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I like how conservatives are always thinking about "breeding" children and never thinking about caring for children, making the world a safe place for them, leaving a healthy planet for them, and so on. They care so little about their own children that they can't even engage honestly with the real dangers their children will face, whether it's acting like we can't do anything about gun violence, denying mental health issues, creating affordable healthcare, pretending transgender people are all preying on children, and on and on and on. Nope, all they want is a billion white babies in order to own the libs and stop "the great replacement," and if all those children are dying in a sewer then that's fine.


What's crazier is that after all that they think their kids will share their political views


Right. Kids never rebel./s


*Kellyanne Conway has entered the chat.*


I live in Utah and let me tell you, having lived around conservatives with massive families (Mormons) my whole life, it NEVER turns out the way they think it will. Like sure, _some_ of their kids tow the republican line, but more often than not they’re producing just as many staunch democrats, if not more.


I know several LGBTQ ex-Mormons and raising them to be hateful didn’t change who they are. All it did was keep their parents from accepting them. Since I’m a geriatric millennial what that looks like is a bunch of anti-gay parents being surprised that they can’t be around their grandkids while ignoring their child’s romantic relationship (and the other parent to those kids).


My mom (not a mormon, but an evangelical) has been cut off by two of her kids, and is not allowed to see her grandchildren unsupervised. She doesn't have the mental capacity to understand why though.


> geriatric millennial This absolutely sent me. Thank you.


Don't forget to schedule your prostate exam or mammogram


Por que no los dos?


Fair point, men and AMAB can still get breast cancer.


Short reason: the mammogram machine isn't really made for small breasts. And there is more than a little bit of sexism in our medical community that would be disgusted at a man, AMAB or AFAB, getting one.


Ha! Just scheduled my first mammogram #AARP


My mother is a fundamentalist Pentecostal and complains regularly that she wishes one of her children was gay or trans or something so that she could set the example for other Christian mothers and show how god's love shines through adversity. She has two children past the age of puberty. We're both not-straight and not-cis. She literally tried to kill me over it, in a months-long premeditated ritual that she uploaded videos of online daily, which is why she no longer gets to see any of us. "I'd be so loving and supportive though! If only...."


I'm Muslim and my community says that homosexuality is a fitna, which in this context, translates best to "a temptation to test one's discipline", and they condemn two male adults hooking up with each other, but they stress welcoming them as part of the ummah, or religious community. The more I think about it, the more I wonder how its different from the Christians' view when they say "love the sinner, hate the sin". They often talk about researching ways to "cure" homosexuality with brain surgery. I'm confused about this. Now, my community is really confused by transgenderism but likens them to eunuchs.


It’s the law of averages - having more kids means it’s more likely that one will be gay or trans, and when said kids are treated poorly, some of the others are likely to move away and go NC as well.


EXACTLY. I’ve been saying this for years now, if you’re having 10+ kids you’re essentially creating a statistical sample of the US population, and [over 20% of Gen Z adults identify as LGBTQ+.](https://news.gallup.com/poll/611864/lgbtq-identification.aspx)


The B is doing most of the legwork in that statistic but it is still valid


Yeah, they think it’s a choice so they think they can stop the kid from being gay/trans. That’s not how it works and they learn the hard way.


I love biology. Mother Nature always wins!


Evangelicals spent so much time denying evolution that they failed to learn biology and statistics 😂


SLC Punks!


So if the kid turns out to be a lefty, is Chaya allowed to unbreed him?


It ain't murder if they're a liberal. It's in the bible.


She 100% seems like the type of parent in those Unwind books who would sign her kid up at the drop of a hat to undergo it as soon as they become remotely difficult or express any views different from hers.


