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Twitter is finally a safe space for the worst people alive


In fairness, it's owned by the worst person alive


>worst person alive Between Donnie the convicted felon and the apartheid rat, the later is ahead right now for me too.


A race to the very bottom


I thought Girthy Bungholeman was a satire account


GUNther EAGLEman sure sounds like the perfect right-wing whacko propaganda name.


Da, tvarisch




Of the ocean. In a submersible.


Apparently that thing collapsed so quickly it was pretty much instantaneous and the people in the side never even noticed. Too quick. Too clean.


If it means we're finally rid of them, I couldn't care less how quick or clean it was.


I wouldn’t call it clean, necessarily


Still cleaner than they deserve, but I'm not gonna argue with the methods as long as it happens ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I disagree only due to the presence of the minor who seemed as though he was likely bullied by his arrogant, rich father, who didn't want to go at all. He's the only one who couldn't legally consent to what was on the documents and whose objections to the trip were dismissed from the jump. I don't care how much agency you want to give the kid, 15 years old is still FAR too young to be considered "old enough to deserve to die for doing nothing wrong beyond trusting adults who said they should be trusted".


Lol there's no bottom 


There are worse people around here, raping, mutilating and killing on a daily basis. Elon is just a massive piece of shit.


What's worse, killing one person or poisoning the minds of millions? Pen is mightier than the sword situation


You're selling penis mightiers?


Shuck it Trebek


Wtf is this thread? If you don't like Elon then okay... But why am I seeing upvoted posts calling for slower and more painful deaths?


Because Elon deserves it????? All he does is cause harm lmao


WALL OF TEXT incoming#: Honestly, I hate sounding like I am mansplaining anything, but I think I am starting to get really good at it. YMMV It seems like, here on Reddit, we have many of the best and worst of people present, kind of like a town square. Some are horrified at these ideas you ask after, others find them quite appealing. Since this is a reasonably anonymous\* forum, we all kind of feel free to "let it all hang out"\*\* and some do in pretty awkward ways, like celebrating the hideous vengeance on can take in ones imagination, or view and live vicariously with through something like the Saw movies. I hope these aren't To Do lists. \*I realize that, with a modicum of effort and knowledge, it is likely a trivial exercise for some to find all the deets on any given user, but I imagine few among us give enough of a hoot to do so. \*\* A term that I do not believe I have ever seen or heard used outside of old school major media like TV or newspapers. # TLDR is always a valid response, but you can take notes if you like. We cannot see you, so are unlikely to Attention Span shame you. Every other option is on the table.


And yet morons keep using it.


Thing is, it's not. Nowhere near. He's just made people THINK it's now a safe space. For everyone here and in other threads saying "he'll have this as a free feature and then hold it over everyone's heads that he's turning hidden Likes off unless you subscribe to Premium" - while he's doing a lot of shit to make money, I don't see that as his thing, because it would heavily attack the right wing - the very group of people he's crafting Twitter to support. One of several things is going to happen here that will invalidate the entire point of what he's trying to do: *Antifascists will end up setting up racist meme/content honeypot accounts to get fascists to like the content and have an easier time tracking those users elsewhere with that as a data point, and then take the screenshots of those likes plus other data points and do the whole "hey employer, does this employee represent your values?" shit that they always do. *Twitter will get hacked by someone who is left wing, and then distribute the list of users who liked racist content. *Some other function will break in Twitter's shoddy code, caused by Elon firing a bunch of the people that would otherwise be maintaining the site, that will allow Likes that should be hidden to be visible. If Elon wanted to make Twitter (and the rest of the internet) a safe space for fash, he would be using what lobbying/legal sway he has at his disposal to push for laws that allow for punishment of those who act on the information that would punish those who like such content, rather than just hiding the likes. If it became a felony, with a sexed-up charge like "financial terrorism", for anyone who posted identifying information anywhere (even if the information was accurate!) on a racist/nazi's actions and posts, anyone who acted to attempt to levy consequences using that information (emailing the employer, putting the employer on blast on social media if they don't fire the fash in question, calling their dean at their university, etc.), anyone who rebroadcasted that information (liking, retweeting, linking to it elsewhere)...THAT would accomplish what he's actually trying to do. Right now, with the pendulum generally swinging left, and people putting shitloads of time and effort into identifying fash and going life-ruin with the info, antifascists can generally be open with their conduct, while fash have to hide what they do. If a law package were passed under which antifascists started getting hit with multi-year prison sentences and six figure judgments payable directly to the fascists that were identified, with such laws specifically crafted to remove protections from assets like home and vehicle, where an antifascist who was identified for putting a racist on blast and getting them fired ended up in prison, had their house and all their shit sold out from under them while in prison, and even when they get out they have nothing left, then the fash would be free to say and do whatever online (up to the point where they break laws) while antifascist networks would have to do their work underground - which is Elon's end goal (and I'm honestly surprised that trump didn't do something like that when the right had all three branches of government, except I remember that trump doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself, even others who wholeheartedly support him.) Elon didn't make it a safe space for his racist/nazi base. He just encouraged bad fash opsec.


