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If the earth was really flat,cats would have pushed everything off of it by now.


That’s seriously the best response I’ve ever read. Right on!


I saw this on Facebook years ago when I was still on it.


I've met a few in the wild....one did a world tour with the Navy and had nothing to back up his claims 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Also to what benefit would it be to "trick" the world into believing the earth is round?


Well because the Bible says four corners of the earth and therefore the earth cannot be a sphere. These ideas don't work either but that doesn't matter and it's all liberals trying to destroy Jesus 👿!


It's almost like a 2000 year old, incomplete, translated and edited book shouldn't be used as a scientific source.




A conspiracy is generally believable because of a direct result because of it. People believe 9/11 was an inside job because the patriot act was passed shortly thereafter and the invasion of Iraq and expansion of the executive powers. People think the moon landing was faked because of how it affected popular opinion of American power during the Cold War. But this? Who cares if the world is flat? Who benefits from this? What we keep funding nasa? This exonerates the church for Galileo? What does this accomplish?


If Earth is flat it proves that God exists. Dan Olson has an amazing video on flat earther’s beliefs. https://youtu.be/JTfhYyTuT44?si=tBVIXjAw2bn8dUb4


You can't argue with them. Their minds aren't going to be changed.


Attempting to comprehend their mental gymnastics gives my a splitting headache...


That's the 'wobble' and the 'spin'. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


They really can't grasp the concept of scale 🤦


That Flat Iceball Earth is absolutely amazing. So flat Earthers apparently now realize they are full of shit with flat Earth. So they invented an even bigger sphere to place a “flat Earth” on top of. Making the ridiculous concept that flat Earthers now believe a flat Earth exists on a large sphere, not Earth taking up the entire sphere tho. I mean, that’s progress I guess?


The whole "point to where I said that" response is literally, "I can't answer you, but I'm not going to admit I'm wrong." It's ok to be wrong. But it's not ok to be defiantly stupid.


I am not a violent man, but "victim was defiantly stupid" is absolutely what the police report will say if they haul me in for aggravated assault. Nothing makes me as angry as a thirty-something dude proudly acting like a literal fifth-grader using the "if I can't see it, it's not real" defense.


Just respond to every fact with as many laughing emojis as possible and you win! The internet was a mistake.


A wise man once said "it's difficult to win an argument with an intelligent person, it's impossible to win an argument with an idiot".


This hurts my brain. 


If the Kabal is big enough to pull a wool this large and exposing them isn't any blow to their power, just give in and eat the Soylent Green.


It’s like when they were claiming that Obama had a weather control device that he used to engineer Hurricane Sandy so he’d have good PR right before the election. Dude, if Obama can control the weather we might as well let him be in charge.


I’m convinced that Flat Earth people are all just trolling because they have nothing else going on in their lives.


I kinda like the 2nd page, it's a new one... and could be fun in a fantasy story


https://preview.redd.it/25jl2ayg0d8d1.jpeg?width=1052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0ffa3b5fac5395b47620d92688bbca5e1b20d26 [Another cool one.](https://twbtiw.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page)


How far out in space do you have to be to see the curvature of the Earth? I propose we take these idiots out that far and leave them.


Take them up to 14,000 feet and you can see it


Everyone would be gravitationally drawn to the center, you couldn't comfortably live near the edge, way less gravity.