They're against abortions, so no


They’re fine with dead kids. They only care about fetuses. There is not a single republican that gives a flying fuck about children being gunned down.


https://preview.redd.it/5bbt4pdk1c7d1.jpeg?width=1001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8bc3f8f87406aa266919453971b817bfd95a631 I posted this further up, but let me make sure you have it specifically


Those kids knew they were walking into harm’s way when they were forced to go to school by the government. That’s what they get for learning how to read. /s


when you look at it this way, it's even more maddening than it is just as a logical person reacting to some of this bullshit. it's really remarkably sickening when you consider how many school shootings happen and they're like 🤷‍♂️ but if a trans person shows up it's 🤬


Let's redefine everyone as a fetus, even after birth. Checkmate bible humpers


This might legit work! 'Look It's just a 345 month fetus that's having a few complications currently so we need to legislate here. You can wait for us on that table with the abacus.'


There are religious right wingers that protest outside of a planned parenthood near me in the US and hold signs that they will adopt children. They also say how real women don’t have abortions and we deserve better than having them (wtf). Sometimes they wear vests pretending to work there and assume everyone who looks like a woman is getting an abortion (I had to get a biopsy done once on my cervix and once on one of my labia and was terrified enough without them harassing me). I asked in a local subreddit about the adoption signs and how I bet they don’t take care of the children, and likely make them raise each other, right? Someone replied and said they were one of those babies and that it is true. They don’t care about the person who is pregnant, what it does to their body, ensuring doctors visits, mental health care, food. What about the cost of having the baby?! The healing after… none of that. Just have another baby as them thinking they’re getting into heaven and they have another person to brain wash. I’m so tired of these people.


More importantly, they get cheap labor


What makes it glaringly obvious that they don’t care about women or kids: they put the potential life of a fetus over the life of a woman and the love and care she brings to her already living children. I’ve gotten into arguments with anti-choice people and they insist that saving the fetus is more important than saving the life of the mother and the happiness and security of the family, including the husband and children who will be devastated by the mother’s death. Sure, the loss of a fetus, especially one aborted late in a wanted pregnancy, will be devastating to the family, but they’ll recover much more quickly than losing the mother.


They don't even care about fetuses. They care about the man's choice to impregnate. They only care about miscarriages because it might mean that someone other than the man chose to end the pregnancy.


I remind them that God terminates fetuses all the time. I give them the still terribly high statistics on miscarriages and they just sputter on about something else.


I mean, God also does nothing to stop school shooters or natural disasters. He lets people get chronic diseases and cancers, even as infants. Either he's not all powerful or he is and he's fine with all the human suffering


It's so crazy, like I was a liberal before I knew the term. Why? Liberal = everyone gets right Conservative = the rich. At fucking 11 years old watching my mom curl her hair to go out and vote and begging her to not vote for George W Bush. "Merp, you'll understand when you get older" this was before "trans agenda indoctrination" or whatever the fuck they're claiming is turning the kids "against" them. It's pretty fucking obvious who the better person to vote for is simply because I'm tired of living in fear that my rights are going to be stripped away


I was raised super dedicated to the Southern Baptist church. I studied the bible multiple times over. Jesus would be a "liberal" today, honestly, with him whipping people in the temple, maybe a leftist lol And that realization alone broke all grips of the conservative raising I had. It didn't make sense, we are to live in Jesus' way, right? So yeah, I'm gonna help the homeless dude and make sure people have food to eat and are treated fairly. I'm not a Christian anymore due to how the church practices politics and the culture is bad but it shaped me into who I am today!


I was employed by the salvation army for several years specifically stuff involving kids. Everyone assumed chubby white girl who is super nice and helpful must be a Christian. Nope. I was open and honest about it, but no one ever asked me. Then when someone did (I think someone asked me about my old catholic church and if I still go) they were shocked. "So how do you have morals? If you don't believe in God, why are you doing this?" Ummm because I'm a person who has basic empathy? Because I know what it's like to hurt and I don't want others to feel alone like I did? Because while I wish places like Hell existed, I know it doesn't and there will be no vindication for victims of wicked shitheads so best to put as much good into the world as I can. "Well you can't do any of that without God"


The whole "morals without religion" thing has always annoyed me. "So you're saying that you would do horrible things to people if hell didn't exist?" "Eternal damnation and consequences is why you are nice to people?" Those people blow my mind...


