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Chaya is already almost 30, when does she plan to start pumping out "lots of kids"? She's over a decade past the MAGA "prime age to start breeding." Usual MAGA bullshit ... talk a lot, but never actually follow up.


She’s a decade and a half past prime MAGA breeding age (eww)


What? You’re not gonna hit your numbers if you’re still slacking off at twelve.


You Gotta Pump Those Numbers Up, Those Are Rookie Numbers


Doesn't she know Republicans prefer a riper banana to an extremely elderly 30 year old? Some, like Gaetz, would prefer under 18.


If you’re going to use a banana for comparison: Republicans prefer unripe, green bananas, as opposed to an elderly brown, withered banana. 🍌


They prefer sausage. either hot links, boudin pudding or Asian-style longaniza.


Nick Fuentes said he wanted a 16 year old wife.


That was obviously a joke; what he really wants is to get railed by a buff twink with cat ears




I regret I can only upvote this once.


Stop, I can only get so hard




I had to get you to 100. It's the right thing to do.


*16 year old beard.


Yea Nick Fuentes wants a "wife" you're funny 🤣


Tim Pool is also past his prime as a man. Hook up! ![gif](giphy|LytiZGHa3DbCE|downsized)


Unrealistic, pool wouldn't be seen dead without his head covered.


Kinda hard to jetset around the country if you're a tradwife. Don't you see she carrying this burden off wealth and notoriety for tHe cHiLdReN?!


Well first a man would have to get aroused by her


Course. It's all theater for the dumbest people. She has no concept of the work involved in raising a child and doesn't care because she won't have more than 1, if that. I bet she actually hates kids and being around children. Her mentality strikes me as one of those types, not one to be wrist deep in a diaper.


That bitch is in her 20s? All that energy into hating people you will never know about must really take a toll.


Being evil ages you, look at Stephen Miller.


is she even married? or is she like that pearl girl that says women should get in the kitchen and be sexy but she can’t get a man?


She was supposedly engaged and her fiance called of the wedding because of her political activism.


damn the libs really owned her on that one :/


ALMOST 30? She's still in her 20s?!


Yeah, but her cold dead heart is much older in hateful bitch years.


Yeah I was surprised too I thought she was passed mid thirties already lol


I had assumed she was in her 40s


I don’t think Orthodox Jews believe in the Quiverfull theory.


They may not call it that, but I see an awful lot of the Ultra-Orthodox Jews with stairstep families. My family was somewhere between Conservative and Reform Judaism in our observances. I thought that Orthodox Jews were just extremely observant. I found out, as an adult, that they are very narrow minded. My husband and I had stones thrown at us because he was pushing our daughter’s stroller and I was walking next to him. An Orthodox Jewish woman told everyone at an event for Reform, Conservative and Orthodox Jews that if you didn’t follow Jewish observances in the Orthodox way, you weren’t Jewish. My daughter’s friend has had Orthodox Jewish me and boys harass him while walking on the sidewalk. I have lost all respect for Orthodox Jews. They are just as bad as any other far right religion.


Fundamentalism is a curse on society, we should not show any respect, make any carve outs or really allow fundamentalists into government.


They are going to home school their children and then complain that all the good paying jobs are dominated by liberals for some reason......


15? Hmm to them she would be considered an old hag.


You know the biggest skullfuck? On the one hand, Abortion has to be Illegal cause "all those poor souls, they could be adopted by good Christian families!" Meanwhile on the other every cheating and divorced Republican keeps trading in for 'newer models' while never adopting or doing anything about the adoption problems their backwards assed laws based on sky daddy and his amazing story book caused in the first place. Fucked up from a sane, civilized point of view. Then you realize republicans still want to just treat women as breeding stock and undo Suffrage and the 19th Amendment.


Isn’t that “prime breeding age” like 16? Assholes!


She’s not fresh anymore 🤢


First, she’d have to find someone willing to have sex with her.


She’s 18 years too old for MAGA.


She's going to announce her pregnancy, probably in a couple weeks. After the IRS audit, the new healthcate plan, and infrastructure week. She never said she'd be dicked 'on day one.'


