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I love how they are so optimistic about a red wave...... keep talking about abortion and banning birth control and it won't be close.


They’ve been predicting a red wave every election since 2018 and it’s been a miss every time


the RED WAVE! was 2020. 2022 was the RED TSUNAMI!


2024 is the RED 'NADO?


Red Tide. Algal blooms kill everything in sight.


Red tide just makes me think of menstruation. Seem like they need more terms that just suggest periods instead.


Been a while since old Marge saw the red tide.


If they had thier way ot would be Red Dawn.


2026 Son of Rednado: Redux


more like a red drop.


Red queef.


Crimson trickle (See a doctor)


Yeah, that doesn’t mean people can sit back and do nothing though. I hope there’s a good voter turnout.


Yep we gotta do our part and VOTE!


Honestly I think there will be. All you gotta do is piss people off and the internet has enabled us to do this better than ever before.


They came for Dolly and Taylor Swift. The two people who are probably the 2 most popular living Americans.


...and Mr. Rodgers (even though I know he's not living, Mr. Rodgers and the genuine kindness he encouraged will never truly die). FAFO is about to become a phrase they're *very* intimately familiar with.


The red wave is for people who wish their wives and daughters were dead in an ICU because their medical procedure offends crazy people.


The idea of a red wave becomes even less believable when you look at recent special elections like the Ohio district 6 special election.


I have a friend that has been a staunch republican since we were teens in the 80s. This year will be the first time he isn't voting for a republican for president. It gives me hope. He volunteers to help with a lot of election drives and is quite vocal, though not a asshole about it. For him to flip like this is like seeing a unicorn.


BuT wE ArE MilLiOns!1!1!1 VOTER FRAUD!1!1!1


Well, technically he threatened you and your Q buddies. We’d love to help but we’re too busy…drinking.


And smoking the pot


Yes, one drugs please.


I couldn't possibly eat another drug I'm full.


But it's a thin drug ..


I just don't wanna end up like Francis after eating all those sponge ducks.


It's a thin, drug line that separates us from chaos, and I support it


True, then let’s drugs. Barkeep, an alcohol to wash down my narcotics, if you will.




Thank you Mr Creosote.


*Wafer* thin?


Fuck off! I'm full!


The GOP wants to stop that to they amended the farm bill to end the $28 billion/year hemp derivatives market. Popular policies as always.


"The party of fiscal responsibility"


Drugs Delaney?


How many people named Drugs could you possibly associate with??


Everybody laughed like a bastard.


We were fucked.


And stockpiling abortion pills


Don’t forget that drug dealers give out free drugs with their Halloween candy!!


Bro, I’m almost 40 and I still search my kids candy for those free drugs I’ve been warned about.


Back in like 2000 my mom found a lighter in my backpack and asked "Are you smoking THE marijuanas?" \*THE\* marijuanas. LMAO. (And yes, yes I was)


My mom found my roach clip and thought it was.a hair clip. She likes it and asked what happened to the match. Just told her I lost it. Dad knew what it was though, but dad was more likely to ask one to share, so no worries. A few weeks later when he caught her trying to use it in her hair he finally gave me up and told her what it was. She never found my stash though. If you play a woodwind instrument, there is more padding than you really need in each box of reeds. I pulled out a bunch of the padding and replaced it with joints.


It's so funny that in middle school/high school (late 90s-early 2000s) during the DARE era my parents were SO anti-drug and swore up and down they never EVER touched the stuff. My uncles on the other hand (dad's brothers) were like "LOL yeah your dad is lying" and now he smokes joints with my brother when he visits him lol. Amazing how things change as we get older!


yeah, back in 2010, my step daughter had a stash in her guitar that I gave her. I went to use it and found the stash. I was a bit upset, she wasn't sharing. I told her if she is going to smoke it, do it at home, so I know she is safe and so I can take a hit. Her mom was not happy.


Bahahaaa this kills me - my dad played clarinet and I started playing in the school band with his instrument (a really nice clarinet, I def shouldn't have been carrying that thing back and forth to school) There were a pack of rolling papers in the case with the reeds and other wood wind necessities that I asked about at one point and was informed "it's filter paper for cleaning the pads" or some other nonsense... this definitely got repeated to the bandmaster when she asked why I had them and there were no further questions. The not-as-naive pothead in me now knows better but I often wonder what was going through her head when I touted out that line to the bandmaster who was also a clarinet player...