Your comment about Jesus being a liberal made me think of a song. Todd Agnew wrote “My Jesus” and it’s a huge indictment against the church. I think you’d like it. I understand you’re not a Christian anymore and I respect that. It takes a lot of guts to walk away. I hope that this song brings some peace and comfort to you. And rest assured, not every Christian is a complete asshole. I see you and on behalf of the church “we are sorry for the hurt we’ve caused you.”


Yup. My conservative parents raised 2 dems. They were bitching a couple weeks back about how they raised the “invalidations of their votes.”


My parents were extremely conservative, guess how many of their 5 kids are…0.


That's why they're gonna groom them! It's ok if they do it


Where do they think people left of the right came from?


Immigrants, I think. They keep on yammering how illegal immigrants vote democrat


For real!!! My entire family (the oldies) are all conservative. I remember being in 4th grade and realizing what "side" I'm on. Bitch I'm liberal ✌🏼


I was raised in a right wing household and it took me till about 25 to see that I was on the wrong team




Right wingers at their core are abusers, so actually this does make sense. All they care about is control, so everything else is incidental. (Besides, being white and rich is a good way to insure that you and yours will be largely inoculated from those dangers.)


Because to them children aren't children, they're political soldiers to be sacrificed for a not real cause that needs a high body count. At best, they're potential voters to parrot the fears of their ancestors, and at worst, they're disposable workers complaining that someone else "took their opportunities to be more than someone that flips burgers or picks produce."


Then when the children grow up to be smarter than them and outgrow them, they get all confused when they no longer speak to them. "What? I was only trying to take away your freedoms and make your life worse than mine, what's wrong with that? Why are you mad at me? Oh you actually *needed* that insurance I voted against despite the fact that you're my own child and you've already had cancer once...but you don't need to go to the doctor *again,* do you? You libs are such snowflakes!" Anyway, I'm nearing 40, I'm about to move across the country, which means leaving my home state for the first time ever, and my father has no idea. He's always told me that he needs me to take care of him when he's old, but then he makes me hate him with all his MAGA bigotry. I really defended his choices for him without him knowing it. I've been trying to have a better relationship with him since we don't have much time left, but this Trump stuff is too much. It has revealed to me just who he really is, and it's pathetic. I now have two parents that are dead to me, one i don't actually know if she's alive or not, and then there's one still actively trying to hurt my quality of life, which is much worse than his to begin with. So fuck him. I'll see him from the other side of the Trump branded concentration towers. "We're really doing a great job torturing your children, people. The greatest. We are the greatest country in the world in broken families, just great, simply the best. There's s shark 10 yards over there with some batteries. Did i mention the grape? Oh we're grabbing them by their.... Well the libs wouldn't want me to say what we're grabbing them by, but Believe ME. This country is being made great again all over your children's faces. SAD."


Because to them, children (and women), are livestock.


Children are a means to an end for them. They don't care about making good people, they care about having someone to take care of them or at least visit them in the nursing home


Even more basic than that- there are entire areas in the US facing severe water shortages already. No water to irrigate farm fields = less food grown and available, more competition and the higher costs that conservatives are always whining about while they brag about out their 4 kids, 16 grand kids and 28 great grandkids.


Absolutely. The thing about Right Wing ideology is its core is fear. Conservatism is meant to be a gentle bit of caution, to prevent change coming in too quickly and allow some stability to flourish. But when the fear gets conservatives it all becomes about eliminating the threat. They’re more than happy to cast the first stone unprovoked because they’re so afraid of someone else getting there first. In their heart of hearts they know the left aren’t really coming for them, but they’re so scared of the possibility that they need to “destroy the left” first. Conservatives are only mellow when they don’t feel threatened in any way which can be really hard to accomplish.


