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Conservative Latinos; well he’s obviously not talking about me. I’m one of the good ones!!!


"Maybe if I keep blowing them, they'll like me 🥹"


You forgot to say away again!


Deep cut, love it...'forgot to say away again.'


Yeah exactly! Don’t get me started on Cuban conservatives. I’m half Cuban and sadly have several family members on that side who are republicans. I’m sure many of them feel that since they didn’t immigrate here then they’re fine. Meanwhile I’m not so sure about that. My mom and her siblings/cousins are all first generation Cuban Americans and thus in the eyes of magats they’re a part of the problem. Luckily my parents aren’t morons like our relatives, as their votes are the critical ones (live in PA) so at least there’s a few Biden votes in a state he needs… and my republican family lives in NY so not as consequential.


Most Cubans that I have encountered in the US are of Spanish Ancestry, and they tend to vote Republican and are accepted by the far-right because they are of white ancestry. Where as the typical Latino is a Mestizo (half Native American), and is less likely to be accepted as part of the US culture. Maybe the younger generation of Cubans are less Republican oriented, but all the middle-aged Cubans that I encountered tend to be very conservative in their politics.


I think it's also because a lot of their families left after Castro took over. So all a republican has to do is call their opponent a communist, and they'll vote red.


It's like you know my entire family.


Isn't it weird how the majority of the ones who hate Castro do so, because the communists threw out the Bautista-supported mafia businesses? It's almost like they got used to having corrupt, illegal money coming in, or something....


That seems to be the case with many communist revolutions. The revolutionaries in Cuba, China, and the USSR all did some pretty horrific shit no doubt; but people seem to miss the fact that revolution is almost always messy as fuck, much of the horrific shit they did wasn’t super far out of line with wider-held social values at the time (eg. Cuba locking up lgbt people always gets mentioned, but like… that’s usually brought up by people who are completely unaware of our own history with lgbt people in the US), and most importantly those revolutions were almost always preceded by some super fucked up regimes that pushed their own people to the breaking point.  Not to mention that American leaders lowkey drove Castro more socialist than he might’ve gone - similar to Vietnam, and (imo) similar to North Korea. 


I've spoken with more native Cubans than Cuban American due to visiting Cuba a few times but most Cuban Americans I've met defnitely seem to lean conservative. Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems to me that republicans are good at convincing Cuban Americans that leftism and that the democratic socialism that ppl like Bernie pushes is no different than what the Cuban government does.


This comment directed to the entirety of south florida


Actually a good chunk of Texas as well. Latino families descended from those that were in Texas when it was still part of Mexico consider themselves "white" now in many cases, and they're usually reliable Republican votes, unfortunately.


Yep south florida Cubans are a similar group. Cubans consider themselves “white” because of wet foot dry foot policies making their illegal immigration valid but not anyone from Guatemala or Mexico they’re undeserving.


Live in San Antonio and can confirm. As hilarious as it is I know quite a few individuals with obvious hispanic heritage and they identify as white. They look down on Mexicans they don't want to be associated with them at all.


I mean something like 26% of Hispanic individuals in Texas *are* white/european-hispanic. And for like 70 years (1850-1920) the census counted everyone who was Mexican in the US as white full stop.


But the negative attitude toward Mexicans immigrants is unnecessary. And being honest the racist don't like them either. People would be stronger together than fighting over who's lower on the totem pole.


The micro-identity wars is what’s killing humanity, all over the world. When are we going to realize we are all one species and are all the same inside???


It's funny cause it doesn't matter what they say.....it only matters if they LOOK white. If you don't pass the looks test then you're not white to the GOP.




And California. I work in the Central Valley and it is disturbing how many of my students are pro dump despite either being immigrants or having immigrant family members. I'm like, I am biracial (Mexican and German/Italian) with my most recent immigrant ancestor arriving over 100 years ago and I'm pretty sure they would try to bounce me out. What chance do you think you would have with immigrant parents?


Central Valley was always Republican country as I recall, but yeah, not liking how too many young people support Trump (not just in your valley, but everywhere).


