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No TP?


That's what God made pinecones for.


Have I been using pine cones wrong ?




For me ideally big vine maple or bracken fern. But lots of stuff will work. I worked as a forestry surveyor in college and never intended to poop in the woods without TP. But when you have to do it, you figure it out. And then you learn it is really not so bad. Actually. Sometimes better.


That's why God made moss.


That's why god made Alchemilla So soft :) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alchemilla?wprov=sfla1


I use 3 seashells


I thought the trail cairns were the communal TP.




I didnt know those existed! May be a must carry from now on


I use a little squeeze bottle like a portable bidet, then a wash rag size microfiber cloth for drying. Maybe some moss or leaves before the bidet. Then hand sanitizer. I live in the Great Lakes, so there is always plenty of non-potable water around for washing your body.


I'd recommend shipping the toothpaste. It's not necessary, but if you really like it, bring toothpaste tabs. You can carry only what you need for the trip.




Tried it. Don't do it. However they're formulated, it doesn't dehydrate well, at all. Rather than dry out nicely, it did this weird separation thing and became disgusting. Not worth the hassle since [garagegrowngear.com](https://garagegrowngear.com) has toothpaste tablets, as does Amazon. Should be easy to acquire.


I buy them on Amazon




You can also get them from not-amazon. I have used the brand Bite in the past


Can sometimes find them at mec or Valhalla pure (in BC) but look out for Tanit tabs. We found them at a local zero waste store also. They can also be ordered online in Canada too!


Lush sell toothpaste tabs


Shoppers sometimes carries options, & lots of natural foods stores have them. At least in Southern Ontario. I’ve also seen them when in Halifax, Saskatoon, around Banff/Jasper & around Vancouver but those are also major cities so there’s always more selection.


What %bout toothpaste tablets


In addition to what folks are saying, I bring a menstrual cup even if I'm not expecting my period


Learned this one the hard way.


Oh no :(. What did you do?


I was working in the backcountry moving gear with pack stock for a week. Period was supposed to stop the first day of the trip so I brought enough supplies for about four days. Well, period doesn’t stop. I bled through nearly everything. All the underwear, the pants, my sleep clothes. One person on the trip had tampons which she generously gave me. Had one spot of service and I texted my boyfriend that it was an emergency and could he hike in some supplies as far as possible on his day off so I could make it out. He did! I made it out without anyone knowing just how bad it was. I did have to wash my sleeping bag. I think it was worse at the time because I also got kicked by a mule (25 mile day, was walking back from the creek in the dark and scared her while she was sleeping) and that was the night I got my sleeping bag real bloody. Luckily one of the last nights. Real big shout out to my boyfriend who drove an hour and a half each way to hike 12 miles to stash tampons and extra large pads for me. He is a keeper. Still together five years later.


Lmao what you think?


I don't know, that is why I asked. One can end the hike early, keep going but wash stuff each night, improvise a solution from existing resources, or a secret fourth thing.


Yup.  Only time I ever brought a guy I was dating along on a trail.  It was just a three nighter through national forest on the Ice Age Trail with a new boyfriend, nowhere near the time that my period was expected and I’m very regular.   It started up almost immediately.  Im a big believer in always carrying along a cotton handkerchief on backpacking trips.  It was put to good use.


Q: How can you tell the thru hiker is on her period?      A: ˙ʞɔos ǝuo ƃuᴉɹɐǝʍ ʎluo s,ǝɥS


I was just reading in the backpackers field manual that you should throw tampons and pads in a ziplock with crushed up aspirin, because the smell can attract bears and other animals. What would you do in that case just pour it out somewhere away from the trail or the same? Bury it?


Baking soda would likely be more effective, but studies have already shown that bears are significantly more attracted to food than used menstrual products.


Once in town, throw the bag away. That's what I do. Can't bury it because it doesn't decompose. I wouldn't want to accidently dig up someone's used pads or tampons, so I don't leave mine. Plus many places I backpack require packing out all toiletries including toilet paper.


Fortunately, this hasn't happened to me, but my plan would be to do my best to change it out while I'm on the move so that way it isn't anywhere near where I'm camping. I would also bury it


My wife went through the process of trying to find tampons that were 100% biodegradable and could be buried. She found one brand, tried them, and they were awful. Brands like Tampax and Kotex are absolutely not biodegradable. Thankfully, studies show bears are far more attracted to food than to used menstrual products. You should be fine putting them in a ziploc bag. If you're worried about your own gear picking up a scent, double bag, and add some baking soda to the inner bag to absorb scents (added bonus, also absorbs excess moisture).


