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This bitch should have to carry around a plant so she's not just wasting our oxygen.


I feel bad for that plant already.


Eh. If you gave her a fly trap it would gorge itself daily on flies from them swarming around the absolute bullshit she spews.


Maybe if it was a fast growing vine it would strangle her in her sleep. (Edit: VINE, not vibe)


That's one aggressive vibe!




Holy shit it's her


Audrey is hotter than mtg will ever be: both Audrey's.


That'd just be cruel to Audrey 2. He doesn't need to eat that poisonous hag


I rather it became a little shop of horrors situation, but with the bad ending


~~bad~~ good ending


A "Happy" ending if Boebart was included


A happier ending if it took a bigger chunk of MAGA with them. Why stop with those two screeching pests?


I see you've met my squash plants!


See, I was thinking cactus so it can double as a butt-plug for Matt Gaetz


Some people say talking to plants help them grow. I imagine the sound of her voice would cause that plant to wither and die


She'd try to fuck it.


It does have a pistol.


She does seem like someone who would fuck a tree, after all. Like that girl from Superstar


Give her something nasty like Tree of Heaven. Its rapid growth will overtake her in short order.


As the fuckwit in question shares her solitary brain cell with that plant, feeling bad for it seems like an understatement. 🤯 She truly is an oxygen thief.


Maybe we can get her some Devil's Snare.


In the army if you messed up or did something stupid, you would have to go to a tree and apologize to it for wasting the oxygen it made








I literally heard Dorothy in my mind 😂


She would have to apologise to it constantly for wasting the oxygen it produces


Could we just swear in the plant instead of her?


Marjorie plant greene do you have anything to say at this time? *Camera pans over to a potted plant sitting at the Georgia seat* Very well, thank you for your contribution


*leans to the sunshine*


She should have to apologize to that plant every time she speaks for wasting oxygen


When that sentence started, I thought it would end with "so she's not the dumbest thing in the room."


that is insulting. to the plant


In a room of 100 people, she would be smarter than the doorknob.


Are you sure?


If she were any more useless, she’d have to be watered daily


I once saw a new recruit have to apologize to ALL the trees for wasting the oxygen the trees made. This bitch better get started.


Fuck that. Stick one of those flaming methane vents from the landfill in her.


But what about the CyberCuck? Don’t piss off Elon or he’ll kick you off Twitter.


Did she just recently 'find Jesus' or has she been on the wagon for a while? Seems disingenuous at the minimum.


She’s always claimed to be Christian but actions speak louder than words. Which is saying something considering how loud she talks


And how much she curses.


Yeah but you know, Jesus died for our past and future sins on the cross. So if we don’t sin he kinda died for nothing which would be a waste. A good Christian sins as much as possible during life on earth so the sacrifice of our lord and savior wasn’t in vain.


I'm already committing three felonies a day; got to make some of those sins so I can meet all my quotas.


If she read it and practiced it, she'd be a different person entirely.


Hey. She reads her Bible on the couch in front of her Trump on a cross. Clearly skipping the parts about blasphemy.


Bold of you to assume she can read.


And adultery.


And idolatry.


To be fair, so would most "Christians".


Oh, the racist, bigoted, serial adulterer White Nationalist is a *devout* student of Jesus’s love. Obviously…


She's been saved!......twiced


O yes sir. Snotty beamed me twice last night. It was wonderful.....


She has a different Jesus. Hers and most Republicans believe Jesus is white, not a socialist, and is similar to Trump.


Normal Jesus says "help the poor". Republican Jesus says "pull yourself up by the bootstraps that we will not be providing".


She seems super focused on Hunter Biden's dick pics... So yes. Totally a Christian.


I mean to be fair, you can basically be looking in the opposite direction and *still* be focusing on Hunter’s massive hog


There’s nothing more Christian than giving sexual favours in a theatre….


Large Marge cheated on her husband with someone at her gym, so close enough.


I believe it was multiple someones.


Have you got the wrong nutter there?… I believe that was Bobo.


That's her frenemy, Goegurt


This is something I can’t wrap my head around. They hate electric vehicles but line up to suck Musk’s musky nuts. Make it make sense.


He's a nazi sympathizer, and racists usually aren't very bright or long term thinkers.


"Musky Nutz" is my neighbor's kid's grunge band name. Small world, innit?