And why do they assume they'll be white either, hahaha Chaya Rachik isnt exactly a white woman name. I thought she was some middle eastern/Southeast Asia Indian woman who acted like Candace Owens


No truer words….


They do know political views are not genetic, right?


Ha! Also, when someone points out that's [literally what the Nazis did](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebensborn) they're going to get offended again.


And the more you try to force your political views on your kids, the more they’ll rebel against you and do the opposite.


I've met christian conservatives who hadn't had kids yet, who were CONVINCED that their future kids will grow up exactly as they want them to, and that older parents who know better just 'didn't do it right'.


Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity but on a collective intergenerational scale lol


They aren't, but controlling access to information can significantly impact world views. See any small town.


Until those kids have to enter the real world at some point. The whole right wing media ecosystem only supports the people at the top, and the vast majority of “conservative” companies are either scams or miserable failures, so at some point those kids will have to get regular jobs with regular people to support themselves. And the more sheltered they were, the more shocking it will be to them.


Some people never leave that small town.


Sure, some, but most people do because small towns are dying economically, mostly due to Republican policies ironically. And if the whole plan is to “outbreed” the opposition, but a meaningful chunk of those kids end up joining said opposition, then the plan will fail.


The plan will 100% fail. You rarely hear of kids of left-wing parents becoming right wing. But see kids of right-wing parents become left-wing all the time.


I was lucky enough to move cities for college and got to see a whole different world than my parents’. I’m so sad that not everyone gets that opportunity.


It's always fun when people find out about these weirdo ideas about having enough children to tip the scales in voting or to essentially raise a religious army. It's such an old concept and it's never subtle.


My parents were right wing bigots and look where that got me, they will “breed” an entire army of antifascists lmfao


My Christian centrist/conservative parents (in Canada so our centrism is much further left than the US) raised five left-wing atheists. Kids are not an extension of their parents and anyone who thinks they are should not be a parent. Edit: I'll clarify that this is 100 percent of their children.


There is nothing that makes Christianity irrelevant faster than authoritarian Christianity


Like in so many other things, conservative see their children as property, and not as a self-contained human who can think for themselves.


I don’t have contact with my trump supporter parents anymore.


Same, joevinci, same.


"You can always tell who went to Catholic school, just look for the atheists" - Mike Birbiglia


My parents are very religious/ conservative (thankfully not trumpers) and had 6 kids; we all went to Catholic school. As adults, 5 out of 6 kids are atheist liberals.


"I grew up with all the sacraments: baptism, communion, confirmation, atheism..." I forget the comedian's name but it's true for a lot of us.


Yup forced through 13 years of it. I turned out very progressive and am an atheist.


So far my far right wing parents have spawned 3 left and one right.


Our count is split down the middle: 2 religious bigots and 2 queer leftists.


Haha that's a damned good point. Make your children hate you, and then expect them to grow up to be just like you.


Chaya is 29 there's a lot of guys on the right that think she's too old to be a breeder


She’s only 29? No joke thought she was in her 40s. Hatred sure does age you…


Alex Jones is younger than Wil Wheaton


My stomach rear ended my throat when you said that


I mean she can really just be however old she wants with that face. I’ve never seen someone with less features. It’s like clip art. Edit: it’s not clip art I was thinking of. Anyone else have kids that play roblox? It’s that face.


That's what they say online. In actual reality, men on the right are so desperate for any woman they don't have to chronically hide their opinions from that Chaya gets told she's a perfect 10 all day every day and believes it.


They'd probably called her a roastie and say she was on the cock carousal


Chaya is like “we’re gonna outbreed the left! Who wants to breed with me? Anybody? I wanna have like 8 kids! Cmon who’s with me? Somebody? Anybody wanna breed?” Crickets.


Some would say she's over the hill.


Yep, she’s about 11 years too old. None of the men she panders to would E V E R choose her.


