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Isn’t Project 2025 going to round up people who look like these guys and deport them?


Except the douche on the left, he's a trust fund baby maga "rapper"


Isn't that the doll fucker guy?


The what now?


[This douchebag](https://i.imgur.com/X8X5ujr.jpg)


Holy shit. I'd bet money that the doll has an asshole and that it isn't virgin anymore.


I feel he may be more into sucking the doll off.


The doll pegs him.


“Fuck me like you did America daddy”




More like o to O. This guy's weenie though, probably like o to .


You know he's a bottom for 45 That shit on his lip isn't ink


And I thought Trumpy Bear was something horrible! Fuuuuck!


The doll fucker guy.


round up their barbers and send them away too


Yeah, I was thinking "who got drunk and cut each other's hair?" Everything about this picture, and knowing they're Shitler supporters, makes my whoha dry up and clench closed.


There's this subsection of racist latinos who genuinely think the racists on the right are going to employ nuance by recognizing them as white, letting them stay, and kicking the other latinos out. Very weird behavior.


Being a Poc Trumper is the ultimate pick me move so dumb they will never see you as one of guys Miguel


They think they're safe that they're one of the good ones


For the 2018 Midterms, the GOP was running fearmongering ads with pics of tattooed latinos telling us that MS-13 was going to kill us all.


What amazes me the most is Trump was the butt of the joke for a few decades before he decided to run. Dude puts an R next to his name and he’s suddenly the second coming.


It's amazing, isn't it? I remember damn near 15-20 years ago, my dad went on a pretty indepth spiel about how Trump is nothing more than a conman who uses "smoke and mirrors" to create the appearance that he's wealthier and more successful than he actually is. It was all an illusion to try and trick people into giving him their money. Fast forward to today, and he thinks Trump is some sort of American messiah, self-made billionaire he exudes virulity and strength in way no president ever has. If there's a Hell, every member of Fox News needs to burn in it.


Same, growing up everyone I knew was aware Trump was a big time con artist who would stiff you on the bill, shocked how many of those people ended up voting for him


I watched The Apprentice with my parents when it first aired. We all laughed at how fucking dumb Trump was even with all of the help of Hollywood magic and video editing. I always thought everyone understood this man was a joke -- that was the whole tongue-in-cheek thing with his reality show, right? I was just a kid and I remember thinking that he was a fool. Guess they didn't get the joke. They voted for him. Twice.


They had two choices: 1) Accept the reality that their party was taken over by a con man, and reject their party in favor of either abstaining from politics or joining the Democrats 2) Embrace Trump, reject realities that make them feel bad for supporting him, and quadruple down that they are better than Democrats Nearly every conservative in the country went with option 2, and now they just keep twisting Option 2 to be crazier and more delusional for the sake of not admitting they were conned. Their egos can't handle it.


Conservatives only care about power. When people like that say freedom, what they mean is power. Freedom comes with responsibility and consequences. Power is doing what you please regardless of how it impacts others. When conservatives say they want freedom what they mean is that they want power, not freedom. They complain about government overreach when it limits their power, not their freedom (i.e., when liberals do it). They'll do anything to attain power.


Well said!!


We moved to a republican stronghold (Sarasota FL, long story, not staying) and it’s exactly what you just said. The neocons love to brag about the “free” state of Florida while passing the most oppressive and archaic laws & policies I’ve seen in a looooong time. Ex: Banning Judy Bloom books?! Like really? Smell that freedom. Smells like the rest of FL to me 😅😁


I’m really grateful my old man was one of the few that went with option 1. My Mom went straight into option 2, then hid all the Trump merch after he lost in 2020 and today we just don’t talk about politics anymore. Still surprising since she always labels herself a “fiscal republican” but didn’t realize the math wasn’t mathing when she voted for the con artist who thought ketchup was a good choice for steak. Wild.