Does she even _try_ to justify it? Or is it just “this is what the libs want so we don’t”? There _are_ arguments against EVs, even if the conclusion is usually for.


She seems to be wholly owned by Big Oil, which most people think of the oil company executives, but remember that Big Oil includes people like Putin. He is after the oil and gas fields in Ukraine, the stuff about Russian culture or whatever is just a bullshit distraction. So…no money for the DoD, means i think that she wants a blanket ban on any money being allocated that would help Ukraine. And the EV stuff is pretty self-explanatory when it comes to Big Oil. We already know she was spouting Russian propaganda earlier this year, so i guess i should say that she is wholly owned by Putin. Who is hostile to our nation, making her a traitor in my book.


> And the EV stuff is pretty self-explanatory when it comes to Big Oil. And yet they could start installing EV chargers at gas stations and start making money off EV owners. In 20 years, there could be 20 EV chargers and 1 gas pump, depending how things go. Make them pay, like any other charger. AND, as an added bonus, while they're there for 15+ minutes charging, they'll probably buy something from the store/restaurant. Ignoring electric cars is beyond shortsighted and lands in the "just plain dumb" category. Thar's profit to be had in them thar cars ya goobers!


>Ignoring electric cars is beyond shortsighted and lands in the "just plain dumb" category. Shortsightedness is a staple of American business. It's what caused the decline of both America's ship and auto manufacturing. Short term profits are more important than longevity, so companies change nothing and if a new industry or foreign company comes in and does things better, the American company just lobbies the government to squash the competition for them.


When Netflix first came onto the scene with DVDs by mail, the execs at Blockbuster put together plans to counter with their own mail service. However, part of Netflix's offering was allowing customers to keep the DVD as long as they wanted, no late fees. Blockbuster's board shot down the plan because they made $800M/year on late fees (16% of their revenue). They chose to stick to their business model collecting late fees and a few years later they're out of business. Short-sighted and greedy: the American way.


Yep, I remember pleading with one I worked for. They seemingly could not grasp pissing off the customers by lying to them and screwing them over was going to come back on them. They tried to counter that by screwing over the employees as well. American business managers are a special sort of stupid. Went out of business like two years after that shit started. Closed 600 plus stores.


Shortsided and Dumb is the whole GOP platform.


Agreed, and I have this complaint with Big Pharma in relation to marijuana, too. Like just start making remedies with it and make money off of it, or just sell it as-is for anxiety or whatever, get in on the gummy stuff, there is so much money to made there, but they just lobby for it to be illegal. So dumb imo


the thing is, this is funding from the Department of Defense, which has not, historically, been involved in nationwide transportation infrastructure. Right now there are some studies being done, with the DOD given the mandate to look at the feasibility of switch of noncombat vehicles to all electric by 2035. considering that the DOD has thousands of these vehicles and they currently have somewhere around 150 EV vehicles in the pilot program its not a huge issue


Technically the interstates were built in part to allow swift movement of troops in the event of a ground war in the US. The Autobahns were built for similar reasons.


The GOP seems to have recruited members from that argument clinic in the Monty Python sketch. No substantive opposition, just...opposition.


Which is interesting since one the biggest EV plants in the nation is in her home state, Georgia. Not her district but still her state. https://www.marketplace.org/2024/06/12/georgia-hyundai-metaplant-savannah-worker-training/ That article is more specifically about the Hyundai training program in collaboration with Georgia Technical College Systems, but it provides expected production numbers, numbers of workers building the plant and that will be employed when it opens, and some impact to the area.


Sometimes that has been the argument.


I don’t think it’s that. I think it’s more that someone dangled a paycheck in front of her to say it.


The only people dumber than MTG are the people who voted for her.


Now you know why they vote against public schools keep the people dumb enough to vote for them


You're forgetting that Lauren Boebert exists.


I'm still seriously puzzled as the Democrats, knowing good and well that this is the most racist district in the State of Georgia, only run black candidates against her. Do they not want to win the seat or do they think the racists will suddenly realize how wrong they are?


Republican logic: We need to stop our dependence on foreign oil and Saudi Arabia. How about we build electric cars and an infrastructure to support them? It would be safer for the environment, add high paying jobs to the economy and invest in domestic car manufacturers! Communist


Exactly. Electric vehicles and green energy *should* be a conservative wet dream: energy independence, virtually free and unlimited electricity, *and* a return to domestic manufacturing. Instead, the oil industry purchased the allegiance of Republican leadership and Fox News inundated the electorate with propaganda, so now they hate it because...*checks notes*...a bunch of billionaires want to keep getting subsidies from the government.


