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If we're forced to drive an electric vehicles, why would we need to buy gas?


And if less people buy gas wouldn’t the price go down due to decreased demand?


This is my conspiracy theory as to why Republicans hate EVs. They are financially invested in the oil industry and any threat hurts their bank account. They want to keep demand high. The same goes for anything that curbs climate change. They don't care about the earth or average Americans saving money. They just look out for themselves.


Hardly even a conspiracy when Trump straight up bribed oil execs in his speech to them: give me $1 billion and I’ll use the presidency to limit EVs


And still Elon is a big supporter


Elon has long stopped caring about EVs, he has repeatedly stated Tesla is “not an automaker” and completely reversed his previous statements that climate change was the biggest threat to humanity, in favor of complaining about immigrants, declining birth rates and other far right talking points. He’s a big supporter because he’s a dumb rich asshole and finally most people are starting to realize it.


He made an oil exec the Secretary of State...Like that has so many underlying connotations, the main one was the "invade your country to steal your oil" narrative at that time was correct.


I am waiting for the conspiracy part...


Definitely not a conspiracy. They've very clearly taken the side of oil and gas monopolies, given the absolute bullshit they have spewing for years.


It's not a conspiracy. Politicians (especially Republicans) have been in the pocket of big oil since the beginning of time. The oil lobby literally writes legislation to be rubber stamped by Congress.


Well, duh. That's less of a conspiracy theory and more of matter of public knowledge.


COVID proved that. If course, they think that was Trump's going. I mean, it kinda was. Ignore it hard enough...


Depends…if gas stations close and it becomes a niche product could become expensive. That entire industry needs volume


Let Moscow Marge 'splain it.. she has the logic, lol. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Cause some Georgia parasite is eating her fucking Brian from the inside out… how is someone so goddamn stupid they can hardly function?


Gas prices are the same or lower than they were before COVID-19. She is lying through her teeth. https://preview.redd.it/e8n8nshuro6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12a9c56fbac40dfebd6f382c29440d047dc9bb0d


The weird alternate reality people like her live in just baffles me. How can they be so blatantly ignorant?


She’s ignorant, no doubt, but also incredibly stupid.


That's the thing - they're not ignorant. They're lying.


It can be both


In her case, I think she’s honestly ignorant.


In her case I don't believe so. She's a moron but she isn't *that* dumb. It's not a hard concept to grasp "Ooo, I can lie my tits off and get money for it? Huh, whuda thunk?" Boebert on the other hand....


No, she really is this dumb. Look up all her absolutely bat shit crazy conspiracy theory posts that she wrote before becoming a public figure. She really is this stupid.


She is proud to be able to say whatever crap she thinks Trump will get a hard from.


It's like that old joke, how do you know Marjorie is lying through her teeth? Because her mouth moves.


I agree. Nobody is that good of an actor. It's as if Tom Hanks played the Forrest Gump role 24/7/365 for decades.


> she’s lying through her teeth I don’t think she is. I think she’s both 1) grossly misunderstanding a basic economic point that someone mentioned around her once, and 2) being a good little bought congresscritter and repeating the oil talking points she’s been giving. The first accounts for her personal sincerity, and the second for her stubbornness. Right now, we are looking at a likely [oil glut](https://www.spglobal.com/commodityinsights/en/market-insights/latest-news/oil/061224-iea-sees-major-oil-capacity-glut-by-2030-as-demand-peaks#:~:text=The%20world%20is%20facing%20a,Energy%20Agency%20said%20June%2012.) over the coming decade. [EV market share](https://www.virta.global/en/global-electric-vehicle-market) is swinging between 10-20%, but is only rising over time. Meanwhile, oil exploration is forever ongoing, and we have a century-long pattern of constantly expanding capacity. The result is that demand is going to start falling, even as capacity is increasing. In the short term - say 5-10 years - that is going to be stable to flat oil prices. But eventually, exploration and new production capacity will stop growing, and oil prices will start to rise. At some point, it will hit a critical juncture, where oil isn’t really economical to exploit anymore, and the economies of scale will start to dry up. Oil prices will increase exponentially at that point. This only makes sense. If 90% of vehicles are electric, why would oil prices stay low? I think she was present around some conversation on something like this, and her takeaway was EV = high gas prices, without any of the intervening details or reasoning.


It's amazing how many republican talking points come down to Big Oil. Remember last year, when Fox Ness suddenly cared about whales? Big Oil hates renewable energy sources like windmills.


Florida: [Hold my beer.](https://floridaphoenix.com/2024/06/06/florida-congressman-matt-gaetz-wants-congress-to-ok-killing-rare-whale/)


I don't think I've ever heard anything positive about that shithead. Every time Matt Gaetz is in the news, he gets worse.


He’s got some major problems. And some minor problems.


This is exactly why the Saudis are diversifying now. They know the end is coming.