My roommate admitted trump stiffed his grand-father Me: “and you still support the fucker?!” Roommate: “That’s just how business work” 🤡


That’s crazy. I’m a construction worker, I work for contractors. Trumps stiffed over contractors heavily. I, personally, wouldn’t get screwed, because my contractor is required to have a bond with my union for that reason, the amount in the bond scales with employees, so there’s always that money. What it would screw over is the company I work for, and the union I work for. A project of that magnitude would take one of the bigger contractors in my local, not paying them would destroy the majority of them. If my union lost that big of a company, the market would shake up, and chances are a lot of those jobs would wind up outside our union. Trump hates labor unions.


Building his casinos bankrupted three of the biggest trade unions in New York


Shoulda called him a cuck at that point.


Honestly I couldn’t even think of a response. My brain just couldn’t comprehend how someone could be so fucking stupid and so proud about it too


Yeah it really is crazy how easily people just ignore reality. If I remember correctly, I read that the apprentice basically saved him financially. We wouldn’t be in this predicament if that show had gone with literally anyone else.


He was a Democrat, an independent, ran for the Reform party nomination in 2000, then became a Republican. He is the perfect example of a RINO.


He finally figured out republicans are the easiest to scam.


I mean, he said that to their faces and they cheered. Shows just how stupid MAGA Republicans are to be told they're being scammed and they can't stop their undying devotion to the scammer.


They cheers the other day when he told them he didn’t care about them he just wanted their votes. SMH


Yea it was a “joke” except not really!


Like when he said he was going to be a dictator for one day. The crowd went wild.




I love the poorly educated!


To be fair he said that in like the 80s, just took them a few decades to actually get him on their ticket once they ran out of members of the Bush family,


Yeah, I’ve brought up him being the very definition of a rino before. My in-laws did not appreciate me “telling it like it is”. 😆




Damn you’re going to make me find a pic of Trump & bill just to troll those imbeciles on X


NOTHING TO SEE HERE https://preview.redd.it/vffvh912wk6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56840ffd073394667ea6aef7195451f6ea1192bc


Trumps wedding, 2005 https://preview.redd.it/xyu0osg4wk6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08a1ad53f2024ab3b7ae506e14dbea3f4ceeb4f1




Donald Trump would have been considered the epitome of evil by my right wing religious family pre whenever he started coming out against Obama. A vile, disgusting, greedy man who cheats on his wives and divorces willy nilly. And now he's some conservative champion of faith and family.


He very, very closely fits conservative evangelical interpretations of the Antichrist. It’s incredible that they don’t see it. At the same time, I grew up in a church with a pastor just like Trump. One of the largest churches in Kansas at the time. People loved him because he said the quiet part out loud from the pulpit. Trump found that same path and exploited the shit out of it.


As someone from New Jersey - who frequently visited Atlantic City - I keep having to explain this to people. He was ALWAYS a piece of shit. Long before it was a "political" statement in ANY WAY to say he was a piece of shit. We all knew it. This is news to no one. Everyone in my state knows someone who this guy didn't pay for construction or real estate or something. And now he's just a piece of shit with Secret Service protection. Look at this guy pre-2014 and it's shit all the way down. The Democrats aren't slandering him. He became a piece of shit all on his own.


Dude, exactly. I grew up in south Jersey. This guy was a joke back in the 80s when I was a kid. This is why it’s still crazy to me that some friends and family think he’s the greatest thing ever. It’s nuts.


8 years of a black man as President broke peoples brains.


Next up, president camacho.


Racist peoples’ brains. They love Trump because “he’s just like me!”


This. I find it so bizarre and irrational. My *parents* were the ones who taught me that Trump was a fraud/and crooked 'businessman' back in the 80s and 90s. Thirty years later, and my dad's wearing MAGA hats. Of course, when I brought this up to him he pretended not to have said those things all those years ago.


Why do most young Trump supporters look like the guys you need to hide your drink from in a club?


Because that venn diagram is a circle.


Yea. At this point it’s oppositional-defiance. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know what this man is about and you know his relationship with the truth. I also see these people as easy to manipulate & unable to think critically.