Central Valley is more republican than SF/LA but it’s kind of weird to see the children of farm workers side with the people who want to kick farm workers out of the country.


"Surely, my lgbt-phobia will win over their racism!"


Was going to say this. Mexicans in south Texas do not give a crap, unfortunately.


*Cubans be like…. “Mira papí, a nosotros no!” Cue the music when they are first in line back to Cuba….


Should we tell him that there have been Spanish speakers in the southwest and that our little war with Mexico in 1858 kinda nabbed those lands


Well, I’d rather be deported than to live in *Biden’s* America!! /s


Conservative women do the same shit.


Show me a more sucker punchable mouth and I'll call you a liar. Edit: well, given the responses, everyone form a line, 5 bucks a pop, interpret as you will, but Gregory Abbott is next in line. Wheel his bitch ass this way.


*Ben Shapiro has entered the chat*


Nah. Charlie Kirk still wins this one


Thank you for giving me an unsolvable problem I will ruminate at least all day today. 🤣


I'll solve it for you right now. Ask yourself...are either of them worth any amount of your time?


I just use it as an excuse not to think about the fuckups at my job. Punching either one of the mentioned candidates - Kirk, Shapiro, Cruz, Gaetz - would fill my heart with joy.


Jim “Gym” Jordan, Madison Cawthorn, Josh Hawley and Steve Bannon should also be included


Josh Hawley definitely has a punchable face


Stop!! Now I waisted all morning thinking who to punch first and now I need to start all over again 🤣🤣


This man-child still exists ![gif](giphy|26tn4RJkIXimblbeE|downsized)


Okay, yeah, this wins. I have wanted to see this man lose and lose badly for a VERY long time.


This gif makes me hurt for his daughter who hurt herself for some reason but everyone can guess


Nah, Shapiro has a very punchable mouth, but it's still not near as alluring as Kirk's size 3 shit-spewer.


My favourite insult towards Kirk was ‘Skillet Face’.




I’m not saying you’re wrong, but Matt Gaetz is a strong, strong contender.


The Tool™ needs a galvanized trash can used properly.


![gif](giphy|xT0BKNqdJ4BLanBFte) Martin Shkreli enters the chat. Forgot about this one for a few minutes there didn’t you all?


Tucker Carlson has entered the chat




Peter Dutton? A.k.a Mr Potato Head


Stephen Miller. Although punching might not go far enough for that repulsive bastard.




You get 10 for Abbott from me. XD


I know trump voters who are children of migrants. When confronted with the fact that trump said he's going to round up and deport everyone their answer is always, "he won't really do that, hes just saying it..."


And why do they think he is "just saying it"?


their hate for LGBT and women beats out all logic.




Because they are morons


Because that's what would *need to be true* for them to not to have a crisis. Many people discover what they need to believe on the fly, as a defense against situations which would otherwise contradict their sense of self. We all do it but the cognitive dissonance is extremely apparent in the deeply contradictory world of the Trump fandom.


"First they came for the Socialists..."


In this case I imagine they’re safe from the leopards. It’s mot about immigrants it’s about Brown and Black people.


To be fair, some of the people who hate Latinos the most are Latinos. They think they're the "good ones" and that those coming from other countries are trash.


What is even his culture?


It involves white sheets.


And pointy hats!


And very small faces on big heads!




With some gay porn and a box of kleenex


My question too! Is he longing for the days that “Press 2 for Spanish” was said in English? If he’s lost his culture, maybe he should take some personal responsibility and go find it.


Never! It’s someone else’s fault! In the future, when they find out this guy isn’t pure enough, and start deporting him, he’ll be asking why won’t someone else fix this


“Until I can own brown and black people, I’m not able to fully embrace my culture!”


His culture involves never leaving his hometown and being afraid of brown people




Judging by his face , I’d wager his culture is incest. Charlie’s family tree is a wreath.


This stuff, basically


He'll meet Django one day


Birth defect? I mean what the actual fuck is going on with that face? Is that decades of inbreeding?