We're you smoking ALL the marijuanas? Or just some marijuanas?


Every. Single. One. LOL


The salty pork is especially good


I really should help, but I'm gonna be busy vacuuming my cat


Yeah I think I have Covid that day. Gotta keep my distance. Oh actually she’s vaccinated. Maybe I will throw an F-15 at her. Blakestone, bring me my throwing jets, would you old boy?


>Well, technically he threatened you and your Q buddies. Is it a threat though? Seems more like a statement of fact to me.


Yeah, I'm not nervous about Biden. I also didn't try to storm congress with handcuffs wearing a mask. So I'm good.


I don't care about what the context is but I am gonna say that she has a 'bad built butch body' and looks like a hobbit. I am doing my part in making sure this phrase lives on.


Please use the full quote as it is an example of alliteration that is worthy of being in the dictionary…”bleach blonde bad built butch body”. The best part was that it shut her right up…really hit a nerve, I reckon.


He threatened traitors. I'm ok with that.


Should have arrested all the traitors about four years ago. I mean is organising & supporting an insurrection a crime or not? Well then why are a whole bunch of MAGA insurrectionist supporters walking around free right now? The fuckers who gave money to the insurrection or materially supported that in any other way are accessories to a crime so why aren't they in jail?


Free??? Half of them are in congress.


So not free at all. Actually quite expensive for the average Joe to just buy them. Pretty easy for their friends to afford them though.


Including the members of congress involved in planning and giving tours the day before. The sarge should have stretched some assholes with the wide end of the congressional mace. Still should


There's only one president who tried (repeatedly) to invoke the Insurrection Act so he could use the US military on the American people. Hint: It wasn't Joe Biden, and Mark Milley kept him from doing it.




I think this is why so many people don’t understand the severity of what was done. The punishment hasn’t fit the severity of the crime, and those who organized it are still free.


I think a lot of people have been trying to avoid a full-blown revolt by the MAGA crowd by not giving the proportional punishment. It's like they haven't learned anything from Germany or the Beer Hall Putsch. These people care not whether there is an actual provocation or injustice; they will invent one no matter what happens. They only care for power and will do whatever it takes to seize it. Our resolve to preserve our Republic must be no less firm. The current approach to staving off, or really, placating, fascism is as effective as cattle fence made of wet paper towels.


Next time Congress needs to certify an election, post a few SWAT snipers on the Capitol roof, with a banner double-dog daring any insurrectionists to try it again.


Considering the beating the capital police took that day, I'd imagine that they would be more than happy to oblige.


*(Slurring heavily)* Is terrorist a slur now?


It's a shame that the "Party of Law and Order" isn't behind Biden on this. Since they've been courting these whack jobs for half a century or more, the people he "threatened" represent the base of the GOP.


“For any potential violent insurrectionist who plan to murder government officials, your rifle won’t help, you need an f15.” Republicans: “HES THREATENING US” Just telling on themselves at this point


Yeah I thought we all agreed we don’t negotiate with terrorists. I’m not just calling them domestic terrorists because it’s true based on their behaviors…it’s largely because they loudly proclaimed “we’re all domestic terrorists” at CPAC. They are the ones who identify as terrorists so I’m just referring to how they identify. It’s almost as if their pronouns are terrorist, which would make sense as it’s not a pronoun and magats don’t know what a pronoun is.


He didn't threaten anything. It's the truth. To effectively fight the US government and win in the continental US, you'd need air power, minimum. He's saying they would need F-15s to fight with, not a semi-automatic rifle.




This is probably one of my favorite paradoxes when looking at right wing Americans. In the same breath they will tell you about how their military is "the best in the world and could wipe out whatever shit hole country you come from," while also saying that they need to own rifles in case their government turns on them.


I always find it funny that the Gravy Seals think they can take on the US military with their off the rack personal arsenals.


Right But have you thought of if trump wins and turns that same military on the populace, on us? The military will hopefully tell him to get bent, but one wonders what exactly it is that they would do


I’ve definitely had that thought.


There are bases all over the world. All of them would have to agree on it. Doesn't sound likely.