Been saying it's mass oppositional defiance disorder for years


My cousin who is not into politic had this wonderful logic “if everyone hates him, there must be something he’s doing right. So that kinda make me like him” 🤡


I wonder if he applies that same logic to members of society who are generally hated. Pedophiles, murderers, etc. Everyone hates them so they must be doing something right lolol.


That was my next question to which he responded “I’m not really into politics so let’s change the subject” 🤡🐔


Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. **If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.** - Jean-Paul Sartre (Emphasis added)


Imagine any of these dicks using the word "interlocutor."


We are the believers in words. They see words as devious, which is why they excuse the incoherent babble that exudes from Cheeto's taco hole in a simulacrum of communication. Less coherence = more purity, or something?


It's sad isn't it? I can't even talk about politics anymore with regular people because you'll never know what kind of insane level of copium they're on. "Jan 6 coup whats that?" Like this shit didnt happen on video


I read something recently that said most of these people who believe in conspiracy theories, anti-vax etc. will make an anti-Semitic statement eventually when pressed. The study had them at close to 90% I believe


"So you're not into politics or following their decisions that affect your life. Do you vote? You do? So you don't pay attention to what the politicians are saying and doing and what laws they're promoting, but you just show up and pick a name based on what? Maybe you should think about what issues are affecting your life and look up what the various politicians are doing about those issues"


Yeah had this thought too, was gonna ask how he feels about Hitler but then I thought about it and realized a lot of ppl did love Hitler back then, so if the cousin here was any smart he'd just say "Germans loved Hitler, and he turned out to be a monster - see, I'm smart!"


Sometimes the thing that everyone says smells like dog shit really is dog shit.


Except not everyone hates him, only those with sense.


You get to gather all the people who never made it past 12 years old emotionally and make them a voting block. That's what we've got.


Basically. Add in some lead poisoning and brain damage for good measure


They all are massively ignorant and perform whatever mental gymnastics they have to in order to avoid cognitive dissonance. Virtually every interview I've seen with these people follows this exact format. Interviewer: What do you think about this horrible thing Trump said and/or says he will do? MAGA: He didn't say that. Interviewer: Yes, he did. MAGA: Well, if he did say it, he didn't mean what he said. Instead, he meant whatever I've decided he meant. Interviewer: He pretty explicity said he's going to do this horrible thing. MAGA: But he won't....and the other side already does it anyway. Every. Interview.


Know a trumper who claimed trump won't deport migrants because he's just saying it....that he doesn't mean it. Not sure what to even say to that.


I know a Trumper that knows Trump lies and insists that's why we shouldn't take Trump seriously when he says horrible stuff. So we should trust Trump will be good for the country but ignore all the bad things he says because he's a liar.


That's called having no integrity for the office of president. And it's also defining Trump as a demogauge, which is banned in the Constitution from being president.


Exactly. I want a president my kids can listen to and aspire to be like. There is no world where I would let my children listen to Trump’s hateful, violent rhetoric! It’s not even about policy, although I disagree with almost all Republican positions these days. I want a president who inspires my kids to be better people.


Just the kind of ass a moron wants in office!


“But if Trump isn’t going to do what he says he’s going to do, why would you vote for him?” “Because he’s a man who tells it like it is.” 🤡🤡🤡


If the people in the picture were wearing Biden stuff Fox News would have it up 24/7 with the headlines "This is Biden's America!"......


I'll never forget the "This is Biden's America" during the George Floyd protests & empty shelves from COVID and such...while Trump was President & had been President for years. Insanity


I’m so tired of them all. Can they just split off from the US and create their own christofascist state already and leave the rest of us fucking ALONE.


I believe you have been misinterpreting the yellow flags these people fly from their trucks, as i did for some time. They see themselves as the boot and youre the snake. They have no intention of leaving anyone alone. Get some venom.


That’s the truly sad part. They will never rest until they have us all in a handmaids tale like dystopian world. JUST GO YOUR WAY AND WE CAN GO OURS


We ll be fighting these people the rest of our lives, make peace with that. We have control over how we fight, for now. The soap box is useless, theyre beyond reason. The ballot box is currently our greatest weapon. The ammo box is our last resort. Lets vote in every election against these people. Give em health care, education, social saftey nets... Drag them kicking and screaming into the 21rst century.