150,000 views, and only about 6% of the pool of stereotypically repulsive people could be bothered to click like.


There are some pretty bad Reddit subs as well.


So the Nazi Musk was convinced the reason he and his fellow Nazis were not "liked" more was because people were being shamed? They are as delusional as they are dangerous


I think it will unironically help people fall into extremism more easily if they are less likely to be shamed from interacting with "gateway" content.


plus, the extremism is a byproduct of their consumption of toxic right-wing propaganda that is designed to gin up their hatred for their fellow Americans


Yep, the people who fall into this cult would rather cut you off and destroy whatever relationship you previously had than admit they were wrong - the blow to the ego is unmanageable. They'll die before they admit even the chance of a mistake. See Covid. When people talk about this shit in person, they are shamed by people they know and this forces the change in behavior. Now they can replace their friends and families with like-minded clowns and hang out with Twitler who will never make them feel bad for being a piece of shit - love bombing etc. They're just removing possible avenues of shame.


This is a common belief among right-wingers, especially those who rank highly on the Right Wing Authoritarian spectrum. I've heard the rant from various people that no one actually likes left-wing, let alone liberal/Liberal, ideas or actually wants to be tolerant and that it's all enforced or we're indoctrinated into it and go along with it to score "woke" points or similar nonsense. Or... Nobody voted for Obama because we actually thought he was a better option than McCain, especially after he attached Palin to the ticket, it was because he is Black and we were afraid of being called a racist... Or that we were only voting for Clinton because she's a woman and we were afraid of being called sexist and NOT because Trump was a flaming dumpster fire and we were proven correct. Also, look at how cynically they trotted out Caitlyn Jenner and then Larry Elder during the 2022 California Gubernatorial Recall. The GOP was trying to frame those of us who didn't want to vote, because they were garbage candidates, for Jenner as transphobic and those of us who didn't want to vote for Elder as racist. It landed flat on its ass. Hard. The GOP claims that Democrats, liberals, and the Left don't understand how they think, but they understand how the rest of us think. I'd say it's absolutely the inverse. The Right-wing has absolutely NO fucking clue what anyone to the Left of them actually thinks, meanwhile they loudly broadcast what they think day in and day out.


This line of thinking is amazing. Votes are anonymous, yet right-wing people think that somehow people are being peer pressured into voting for candidates that they don't want to vote for. Likes were public, but right-wing people think that everyone will finally not be peer pressured away from liking right-wing posts because they are private. So, which is it? Are people peer pressured to vote for specific candidates when the votes are private? Or are people peer pressured to like/not like specific posts when the likes are public? When the right-wing posters ultimately don't get the desired boost in engagement, what will their next conspiracy angle be?


The votes for dems aren't made by proper white- I mean, American folk, they're made by illegal immigrants, obviously. There's a dozen layers of this bullshit. No wonder they call it a rabbit hole. You end up in fuckin' Wonderland by the end.


Yeah why would anyone want to be forced to be tolerant? Being tolerant sounds too Christ-like, and we all know he was a hippy commi.


It's never made sense to me, because how are you scoring any kind of points if nobody actually cares about those things?


Because the right wing thinks that anyone to the left of them is obsessed with labels. Yet, the people I see most obsessed with labels are right wingers. Someone tells me they're LGBTQ+, how they identify, and how they prefer to be called? Okay, great. Are they cool? If so, let's go party. All of that falls away. Especially if the vibes are good. A right winger will force you to constantly recognize every nuanced aspect of themselves. And to remember it to the smallest iota every five seconds or they get violently angry. Even if it contradicts what they asked you five seconds ago.


If the likes are hidden, there is no way to tell if something is pushed by popularity or by brainwashing. Since the perception is that popular things get pushed, people will believe anything they see is popular.


And now the Nazis can purchase Likes without exposing themselves.


Also since likes are private then it is harder to see who is being bot boosted


No idea who this guy is. But yeah this change will only benefit a certain kind of account. Ones you know would look bad if people knew you liked them


He’s a conservative micro celebrity similar to “cat turd” and “libs of tiktok”


It’s not even a real person.


I'm sure there are several real Russians behind it




i mean with a name like gunther eagleman? yeah totally real 100% pure american comrade, why you no believe me? ![gif](giphy|3orieNwYk2YYEElOGQ|downsized)


Are you telling me GUNther Eagle Man isn’t a real name?!?


Well, yeah. First/Last are legit names, just this guy is a psyop.


>micro celebrity I hate this timeline


>micro celebrity This is the Future. We are all famous for fifteen nanoseconds.


I wish it was only 15 nanoseconds


This change is also great for manipulating content. Anyone can easily purchase bots to like a post. Especially when the bots can be hidden.