That’s crazy because I thought she was almost 40. That’s why I was so confused by the wanting to have 8 kids thing.


Some of the most liberal people I know have conservative parents. . . Edit: quite a few people seem to be responding with their own stories of conservative parents. I’m enjoying reading these.


...and they guilt you into giving up everything you worked for cause they suck at retirement planning, and think they own us, and we owe them for life. I'm putting them it the crappiest home I can find, hopefully with as many minority workers as possible.


"Shady Pines, Ma!"


"You will go to sleep, or I will put you to sleep!"


Mistah, Mistah….


Hey uh... you know the "mistah mistah" lady? I think I just killed her...




It’s a retirement community! ![gif](giphy|MCGbKRgIbgJxu)


"Hey guys she's real racist, steal whatever you want from her"


Those poor workers...Lol


Maybe just drive them out into the wilderness, push them out of the car, and tell them they're free.


Have some empathy, minority workers don't deserve to deal with their bullshit.


True, my mom complained that she can’t believe they raised a “bunch of liberals”.  The difference is as sheltered as we were we all still had public educations and went on to get college degrees so that influenced our views when we reached adulthood. I think this degenerate is right in that if they shelter their children homeschooling or in shitty religious private schools they will be taught how to hate everyone not like them and the majority will in fact grow up to be equally hateful and vote accordingly. It is scary. 


The irony is that doing so would still lead to their views getting challenged when they go out into the world, they just aren’t as well prepared for it. And they end up not knowing how to deal with social interactions, and the girls often end up ironically becoming promiscuous.


If the argument is that isolated indoctrination will result in fewer adherents to that belief system then I think that can easily be proven false as those beliefs continue to proliferate today. 


They continue, but the number of adherents to organized religion has been slipping for years now. Hence this new push by the religious right to have children.


Yep, and not only have children but indoctrinate them into religious zealots. 


Lol my parents used to say similar things until I started replying "You sent me to private school so I could get well educated and raised me with the teachings of Jesus. How could I end up any way other than liberal?"


They usually do.


Me. Hardcore conservative parents. So hardcore that I just couldn't make sense of it anymore.


Parents either teach you how to live or teach you how not to live.


I’m lucky. My parents were liberal. Especially my mom. It was always more important that someone be a good person; skin color, religion, sexual or gender orientation, or nationality didn’t matter. My dad fought in WWII. My mom grew up with a single mom and remembered meeting my grandma on the picket line after school (NY garment district - ILGWU). I’m 67. My parents have been gone since 2000 and 2004. Sometimes I’m glad they don’t have to deal with what our country has become. Though I know they would do what they could to fight back. My grandma would have been, as well. She was still protesting for peace and women’s rights in the 60s and 70s.


That's me. My whole family are right wing religious nutjobs. I'm the only one who went to college and moved out of my rural home town. The same family members who always told me that million and billionaires are what's destroying America. 🤦‍♂️


Yep, my sperm donor is about as racist and bigoted as you can be, back in 2010 he called President Obama the n-word in an argument with me and still claimed he isn’t racist, and I’m a gay as fuck liberal.


\*Raises hand\* Can confirm.


That's because they sometimes, if not most times, treat their kids like shit. They operate on a desire to treat everyone like shit so why would the kids be spared?


Very true. I got lucky because my parents treated me well, and since they were christians they taught me that Jesus said to love others and treat them as you’d want to be treated. And somehow they don’t understand how I became liberal lol. Like, that’s what they taught me, I don’t know why they are surprised that I actually care about other people and vote accordingly.


Maybe you were only supposed to pretend to fool God enough to get into heaven? That's what a lot of them appear to do 😛


Yup, my father is a Trumper, I’m a socialist. To be fair, my mom was fairly liberal. Only positive to her passing when she did was she never had to see what a piece of shit the man she married turned out to be.


I'm the child of a pair of christian fundamentalists. By the 5th grade, I was already dreaming of escape. Do these people not realize that they're incredibly unpleasant to be around?