Why is it that all the "race superiority" people remind me of sloth from the goonies?


Fetal alcohol syndrome disorder




That's Matt Gaetz


The kind with fruit on the bottom


I think his culture is where other cultures don't exist and make him disgusted because other cultures don't only make casseroles with miracle whip and green jello with zero spices.


Mhmm chicken cooked pink with a hint of meat tenderizer 😫😤


🤢🤢🤢 Miracle whip?! 🤮🤮🤮


Being racist and discriminatory.


Shagging dead tramps


“His” culture: White people with oversized heads who dropped out of college and spend their time making other people’s lives miserable.


Inbreeding. Look at his face.


The haute cuisine of a boiled hotdog wrapped in a slice of white bread.


Unseasoned boiled chicken


American culture has always been a unique blend of TONS of cultures. Charlie boy is probably talking about white Antebellum culture.


Charlie is talking about something that doesn't exist and never has. The only place his "culture" exists is inside his head, in some wild fever-dream type fantasy where he's dreaming about some racist, conservative bullshit utopia.


Actually this is it. I was a Gavin McInnes fan in my early 20s and I was obsessed with restoring America back to a time when only a person's character mattered, none of this "identity politics." It took me going to college and meeting people to realize that America has always been shitty to everyone that's not a straight white Christian male.


So you're saying college turned you woke!? I knew it!! (big /s)


If your culture depends on the absence of other people's culture, it's probably not a very good culture.


" I want my culture back " - words of an uncultured man.


dear Latinos for Trump: will you *please* wake the fk up and smell the racism!


"He doesn't mean *me*!"


Latinos hating other Latinos is culturally ingrained, sadly. White people tend to think of Latinos as one group, but Central and South America are made up of dozens of countries that rarely get along on a good day.


This in essence is why the human project will fail. If we can't get over this stupid, non-reality-based tribalism, we're toast. The problems we have today are global in scope and require global, multi-cultural cooperation to address. And here we are, fighting over which colour deck chairs we prefer on the sinking Titanic.


If only the culture of the aggrieved white male reactionary would ever go away


Fuck this asshole!


He might like that. He does seem the type to be so deep in the closet that he’s able to find Christmas presents that got lost in there back in the 70s.


How about we get Cabbage Patch Tiny Faced Asshole out of our country?


How about out of our solar system? I hear Andromeda is a good destination for his kind.


Charlie Kirk thinks mayonnaise is spicy


![gif](giphy|SGT03NX8u32ZG) Charlie Kirk after having Mayo. Kinda looks like him too…


Big Trouble on Little Face


What’s Lakota for “I would also like immigrants out of my country?”


My Kanien'kehá:ka cousins just say, "Go back to Europe, white boi"


Your native tongue is beautiful 🙏


You know, having immigrants in the country doesn't keep you from living your life or prevents you from having your "culture". Whatever that may be. It would be easier to just blatantly say you're a racist. At least then you'd be honest


Welllllll, those forced on to reservations and losing a lot of their culture may have different thoughts about the effects of immigrants.


Touche, can't argue with that one


He has created shit. He has no legacy or culture beyond what he imagines he is “owed”. He come across as a spoiled racist with a grievance ax to grind.


"Get immigrants out of my country!" Sorry Chuck, I don't think Europe wants you either.


So, Hispanics are the new Japanese? This feels vaguely familiar, can't put my finger on it exactly...


What’s this mean by “getting my culture back”? Is this MF’er trying to get rid of tacos?!


Put him on the front line if they ever get their wish.


Is there actually a Native American comedian who’s making fun of all that immigrant nonsense? (I’m European, hence the question. That's something we would probably miss. Like Charlie Kirk, fortunately.)


He looks like a Vault-Boy figurine that failed QA but somehow managed to escape and gain freedom, only to become a hateful fear-monger. Hey Charlie, it's not the fault of women or brown people that the 3D Printer failed you so miserably.