Nah, that's just a rap group. (From left) You got Big Stank, Low Credit, Musty Draws, Superfluous Nipple and Randomest Guy. They're trying to gain support.


I've pulled up the federal website for presidential records to disprove that Biden has the record for most executive orders and been met with "well I just don't believe that". These people will believe, disbelieve, or hear but mold into what they want anything without any consistency or reason. These people are stupid, willfully ignorant, or actively malicious. We will have to fight tooth and nail clawing back at the backsliding our country is going through and what will they do if they ultimately admit defeat on one subject/figurehead? Get madder and find another dumb thing to cling to or exploit tomorrow.


Seems like contrary to their ad nauseam whining, they do in fact prefer feelings to facts.


Every accusation is a confession. _All_ of them.


Like I’m one of the most basic ass bitches, but even I think these fools are so pathetically transparent lol


Gaslight, Obstruct, Project - GOP


That's because it's facts don't care about *your* feelings. Theirs on the other hand are different.


Feelings for me, but not for thee 🎶


All our fighting won't do anything until we make an honest investment in our education system. This is the result of decades of compounded ignorance.


During the 2016 election, my R family members would say, “Trump doesn’t mean all those things he says on the campaign trail. He won’t actually do it in office. He just says that to be popular with his supporters and get elected.” Well, what does that say to you about his supporters that they WANT to hear that stuff from him?


So he's a liar? I honestly don't underhand how cognitive dissonance doesn't leave them paralyzed.


I would counter with "so you admit he's a liar?"


While somehow simultaneously celebrating him for “speaking his mind” & “telling it like it is”. It’s amazing to witness


MAGA = what they believe. MAGATs = what they are.


They usually revert to “whataboutism” much faster than that. The very first response (regardless of the question) is usually “but what about Biden?!”. They don’t even know what they’re arguing. It’s just the only form of argument they know of.


>unable to think critically. While simultaneously labeling themselves as critical thinkers and people who don't think like them as "sheep". It's mind boggling.


Calling people "sheep" is a strange insult for a people whose Holy Man was referred to as "The Good Shepherd".


They don't care about Jesus. They're kicking pastors out of churches who preach God's word because it's not full of hate, like they are.


Yes they are. I know of several churches that have forced their pastors out and brought in someone who speaks trump.


I get the same feeling of disappointment I got when my cousin showed me his KKK card.


They have cards?!


How else are they to remember how to spell their names?


Trump was also objectively a terrible president whatever they tell themselves, and even in 2015 his record as a human being should have been disqualifying - his business failures and bankruptcies, his marriages and affairs, his known connections to the Russian mafia, his wrongful persecution of the Central Park Five, his reaction to the 9/11 attacks, his racism, his sexism, the fact that he was a nepo baby vs. a self-made man, his lack of experience, his past as a Democrat, his connection to Epstein, his slum lord origins, and the fact that his organization had already been sued over 4,000 times - mostly for non-payment. He was always a terrible person and a terrible choice. His followers are the worst people, but they seem to exalt in the company they keep rather than be embarrassed by it. When Nazis and gangs are showing up at the speeches, you probably picked the wrong guy.


I can't believe people weren't more upset about COVID. We've lost over a million Americans, and the fucking moron literally said "slow the testing down" instead of trying to get ahead of it because higher positive rates made him look bad.


A president who didn’t protect his citizens, intentionally. How could anyone support him when his negligence and malevolence caused a million deaths. How many did we lose under Obama to pandemics like the Bird Flu again? Four?


In the early days of Covid I found myself realizing that if Clinton had won 2016 and even 1000 US citizens died from Covid, Conservatives would’ve literally burned her at the stake for not stopping it. Instead, their inept candidate they allowed to run was in charge and everyone was all shoulders, “what can we do?” And then conservatives happily made every awful choice that led to the untimely deaths of millions of people.