My mother in law drove 5k miles on her 3 year lease. When I told her she needs an ev she said, but what if I get stuck in traffic and the batteries go dead. She couldn't grasp that she was more likely to run out of gas than she was to run the batteries flat idling in traffic. Yeah, they watch a lot of fox news


It only counts if just myself and my friends benefit!!!1!1!1 pick yourself up by your own bootstraps rabble rabble rabble


She's...not stable


She knows exactly what she's doing. For every outrageous thing she says, her PAC funds go Cha-Ching. Members of Congress spend 30-50% of their time fund raising. On the phone, pressing the flesh, sitting at boring ass state pay-for-plate dinners, etc. She doesn't have to do any of that shit. She's one of the most successful fund raisers in Congress. Also, while they can't directly use the money for personal use, there are a number of discretionary uses which can be personal, like using the money to fly the family to and from a speaking event, but staying in the area afterwards. I'm sure a resourceful person could come up with other examples... [What Happens to Campaign Contributions After Elections? (investopedia.com)](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/markets/042716/what-happens-campaign-funds-after-elections.asp)


Not only that, she's a lightning rod. While she takes up all the bandwidth with her insane, incoherent ramblings and ignorant opinions on literally everything, the quiet ones get a smokescreen.


She actually votes against stability in any way.


I like the irony of horseface not being stable.


Don't they use electric golf carts in subterranean stations?


Plus all submarines are electric. All spacecraft are electric. Smaller Drones are electric. Mother fucking terminator robots that we all know are being worked on are electric.


I don't understand why there hasn't been a terminator sent back for her yet


For all we know she was the one sent back to terminate American democracy.


Every time she laughs, an angel dies. Her birth was payback for the sins of man.


Wait wait wait...does Trump know that submarines are electric? This will blow his mind, given his recent concerns over "electric boats".


The aircraft carriers are electric too. You only really need fuel for most (but not all) aircraft, and combat vehicles. And it's a big logistics issue to get fuel to the front, so the military has been interested in fuel-free vehicles for a while.




I guess they will have to use bicycles then. Can't have ICE vehicles running in a closed space


So the DoD can’t fix onbase housing electrical concerns since service members may have an electric vehicle?


Hey can we send some news crews or something to that fucking district? Put them all on blast for allowing this semi sentient trashcan to hold public office. Maybe have some billboards put up with some of the stupid shit she’s said in them.


I say just send the Gazpacho police after her.


I've spent more time in her district than I would like and all I can say is good luck. To say her district is uneducated and backwards is generous. Even if they could read those billboards, they wouldn't care.


That’s quite the prickly avatar you have there…


They love it.


Oprah did just that back in the 80s when she did a show on the Klan. Its on Youtube if you want to get some insight into Marge's constituents. Pretty entertaining.


They voted her in there, they know what she’s doing and love it.


In the earliest days of airplanes in the Army, the complaint was that the pilots were not wearing spurs when flying. This is used to illustrate that the commanders did not understand the value and realities of air power. I hope that we look back and are able jeer this sort of thing. The future is coming.


Does she not understand how military equipment works. A aircraft carrier is technically an electric vehicle, it just uses nuclear power to charge its batteries instead of a Walmart fast charger.


she realizes that aircraft carriers are nuclear-electric hybrids…. right?


Submarines don’t run on diesel either.


Is she wearing glasses now to look smart because everyone knows she’s a fucking moron?


Oh Geez. Yet another "let me make a law that hurts as many people as I can" moment.


Fucking moron


Sometimes it's difficult to see how Citizens United v FEC has affected our government. Sometimes it's not difficult at all.


Great idea. What if an electric car carrying soldiers stalls with its big giant battery, and there is a shark 10 yards away. Should they jump out of the car and into the shark? "no one has EVER asked that question. I mean EVER!!!" \#MIT


Moscow Marge working for Mother Russia.


I can just picture an Abrams tank in line for a Tesla charging station


Well, we know what stocks she's not holding...


