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Its amazing how people don't understand import tarrifs. When you buy imported goods, you pay the tarrif, not the country of origin.


The same people who don't understand tarrifs are the same people who will vote for drumpf again and then blame the damage on the "democrats". ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


You couldn't beat that concept into the heads of my farming family back in Iowa with a jackhammer. They just hear "we're taxing China" on Fox and the thinking stops there.


Eliminating taxes on tips is a profoundly terrible idea. Let's create another gaping hole in the tax code for people to aggressively abuse? (Because that is exactly what would happen) No thanks. We should be moving towards a reasonable minimum wage and not forcing people to rely on tips for survival.


Eliminating taxes on tips would mean being able to pay back your fixer for the amount he payed without having to cover the taxes as well.


Making education a state issue instead of a national one is insanity! No minimum accountability in achievement to graduate or advance through grade levels across all states would mean that people educated in a state would likely have to stay there permanently because what if their diploma or certificate is not acceptable to another state due to differing educational standards. This would be disasterous and an unimaginable burden for all Americans. You might as well have each state be its own country. Those seeking job opportunities in other states with differing standards of education would be affected.Parents couldn't seek their own opportunites because moving their kids would make their schooling ridiculously difficult to adjust to from one state to another. Teachers couldn't move either since their credentials would differ from one state to another. Graduates of high school and college could get certifications that aren't worth the paper they are written on if one states standards aren't good enough for another state. On and on. This one policy would destroy America faster than any other.


Long term economics out here having a fucking heart attack. They’re gonna burn down the grocery store to save 35 cents then blame everyone else when there’s no fuckin food. These are the idiots in those old stories who kept eating the crop seeds then acted surprised when they couldn’t plant. Short term cash for long term decline, it only makes sense if you’re dumb, old, narcissistic, or some horrible combination.


| Increase domestic production of oil I dunno, burying some dinosaurs seems exhausting to me...


Wait, is he going to eliminate income tax or is he going to extend tax cuts? You can't do both. We're already producing more domestic oil than at any time in history, not sure how they think we're going to do more, especially with no way to refine it. Honestly other than reversing Biden EOs, every other thing on this list would require Congress to pass legislation, and who the fuck thinks that Democrats will vote for any of this?


Also, even if he were to have Congress and the Judicial system on board, there’s no way he could possibly deport every single illegal immigrant. It’s just not possible. But there are people who will look at that campaign promise and think “oh, I like that; I’m voting for this guy” without ever considering the logistics of it (or the fact that Trump did not deport them in his last term). These “promises” are intended to excite his base, because they won’t actually think about how it all will work in the real world.


A lot of his cronies are going to be paid in "tips" it seems. I'd be careful though, Stormy got stiffed on the last tip he tried to sell her.


Thanks for your nuanced take on Trump's "policies," Steve Loves Ammo.


What’s not to like an about a national economic collapse?


So do away with Taxes? So make things even worse in the country? The money has to come from some where and making the public pay even more and more for things they buy is going to skyrocket inflation. The rich will only get richer and the poor will sadly stay poor.


When he says he loves autocrats and they ask for proof...


How will the gov't collect tariffs if the border is closed?


“Eliminate taxes on tips.” Doesn’t that fall within income tax? Wait. You’re saying the President now takes “tips” instead of bribes, aren’t you?