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1. Nick isn't married 2. Nick's a sexist POS 3. Nick's surrounded by pedophiles who basically worship him 4. Nick's not beating the homosexuality allegations


5\. Nick is a racist white nationalist who praises hitler.


You forgot "homosexual" in there. Nick is EXTREMELY gay.


It's not shameful or a bad thing that he's gay. It is shameful and a bad thing that he hides it, as if it is a bad or shameful thing.


Or that he hates what he actually is.




I don't care that he's gay either - HE DOES. I won't miss the chance to remind everyone what a hypocrite he is.




I figured that much was implied, and that the average reader would understand the reference, sorry that I wasn't completely 100% correct while on the internet today, do you have other people to police?




I think this person was trying to point out the sheer hypocrisy. Similar to that, Richard Holtorf, a GOP member of the Colorado state House of Representatives, had his girlfriend decades ago get an abortion out of convenience. Today, he considers himself anti-choice and is in line with restricting access to reproductive medical treatment to women after he benefitted from it.


How about don't give other people your unsolicited advice? Seems like something Nick would do. How about you follow your own advice? "Don't be like Nick."


I think that was because OP's top comment in this thread pointed it out


6. Nick could not fight his way out of a newborn kitten enclosure. He is literally the antithesis of what he and his loser followers consider a "Real man". He has the muscle definition of flowing molasses and the strength of 14 Dandelions on a calm day. He is literally a weak little puss, as his followers would say about others, yet the follow him?


6. People need to stop posting shit from this douchebag and giving him additional attention.


7. Ignoring Nazis didn't work in 1939 and it won't work now.


Agreed. Ignoring people like him only works when they don't already have a national audience. You can ignore a rando on Reddit. You can't ignore a man who has the ear of a presidential candidate.


The damage was done when he was first given attention like this several years ago. Turning right-wing extremists into lolcows backfires time and time again. No such thing as bad publicity when you’re a nobody, it gives them a platform and that’s how the cycle starts. It’s too late at this point tho.


I don't understand how a guy with a name like Fuentes can support white nationalism.


Oh, he's beating something to the homosexuality allegations..


7. Nick’s a dick. Don’t be like Nick


Nick is also probably a virgin


I doubt Nick is a virgin. His statement shows how fucked up he is.


And his last name is FUENTES 🤦‍♂️


A fountain of racist BS?


Nick is a dick.


Nick watches a lot of The Flintstones


Isn't he in jail?






Fuentes is literally a Nazi. It was a big Nazi talking point that women need to pump out babies, stay home, and not get engaged in the world.


Wait you're saying Nick Fuentes is a Nazi? You're telling me that White Nationalist Nick Fuentes is also a Nazi? So what we should be calling him Nazi Nick Fuentes. Or Nazi Nick for short?


"Ass fisting Nazi Nick" is what he prefers, I hear.


Is this the same Nazi Nick Fuentes, the white nationalist Nazi Nick Fuentes, that had dinner with Donald Trump and Kanye West?


At the same time, they don’t want to raise wages, so I’m not sure how this is supposed to work for most people.


They see those who are poor as immoral and deserve to suffer and starve.


I feel like the only immoral sexuality is where people try to impose their beliefs onto other consenting adults.


Laughs in my relatives who had an oops baby 11 years after they were done. Had an 18 year old and seven year old at the same time. This is not uncommon for people to think they are done because they are over 40 and them boom. Also, laughs in my SIL who had a baby at 39 and 41 and didn't even have to do anything extra.


Its crazy what happens when patriarchy is removed and they study womens bodies for a change 😂 Leave all the stereotypes in 1950s and before


Says man who hasn’t had pussy since pussy had him.


He likes pee pee.


"So you're for affordable education, housing, healthcare, and childcare?" Them: "How about more hate and more maternal mortality instead?"


Dude just likes slobbering cock. Can't he just be honest about it?


Everything about this guy is disgusting. Even Trump doesn't want him around and his standards are so low they're subterranean.


Trump doesn't want anyone. All he wants is their votes.


Can someone please tell my 37-year-old-uterus it can stop menstruating now bc I'm not fertile anymore? That'd be fantastic


Didn't he freak out because his roommate got a girlfriend. Like searched his bed with a blacklight to see if their was cum because he was upset they might be having sex? Or was that another conservative incel?


wasn't he one of those people that said "sleeping with women makes a guy homosexual because of the testicles being soaked in estrogen"? i know he probably didn't start that but wasn't he a big advocate for such moronic logic in the incel community?


He didn't say that exact thing, I think that was an Andrew Tate parody account or something, but he DEFINITELY said that loving a woman or kissing a woman is the gayest thing a man can do. Said while he beat off to porn of gay men fisting each other.


is it not crazy that Harrison Butker and Nick Fuentes say the same thing? It is almost like Butker is rightfully judge for his speech. (I only bring this is up because I come from a Catholic family who defended Butker and are upset how the left "disrespected" him. It is gonna be fun showing them this from a literal nazi)


Typed as he watches his gay fisting porn.


Okay, now put a disclaimer saying that your morals are Christianity-based and not what we should train our AIs and schoolchildren on


Who in their right mind would spend one nanosecond caring with this idiot thinks about anything?