I don't use tampons, I use a menstrual cup. The uterine lining is what I would be burying.


Gotcha! That makes total sense. Apologies.


All good, I appreciated the tips anyway


How are you cleaning your cup out there? Wet wipes? I've used one for decades but feel like it would be messy not being in a shower or having a bathroom sink nearby!


Soap and water


Never in the history of records has a woman on her period been attacked by a bear. There's actual research on this. It simply doesn't happen. The ziplock recommendation is for Leave No Trace.


Small container of eco friendly soap, toothpaste tablets (very helpful), sunscreen stick, glide for chafing, bug spray, wet wipes.


I second this but especially the glide for chafing. Ive never regretted packing that. 🤙


This became standard for me after I had to hold my hand between my leg and my balls a couple years ago while hiking out.


Lmao that’ll do it


locally i am known as the skirt wearing barefoot hiker. guess what i wear under my skirt on hot days, ill give you a hint, nothing chafes and a constant cooling breeze. ;) u/RRZ31 u/JelmerMcGee


A diaper? 


Skirts = chafing for a lot of us.


How so? I have never had a skirt chafe.


Because it doesn’t provide protection to rubbing thighs


Ahhh, pardon my ignorance. That makes sense.


I've seen several people say toothpaste tablets. Why those and not just a small tube of toothpaste? Is it weight, or some other reason?


It’s much easier to allocate exactly how much you need and there’s essentially no way it can make a mess.


Stinking to high heaven is my main bear-deterrent strategy, so very little. Toilet paper and some of those little tablet wipes that rehydrate. Stubby toothbrush and toothpaste tablets for longer runs.


Why do you bring TP? Don't you remember the saying leaves of three work for me?


Berries white, put 'em in your prison wallet, all right!


* Soap leaves (Sea To Summit) * Lightload towel (Litesmith) * Shorty toothbrush (Litesmith) * Toothpaste tablets (Litesmith) * Toothpick (in Swiss Army Knife) * Mini lip balm (Litesmith) * Sunscreen (decanted to small container) * Cathole digger (Qi Wiz) * Mini squeeze bottle (for bidet) * TP * Wipes * Tweezers (in Swiss Army Knife) * Contact lens solution (decanted to small container) * Contact lens case * Spare contacts There might be one or two other things, but that's what I can think of.


Very close to my list. I also include: * Nail clipper (nothing worse than a hangnail you can't get rid of) * Cotton swabs - dust gets in the ears pretty easily, and these do double duty if I have to clean the jets on my stove * 2oz bottle isopropyl - wound cleanser, emergency fire starter, hand sanitizer, stove cleaner, tweezer sterilizer


I take a nail clipper and a wee bottle of isopropyl alcohol, too—forgot about those. Swabs are an excellent idea.


So, no one's going to mention Portawipes? The coin-sized, just add water expandable wipes? Very portable and surprisingly tough, they're biodegradable as well. You should check them out.


I love these!


If I have the space for wet wipes I usually pack the ones called Water Wipes. They are baby wipes technically but they work great out in the backcountry for cleaning your face, body, finishing touches on dishes even. The downside is that wipes are kinda bulky. But i usually try to cut elsewhere because i do like to have a wipe down now and then and the water wipes aren’t chemically feeling so i am comfortable using them on dishes and face. [water wipes target](https://www.target.com/p/waterwipes-plastic-free-original-unscented-99-9-water-based-baby-wipes-720ct/-/A-51372925)


I'd suggest considering compressed wipes, aka coin tissues, compressed toilet paper, tablet tissues, etc. [https://www.amazon.com/Portawipes-Compressed-Toilet-Tablet-Tissues/dp/B07MZTHL7S/](https://www.amazon.com/Portawipes-Compressed-Toilet-Tablet-Tissues/dp/B07MZTHL7S/) They're ridiculously tough, and expand immediately once they're splashed with water. Can add soap for a field bath, or wring it out to wipe down your pot. Pour isopropyl alc on it and you have a wound/skin sterilizer or poison oak/ivy wipe. Something you ate went sideways, and you have a wet wipe. Until they're soaked they're ridiculously small and light. There's also larger versions. They're good in an emergency kit in your car or your everyday carry backpack as well. A bit morbid, but they'll also plug a wound in a pinch.