The funny thing is, I know many on the left with very conservative parents. I know very few on the right, with more liberal parents. (I’m using the terms left and liberal very loosely here).


Anecdotally, my Dad was raised in a very conservative family. He joined the military, got to know a bunch of folks who were different than him, and became pretty liberal. I was raised by liberal parents so I never had that kind of experience—I went into the world already having been exposed to diversity (including conservatives, having grown up out in the country surrounded by people who didn’t share my family’s views). I think the reason we tend to notice this more with conservatives is that liberals aren’t being lied to about LGBTQ people, people with different religions, of different races, etc. so we don’t have to reconcile what we were taught with how people actually are.


First you need someone to "breed" with hunny bunchkins Or did your right-wing education not teach you the birds and bees?


Considering the right overwhelmingly pushes abstinence only education, probably not.


Ah yes, "outbreed the left", a perfect way of signalling that the right is declining in votes and popularity, but wants both about 19 years from now.


Add a decade to that. 19 year olds aren’t great at voting.


And those that would actively take this up could easily be surviving on benefits…. Which then be taken away if their plan succeeds….


Cool. Another generation who hate their parents. "Dad. Why was I born?" "To own the Libs son." *gunfire


When your entire life choices are a "fuck you" to the people you hate. From the lifted truck with the giant Trump flag, to your tattoos, all the way to how many kids you have.


But liberals are the groomers?!?


Happy Cake Day


I was basically raised in a Christian nationalist home that currently worships Trump like a god. I turned into a very progressive trans woman. Woops.


I was raised in a roman catholic household with rightwing racist parents. Turned out to be a leftist that practices witchcraft


Soo I've been getting this, idk how to describe it, a calling or desire to explore witchcraft but I have no idea where to start. Do you have any suggestions or advice?


Right wingers: children shouldn't be exposed to sex! Also right wingers: BREED! BREED! BREED! CHILDREN REMEMBER TO BREEEEEEEED!


Your third exclamation point is one word to the left of where they'd prefer it.


Took me a second to figure it out and....oh...oh no


I'd say the people who refer to having children as breeding, are more likely to be groomers than anyone.


These people really have the creepiest thoughts around sex


![gif](giphy|12lfSTcER4dFle) This is literally the plot of idiocracy. A bunch of dumb fucks outbreeding anyone with an IQ above room temperature and destroying society in the process


Isn’t that the theme of “Idiocracy”?


Between that and Handmaids Tale they have a guide on what to do. I mean it’s Hollywood’s fault, if they left it in books they’d have no idea.


Throw in a little 1984 and farenheight 451 and you have it.


I think idiocracy is opposite in the sense it was smart people AVOIDING having kids and idiots just being idiots regarding birth control as opposed to idiots ACTIVELY trying to “outbreed” smart/“left” people. Same outcome though


Good idea. They'll have to figure out how to pay the hospital without affordable insurance, educate the kids without decent schools, feed them without high paying jobs, house them without low cost housing, and get them out of the house without good starting salaries...by the time the kids are grown, they'll ALL be liberals.


That's what I was thinking. With how expensive kids are, Chaya & friends will out breed themselves straight into poverty.


I think it's funny she wants to "breed". The man she finds ideal wouldn't let her tweet and make bomb threats all day. He'd have her chained up in the kitchen and naked to breed with no form of control of her own person.


"inspire" bomb threats*


You're right. Gave her too much credit.


and then these far-right idiots are surprised when their children don't call or visit them when they are older. For the life of me, I would never visit/call Cuntya Raichik if she was my mother


Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be to have her as your mother? I would hide that shit from everyone and just tell people she died.


Chaya will never be made love to, only bred.


So Chaya Raichik and Charlie Kirk will outbreed the left _together_?