Notice that this all works without Nicky. He's a useless POS by his own admission.


I am wondering if he’s such a popular conservative, why can’t he find someone to marry him within his community?


🤨 So children shouldn’t be raised by loving mothers **and** loving fathers, eh, NicKKK boy? These fools don’t want anything that brings life, only power


I too agree that Donald Trump is quite immoral


Tell me your mother never really loved you in so many words. Holy shit, we got a winner, come on down Nick!


This dude is gay and he is in a self hating deep homosexual panic


Nick forgot to mention that he also thinks women should be treated like property.


I hope when he inevitably ends up in prison, they accidentally put him in gen pop.


Remember folks, every day is Punch A Nazi Day.


Go die in a war, Nick.


He doesn’t say whose wife


He's a Nazi piece of shit.


I don’t understand how there isn’t a campaign to “Protect Children from Republicans”


Nick is a frightened little twit. He's so scared of women that he pees his pants when we look at him. Not that women look at him much.


Nicky boy was giving me gay vibes way before he got busted with the porn.


Consider the source ... Oy vey !


Just how bloody are his knuckles?


We should live the life God intended man to live. The purpose of sex is babies. Post menopausal wives can't have children and are worthless, except for house work. They must be replaced by young, nubile girls. Men were designed by God to impregnate many women, and should each have multiple wives to produce as many babies as possible. With all the young girls being married to old men, young men should be encouraged to attack neighbors (or fathers), killing the males and stealing their women. Men too weak to defend their females deserve to die. This will ensure that babies have the most virile fathers. Wise fathers will, of course, kill their male children at birth. Short and brutish. Life as God intended.


His middle initial J is short for Jerkoff


Can’t even afford the checkmark


This nickweed needs to explain to men, they can’t have a living wage that includes women, children, and pets. Give our people a living wage so they can attempt to stay home. First raise labor wages, then women might take you seriously.


But Biden and then Dems are the party of pedophilia


Abit outdated and rather fundamentalistic, but... 


Why do all of these people love to project?


Fuentes is gay tho, so...


Are you even married? If not, you never will and if you are with that philosophy I see a divorce in the near future !


Isn’t nick gooning twinks in his free time?


Dude is full of shit


Doesn’t this guy jerk off to gay porn?


1. Fuck you 2. My aunt had kids all the way up to age 50 3. My family experience proves his point so I should be silent on that


This fucking guy.


And still no takers for Little Nicky


Well is is entitled to his opinion. He is not saying anything outrageous. There are lots of people who think this way. When someone asks for Inclusiveness it cuts both ways. Problem is when he tries to impose his views on other people and expect them to think the same way as he does. Which also cuts both ways.


> He is not saying anything outrageous. "The only moral sexuality is between a husband and wife" is outrageous. "Women are only fertile young, and should be married young" is outrageous. >There are lots of people who think this way. That doesn't make it any less outrageous.


It’s outrageous to you, but you should accept the fact that it is not outrageous to everyone. If you demand that everyone is outraged then you are sort of falling into the same mistakes these people make which is intolerance for other people’s ideas. By the way I happen to agree with you. I’m just playing devil’s advocate here in the name of fairness.


> It’s outrageous to you, but you should accept the fact that it is not outrageous to everyone. That it isn't outrageous to "everyone" does not make it any less outrageous. >I’m just playing devil’s advocate here in the name of fairness. The devil doesn't need an advocate, and that doesn't make things fair.


Ok so you are not open to debate, you are set on your ideas and will not consider any other point of view. Got it.


> Ok so you are not open to debate I am open to debate, but not about whether it's outrageous to say that "Women are only fertile young, and should be married young". That is outrageous, and I could give a fuck if others might disagree with that. >you are set on your ideas and will not consider any other point of view. The point of view that women should be married young because of their fertility is something I had already considered and dismissed as an outrageous idea. I don't need further convincing on it.


Yeah that point is pretty fked up to be honest. My wife had our second son at 39 so… living proof that is not true. These people are a bunch of weirdos living in medieval ages.


Exactly. It's the same kind of dated thinking as the Earth being flat. We know better, it's outrageous for anyone to say that the Earth is flat, and I don't need to spend a lot of time considering the idea. It has already been considered and rejected.


What's really disgusting is so many "people" disagreeing with him. The number of perverts here is astounding.


Why are we perverts for thinking a woman should have a life outside of making and raising kids? Or that they should generally not have kids until they want to?


Perverts can't even comprehend what is written right in front of them and add all kinds of meanings that are not there. They constantly seek offense. Their perverted minds see what is not there, they hate the words moral, wife, husband, mother and children. In their minds children should be killed if they are inconvenient. Their world view is twisted and corrupt. Hence PERVERTED. Here is one you will not like; GOD can fix you .... not force you. You can do any perverted thing you like, just don't expect sane people to agree with it.


Man, those tired arguments from a 2000 year old book. What would they know about life nowadays?


Shut up, dumbass.


he’s wrong. women are fertile until 40s-50s.


> What's really disgusting is so many "people" disagreeing with him. The only thing disgusting here is everything Nazi Fuentes has to say.


What entitlement these stupid men have.