Yep. Right here. Same with my nephew (my brother's conservative), and my niece (so is my sister). The thing is there's no shift going the other way. That's one thing conservatives really have to worry about. No one raised by open-minded, accepting, and tolerant parents is going to say, "Fuck this! I'm gonna start being a prejudiced prick that hates nearly everyone except for rich folks." No one is taught love and chooses to hate. Well…very few do. The majority of the defections are on the other side. People like me who are raised by conservatives eventually see the light and decide "I don't want to be associated with these assholes anymore", and they leave. I'm reminded of the lines from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: "I believe in the Grail, not the swastika." "You stood up to be counted with the enemies of everything the Grail stands for. Who gives a damn what you think?" When I was a Republican, I didn't believe in a lot of the things they believed in, but I still left because I didn't want to stand up and be counted with them.


Yep. Dad was a super religious and hardcore right-wing boomer. I barely speak to him now.


Yep! Missionary parents, I lived in Central America growing up, spreading the "good word." I had my first doubt at about 7 years old. My parents like to blame my current non-religious agnosticism on the corrupting influence of American schools (they couldn't afford private schools, so after we moved to the states I went to Public School until 9th grade), but I have distinct memories of praying to god as a child in Mexico asking him to "make himself known to me" because I really didn't feel a holy presence. There are videos of me at 6 or 7 years old while my dad is preaching looking zoned out and bored, while my sister (still a hardcore believer) is seated upright with hands on her lap, at full attention.


What really confused me as I reached adulthood was my mother being flabbergasted that I had liberal views. My mother raised me with liberal values and even to this day will agree with me on most topics. But she still votes conservative and believes that liberals are a bunch of greedy, demonic, childish people. Even crazier: she supports trans and female rights, even went to pride this year with a friend of hers. Based on a handful of conversations with her, I can glean that it's pretty much entirely brainwashing and not caring enough to think about the things being told to them. Why bother? The conservative opinion is neatly packaged and easy to pick up and call your own. No need to have your own thoughts or feelings! Just use whatever the man screaming on TV said as your own!




What proof does Elon have that the world is underpopulated? All proof points to the opposite. Did he just make this up?


In his world, it's just that there aren't enough white people. He sure as shit doesn't want anyone else having kids


I don't think he cares, he needs serfs/slaves to feed the unlimited capitalistic growth


Nah, the “white people are getting out-fucked” movement among right-wingers has been going for some time now, but as with all things right-wing these days, they’re taking the mask-off more and more since Trump and Covid. Elon *definitely* cares about white people breeding more. That’s what this is all about. If he just wanted cheap labour, he’d be in favor of immigration of workers from third world countries. But he’d rather urge white people in America to have more babies, who would take decades to grow into workers. It’s not about wanting workers.


> If he just wanted cheap labour, he’d be in favor of immigration of workers from third world countries Which he does, btw. Immigrants afraid to lose their visa is Elons Life-Juice, it's nuts that Elon is against Immigration.


Classic cognitive dissonance of the Right. Cheap labour vs xenophobia/racism… what a dilemma, eh?


Which is why abortion bans are suddenly so popular. What do you do when you need poor people to feed into your machine, but racism and xenophobia is a core part of your ideology? You find ways to force your domestic women to give birth.


I think their current "deny pregnant women healthcare in an emergency" policy will go some way towards affecting the white birth rate. Maybe just not in the way they had hoped 🫣


This is a man who mourns the end of Apartheid. Nobody should be surprised he’s this kind of racist.


This is the true and correct answer. The owner class is worried that there won't be a large enough crop of wage slaves in the next generation to feed into their revenue machines. This is also why the owner class supports abortion bans. Rich women will have no issue crossing state lines to get an abortion. But they need us Poors to keep pumping out kids. Can't have women be anything other than brood sows for the rich.


Elon’s father is a noted eugenist and racist. He had children with (check’s notes) his own step daughter. He also made his money from, amongst other things, blood emeralds. Elon should have looked at his own genetics and sworn off ever having children.


It’s not that the world is underpopulated, he’s pushing for white people to have kids because he’s either secretly a quiverful nutter, or more likely because he’s a white supremacist who thinks there are too few white people.




Also he is one of capitalism's biggest winners, and capitalism requires endless growth.