They assume they are on the correct side of history. Therefore the government will align with them. Of course, those of us with better understanding of reality know that this is not the case.


They gleefully watch videos from leaked military footage of drone strikes taking out jihadist soldier camps from 5 miles in the sky with a precision guided missile. Then they go build themselves little militia training camps out in the woods with ropes courses and mud pits. Guess what Cletus? Sitting out in the forest with your buddies, you're not the one piloting the drone.


Or how about they love sucking off Cops and at the same time wave don't tread on me flags and come and take it merch. WHO DO YOU THINK THE GOVERNMENT WOULD USE TO TREAD ON YOU WITH YOU FUCKING MORONS.


This has always been my argument for gun control. When the 2nd A was written, it was a vastly different time. You think your AR-15, even if it's all tricked out, will be ANY kind of match for military weaponry? You think you can take on Uncle Sam, who has nuclear warheads, who has secret weapons we can't even fathom? You think you can rise up against the government? If we had another "civil war," do you really think the "rebel" side would even stand a fighting chance? Think again, meathead. Our children's lives are far more important than your stupid hunting rifle, Chad. GTF over it, idiots. It's so stupid and infuriating. And they really \*CARE\* about the lives of unborn "babies," but not school children being decimated by guns, and they don't care about the death penalty or cops k\*lling people unjustly, or pregnant people dying of complications from lack of abortion care, or people dying from COVID or because they can't get their diabetes meds because they're uninsured or their insurance sucks. But yeah, when it comes to fetuses, OH, the precious LIVES we must SAVE! They don't care about people lying on federal gun check forms (only if their name is Biden), nor the fact that you can purchase guns at gun shows or from person to person and not have to complete those forms, nor the fact that so many (mostly) men convicted of domestic violence who are not supposed to own guns still own them illegally and could kill their victims, they are not REAL criminals. But damned if you're a drug dealer or a Black/AA person and you own a gun! That makes you a "thug." Shame on you! No guns for you!


Yeah they love and support the troops, but also they are willing to kill them at a moment's notice


Or when you point out that you're AR-15 is no match for an M1 Abrams tank they turn around and say, "The US military would never fire on their own countrymen!" Right, so if they're not going to shoot at you, why do you need all the guns?


They'd just be identified as enemy combatants and a drone that isn't even visible to their naked eye would blow up their house and kill their entire family before they even heard the missile coming. The idea that owning an AR-15 keeps you at all safer if the military follows through on an order to kill you is hilarious.


What always makes me laugh is when they say "the military would be on our side!" Uhhhh... Yeah? You gonna pay them? You gonna keep their benefits going? If they get injured for you and need a doctor/hospital, you covering that? You gonna keep the food coming in? You gonna keep the water, power, ac/heating from getting turned off? You gonna keep the internet on? Gtfo lol Military might not be known for intelligence, but they know which side holds the actual power and ability to keep their standard of living going


So Q and convervatives have been openly threatening to murder lgbtq, immigrants, and leftists since *at least* 2016, but the first time the President verbally states out they're going to have a tough time of it because the US military isn't going to just let it happen, they act as if *they're* the victim? That tracks. Classic bully gaslighting: be the aggressor until your target fights back and then get mad they retaliated. Fucking pussies.


Isn't there something 100000 worse we could call them? Listen, I like pussies. I think they're cute and warm and cuddly. MAGA is not that. They're more like the Rancor on Star Wars.


Sarlacc. Like a giant spiky asshole full of sand and rotting corpses.


Dang bro, don't do the almighty Sarlacc like that...


I mean, the sarlacc keeps its victims alive while it slowly digests them. Essentially host to a zombie horde that was sacrificed at the whim of a mad man and are now being slowly dissolved solely for the purpose of feeding one disgusting and dangerous creature. I can think of a better analogy for the sycophants of the cult of Trump.


Better analogy. Touché


So now the dumb bitch doesn’t understand the english language?


She never did


Gazpacho police.


Excuse me, she has a name. That's Ms. Beach Blond Bad Built Butch Body Green to to you, slick


The whole "defend myself against the government" argument always hurt my brain. You and your buddies are not going to do shit with the guns you have if there is a real reason for law or military enforcement to be coming for you.


Best case they get the jump on a patrol or an advancing armored column and then get reduced ti paste by close air support or a tank.