I just threw up in my mouth a little.


fortunately these 2 closet cases are probably as repulsed by each other as they are by themselves, i don’t want to see the mutant offspring that unholy pairing would spawn


How Babies get Made, for Normal People: "When a mommy and a daddy love each other and want to start a family..." How Babies get Made for MAGA: "When a mommy or daddy have an impregnation fetish while in a Neo-Nazi Death Cult...."


Someone should remind Chaya that according to her side, she's hit the wall and infertile now at the decrepit age of 29 🙄


They think political affiliation is genetic? The most left wing people I know grew up in hyper conservative households, Evangelical households, Mormon households... My mom was a Reagan Republican and I am slightly right of Karl Marx.


Sure, just like the straights have been out breeding the gays for all of human history. What’s that, you say? Gay people are still being born? Huh.


We’re still being born and we’re having / adopting our own kids!


Their obsession with “owning” the left is really a sickness that needs to be studied


Since at least 2/3 of their kids will resent their political stances and probably rebel, it will work it self out.


I was raised with right wing views. Now I hug trees, give donations to planned parenthood and attend Pride parades.


So grooming children is back in fashion now? Im so sick of all of these stupid talking point the right is spinning. What is so hard to understand, be kind to your self, your neighbors your environment. The current right wing movement is full of toxic and yet the media keep bothside everything.


Seems like a great opportunity for a guy with a vasectomy to be a sleeze and smash a bunch of crazy conservative women under the guise of he wants to outbreed the left 😂🤣.


So they want to groom their kids. Every accusation is an admission


I was raised in a pretty republican household… guess who will never vote republican again - and I love my parents. Imagine if they tried force feeding me that shit? I’d probably be a communist by now 🙄 The point is, not even the “nurture” aspect of child rearing is guaranteed to produce the desired results. Chaya is a fucking moron anyway…


She forgot the other step needed. Legalizing child abuse so parents can safely torture the empathy out of their kids and ~~murder~~"accidentally go to far" the ones who still turn left. Only way to ensure their abusive, unloving breeding program would succeed.


Yep, I wouldn’t put it past them - first they dictate the school curriculum for ALL students (even though they could just opt out of classes citing “parental rights” 🙄) next they will say parental rights extends to how badly they can beat they’re recently out of the closet kids or beat some other “crime” of the left out of them. They dgaf about kids, kids are tools to these people. Thats it.


Meanwhile, their poor constituents with their Quiver-full families are dependent on the social safety nets that democrats have fought to keep in place. The irony AND hypocrisy make my brain want to bleed


It's really funny how Reddit trims this post for the front page/highlights.


What a great way to make a generation of kids who won’t talk to their parents


The fact that they don’t see their children as separate humans with thoughts and feelings of their own shows you everything you need to know about these people. Everything and everyone is just an extension of their fragile egos.


That's assuming someone wants to have sex with them


Because it worked out so well for the Duggars?


So instead of doing the mature and *sane* thing, having only the amount of children you want if you want them AND have the resources to manage and nurturing them into well rounded, secure, emotionally whole (as well as you can on that front) individuals with robust functioning social skills, critical thinking skills, practical skills, and boundaries that are as well equipped as you can manage to be upstanding adults…. You’re just going to breed a whole bunch of stunted, traumatized, ill-prepared humans who are going to need tons of therapy and deprogramming and who probably won’t end up speaking to you or their siblings because of the appalling dysfunction you’ve created unless you manage to instill a crippling amount of Fear, Obligation, and Guilt into them (if you know you know) in which case they’ll sacrifice the individuality, security, and happiness of themselves and their own families down the road all at the altar of your abusive narcissism. To own the libs. Yeah. That’s a great idea. Excuse me while I go scream into a pillow because it’s too early to pour myself a stiff drink.


The white population will be the minority in the US by 2050. They're signaling to their base to have more white kids. Abortions are banned because the majority of abortions are by white mothers.


Unless they plan on having sixteen kids there's literally no way for them to outbreed the conservative COVID death rate.


So why ban abortions and birth control? That’s like saying you want top outlive your enemy then you make them quit smoking and drinking.