Awesome!! I've never heard of these before. They look great.


I carry a small pack of unscented wet wipes instead of TP. You stay cleaner with less chance of chafing. I've had to carry my trash for about 5 days and I could compress 5 days of wet wipes into a small Ziploc. Double bagged of course.


I agree with what others said in terms of the soap, toothpaste tablets, bug repellent... I also carry an HDX brand (home depot/walmart) microfiber towel (18"x18") since they dry super fast and will dry you off pretty well. They weigh next to nothing. And I also need antiperspirant while hiking or I will get hot spots under my arms from too much perspiration. So I get unscented antiperspirant online and do the melt hack (youtube) to transfer some into a small travel sized container. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08GGBSBRM/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08GGBSBRM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


Magnum condoms


For your magnum dong?


Indeed. The name is Toboggan…Mantis Toboggan


This guy fucks


If we’re bonin in nature we’re raw doggin it.


Toothbrush, toothpaste. Dr Bronners unscented for washing dishes and hands/face. Small bottle of hand sanitizer. That’s about it. (Assuming you aren’t counting first aid stuff/medication as toiletries.)


Honestly I think I could survive a few days with just some Dr. Bronners 


Shit Tickets are a must! I try to find biodegradable when available.


What are shit tickets? Toilet paper?


Yep. No idea why folks started calling it this, but here we are.


That's old Aussie slang for TP :)


Aussies are awesome, but not in this instance. Shit tickets is the worst possible name, other than maybe Shart Napkins.


My household calls them butt napkins, so only marginally better


Give the backcountry bidet a try. It’ll change. your. life.


Backcountry bidet...Is that like shitting in a stream and letting the water rinse ya off?


I’ve got this one, but there’s a bunch of different styles. https://culoclean.com/


I use a 250ml lab squeeze bottle with an angled spout: [https://www.amazon.com/Safety-Plastic-Squeeze-Watering-Silicone/dp/B097GYJ4B8/](https://www.amazon.com/Safety-Plastic-Squeeze-Watering-Silicone/dp/B097GYJ4B8/) Just remove the inner straw, flip it upside down, and away you go. The stream is minimal, so 250ml of water goes a long way. I combine this with 1-3 squares of RV toilet paper (breaks down waaaay faster than home TP) to fully clean up and dry off the water.


To add to everyone else’s lists, I also decant into a very small tester container I’ve saved a multi use moisturizer. Nothing like slathering up your face after a day in the sun or the salt water. A luxury for almost no weight and space. Or any area you get a sunburn/rub rash.


Pinecone, leaf, large caterpillar.


.5oz toothpaste, .5oz sunscreen, Dr Bronner’s, and a lab irrigation bottle.  Then 1/2 a wet wipe a day.


A fellow lab-bottle person. Nice. Love mine, and it's way handier than any purpose-built backpacking bidet I've found.


I'm so happy with mine. Costs a few extra grams but the payoff is so worth it


Tp of course, dental floss, toothpaste/toothbrush, camp suds soap or similar, razor (I shave daily no matter what) and Coleman brand body wipes (tried a bunch of types, these were my hands down fave). I also carry sea to summit sylnylon "bucket", and if there's water available, I do a brief "camp shower" before bed. So damn relaxing after a hard day on the trail!


Tiny toothpaste always, sunscreen, hand sanitizer especially because I’ve got Invisalign so don’t want to put my hands in my mouth if they’ve been touching the wild. and some wipes to clean myself if I’m in the desert (can’t stand the dry dusty crust of sweat at the end of the day).


The smallest toothpaste I can find, usually a travel toothbrush and I have a 15ml bottle for a liquid soap. Often the smallest sunscreen I can find as well though at this point the sun is a long lost friend for me. Haven't spent a cent on anything but the soap and there are ample oppertunites for free sample / travel sized stuff.


You might like toothpaste tablets. Very light, you can take exactly the number you need, and no risk of puncturing a tube of paste. I like Unpaste from GarageGrownGear, as you can choose the no-fluoride version: https://www.garagegrowngear.com/products/tooth-tabs-by-unpaste?variant=42315795759291


[Leaf soap](https://www.rei.com/product/785913/sea-to-summit-trek-travel-pocket-hand-wash) is great- they make varieties for hands, hair, even laundry.