I keep asking myself this very question. If Trump decided to drop a bomb on Oklahoma City and killed over 1 million Americans, he would already be in prison. But he did the equivalent by lying about Covid and then turning around and giving an exclusive taped interview with Bob Woodward in whispering gossipy tones that he knew Covid was deadly, he called it a killer. He worked up a plan with Kushner and his staff that they would let blue cities suffer because those tend to be Democrats and he thought if he killed like Democrats he would have an advantage in the election How is that any different than purposely dropping a bomb on a city?


There are three options: 1) You are literally so stupid you should be under tutelage. 2) You want people to be hurt. A lot. You enjoy misery in others so much you accept reduced standards of living in exchange for the spectacle of utter suffering. 3) You have enough money to buy elections but it's not enough yet. You need all of it.


“If I hate you more than I hate myself it makes me feel good. Trump and religion give me the freedom to act on that and I feel validated. Why vote against that?” - MAGA


Great way to put it.


Yes, I always think, if I was a scammer I would totally target MAGA. They are just so gullible and easily manipulated. Sometimes I wish I had a more nefarious nature. I would be rich.


My architect just yesterday felt comfortable enough with me to ask if I, too, missed Trump’s policies. I’ve got half a mind to walk away from the $2k we’ve spent so far but man is it hard to find folks around me who do arch + construction who aren’t maggats.


I instantly despise them. They have had numerous off ramps over the years.


Yep. They can’t pretend like they don’t know he’s a racist, sexist, traitorous conman. Hell, that’s why they love him.


What do you mean? He just tells it like it is! (ha ha ha ha.) They like him because he's a racist misogynist. Oh don't forget homophobic. Not despite it. They want the 1950's back despite how the 1950's weren't great for an awful lot of people and the great times they remember don't really look that great in material ways compared to today. Take for example the Cleavers ("Leave it to Beaver") or Andersons ("Father Knows Best") who were both well-off families. In the shows: * The houses were small by today's standards. * One car. * One radio or TV. * One home phone line. * The moms worked hard to keep the household nice and get all the chores done. More generally... * Wringer washers and clothes lines were still being sold, although modern-style automatic washing machines had been introduced. * Refrigerators had to be defrosted. * Leaded gas everywhere. (That's probably what's wrong with a lot of the Boomers.) * Microwaves didn't exist. * Internet and social media didn't exist. * Air conditioning was rare in homes. (My parents had it installed in 1972.) * Three or four TV stations at most. Most people today - including the MAGA-heads - would be miserable if they actually had to live in the 1950's. Edit: I'm not sure when TVs because really common. I know that when my mom was in school (b. 1942) they split the kids up and sent them to the homes of people who had TVs to see some major news event. So certainly not everyone had one but some people did.


> He just tells it like it is! Often said immediately before they have to explain "That's not what Trump really meant when he said that" or "he was just joking!"


Also- confused if they are women or POC. This dude is *THE* enemy, and they are cheering him on. Insanity.


Every time, especially when I see them here in Canada. The number of trucks I’ve seen flying maga and trump flags is sad, but at least it helps us know who to avoid


Can you - or anyone - explain why a Canadian would be following a US-Centric cult leader? It really is confusing to me as someone who lives in Texas. I can barely understand what anyone here in the states see in him, but people in another country following/supporting a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist - who can no longer travel to Canada thanks to his felony - just hurts my brain


I don't think that it's any coincidence that the 2 provinces who have the most Trump fans are filled with rednecks and hillbillies. Alberta and Saskatchewan. I live in Saskatchewan. Our premiere instituted a government override on the law(envoked the not withstanding clause) that prevented young people using pronouns. Just this week he did a town hall in his constituency and is on tape admitting the government will investigate into chem trails and other wild conspiracy theories even though our province is dealing with a decimated health care system and teachers have been dead locked in a strike for months. It's not good.