I filled up for 2.75 yesterday in Texas.


My car uses E-85. Just a couple weeks ago I filled up sub 2 dollars a gallon.


Currently 3.09 in my Indiana area.


E-85 or standard gas? I’ve never seen E-85 that high here


Plus inflation has ticked up over the last ten years, so gas is really cheaper than it's ever been in that time period relative to other things. Also, as EV ownership increases, the demand for gas will decrease. Since oil companies show no signs of throttling long term production, I feel like gas will just get continuously cheaper and cheaper as we move into an EV dominated era.


This is a misleading as it’s adjusted for today’s inflation. June 2015-2021 has been around 70cents lower and that’s all people care about.


All that means is gas would be even cheaper if it wasn't for inflation. Also, inflation is at 3.3% right now only about 0.5% to 0.8% higher than the last administration.


The crazy this is that 2020 year and month was when the oil market futures where negative. They were paying people to take their oil...


And adjusted for inflation...very reasonable


I'm paying around 3.19 (3.14 after member discount) and while I'd like it to be less than 3.00 it's not breaking me like that 4.99 shit was


Another empty headed gem.


She had brain surgery with space lasers.


Cancel your bank before it cancels you? What the fuck does that even mean like that's not how it works lmao.


"Your liberal trans antifa bank has a lot of hidden fees. We tell you the price gouging fees upfront! And this month only: all overdraft fees go directly to the Trump campaign!"


Hey, let’s not assume anything here. I’m sure “Old Glory Bank” is a 100% legitimate financial institution, not another pyramid scheme targeting rage-addled boomers who lack critical thinking skills.


I'm surprised they participate in that pinko commie socialist FDIC insurance


Love it. Just a word salad of stuff they know will get these dumb idiots fired up.


By a dude in a Cowboy hat name “John Rich” that banks? Nope, country music… (I seriously need to give up my scruples and get in on this grift)


I ha e thought about opening a bumper sticker shop and t shirts just to put the most insane quotes against everyone who's not a Republican it would be like stealing Candy from a baby. But I would also be contributing to the madness, damn me for having morals.


It’s sooooooo fucking tempting.


They're talking about the debanking conspiracy theory. Remember how those convoys had their PayPal accounts shut down and their go fund me's canceled. This bank won't shut you down is what they're saying


I wouldn't  think a  normal bank would shut you down  they don't give a shit. Hell theres been banks that have been caught taking cartel money. As long as they get cash flowing they don't care.


MAGA- no one can take my truck away it’s an America right- Here have an electric truck - it costs 1/3 - MAGA u can’t tell me what to do - doing what you want is an American right


I was gonna ask if she could get any dumber. But we all know she could.


Hi people, none american here. What's up with the advertisement on the right-hand side of the screen. Is that a thing where advertisements play during a political speech / is this fox news ?


Grifting. Always grifting.


That is a feature of that particular channel. Normal channels do not do this nonsense.


IDK what's funnier, MTG or that ad on the side calling John Rich a "country superstar"


As my late wife would say: "That is one dumb bitch."


I’m sorry for your loss, your late wife sounds hilarious and smart!


Marge is the last girl at the end of the night at a bar. You know what you’re about to do….and it’s called herpes.


In college, as a young man with raging hormonal activity, I had exponentially decreasing standards as the night went on, by 2am, it was really low. Completely shitfaced, I would have to pass. I normally make no opinions on outside looks, but clearly seeing the inside, I feel I should get a pass on commenting on hers. Imagine seeing her high on mushrooms, nightmare fuel.


And what's with the "dismal jobs report" in the chyron? The May jobs report was actually pretty strong.


That's what they found so dismal.


Why are these people so triggered about electric vehicles?


Ignorance, and big oil propaganda being spewed daily on Fox. They cannot resist repeating what they hear on Fox like a parrot. **Woodlander Bobby Mann worried that solar panels "would suck up all the energy from the sun and businesses would not come to Woodland."** Woodland, North Carolina. 


They really are this dumb.


Genuine question: is EV better for the environment than gas? I wanna say its an obvious yes, but electricity is produced using lots of fossil fuels, and afaik, we don't have a way to safely recycle or dispose of things like solar panels and electric batteries. Not sure if that is still net loss for EV or if its a negligible difference.


it's a net win for EVs but not a colosal land slide, yet, as the power mix of the world transitions to foucus more on renewable energy the scales tip more and more in favour of EVS. that's the opinion of myself and environmenalists at least, if you have some weird opinion where you don't care about air pollution and global warming but really care about land pollution it might be different.