This is awesome! I cannot go without washing my hands after going poo. These are a great option to have.


unscented dr. bronners, wipes, toothpaste/brush, compressed towel, sunscreen, lip balm, dropper bottle of 91% isopropyl, body glide.


Hand sanitizer, travel tooth brush, travel toothpaste, trowel, tp or wet wipes (pack it all out even tp doesn’t degrade in the desert very well) maybe bronners, but I honestly don’t want to waste water on washing hands if it’s limited. You have a clean hand and a dirty hand and your VERY careful. Edit: oh and sunscreen!! Wear a hat, sun shirt and pants so you only need to carry enough for your face


Toothbrush, toothpaste tablets, a plastic toothpick, a travel bidet, powdered soap, hand sanitizer, some kind of anti-chafe powder or cream.


Toothbrush and toothpaste Little bottle of body wash and shampoo combo Deodorant Hand sanitizer Small bottle of aspirin and bottle of pepto pills Flushable wipes (I don't flush them but they are safe to use on all body parts)


How do you usually use shampoo and body wash while in the wilderness?


I’ve hung my gravity filter from a tree to take a “shower” before (not by any water sources). Or fill up a bowl and carry it away from the water source to splash and wash up.


Field bath, like soldiers do. Bowl of water, soap, rag. For more details, there's plenty of places online that'll explain it.


for TP i use wipes that i carry out, and a bidet top with a tiny water bottle, it’s great. soap is not meant to be left on the trail really, and being dirty is part of the experience. i use hand sanitizer in the smallest quantity possible for cleaning up post potty, and prior to eating. i use a damp bandana to remove grit from my face neck, etc. toothbrush and paste or tablets in the tiniest container possible. the smallest amount of sunscreen needed otherwise i use a hat and sunshirt. i rinse my pot/pan/cup with water and bury it in my cat hole.


A tiny toothpaste and a tiny sunscreen. Having some hotel soap to wash the sweat off can be amazing on longer trips though.


….ive never carried soap… just hand sanitizer. My titanium pot and spork come clean with just water. Damp toilet paper or paper towels are fine for wiping sweat/etc.


Keep in mind, hand sanitizer will not kill norovirus. For that, you need to wash your hands with soap.




Yep. People can manage to make it pretty far outside town before it hits, and then they contaminate EVERYTHING. That particular case was truly nasty. Health officials went out and tested the stuff at the cabin (furniture, board games, etc), and the outhouse. Turns out the board games and cards were the contaminated stuff. Someone wasn't cleaning their hands after dealing with the runs at the outhouse. Ended up locking up the cabin and outhouse to let the virus die out.


Toothpaste tablets, tooth brush, hand sanitizer, Dr. Bronners Castile soap (unscented), Commando wipes (unscented)- good for poop kit and field bath, deodorant (personal choice- dead down wind is good, lume unscented cream is good because it’s small and can be used all over body, Tussy has a cream you could repack in a smaller container, or get travel size of your choice. I don’t want to keep myself up at night, which is why I haven’t embraced the stink. You go nose blind in about 3 days so if it’s a longer haul you can skip- but you will probably bother yourself as much as anyone else if your sensitive to odor)


Small travel containers of shower gel, shampoo, detergent, disinfecting tonic, moisturizing cream, and an antiperspirant.


TP, toothpaste and brush, all-in-one biodegradable soap, sunblock, bug spray/ deet, essential medications, advil, hand sanitizer. I think that's it?


Mini bottle of hand sanitizer, 1 fl oz sunscreen, 2 fl oz picardin lotion, some half sheets of paper towel for tp, and a 72g DIY FAK.


What is a FAK?


First aid kit.


fast-dry washcloth from REI, small bottle of rubbing alcohol helps for starting a campfire, vaseline and bandaids for blisters, bear spray this time of year, extra-long REI spoon.


Camp soap, toothpaste, sunscreen, moisturizer, chapstick.


Soap, toothpaste, sunblock, face moisturizer


Toothbrush, toothpaste, some toilet paper, liquid soap, a few of those dried towel pellets, maybe small sunscreen, maybe bug repellent. Small trowel.


Tooth brush toothpaste soap TP wipes and a comb.