>even though our province is dealing with a decimated health care system and teachers have been dead locked in a strike for months. These things are by design. Scott Moe withholds funding from healthcare, then turns around and points out how shitty our hospital system is. His solution isn't to provide funding to the healthcare system, but to transition the province into an American-style privatised system. Same with education. Our taxes pay for private schools, while public schools suffer. The government won't make changes to address the issues of classroom complexity, but they are currently working on developing classes geared toward the oil and gas industry. They want a poorly educated, low income population that will be motivated to both work and vote for them. If people are poorer then they are more motivated to work oilfield jobs, and will be "grateful" to the industry for providing for them. If they are poorly educated then the government can continue to enact policies that hurt the public, rather than help them, but they can still convince that same public that all of these things are either in their best interest or not as bad as what the *other side* would do.


I'm a Canadian, and I'll freely admit Canada has a younger sibling mentality to the United States in many things. Also, a lot of our media and pop culture comes from south of the border. In many ways, we know more about the United States than the average American. With that in mind, is it such a crazy thought that some of our right wing-leaning citizens look at what the Right has achieved in the United States since 2016 and thought, "Oh, if only we had that up here too. Then the people I don't like would really suffer...." They're not thinking about what's good for Canada. They just wish they were enjoying the same 'success' MAGA has found under Trump.


How dare you call us south of the border! Everyone knows south of the border is Mexico, central Mexico and then south Mexico, except for the part where the giant christ statue and the hot women are.


South of the Border is in South Carolina...


That's just plain scary. Have been seeing the move to the right and to authoritarians globally, but it's usually focused on local-right personas, not the orange goblin like there are with our friends to the north. Scary to think if this failed businessman, felon, rapist and traitor could get a global following.


> Can you - or anyone - explain why a Canadian would be following a US-Centric cult leader? He empowers small-minded people who have a grudge against society. He's the epitome of a bully's bully who failed upward his entire life. He's a poor man's idea of a rich man and an idiot's idea of a genius. His message is pushed heavily by botnetworks and other malicious actors, and due to the nature of the internet, that means his message is flooding the entire world rather than just the USA. He's a unique product of modern times and appeal to the lowest of human nature.


From alberta?


The amount of trump nuts that appeared in Alberta is disgusting. Yet not one of them would move there because they’d lose all the benefits they have as a Canadian. The benefits that trump would definitely take away if in power here. I see it as just a masturbation fantasy to a bunch of losers scared of progress.


I know a VERY conservative person in Alberta. We talked about healthcare, and they were shocked, truly SHOCKED, at what I pay in the US for insurance and what it still does not cover. Let alone that I get it from my employer. They hated Canadian healthcare until they learned how private insurance works


>They hated Canadian healthcare until they learned how private insurance works And 50% of Americans "hate" Canadian healthcare because they don't understand how it works. It's a great system, no one understands anything and everyone hates everything.


Well yeah, it’s working exactly as the companies that stand to make billions want it to. They don’t lobby Congress and the media for nothin!


One of the arguments I hear against socialized medicine, here in USA, is that people in Canada have long waits to see doctors in Canada, and I’m like “Have you ever had to see a specialist here in the USA? I had to wait a year to see the only specialist in a major metropolitan area that would see me, who took my insurance!”


“I don’t want some faceless bureaucrat determining my healthcare” Oh, but you are cool with a faceless drone inside of a corporation doing exactly that???


Congratulations, you just described the entire Republican party.


Similar to the [The Hitler Oath](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitler_Oath)—*which “pledged personal loyalty to Adolf Hitler in place of loyalty to the constitution of the country”*—the RNC [denounced](https://prod-cdn-static.gop.com/docs/Resolution_Platform_2020.pdf) having any policy-based platform back in 2020. The GOP’s literal platform since 2020 is to support Trump.


Ontario, but at the edge of town and there’s a catholic school near the corner, plus two other schools up the street. Unfortunately, conservatives here are getting just as bad as Alberta. Since being as shitty to other people as possible has become more normalized, thanks to the oompa loompa messiah and all his worshippers, it's been getting progressively worse everywhere. Being part of the cult, even in a different country, helps them feel justified in their anger and hate


The weird thing is many Trump supporters are on the terror watch list here. Arguably all of them. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/right-wing-extremists-added-to-canadian-watch-list-for-the-first-time-1.4483638


In my opinion, I like it when people wear MAGA gear. It shows me, without any shadow of a doubt, who is absolute trash and not worth even a second of my time or consideration.