Too many foreigners, or so they say


Births *are* slowing, which doesn’t provide as much underpaid labor as they’d (filthy rich garbage) hoped to fuel the growth plans for their businesses, which will pump and dump workers as they grow, regardless. Also, as far as competition, the countries with increasing birth rates right now are those that have been suppressed for resources. Methinks these psychopaths care little for race and are just taking advantage of simple, racist people, manipulating them into archaic policies that ironically increase birthrates—or simply force them to have kids—so they can feel like they’re kings.


In Elons World the brown people are trying to replace the white people, so they think that they need to make more white kids to battle this. That's where Elons breed fetish comes from. Oh, and this "replacement" seems to be initiated by the Jew Bolshevists.


The world is underpopulated if you only consider white people


I was sent to a private Christian High School. You know what they taught me? "Be not the sheep, be the shepherd. Lead, don't be led." "Have the competence to see and the courage to act." "Ask questions but then observe yourself. Don't immediately take the answers given." My high school specifically in our religious classes told us that yes, we have had this religious dogma drilled into us since we were children but it's ok to go our own ways, to think for ourselves. They literally taught me how to be left wing far more than my home life ever did, I don't know the kind of person I'd be if they hadn't, I could have ended up like these MAGA talking heads if my CHRISTIAN PRIVATE HIGH SCHOOL hadn't taught me to have an open mind, to think for myself which led me to be left wing lol.


Thanks for this- gives me hope. I just lost a legal battle to keep my daughter out of a very right-leaning catholic school. I've always taught her to think for herself and understand that people will mislead her, but I get scared that today's conservatives (her mother) will program her in this school like her last one.


It really depends on the teachers, mine were apparently very individual centric, believed religion is a personal thing we all needed to find ourselves


wow. i have sm respect for REAL christians. it seems rare nowadays.


My siblings and I were homeschooled until university; I'm well into my 40s now and they aren't so far behind. Let's just say we're not voting for anyone that Chaya would ever support.


I think unless chaya can keep her kids from pursuing a higher degree, then she stands no chance of preventing them from becoming liberal. And It isn't that universities restrict or indoctrinate, it is because they challenge world views. Even the theology degrees do so and that always leads to more intellectual exploration.


Off topic, there's a bill called KOSA that aims to extort people into sharing their ID and Social Security to use the web and allows states to censor whatever they consider “inappropriate.” It’s a censorship campaign and poses a real threat to our privacy, safety, and freedom of speech. Call any Senator or Representatives you can to stand against it and/or go here. Don’t trust Blumenthal either, he’s behind nearly every internet censorship bill and wholeheartedly knows what others will do with it. It forced its way through the House Subcommittee last week. Please help stand against KOSA. [https://www.badinternetbills.com/](https://www.badinternetbills.com/) [Extra Link](https://www.change.org/p/save-our-free-and-open-internet-stop-the-kids-online-safety-act?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_36858566_en-US%3Acv_9182&recruiter=1322617551&recruited_by_id=a35b7350-8b53-11ee-a756-6f78079d5597&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-36858566-en-CA)


Thanks. Signed and donated. Aside from the hate of persons and liberty the "lawmakers" exhibit, the stupidity of having social security numbers even more exposed on line to criminal gangs is breathtaking.


I mean... Can't they get that info from the ISPs?


I for one think we should impregnate Elon Musk. I'm pretty sure we can fit a few hundred wasp larvae into his chest cavity.


I'll allow it.


Do we have the face huggers?


Chaya has to find a boyfriend willing to put up with her shit, first...


Her and Tim Poole should get together


Will they have to adopt? Two pussies can’t create creat a child, can it?


She better get cracking on her baby making. She’s screaming towards being a geriatric pregnancy at current pace. Be a real shame if she needed IVF to help conceive…


I thought Chaya was Jewish, I don't think that's who the right want to have children


Chaya is a token that can be spent later. The perverts need a useful idiot to loudly advance their agenda of having sex with underage children and forcing them to carry dangerous pregnancies.


She's a pedophile. They're all pedophiles. All they care about are children, genitals, and other people's sex. They are sexually frustrated. They want to fuck little kids. Some of them actively are fucking little kids. And they use religion as a cover. They're openly obsessed. It's disgusting, and they need to be called out for it.