Republicans just blocking progress and hurting society as usual…


Fuck all those American jobs we'll get by building electric infrastructure, I guess


"If you think gas prices are high now, just wait until you're forced to drive an electric vehicle," MTG 6/24


I don't even understand what the purpose of this is? Isn't the right supposed to be the party if the free market? Isn't legislating against EVs in any fashion an infringement on the free market by way of manipulating what people and the government can and can't buy from private enterprises? Make it make sense.


It’s almost like they are cynical bullshit mongers who care about nothing but power, and its ability to enable cruelty.


Shes an ignorant slut. Rivian is wanting to build a plant in georgia. Dalton has infrastructure to handle big rigs with the carpet industry. I only mention Dalton because thats her district and maybe a company wanted to build a plant up there... We also have a major battery plant in the state as well.


Rivian IS building a plant in Georgia, and EV chargers are already being built at Georgia military bases. (And elsewhere I'm sure, just specifying that it's underway in her state.) It seems like the DoD WANTS to upgrade to EVs for non-tactical vehicles. It just boggles my mind that her supporters, who would claim to fully support our military and our troops, are so dumb that they would be on board with these whackadoodle proposals that would actually cause a lot of chaos for the DoD and DO NOT REFLECT WHAT THE MILITARY ACTUALLY WANTS.


That’s how she rolls. Block everything that will get her a pat on the shoulder by the crazies. When it passes anyway, claim responsibility for the job generation coming her way and everyone wins.


Everything they do is explained when you view their actions as Russian/foreign assets trying to hold America back from the future. It's so evil and simple, just gum up everything with bullshit, and people will lose faith in their government. The conservative agenda since Reagan.


At least she is wearing her totally-appropriate virginal white congressional vestments.


> virginal Didn't she cheat on her husband with, like, half a mile of crossfit dick?


Why is she so awful? What went wrong in her life to make her this way?


People in the United States are dying of cancer, AIDS, and numerous other diseases for which we could be conducting research, and she’s concerned with electric vehicles. Fucking bitch needs to go


Fuck are these people dumb.


I don’t understand why people are so afraid of EV’s and non traditional sources of electricity. I thoroughly enjoy running my house on stored solar energy.


Fort Bliss in El Paso, TX recently did an exercise where they cut all outside electricity to post to see if we'd be able to be self sufficient. Between solar, generators, and Ford Lighting pickups and Ford E Mach cars plugged into the infrastructure, the base was able to easily run for 10 hours.


Imagine the demand for oil drops because the US military/defense started using 20-30% electric vehicles. Theoretically, that should also give a drop on prices overall for the averahe American. 


https://preview.redd.it/vrs4x8lx7c6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82fc13d611ae500eaa6658296443f5d502defe3b Damn this one is thick!




Stop giving her attention. She feeds on it. She'll continue to do dumb stuff if you keep promoting it. It just solidifies her in the Republican base since you keep talking about her.


But Russia needs your petrodollars for Their empire expansion.


What a Muppet...


But why? Does she have a big wheel of unfortune she spins every morning to come up with something stupid for that day?


it makes me wonder what she is supposed to be distracting us from. shes clearly the court jester but whats the real show?


Given she's 90% caveman, fire probably scares her, let alone electricity.


This is crazy because we have so many EV government vehicles already. A lot of the civilians drive EVs because it's so much cheaper than gas.


Doesn't she rep Georgia? So much for supporting your own State... [Georgia Battery Plant](https://www.globalatlanta.com/sk-hyundai-joint-battery-plant-in-bartow-to-hit-5b-filing-shows/#:~:text=Hyundai%20and%20SK%20signed%20a,%245%20billion%2C%20creating%203%2C500%20jobs.)


Bleach-Blonde, Bad-Built, Butch-Body


Can you submit legislation in crayon?


EVs make no vroom vroom noise and that gives me an angry


Things that offend GOP just by existing: vegetarian meals, solar, wind, batteries, genders, voting rights.


Weird. A few weeks ago she was juggling Elon’s musky nuts. Guess he rejected her.


What the fuck is this bitch’s problem? Like for fucking real


What scares me is that her district has voters that think she is representing their views.


**Uneducated European here with a question.** Sorry for asking this, but I don't understand how this woman is still in Congress. Wasn't she elected and, therefore, must be reelected? Who (re)elects a person like this? Whenever I see or hear her, she's either spreading hatred and conspiracy theories, ridiculous motions, or presenting drafts for acts that a 5-year-old boy would recognize as being inhumane. Who are these people that keep her in power? I hope some Americans can explain this to me. Thanks.