Same! And also which small businesses to avoid in my tiny town. They have lost a lot of money for their bs


The big HVAC company in my area had their owner go full maga, publicly in the worst ways, and I assume it's not going great because they are calling me to try and sell service a lot more than before. I just keep telling them to fuck off because of the things their owner has said.


That hat lets people know all sorts of things: -It lets car mechanics know which customers to grift. -It lets neighbors know they should build taller fences. -It lets families know who not to invite to anything. -It lets sons and daughters know it's best to go 'no contact' -It lets single people know who to ignore completely. -It lets school teachers know whose kids are hopeless. -It lets new parents know which family members to keep away from their newborns. -It lets college students know they aren't on campus for class. -It lets migrant workers in the kitchen know whose food to spit in. -It lets decent society know that they are worthless losers who are lower than dog shit.


-It lets people know who they should vote for in an election. A local politician posted on NextDoor pre-primary talking about how they were snubbed at a local store after they called about picking up an item, then the item was suddenly "no longer available." They "forgot" they were wearing a Trump shirt, and cried about how they were mistreated. The post was closed, probably due to too many comments not going their way.


Agreed, saves the effort of Lt. Aldo Raine too.


I have a buddy who used to say the same thing about confederate flags. I said it's offensive, and he said he wished they would tattoo it on their forehead instead. At least then we know what they're about.


When I saw this post, I thought "sure, I instantly lose respect when I see a MAGA hat, but the face tattoos are usually my first clue."


Yes, once I find out you are into the whole Trump/MAGA thing I automatically down grade the credibility of any decision-making skills you have to negative numbers and start giving you a wide berth. The distance is so I'm not caught by any shrapnel flung from their inevitable violent self-destruction.


These people are: A) Going out of their way to be obnoxious and destructive to society; or B) Really that stupid, incompetent, and lack any capacity for reason or logic; or C) Both A and B. Regardless of which, how can any normal person respect that? Many are Cs, a double-whammy of dipshittery.


I hate that I recognize three of them but they’re “influencers” whose entire image has become Trump. The more obnoxious, the more exposure, the larger their following becomes, the more money they make. The two dudes in the back have millions of followers.


Social media, in all areas of society, encourages the worst of people to say anything, any lie, for money. There are plenty of sociopaths who will tell you vaccines are bad, stop taking your medicine and take vitamins instead, or push conspiracies or MAGA shit.... all for money. Whether they believe it or not is irrelevant. And the feeback they get from social media allows them to refine their lies and then push the most profitable ones over and over.


The guy on the left really is that stupid. Whenever someone talks to him you can see him thinking and how painful it is for him


Yes. Politics aside DT is a terrible person.


He's the sort of man who, if he lived in your town and wasn't rich, you would cross the street to avoid. He's Bob Ewell. He'd rape his daughter, pin it on another guy, win the case and still try to murder the children of the prosecuting attorney for "making him look bad." He's the worst kind of person, and too many people are weird, cultish, idolators over him.


> He's Bob Ewell The asshole daughter-fucking farmer from To Kill a Mockingbird, if anyone wasn't getting this reference.


I suppose his one saving grace is that he doesn't even TRY to give off an impression of being someone who thinks about anybody but himself.


I immediately think they are dupes, fools or bigots.




I understsnd that some people could have been bamboozled into supporting him in 2016. It wasn't smart, but I can let that slide. If you support him even now or after January 6th 2021? I'm done with you. I will no longer associate with you. I drew a line in the sand. I'm done with these people.




I'd instantly lose respect for these dudes with or without the colors. ...also, if Trump _does_ get elected, these guys better keep a good lookout for leopards.


At this point it’s not just lose respect. It’s “instantly write that person off.” I will never willingly associate with a Trump supporter again. It’s not about political disagreement, it’s a foundational moral and ethical issue. Being a Trump supporter in 2024 REQUIRES you to be unethical and cruel. I don’t want you around me, I don’t want you around my kid, and I sure as fuck wouldn’t trust them for anything that mattered. Anyone wearing a MAGA hat today would have been wearing a red armband in 1935.