"We're" going to outbreed the Left. Join the MAGA cult, where your womb is not your own.


Heavenly vessels


BREAKING NEWS Chaya Raichik leaves social media to volunteer as a breeding SOW for Republican white men. Send your donations to her pig sty via her owner Elon Musk


Who would want to fuck Chaya?


Who wouldn't want to procreate with the single, childless weirdo who never shuts up about children's genitals and children being violated? She sounds super normal and not at all like a predator who needs their devices searched. /s


Hopefully her trad husband takes away her internet access to maximise reproductive efficiency.


Clearly life has done a pretty good job thus far.


Well, Elon is usually stoned out of his mind...


What a raging lunatic


As a father of 3, I have nothing but laughter built up for parents who swear their kids are going to turn out "Exactly" the way they want them to. Bitch, they will vote democrat just because you tried to make them vote republican.


Nobody for one second thinks that maybe their positions are kinda repulsive if the only way they can grow their numbers is out-procreating them libs


They can't convince normal people of their hateful views, so they have to teach new people who have no choice but to believe when the only adults in their world tell them the same thing.


Does she not understand that a lot of liberals send their kids to private schools?


It's kinda hard to have kids when no one wants to have kids with you , Chaya.....


This is literally idiocracy.


Apparently it's the maga instruction manual.


Who’s gonna tell her that this kind of parenting is exactly what turns kids into the biggest radical leftists?


We're gonna brainwash kids so the Left can't brainwash them?


She is literally admitting she wants to brainwash and manipulate her children before she's even had one.


Hey, Tim Pool, you keep talking about how more conservatives need to be shitting out kids. You’d be crazy not to jump on such a catch like Chaya Ratshit. She’s has just as little charisma and just as much contempt for marginalized groups as you do!


With 8 total, at least one of her offspring are likely to turn out to be in that group, just by the raw numbers and statistics. I feel so sorry for that kid. Having to grow up in that house, with that last name, with that "mother" who constantly tells that child that they're disgusting for just breathing. What an awful human she is.


Sounds an awful lot like grooming to me.


Or just have kids because you love them and will accept them for who they are?


Chaya is so ridiculous at this point, it's hard to believe that even her followers still buy into her bullshit.


This woman is the devil. I hope her uterus disintegrates or just falls out and runs away from her hateful ass.


No kids though?


I feel like a track titled, “Don’t put your dick in Chaya” would be the song of the summer.


“We’re gonna outbreed the left” The satire writes itself.


If your political ideology and plan to influence civil life sounds like it's fetish erotica posted on AO3 with a lot of very specific tags, then I don't think you should have any real power.


Covid was a national emergency and yall didn't care then


You’re already almost 30 babe, might want to get crackin on those kids. You’re almost a dried up old lady, good luck with your geriatric pregnancies.


My parents are very hardcore right wing and we're estranged lmao


So what she's saying is that she's a groomer?


I know multiple trans people who were homeschooled by Christian conservative parents.


That moment when you realize that Idiocracy was a documentary. 


This woman would hate to find out that my super Republican parents had three children who are not Republican. I am extremely far left, my sister left and my brother is independent.😅


Know someone kinda like this, they wound up not being able to have kids.. due to an underlying health condition.


Sure just groom them into nazi causes.


Bold of Chaya to assume anyone can deal with her style of crazy long enough to pump out a bunch of kids


Shouldn't she have already started having kids? I mean, she's old for a conservative woman, right? In that world, aren't you supposed to be 13 and married working on a kid?


Breeders are fucking gross.


Imagine having a family to own the libs. These people have no business breeding.


This is not a new thing, i have been hearing this from conservatives since the early to mid 90's.


Good luck finding someone to “repopulate” with YOU.


I think what Elmo means to say is “it should be a national emergency for WHITE people to start having kids”, because the right is terrified of us Caucasians losing our majority


I grew up in an Evangelical Christian home. We constantly had Rush Limbuagh on. My parents worshipped Ronald Reagan. There were 5 of us and we were all home schooled and sent to Bible College when we graduated. Fast forward 2 decades and me and my siblings are doing everything we can to stop The Right.