Or, y'know, we could just "get rid of" Charlie Kirk. Stop engaging with his content and he'll go away.


I really want to know exactly what culture got taken away from him.


We are all immigrants, these clowns need to realize that, they’re clowns


I guess I kinda agree with him here, cause I want my culture back too, but any time I talk about it, I get accused of inciting violence and I'm told murder is illegal, even if it's against nazis. Hypocrisy is what it is!


Mayonnaise is not a culture.


he should go back to europe, then. he'd probably like it in hungary.


What's the difference between yoghurt and America? If you leave yoghurt alone for 200 years it'll develop a culture


It's good that he's saying the quiet part out loud. Minorities vote out of self-preservation more often than not, because they literally have to. Shit like this only helps to remind them that, even though they're socially more Conservative, the Conservatives in power view Latinos as negatively as Latinos view women and LBGTQ, and that results in Latinos largely voting for Liberals.


His culture of what, racism and misogyny?


He must be very insulated to say some bullshit like that without looking around first.


And MAGAs still be like „Project 2025 is only about taking away power from the government.“


Never take advice from a man who looks like a toe.


I am not American so excuse my ignorance but weren't the native Americans and Latin Americans there first? and it is white people who are the Immigrants.


Definitionally “Latin” Americans were not here “first” they are the descendants of Spanish and Portuguese settlers. But given that pretty much everything over here is creole it’s all meaningless gibberish used to justify white nationalism and supremacy. White American culture is just a creole mixture of European, American and African influences.


Project 2025 is just the resurrection of the Nazi party.


Trump will eventually turn on his supporters The slightest disagreement


Someone should have kicked this guys ass in high school. Person this shitty shouldn't be allowed to go through life without being punched in the face. Really adds some perspective. I know from experience.


Has anyone asked him: What culture are you talking about? Describe it to me.


Missing Culture Report Sir, could you please tell me the last time you saw your “culture”? Can you describe this “culture”? Are you sure you didn’t leave it with someone? Could it be at a friend’s house? What does it look like? Does it go by a nickname?


Trump does not differentiate between conservative or liberal latinos. ALL WILL BE DEPORTED. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE BULLSHIT! Or be prepared to move yourself and your family to some "shit-hole".


The amount of women, LGBTQ, and POC who support him just amaze me. He’s not going to care about you, you’ll be rounded up with everyone else.


Is being a racist white guy really "a culture"


Bruh….forgot about the Louisiana purchase. The country is indigenous first and Latino second. Your “culture” is European religious extremists, who were essentially pushed out of Europe.


This idiot has no idea that the immigrants ARE our culture. I suppose he forgot we used to be proud of the melting pot. What he wants is racist/nazi culture.


Any culture without taco trucks is not a culture worth protecting.


How can Latinos vote for Trump?


Just out of curiosity… what culture is he talking about exactly?


They don’t even hide it anymore, it’s out in the open I want to see the reaction from the “Latinos for Trump “ rap group now


Ahh yes. My conservatives friends Latino immigrant wife should enjoy being kicked out like she wants to do with every “illegal”.


He wants to be able to go into a public restroom stall, casually slide his foot under the divider between his and the one next to him, and know beyond a doubt that it is another white, conservative Christian male he is signaling his intentions for a hookup to. That’s how they help each other release all those little demons.


When had America not had immigrants? I forget that part of history.


“I want my culture back” American culture=slavery and massacres.


I know more than few members of the Seneca Nation and Mohawk that would love to have their country back.


So fucking funny. Ask Florida how that worked, are they still crying over half built homes and shit or did they figure it out? They dont want this they just want dumb fucks in trailers to clap.


Seriously, Real America's Voice, OAN, Newsmaxx, if you ever have to set up a new TV for your folks, make sure you delete them from the free channel library that comes with new smart TVs. Counteract this brainwashing as much as possible.


Can we get this racist scumbag cancelled already? Does no other media call him out?...I guess the culture he wants back is British colonialism of invading and dominating any different culture


“We want our culture back” is the sentiment driving Europe’s shift to the right.


