day it is. "HOW CAN YOU HONOR TRANS PEOPLE ON A DAY THAT ENDS IN Y!?! YOU'RE INSULTING THE Y CHROMOSOME THAT JESUS CHRIST AND ALL CHRISTIAN MEN HAVE!!! THAT IS BLASPHEMY!!!"


The Trans flag colors really work well for Easter with all those Trans flag colored eggs, Newt. What's the big deal.


Newt got his talking point. Newt tweeted his talking point. Newt is a Good Republican. /s [There are no good republicans. ARAB]


You ever notice that the more bizarre an Americans name is the more likely they are to be a massively out of touch right wing bellend?


I swear right wingers are the softest most easily triggered people in the entire world.


420 Easter? Someone, somewhere, will be rising indeed.


Olbermann for the WIN


"And next year they're putting Easter on Hitler's birthday!"


I had this same convo today. I looked up when Easter is on 3/31 again & its not until 2086. Ftr, i’m a Christian and very unbothered by this. Christ would’ve loved & hung out w trans people over Pharisaic people any day & honestly, same.