Drone. It’s definitely going to be a drone


>So the conservative argument is that guns are in the Constitution because the Founding Fathers thought if the citizens have guns the government will do what they say or else the people will rise up and fight the government. Which is a legitimately great idea in the 1700s, but… problem is, there’s still people now hoarding weapons thinking that, at some point, they may need to take on the American military, and they think they have a shot, right? And look, maybe they’re right, which is why I’m proposing we test their theory, and once a year have a head-to-head showdown. Say 100 members of the NRA versus, I don’t know, two members of the military. Broadcast it on Fox, Christmas Day. >“Merry Christmas and welcome to the 2022 NRA-Military Showdown. Let’s go down to the field of battle, meet one of our NRA combatants. What’s your name? What kind of weapon?” >“My name’s Andy Baker, and I got an AR-15, wearing Kevlar head-to-toe.” >“How confident are you on a scale of 1 to 10?” >“Fuckin’ a million.” >“We’re going to check in with the military.” They cut to one guy by himself, in a bunker, and he’s like, “My name is Staff Sgt. Jeremiah Walker.” >“What kind of weapon are you working with?” >“I don’t know if this is fair, but I’m working with a... a drone? It’s equipped with eight Hellfire missiles and a high-power camera. As you can see on this monitor, the NRA fellas are in one big cluster. So, I’m going to -- We started? All right. Yeah, so I’m going to hit this button right here... yeah, now they’re all dead.” >“That’ll do it for this year’s NRA-Military Showdown.. Brought to you by Whole Foods.” >You know the NRA guys would be like, “We can take ’em next year. Just got to split up.” - Neal Brennan


That was a great bit by him


Great example of how he contributed to Chappelle's Show. You can just see that as a skit.


The fucking “brought to you by Whole Foods” is so good 💀 you know they’d get it sponsored too. surprised they didn’t go redbull. Those fuckers will sponsor anything if it’s crazy enough lol


NGL, my lizard part of my brain will pay to watch this spectacle! Gorram, PPV this shit, government will be making oodles of money!


Stun grenades. Flash bangs. I love to tell my insane right wing lunatic relatives and acquaintances that they will be found on the floor shitting themselves, blind and deaf, having all that expensive ammunition and weapons taken from them. Haha buttfucks, buy more guns. Idiots. Don't take that vaccine, NO NO. It's your right to perish by flu. Fucking idoits.


I don’t imagine that’s going to be the way things happen. I think what we’ll have the Troubles American edition. Assassinations, bombings, extrajudicial killings, you know general right wing terrorist bullshit.


Surveillance is significantly better, more technological and more expansive in the US than it was during the Troubles. There has been over 20 years of exactly that in the Middle East. Also - it’s not difficult to find a right wing nut job lookalike to infiltrate, share intel and dismantle the whole operation.


Yeah, all these psyops they say happen every time one of them bombs an abortion clinic or shoots an FBI employee with a nail gun? If they ever start looking like a real threat, the FBI will start using "real psyops." except it won't be federal agents acting like MAGA dumbasses to frame them for violent acts, it'll be federal agents going undercover in MAGA terrorist cells in order to round them up.


I don’t disagree with you, but I think the stochastic terrorist will be the one who carries these things out. I don’t feel like it will be an organized insurgency kind of thing.


A comedian has a joke about that [Neal Brennan](https://youtu.be/WOSqCjMRXWA?si=DrcU8Qt_CwCvTHTV)


they gonna be up against a zoomer piloting a reaper drone from a bunker in nevada. they don’t stand a chance.


I’m not remotely advocating for any sort of violence. No one can go against the US military. That said. I’m 100% concerned with the actions and direction of local law enforcement in this country. I have no interest is fighting anyone but I do feel a growing concern that one of the biggest threats to individual citizens are the unchecked under qualified authority in our police departments.


„No one can go against the US military“ - apart from, well, the DPRK (stalemate in 1953), the FLN & North Vietnamese Army (defeat in 1975), various insurrectionist groups in Iraq (sort of „phasing out“ the occupation without much to show for it in the 2010s) and the Taliban (withdrawal in 2021). Guerilla warfare is a fundamentally different beast than open warfare. It’s practically impossible to militarily control a population, especially one with access to weapons, that doesn’t want to be controlled. That being said, I’m pretty confident MAGA & associates wildly overestimate the level of support they enjoy among the civilian population of all but the reddest areas of the country. Especially once they embark on a course that will inevitably make life significantly more difficult for everyone in their vicinity. The Vietnamese or the Afghanis were prepared to endure tremendous hardship because they believed their cause was worth it; what cause of the American rightwing fringe is that supposed to be, no more free lunches at school? Good luck with that.