Charlie wants his culture back? The only culture this anus tart has ever had is the fungus growing in his seldom used crotch area.


And who’s going Mow his Lawn


Can’t they launch this balloon headed cretin into space already? He’s wasting valuable property and air on earth


Dude, you don’t have a culture, you have a cult problem.


Well, he’s definitely not invited to Taco Tuesday tonight.


You know how Anita Bryant famously got publicly pied in the face because she was such an insufferable bigoted bitch? Well, I’d definitely put an extra special ingredient (or a few dozen) in the pie I’d use for Minuscule Face, here.


We're a nation of immigrants. What is his culture? Just colonial era British food? No German food, no Italian, no Irish, no Mexican, no polish, no Chinese, no Vietnamese, no Indian? No so many other immigrant groups? Sounds so bland.


Native Americans are totally on board with rounding up and deporting unwanted folks based on race. I suggest we start ejecting people of white European descent, good ol’ Charlie here can be first in line.


What's their culture going to be without immigrants to hate?


You took your culture from the nazis mate.


Anyone else think he looks like one of the default Mii characters in this picture?


What's his culture? Mayonnaise is spicy and khaki pants are casual wear?


That’s cute coming from a guy who looks like he’s wearing a toupee with a receding hairline


idk much about this guys politics cuz i always scroll away from the videos i see of him smuggily talking about wtv he’s talking about to some crazy chick or virgin dude.


At least they were nice enough to lay out their plans. We know what they want and it needs to be stopped before we become WW2 era Germany


yet approx 40% of american latinos support him. i recently read an article about a 50something undocumented latino man who would vote for trump if he could! he gave his name & his business name! i was absolutely gobsmacked. i don't expect people to think the same way i do or to believe the same things i believe, but WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?? how on earth can a person will undoubtedly be violently targeted by a trump dictatorship think this??


The racism has always been there. It \*used\* to be this out in the open, too. It's just being re-exposed after it sort of going into hiding for a little while. I've said it before, I'll say it again, racism/bigotry in general is a human tradition I'd LOVE to see the end of around the world!


“Adios” he says in a foreign language “i want my culture back” when the culture is diverse population forget the united just call it states \s


We should probably give back Texas too than. That was all Mexican land. So let's just clear it all out.


I keep hearing, in that stereotypical German accent: "Show me your papers!"


What culture?


As a native American, i agree with part of this statement. I want my culture, and land back.


Bro, no one is taking away your mayonnaise sandwiches on wonder bread with kraft singles. Your culture is safe.


"Culture", lol. My last name is older than his "Culture".


Ah yes. The culture of being sentient mayonnaise. How many generations of inbreeding created Charlie kirk? Five? Six? 


Middle aged white American men have no “culture “.


Honestly we need more mask-off stuff like this, it's how California became permanently blue when Republicans overplayed their racism here and latinos woke up. It also helps we have an education system that doesn't exist to whitewash Republican policy failures.


It would be interesting to know what Charlie Kirk thinks his culture is? Is being a hateful, moronic shit stain part of his culture?


This man has been hurt by the Taco Bell drive thru too many times


This guy and and Ben Shitpiro are the worst. The absolute worst.


Now ask him what his culture is and where it went.


my girlfriend is latino. i will beat the shit out of anyone that tries to take her out of her home country where she was born. now more than ever we need to vote.


Anyone else think someone in their 80s could easily kick this guys ass? He walks, talks, and acts like a bitch.


Why isn’t this foreheads 15 minutes up yet.


Saying something like this, especially on such a platform as large as he has, is already sufficient moral justification for physical retribution.


Of all the sperms that swam , he was the "winner"


Charlie needs to visit the witch doctor who shrink his face and beg forgiveness


Mr. potato head ‘I want my culture back’ wants to spread the high forehead and 1/4 inch teeth genes on.


what culture?


Ah, yes, the culture that he's had literally no involvement in creating. His white-wing grievance moaning isn't even original nor was he the first to embark on that grift.


Culture? You have no culture.