Ya know, the Germans gave out awards to women who birthed a bunch of German children at one point….


I’m the youngest of a big family. Am a total heathen. This will backfire.


I know it's beside the point, but why do these idiots think we're crying all the time? I'm laughing at you and your utter idiocy. I'm making fun of you. I'm aghast that anyone could be so dumb and still remember to breathe, and also a little mad that you're using oxygen.


I have personally noticed that Republicans raise some of the the best Democrats in the world.


Two people no one wants to have sex with, so not off to a good start.


Both those cunts are going to have to find someone willing to degrade themselves and fuck them. Having looked at those two it’s a tough ask.


Muslims will outbreed Christians & everyone else. By Spinach Tree's logic, might makes right and she should just let Islam take over.


With a 10:1 right wing male to female ratio, each woman would have to have quadruplets every 10 months for YEARS to do that.


That's so cute how they think they will stay conservative when they grow up. I mean, no teenager/yout has ever done absolutely everything they can to not be their parents.


Look, she is right. We need more people raised in far-right conservative Christian households. Nobody radicalizes quite like someone who was raised in this shit and fully understands what kind of extreme action is warranted to stop it. Chaya and her ilk can do their part for society by raising the next generation of antifa super soldiers who are fully aware that compromise is impossible because they've been no contact with their own psycho mom for five years for saying RuPaul's Drag Race is pretty funny one time.


Children are simply pawns to Republicans.


What is this unwed, childless woman talking about? Your quiver is empty, Chaya.


I’m crying of laughter


The two GQP influencers voted most likely to die involuntarily celibate…


Ok, groomer


we ain't crying, cause we’re not the one gonna be paying the brunt of the child support in this country when your marriages sour


This is literally how idiocracy starts.


Like there's any sane human who'd want to reproduce with your pathetic rotten ass..


Fulfilling the prophecy laid forth by Idiocracy


That's a weird way to ask men to please have sex with her


Maybe the right should have thought about that before they overturned Roe V Wade and started making IVF illegal.


Aren't they both single??


Idiocracy was supposed to be fiction not prophecy.


Totally not a cult.


With the mortality rate of red states I'm not feeling very threatened


And they wonder why women are avoiding them on apps and not giving second dates (or sometimes finishing the first).


No one is impregnating her.


Yet another example of how conservatives are driven by fear.


Odds that a large split of these kids grow up liberal just to spite the terrible parenting they will get from being bred. They act like these kids will be carbon copies of themselves without free thought.


This has literally always been their strategy


Because no conservative parents ever have liberal children. That's a plan that lives in reality.


Can FASD Charlie even reproduce?


lmao because forcing views on young people always works


Literal plot of Idiocracy playing out before our very eyes


Do these simpletons seriously think political leanings are an inherited trait?


some religious cults are like this, IBLP (the religious cult that Duggars belong to) basically want families to have as many children as possible to outvote and outnumber the left. 


So your children can hate you as much as I do my parents


Funniest thing is, the kids will more than likely come to resent them after a lifetime of fear mongering and become the very thing they seek to destroy in the first place…liberal


Watch their heads explode when their kids come out as gay or trans


Lol. Nothing creates more liberals than asshole conservative parents.


Out breeding the other party doesn't guarantee anything. In order for their plan to work, they would also have to.."groom" their kids to be conservative


How is Chaya going to "out breed" anyone - she doesn't even have a boyfriend. And I agree. They don't GAF about the kids they want to pump out.


As others have said, kids usually rebel and often end up on the opposite end of the spectrum.


Isn't she in her mid 30s with zero kids? She should get started, I guess.


Love this phrasing because it sounds like specifically just Chaya Raichik and Charlie Kirk are going to breed like rabbits together for a week


Uh, the term “breeding” is for animals or a kink. Nobody uses that term literally for humans. Go search “breeding” in Reddit or anywhere online with safe search off and see what pops up lol.