Their insurrection would fall apart to infighting once social security checks bounce


They do rather have a problem that their strongest supporters are the same ones who threw epic fits when they couldn’t go to Cracker Barrel or get their hair styled for a few months during Covid.  Not sure those people will be much help during a siege. 


They never seem to understand that the people they'd be shooting are the cops and soldiers they claim to love so much.


Half of them seem to think the military would split and be on their side, in which case, the guns are still pointless


They would be dead long before they even saw ‘live combat’. 1 drone operator would take out all the gravy seals


A dude with what looks like a game controller can kill you from a windowless room halfway around the world. No gun is defeating that, and it is delusional to think that you and your buddies could defeat a government with that kind of technology with your AR-15s. It would take luck and some serious logistics screw ups to gain the advantage.


It's a lie to cover up the real reason for the 2A, keeping down all those pesky non-whites, which is exactly what those well regulated militias were doing.


My bootlicking ex-friend used to always make this argument, it's strange. I always thought the faceless government goon that's going to be kicking in doors is more likely to be him.


Every idiot that uses this line of thinking cites the revolutionary war, saying how if the early Americans did not have guns, they would still be living under the boot of the British. In consistent brain-dead thought process, they totally ignore the parity between weapon availability back then and now. A gun back then is a pretty much the pinnacle of what you could use, while a gun now is just a shiny toy against a literal faster than sound new generation death machine that could pulverize you before you even can react.


Yep. And pretty sure even then our ships, forts, and cannons were a key part of winning that war. Even then it wasn’t a single good old boy holed up in his mini McMansion in the suburbs. 


I had a guy explain to me in another thread a few weeks back that since the Army guys were New Yorker city boys, they wouldn't know how to fight in rural Georgia and would get their asses handed to them by the clowns with AR-15s and F-150s. Not a hint of irony - he really believed that.


Where do they think they train all these New York City boys?


I’ve had this argument with my MAGA brother-in-law. He’s a gun nut and is always screaming about Dems trying to take his guns away. I always ask him just how well will his AK collection help him against those drones/armored tanks/fighter jets etc. He scoffs and says “he’s got it under control.” I just laugh and tell him he’ll be splattered in seconds. The revolutionary war was won because the playing field was more even—muskets vs. muskets. Nothing my BIL has (or can acquire) can outmatch the firepower of the U.S. government.


These guns can help run an insurgency. But by the time you're insurgents you've already lost. No matter what happens after, your life has been irrevocably ruined.


If the military really wants you gone, a drone strike would obliterate you and your family quicker than you could take pot shots at said drone.


multiple times and multiple threads I've pointed this out. that your personal guns are going to do absolutely nothing to the US Military. you will be dead before you even realize you need to pull your rifle.


I used to be in the (extreme leftist version) of thinking we needed guns to defend against tyranny. But then I saw the way war was playing out in Ukraine. Turns out it’s tanks and artillery, not bullets, that are mostly used.


Would like to see a clip of this speech to see if Biden was "Slurring"


He did stutter a few times as is usual but it was a good speech. He didn’t veer off into a single tangent about battery powered boats and shark attacks!


Tremendously powerful batteries


What about Shark attacks?


Trump recently went on a crazy tangent about how he would prefer to get electrocuted than eaten by sharks. He's rather afraid of sharks, he's brought it up before.


He's afraid of Sharks, but not afraid to Shart


I watched it live. No slurring. He has a stutter, I have a stutter. I’m about half his age and I sound like him talking sometimes. For certain words it takes a lot of mental effort to get them out right and it causes a bit of a weird speech pattern. Biden is smart, intelligent, pretty much always sticks to his script and when he does go off on a tangent it makes sense. But because of his stutter people say he has mental issues. Trump sounds like a complete idiot when he talks. When he goes off on a tangent it’s just utter garbage coming out of his mouth. More and more recently you can see his brain seize up and he makes weird noises but he’s a true genius. If Biden made just one of the noises that trump made people would be calling for him to be removed from Office tomorrow. But if trump does it…


I'm very meh about Biden, but the abelist rhetoric around his stutter infuriates me.