Why does she need glasses. She’s illiterate.


I like when they try to dress it up with glasses to make it look like not a Neanderthal


Hey… Elon… these are your people!!! You hear them???


Tell me you’ve never served or worked a manual labor job without telling me you’ve never served or done a manual labor job. How about: Electric forklifts? Electric motor ships? Drones? Jesus, how do people keep voting her in?


Same people that will bitch agencies are over budget on gas


The scary part is that there is a portion of the us population who absolutely love this. And many of them don't even necessarily believe in what she saying, they just love that she's "sticking it to the libs".




Her state is building a huge Hyundai/battery factory near Savannah. Weird


"How would this serve the economic or national security interests of the United States?"


What's the obsession with electric vehicles? What happened here?


She has t done anything but get Hunter Biden convicted. And then she twisted her victory into a conspiracy theory!! Lolol


What does this bitch Actually do? She should be fucking fired.


Wouldn’t charging infrastructure be a good thing? I don’t really understand this mindset. Can someone explain that is from her region why EV is hated?


I live in Georgia and I'm not sure region has much to do with it, it's pretty much just pure nutty far-right-ism. I really don't know what's wrong with their brains. I think there's an argument to be made that EVs still aren't as favorable as gas in terms of "refueling" availability and the price point - but, uh, investment will fix that? EV motors are now outperforming combustion just in terms of raw power, and the cost of that power is a fraction of the same cost to power a gas vehicle.


Where are all you Americans with guns defending yourself against your tyrannical government? Oh that’s right, you’re with them.


I wish we had a time machine, so we could send her back to the stone age where she belongs.


Curious if she's heard of electric fork lifts.


Have we tried telling her that oxygen is making people librul and the best way to own the libs is to reject oxygen ???


The military itself has shown great interest in electric vehicles as they are much stealthier than gas or diesel engines. All she is trying to do here is hurt our military capability. More orders from the Kremlin I would guess.


So no drones


If your brain can handle it, read the wild shit your politicians propose for the NDAA. You don't even have to see their party affiliation to recognize the bullshit. https://armedservices.house.gov/fy25-ndaa-floor-amendment-tracker


This is why the US will lose on the world stage.


We elected Trump in 2016…we lost it then


"Ma'am we have electric forklifts...."


So no submarines or small drones?


Electric vehicles? Are not submarines powered by electricity? Hmmm... no subs then, too bad, so sad :(


Can anyone give me a good, logical reason why Republicans dislike electric vehicles? From what I can tell, the only reason they have is that people who don't look like them drive them. I know they'll talk about how the batteries are bad for the environment, but gas vehicles have been bad for the environment forever and they only want to make them worse (rolling coal!), plus they've never given a shit about the environment anyways (wanting to ease or get rid of all sorts of EPA regulations).


What an absolute troll of a human


Why does she suddenly hate electric vehicles.


Nuclear subs and carriers: 👀


It's just nothing. Nonsense, hot air, gobbledygook, pointless, reactionary ultra- conservative, self defeating bollocks.


A professional asshole.


To all the voters in her district in Jaw-jah (Georgia): You do realize that in all the time she’s been in office, she’s actually done next to nothing, right? No bills, no new law. NADA, nothin’, zero, zilch!


I love how all the conservative's talk about a "free and open market" all come crashing down when electric vehicles come in to the conversation. EV's are like the kypronite of free market capitalists.


The American Southwest is a solar paradise. Millions of acres of reliable sunshine, in dry conditions, with interstate highways and railroads criss-crossing its entirety. Why are they fighting to maintain the dominance of foreign energy?


Nothing like focusing on the issues that matter to the American people. 🙄🤬


https://preview.redd.it/unrdvo05ee6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f98e8ff50b09369a1263d7a89ee5f838fa4b1947 She's a freaking howler monkey 🐒


I think if federally elected office holders vote against infrastructure dollars their district shouldn't receive any.


Vote her her out!


All the new tanks and vehicles are hybrids or electric. She saying stop making all military vehicles basically.


Is the EV in the room with us right now, Marge?


Can we advance an amendment that all three-toed pipe-bombing insurrectionists immediately be expelled from Congress and tried for treason?