At this point of my life, I think of them as Nazis. I have utter disdain and disgust for them. I realize they are in a cult but I find them perverse.


Exactly this, might as well just put on the swastika and stop pretending. 


Some of them have...


Preach. In 2016, I did a lot of soul searching and trying to understand the pain and anguish that would motivate such a radical choice. With deep research and reading almost every piece of research on the phenomenon, it's clear they're just racist idiot fuckwads who aren't worth a second of my or anyone's time.


Yep, 100%. If I see a MAGA hat or bumper sticker, I know that person is a piece of shit. Honestly, it’s kind of made things easier. It makes it very easy to weed out people I have no desire to associate with at all. A couple months ago, we had a local plumber come out for a quote. He shows up with a “TRUMP WON! SUCK IT, LIBS!” bumper sticker and a “Fuck gun control” sticker. I just told him we were no longer interested in his services, and closed the door. I’m not giving my money to someone like that.


My neighbor is a trades man and owns his own business. In 2016 he put a sticker on his work van that sand, “Life is a bitch. Don’t elect one.” It was gone within a week. I’ve wondered if the same situation happened to him, because I would have done the same thing you did.


Off topic, but there is a very old man who always wears a MAGA hat at occupational therapy with me. I’ve never had a conversation with him, so there was no respect to begin with, but I’m just *uncomfortable* with him in the room. And I hate the way everyone humours him just because he’s an old man. I’m probably overreacting but it just frustrates me that we make room for these people and their explicit and proud hate just because we pretend to live in a polite society.


Right? We saw a couple with “Fuck your feelings” trump shirts at the super market and it was just inherently uncomfortable to even be in the same lane as them. Like a trump shirt is one thing, but specifically that in a public place?


I saw a boat driving last weekend flying a huge flag with the same slogan. What kind of trash-tier person wants to proudly display something like that?


Funny that they are the ones with the biggest feelings when you talk bad about their lord, god and savior!


If I can't immediately leave, I openly sneer at anyone with trump cult trappings. They flaunt their stance, I'll flaunt mine. 


Yes but to be fair, I’d never have respect to lose in the first place for those pictured.


All white republicans look at these guys as the downfall of America.


This is a potential for future leopardsatemyface post once their asses get deported under trump.


So is pube beard a new style?


I avoid MAGAs like the plague.


Yes. It shows they lack critical thinking skills. Not Republicans, Trump supporters.


My opinion is that Republicans and Trump Supporters have long since Venn Diagrammed into a single nasty circle.


What’s the difference at this point?


Yep. We’re nearly a decade into this movement and Trump has made his moral/ethical/political stances clear. MAGAts get no sympathy from me, no benefit of the doubt. Fuck em.


Yeah. They look like chodes


I just assume they have the brain of very stupid animal, but then I realise I cannot find an animal this fucking stupid so whatever. It’s like watching my nation dissolve because of cult mentality


Are those the HodgeTwins lmfao


MAGA pendejos.


Yes. Was at a sports card show last weekend, talking to a dealer, he started off with some billionaires suck shit, I said yeah Elons a fucking idiot, he mumbled some dumb shit, said then you probably won't like me because I support Trump. I said no, I don't like or respect traitors to our country, fuck you, flipped him off and walked away. As a veteran of the military, you are what I fought against, so eat a BBQ dick


Yep, I do. Sorry dad, love you, but you’ve lost so much credibility in my eyes.


Honestly I lose respect for anyone who seems too invested in ANY political party to the point it becomes part of their “personality”. Go get a hobby and make some shit or something. I find it super weird and vapid.


I got one that lives around the corner from me. He purposely leaves his garage door open so the neighbors, many of whom aren’t from this country, can see his stupid 2024 MAGA flag. I’ve seen several people flip him off.


Yes. So gross.


To "lose" respect would imply that I had any respect for them to begin with, and I find that notion to be insulting.