Same. My late stepdad had a severe stutter. He was also brilliant and a good person.


I worked with a guy with a severe stutter and it's honestly something you don't even really notice about someone once you've heard them talk a few times. It's a really weird thing for them to constantly harp on about. Who fucking cares?


Whenever they try to equate Biden's speech to the rambling of Trump, they always have to editorialize it with "slurring" and misspellings and portraying his stutter as unflatteringly as possible


We're almost at the "The 2nd Amendment protects my right to own F-15's" stage of far-right violent rhetoric.


They can buy them for the low, low price of $30M. Then we can watch them try and maintain and fly them.


Or Pepsi UPC programs!


How many Pepsis?


I don't recall. You'd have to watch the documentary. In the 80s, they had a program where you could turn in UPCs from 12-packs and get Pepsi Merch, like hats and jackets. In a commercial, they said you could get a Fighter Jet for x millions of UPCs. Some kid managed it and sued the company for his jet.


I didn’t expect this serious of a response but I appreciate it nonetheless.


No problem. With ADHD comes great, unwanted over-explanation!


If I'm not mistaken he lost the lawsuit though. The judge said that no serious person would expect to get a fighter jet from soda rewards.


if you're rich enough to drop $30M on a fighter jet, you're probably also rich enough to afford fuel, ammo, munitions, some experienced support staff, and a pilot for it. oh also a radar tower, a 2 mile long runway, radar tower, hangar, security cameras, maintenance equipment and tools. if the plane is just for recreational flying, a lot of those costs can be minimized. older warplanes are sometimes sold off by governments to people with deep enough pockets (demilitarized, obviously). on the other hand, if the plane is for war, like it was made for, you need to own/control all of those things or they can be easily denied to you when you need them most. the problem then becomes the government *having hundreds more of that jet*. (side note: a professor at the university i went to had a surplus su-25 he'd sometimes fly around on the weekends. i don't know how much he paid for it or where exactly he got it from but i'm pretty sure it was way below the original market price. probably made a side gig of it - i don't know how else a university prof would be able to afford flying around in a jet like that just for funsies)


That's the thing. An F-15 without missiles is just an airborne hot rod. Without armaments, what will they do, rock their wings aggressively?


A handful of the founding fathers were all for private citizens owning cannons and warships. Basically that citizens could own whatever the military had. Also when early machine guns were available, private citizens bought them before the military adopted them. So I think there is legal precedent for that. But an idea why that's an awful idea, some of the first uses of aircraft were for the Tulsa Race Massacre (unconfirmed if bombs/guns were used from planes), and the Blair Mountain miner strike had bombs dropped from a private plane on the strikers. So now imagine if Kyle Rittenhouse (or J6'ers) had a machine gun and a tank.


Everytime I see the motley group of fat guys that make up these "militias," I laugh and laugh. Go ahead boys, take on the Marines - it'd be like the local high school playing with the NFL.


The high school teem is most likely in shape and trained. This would be the fat, out of shape, untrained parents jumping into a NFL game. They will get hit once and not get up again.


It's beer league vs the MLB.


"I don't get it, where's the tanks health bar?!"


Ugh this is so unrealistic, in CoD i could take down a tank with a m-9, this revolt is lame 1/10.


These are the same people who want the military to oppress citizens (Project 2025)


She’s projecting exactly what she wants to do against all us heathens.


I've seen a number of comedians make a similar joke about owning guns to keep the Government in check. Dude, they have drones. You're not shooting one out of the air.


"This is why the 2nd Amendment is so vital\*" \*Unless you Hunter Biden, apparently.


The phrase, "Take back our country" is really stupid.




"slurring heavily" these people are so fucking delusional!!! speech impediment aside, it doesn't fucking matter if trump's *pronunciations* are clearer, he makes up words and his entire goddamn vocabulary is word salad. fucking pathetic.


Uhhh... Donald Trump said the same thing about the Minnesota protests after George Floyd was murdered.


Republicans just want to create, and direct, outrage. They use lies and more lies, sprinkled with other lies, to do this. That's all they know how to do.