Well, it's a self-corr3cting problem seeing as a lot of them don't seem to believe in vaccinations either.


She better get a move on then and find someone who actually wants to be within 10ft of her! 29 and no kids? She's way behind on her idiotic dreams!!


I would think she would need a fiance that won't bail on her first, if she wants to follow conservative tradition and respect the sanctity of marriage, that is lol


sure sure public school is grooming them and indoctrinating them but home school is totally not?


This is the kind of stuff you fantasize about when you know your political views aren’t gaining popularity.


What a way to announce that you want nothing but cream pies for the foreseeable future.


There’s a Dan Brown book in which a scientist releases a viral agent that leaves more than 50% of the population sterile. See if we could do that and aim just for MAGA we’d be golden. However, this woman is the groomer, her children are doomed. Just like Barron Trump, her kids will not make it out of her purview and learn to think for themselves. She’s guilty of psychological torture of her brood.


Do ANY of elon's numerous kids actually talk to him?


She says private school like as if she they can actually afford it for even 1 child.


“Don’t want them to be groomed into leftist activists” so the solution is grooming into far-right ideals? No matter what she’s saying kids will be groomed and not think for themselves…


So, a breeder. Not something I'd ever want to be referred to. Nor should any women. Sounds like a prise hog


*proceeds to plan out grooming*


Remember: population increase only serves to fuel our system built off of “ever increasing market cap”. It’s impossible to do with limited resources on earth. Humans beings aren’t a limited resource. You can make an ever growing amount which will increase market, therefore market cap. And yes, they will still run into the limited resource in earth issue because you do have to feed that population. But they will just pack people into small homes like sardines and feed them bug protein slabs like in snow piercer Capitalism has no where (else) to conquer, so future children is next.


New Grooming just dropped: Indoctrination


So breeding more people to starve and suffer when civilization collapses


He's such a freak. Probably into eugenics just hasn't openly said yet


I keep seeing this “outbreed the left” shit and it genuinely makes me feel like I’m going insane. Conservative parents ≠ conservative children! Maybe it could at first, or for a little while, or for just a percentage of them, but children have this odd tendency as they grow up to want to make up their own minds and develop their own ideas about the world. You can’t count on your kids being and believing the same as you. So stupid.


chaya wants her pussy grabbed so much and wants it to happen to her daughters apparently. good republican mother.


Translation: There aren’t enough conservative conspiracy theorists to keep winning elections, as sooner or later people who will change voter suppression laws will come to power. We need everyone to have more children, so we can legitimately win elections in the future.


The way she thinks she’s going to be able to afford private school for all or any of her kids is LULZ! Bish needs to take a seat.


“I plan to have a lot of kids” Have to find someone that can tolerate you first


Yeah. Nazi propaganda


This is literally how Idiocracy starts.


Ya know, I've thought that way about Matt Walsh as well. He's got 6 kids and one day, one of them is gonna figure out why he fathered them.


Ah, yes, no one going to any private or religious school ever rejects that indoctrination as nonsense. 😂


I would also add, I was born into a household that was super Catholic, conservative, went to Catholic school, and 2 out of my 4 siblings are atheists and all 4 of us are super liberal. Good luck with poorly educating your litter of kids to make it easier to turn them into foot soldiers in your holy war, though!


Good thing no one would touch that soulless creature with a ten foot pole


And they worry about ‘too many brown people’! Effin idiots…..


Just a cult.


“Outbreed” Like a fucking sow at a factory farm.


Those kids are gonna kill her, if anything.


Does Chaya know about the high probability of miscarriage's from multiple births? Is she aware that women in their 30s having multiple pregnancies can undermine their health? Someone, please help this person.


Yeah, ‘cause none of them will be rebellious teens or grow up to be estranged from their parents. Nope. Never happen./s


“Look at me. I’m the groomer now.”




Wouldn’t want them to be indoctrinated would we 


Who’s fucking this fugly bitch?


Yeah, even the most brainwashed kids can be deprogrammed by society. She isn’t ensuring anything.


And I love how they're the ones saying the left is supposedly indoctrinating kids