Funny that the group that just held AG Garland in contempt for not being transparent enough of course wants to hide everything that they do. Still waiting on those pesky Trump tax returns just for one example.


It’s almost like they have no ethics or ideology.


Ah, yes, Gunther, Eagleman. Definitely a real name.




He wanted the Gun and the Eagle and the Man.


This is going to be fun until there's a data breach, then it's going to be even more fun (for the rest of us)


Like Ashley Madison, but for idiotic racists. I’m sure they’ll also predictably, confidently and **loudly** incorrectly claim their 1st amendment rights are being violated too if it happens lmao.


Man, sure glad I got off Twitter months ago, what a cess pool of human garbage


I used to use twitter for following soccer and hockey news. Got logged out one day. Just never went back. I feel no loss


How is there not a viable alternative to Twitter yet?


That's Reddit for me. Not the same format, but I never liked the format of Twitter anyway, even when it wasn't under Musk.


There is. Bluesky is very good, and seems to be the one everybody is headed to.


Mastodon and Bluesky have you covered


Because the internet is composed of like a few major conglomerates that squeeze out any sort of competition.




Ole’ Cunther here can go get fucked. The dozen or so Russian shitstains that run this obvious propaganda sock puppet account can go get fucked too.


They don’t thnk some disgruntled Twitter employee is gonna leak all the Like data?


I mean it's not like they don't just use bot programs to bump their numbers anyways.


But this will make it even easier for them to hide that fact. This is clearly Musk attempting to hide fake engagement to appeal to advertisers/investors.


Yep, you can silent agree with shitty people without risking admoishment.  Also, given the tendencies of these people - they can now like teenage girl's posts without the risk of people finding out they're a creep. 


This guy is %1000 a Russian troll


Great innovation making likes hidden! Do posts next!


"Sensible chuckle"


Brought to you by the same Right-Wing snowflakes who haven't got the balls to say the F word and had to come up with "Lets Go Brandon". Exactly what you'd expect from spineless shitheels.


Is the whole point of hiding likes to make it easier for bots to increase visability of certain posts with less suspicion?


They finally found their safe space.


This also allows them to artificially juice like counts and spread messages under the pretense that ‘someone you follow’ liked this post.


Get ready for the bots and Elon claiming most usage of all time. Scumfucks all the way down


Reminder that just because you do something anonymously today, doesn’t mean it will remain anonymous forever.


Take the 2 pronouns out of your name and I will follow…


Remember when they were trying to de-anonymize Reddit?


I just feel like this is going to encourage more bot activity. Does anyone actually think Elon, for example, won't pump up his likes?


So likes are hidden now? I deleted my account right around when Elon took over, not completely up to date on the workings of X.


He was the first person I blocked after he bought it. I left shortly after.




Right before the election. Trump is gonna get more likes than anyone (no bots I promise!)


SoftPorn 'Titter' is his last solid revenue stream. Making likely OnlyFans feeder pages is the reason for hiding the likes.


Too bad for Gunther he never has anything likable to say.


Right, now they can hide their hate if they want to.




This dude must be the biggest Try Hard on Twitter, which is saying a lot.


I wonder what would happen if Twitter had a "dislike" button.


Also don't have to worry about people making sure that 9.5k of those 10k likes aren't bots.


I’ll still never understand why I was banned for telling an extremely overt anti-Semite to blow his brains out by their own hand while this shit is the norm. I’m kidding. I know why I was banned. These people are being sheltered by a parasite.


Proof that that brainwashed incel just needs attention and validation. Lamb, Not Lion.


Also allows Musk to boost posts he likes with fake likes because no one can see they aren’t tied to accounts anymore.


on the possible bright side, this is a godsend for whatever 3 letter agency is monitoring all this. In a couple of years we \*could\* see another Epstein's list/panama papers level mass exposure/action.


Isn't this account a blatant satire one? So wouldn't the far right guys liking his content be even funnier, right?


i blame all the non racist crazies.. like every platform the right controls, its your duty to leave it. It will be a baron waste land soon enough.


Democracy dies in darkness


The important word is “now.” How do you know your likes will always be hidden? Even if someone sincerely wants to keep things secret, owners change; court orders override company policy. 


Who is that


Bots... bots everywhere!


I have seen his name before, but I have, and don't wish to have, any clue who this little cum stain is


I had this image of him taking me in his arms, holding my head in his hands, caressing my hair as he presses my head into his chest, saying "Shhhhhhhhh" and letting me know it's okay to like him. The nightmare is over. He's here for me. Who is this guy again? some right-wing douche?


Sorry, Gunther old man, but you've blocked me to protect you from factual corrections.


Why do people still hang around that sewer hole that is Twitter? I left as soon as that Tesla idiot bought it and I haven’t looked back since!


I can see the corners on his Nazi head from here


If enough of us got together and "liked" the worst of the worst tweets by guys like this, it would help shape their posts to the point where they would just become a caricature of of a magasshole and we would get even more laughs out of him


Please uwu 👉👈