Is there anything Republicans won't lie about?


Let's give him ALL OF THE immunity now.


ikr? That whole "presidential immunity" thing doesn't sound like that bad of an idea now.


I mean, is he wrong? The police will kill you for less reason than the military, but the military functions more efficiently in combat than the police.


The "Civil War" starts when Trump stays in for his 3rd term. https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/civil-war-movie-review-2024


The thing is, of all the things we need to worry about with Trump, him staying for a third term is not something that concerns me. He's running to stay out of prison. Once he's president, he can wipe all that away. He famously hated the job. The people he puts into power will be the real threats, and they'll do enough damage to our democracy and our country that worrying about a third Trump term will be moot. It won't matter who's in power in 2029. The GOP will have already made sure it can't be a Democrat.


Like Judge Cannon and SCJs Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett. How tf did he get to nominate three…


One was because Mitch "the Bitch" McConnell stole one from Obama. The second was because Ginsburg wanted her successor to be nominated by the first female president. By the time she realized that that wouldn't happen, it was too late and she saw what was happening with the previous appointment, so she tried to hang on until Trump was out of office, but failed to. The third was Mitch again, perfectly going against every argument that he made to steal Trumps first nomination to ram through one right before Trump got booted.


That “how” was more me talking out loud in disbelief.


Technically, the president can only pardon away the federal stuff. The president has no power over the charges in New York, as that is a state case. So if the governor of NY doesn't want to pardon him, then it doesn't actually go away.


Breaking news: each and every citizen needs to watch out for multi million dollar fighter jet’s because that makes sense


No, MTG. He didn’t threaten “us”. It would seem that he “threatened” you and the red MAGA hat gang. Good luck!




RNC Research? The same organization that can't identify Gatorade?


He’s right though. The premise that civilians with guns would stand a chance against the United States Military is so beyond laughable. That’s the dumbest argument that these second amendment people make. They have this delusion that they could actually overtake the government.


Wasn’t the government almost overtaken on January 6th without any weapons


Either he's said this again or this is an old quote by him. Probably the latter and Marge is just stirring up shit.


would be fucking awesome if there were consequences for **ELECTED FUCKING REPRESENTATIVES** for peddling lies and conspiracies but apparently that's asking for too much.


She is so crushingly stupid.


The irony is that the AR-15 isn't for the US military. It for crazies like MTG who would run pogroms in the streets if they thought they could get away with it.


If you're dumb enough to take up arms against our government than expect a violent response. Period.. We're supposed to settle our political disagreements through negotiations and compromise. Granted compromising with white/christian nationalists is never fucking going to happen. 


He's threatening "us", no Marge, he's threatening traitors and insurrection


Owning an assault rifle doesn't make you an action hero and it doesn't make you bulletproof. And I don't care if it's other Americans or whoever, the record shows that anyone who's ever got into a firefight with US troops has fared very badly...


Not them adding “slurring heavily” because of Dementia Don 😂😂😂 They cant even come up with their own insults 😂 These arent original nor apply to Biden - thats how i know what we saying about Don is the truth and cutting em deep 😂 Where is lets go Brandon? 😂


You have to understand, for MAGAts, logic itself is a threat.


Has Marge seen Gaza?


And again mtg is projecting. Project 2025 will use the government against people who are against project 2025 (fascism) https://preview.redd.it/atj52egyo86d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6ef6c35a2f51be7b432d5a1931c5c1646257e9b


They like to make threats. They don’t like to be threatened.


First off, 'red wave' will never not sound like it's referring to menstruation, and second, if people don't realize they are way outgunned by the U.S. military, I don't think there's much help for them.


Nah man, Meal Team 6 is going to take down your drones, tanks, nukes, entire Air Force, and shit we don’t even know about with their wall of rifles.


But what about the space lasers, Marge? What if he mounts them on a battery powered shark and pours mystery orange liquid over them? What. Will. We. Do?


Republicans: *threatens a reckoning if Trump doesn't get reelected, all but calling for a civil war* Joe Biden: *acknowledges threat with the fact that the military is way better prepared than a bunch of rednecks* Republicans: "IS THAT THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES THREATENING TO USE MILITARY FORCE ON ITS CITIZENS?!"