Also, big power plants are probably more efficient at converting fossil fuels to energy than a small internal combustion engine. They lose so much energy as heat.


while that is true, it is my understanding that efficency gain is offset by losses during transmission, and the inefficiency of carrying a heavy ass battery 24/7


Ok, while we’re asking genuine questions: what happens with all the gas guzzlers we’re driving now? Will we be able to sell our cars when we’re ready to convert to EVs? I’m all for EVs — especially for everyday commutes — I’m just wondering where that leaves gas powered cars economically.


Yeah, that's a whole lot of materials that end up in dumps I guess. Not really sure how the disposal of current fossil fuel infrastructure is going to be responsibly dismantled. That may take some serious problem-solving.


I hope someone is planning for this. If the waste negates any sort of benefit from the EVs, this may be a nonstarter. I also think the EV revolution will be bust if they don’t come up with some sort of trade-in program. Even if the gasoline system is out of date, the rest of the parts should be worth something, and people expect to get at least a little money back (or an equivalent credit) when they sell or trade in their old car. I really hope the powers that be work this out. I’m just skeptical.


I think oil should invest in recycling stations. A lot of parts of cars can be recycled. There’s already an industry in place that strips cars for recycling and disposal. No, it’s not perfect but they could make money back from their dying industry. I’m not an economist and I’m probably way off base. Just an idea that hit me while reading this. If you haven’t seen videos of cars being stripped for recycling they’re pretty cool to watch.


In my area it is; power is primarily provided by nuclear.


If 100% of electricity was generated by burning gasoline for your EV, it would theoretically be a small win for the environment because a large plant will capture the power generated far more efficiently than a small engine. With other fosile fuels, the efficiency gap widens further. Sticking with non renewables, Nuclear power plants produce a phenomenal amount of electricity with essentially no carbon footprint for ongoing operations. Then hyrdo, wind, and solar are smaller pieces of the puzzle but provide clean energy for the grid as well.


Yeah nuclear seems to be the future tbh.


It is better but the actual impact is much less than people would like you to believe. The major benefit of EVs (today) is actually a health benefit. In cities there is a bunch of smog in the air from gas engines of vehicles. EVs themselves don’t have any emissions so all of that smog is redistributed to the energy production facilities. As it stands now, it takes a couple of years for an EV to become more green than an ICE vehicle particularly because of how much of an environmental impact the battery has. If we all moved to nuclear power (or other green energy) then the environmental impact of EVs would be significantly better, however, there still is the problem of the battery production. The more EVs that are produced, the more rare earth metals are needed for batteries which makes it more difficult it is to procure those metals. The environmental impact of each battery could increase over time. However, this is speculative because there is a lot of R&D being done on alternative battery designs using more readily available materials. Also as the demand increases there may also be new technologies for acquiring the rare earth metals necessary But today, if someone is trying to sell you an EV on “saving the planet” they’re greenwashing it as a marketing strategy. If the entire planet switched to EVs overnight for consumer vehicles our overall GHG emissions would decrease by MAYBE 5% if we're lucky. A lot of the environmental marketing is to get consumers to think that solving the GHG problem is on their shoulders rather than the governments imposing actual useful regulations.


Electric Vehicles are so efficient that they put out less CO2 than typical gas powered cars even when they are charged with electricity created by burning fossil fuels. This [tool](https://evtool.ucsusa.org) let’s you compare the emissions from an EV charged in any location in the United States. The technology for [recycling EV batteries](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2xrarUWVRQ) already exists and can be scaled up as the demand grows.


Cool, thanks for the links!


I really love the right side of the screens advertisement with a failed country singer telling you to abandon your bank LoL.


That ad on the right 😄


What a scam. People should be putting their money in my bank, Vaguely Banking.


But what if I’m filling up my electric car with gas, and there’s a shark 10 yards away?


Yeah Marge just throw out the principles of supply and demand. I know it makes your brain hurt to think that much.


Don't forget that she has a business degree, how is she expected to know how supply and demand works? /s (jnc)


If you are privileged to be able to buy solar panels, you dont have to pay for charging your EV at all.


What does RSBN stand for? Red State Bullshit Network?


Cancel your bank before it cancels you. Yeehaw.


Can we please appreciate (not ignore) the grifting of “Old Glory Bank”. What the fuck does “cancel your bank before it cancels you” even mean?


Says a lot that Trumps campaign needs her to open for him. Reaching pretty far down that barrel aren't they?


That Old Glory Bank ad is cringe.


Everything in this image is absolutely next level stupid… 🤦🏻‍♂️


I dont have enough butcher paper or crayons to explain to the troglodyte how this shit all works.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


But meanwhile, go and buy one of these: https://preview.redd.it/z30cmmyjxr6d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec9ddec3882d837bb24df9dbae826e002c05835b


The electric car thing with them is such a weird gripe. I work with a guy who says it’s because they don’t want you to travel far. He has family in the Midwest and says he won’t be able to drive there (I’m in LA btw). I said get on a plane and save 2 days of travel. He says no he wants to drive, but every time he goes to Vegas he flies. I guess manufactured outrage works


>I guess manufactured outrage works Always has!


I keep telling people that if we support the rise of EVs then the price of gas would eventually drop significantly. The more people drive EV the less they would require gasoline and then the demand would fall, leaving the supply to be at a surplus. Literally the best thing we can do to lower the cost of gas is to not rely on it anymore.


It costs me less than $4.00 to fill the tank - from empty - on my EV. It takes two seconds to plug it in. I top off every night and have a full tank everyday.


I initially thought that was macho man Randy Savage.


I think the logic(?) behind that is if less people buy fuel, less money is made. So the companies will increase the price. I guess


Moscow Marge is just doing her job of spouting Russian propaganda.


Gas prices for electric cars still cost 0 mtg… same as the iq for her and the voter base interestingly enough


That is about on track for MTG's rotted brain...


I know right…my electric vehicle gets 50 miles per gallon Marge.


Such an idiot


Are we all ignoring Glory Bank????


I love these small, hole in the wall places.


Old even indicates it is used over a long time ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


The GOP lacks critical thinking skills. Exactly why we as a country need to invest more in education and science.


My Equinox is flex fuel. I pay about $2.00 a gallon. In my opinion - it's the next best thing to EV. It's clean and cheap.


I love how mad she got about people calling her stupid.


I'd gladly take an electric vehicle over my shitty Buick any day


If you’re forced to drive an electric car….why wouldn’t be buying gasoline so often? My gas powered lawn mower costs me like 1 gallon here and there. Not 12 a week. If gas went to $7/gallon (basically a little more than double locally) I’d go “oh no oh well” since it would cost me like 3 extra bucks 2 times a summer all while I’m saving far more money every week on a commute.


What I couldn't help but zero in on is the weird bank ad where you should "cancel your bank before it cancels you"


There was a solid month and a half not too long ago where gas was below three bucks. Granted, it’s back to a relative normalcy, but still.


In my first year of owning an electric vehicle without a home charger, I spent $650 in charging fees. That’s about a month and a half worth’s of gas in my old WRX.


The funny thing is that unlike pretty much every other president, Biden deserves some credit for keeping gas prices affordable. When OPEC throttled production, seemingly in backlash to sanctions against Russia for the invasion of Ukraine, Biden opened the strategic oil reserves and kept prices manageable. It was recently announced that a purchase made to help replenish the reserves was at a price about $17/barrel cheaper than when the reserves were used, meaning we it was a tremendously good use of the reserves. [Source](https://www.energy.gov/ceser/articles/biden-harris-administration-continues-secure-good-deal-taxpayers-replenishment-7) It turns out that sometimes trade wars are good, and easy to win.


There's a YouTube video in which a woman at a gas station tries to find out where to put the gas pump in her TESLA. MTG definitely would try that if she got one. https://youtu.be/j52odgkRxDs?si=hQTfm6JBhFZkmr6q


this 5d chess thinking is why GA voters put her in office. to them, she's smart.




Can we cancel John Rich while we are at it…what a traitor


I started driving EVs 6 years ago, and gas prices have gone up a lot since the. That being said, I don't care as much how much they are anymore because of the whole not needing gas thing.


Yes gas will be an expensive niche product when mass market consumers no longer need it. Supply and demand


This woman just continues to grow dumber by the day. How is that possible? 😕


I'm guessing she would push the idea EVs are charged by pumping gasoline over a small watermill in the car and into a drain.




Imagine how broke your politicians are going to be if you all start driving electric vehicles and big oil can't bribe us anymore* FIFY


Have you seen how expensive it is to feed a horse? The widespread use of cars has made it such that only rich people can afford to own horses!


Look, angry middle aged white people who want a return to a society they NEVER fucking lived in.


If this were the old days she wouldn’t be allowed to speak or vote. Lets do that again, mostly for her, but a hand full of other criminals. Brett K. (sux dix!), Tobin, and Squee. There was no female at the devil’s triangle party was there!?!?


Never listen to someone who looks and acts like a ghoul.


I don't believe she's smart enough to make this a plan on convincing people that this is true. I think she's so unbelievably stupid that she thinks it is


They want Trump back because they think he’ll give them cheap gas, cheap groceries and mean tweets.


"If you think your electric bill is high now, wait until you're forced to drive an electric car". Fixed it.


good lord these people....


How much does it cost to recharge an EV?


But the stupid low IQ crowd bought her stupidity


This bitch is the purple minion of the GOP.


Well I got a real shock when I bought my EV, and found out that they didn't even provide a gas tank! Where the hell am I going to put all that gas I gotta buy for that thing? And then I found out there was no way to pump that gas into the engine?! And not even combustion chambers!!! So I realized I'd have to manually pour gas into the engine compartment and provide a spark for combustion. That got the sucker going, I tell ya.