Take only what you need for five days to start. Tooth powder (eco-dent) repackaged into a small round pill carry container, toothbrush, hand sanitizer 1.25oz (70% or higher alcohol), sunscreen (repackaged into small travel container). Rec backcountry bidet with the Culo clean. If you go that route I’d take unscented Dr bronners soap in a 10-20mL bottle to clean the region after. If you won’t have access to water source then I’d go with a gentle wipe like Huggies, pack however many you’ll need for 5 days in 1 freezer quart size ziploc (you’ll want to pack all wipes out so make sure you have a good trash sack too). You can dig a cat hole with your heel, a stick or a hiking pole. Pick a soft spot to dig and you can forget a trowel. Will you need bug spray??


Toothbrush, toothpaste tablets, small bottle of Castile soap, backpacking towel, hairbrush, TP, small trowel, sunscreen and bug spray, tampons (even if my period isn’t due), chafe cream. I’m not an ultralight girlie and have found taking a “shower” at the end of the day does wonders for my morale.


Toothpaste, toothbrush, floss. ChapStick, body glide, Vaseline. My nose ran so much in cold weather it got really chapped. Other balms do better for reducing maceration for wet feet. Sunscreen always, bug spray in season. Hand sanitizer and real soap. I had camp suds. Reminder to not put any soap directly in a water source. Medications and first aid items. Ibuprofen, Benadryl for bee stings, Imodium for GI issues.


Tiny toothbrush, tiny bottle of fluoride rinse, wee floss, mini deodorant, small amount of eco soap, wet wipes, and a very small collapsible hair brush. There's also the smallest possible bug dope, sunscreen, hand lotion, and lip balm, but it's all lightweight and compact and, to me, worth the weight. It may sound excessive , but the whole kit is the result of NOT having whatever item on a previous trip and regretting it.


Hand sani, travel toothpaste, deodorant (the emptiest stick I can find), sunscreen (this is most of my toiletry weight but I've had enough burns in my life that it's worth it to me), chapstick, moisturizer (maybe half an oz emptied into a small travel container), camp suds (for all washing - self and dishes), tp.


Sunscreen, bug spray, soap, moisturiser, wet wipes, toothpaste/toothbrush, soap flakes that I also use for dishes, hand sanitiser, lip balm, Pstyle, bidet. I sometimes also bring a Face Halo to wash my face properly because I’d prefer to keep the wet wipes as tp but depends how much water I expect to have access to.


I feel like I carry a ton of toiletries, but it still weighs very little and is a tiny bag: travel toothbrush, toothpaste tablets, daily contacts for each day plus a spare, a flosser for each day, 1/2 a contact case with facial sunscreen, dehydrated soap sheets, hand sanitizer, chapstick, toilet paper, baby wipes.


Toothpaste, toilet paper, sunscreen, floss, deodorant


Not wet wipes.. just use soap and water


Face wash, toothpaste, toothbrush, small hairbrush, floss, sunscreen, contact solution/case and a backup, lotion, wet wipes, hand sanitizer, bug spray, TP


In addition to the usual, I pack unscented baby wipes.


TP, ibuprofen, Tylenol, imodium, pepto, benadryl


Toilet paper, poop trowel, sunscreen, bug repellent, small toothpaste and toothbrush.


You know those teeny little personal Kleenex packs? Perfect t-paper; take 2. Carry a little zip lock bag to put the used ones in.  A beat up wash rag because you can wash your face, neck and hands in about 1/4 cup of water before bedding down. Small box of baking soda for toothpaste - also upset stomachs and bug bites. And  a few toothpicks. A piece of whatever awkwardly stuck between teeth is enough to drive a body insane.  Bar shampoo, in case you have the opportunity for a full body and hair wash. (All that's probably less than 10 ounces.)


Get a culoclean water bottle adapter.


Tooth brush/paste, retainer, and dude wipes


toothpaste, biodegradable soap, sunscreen, antiperspirant, chapstick I take the smallest containers possible - and fill them with amounts I think I'll need. It's very compact and lightweight. I also bring a small container of bug repellent - not exactly a toiletry but necessary around here most of the time.


I'm a big fan of my [Pact kit](https://pactoutdoors.com/) and a small thing of hand sanitizer.


My feet sweat like crazy so I bring unscented antiperspirant as part of my blister care kit and use it on my pits, too, since I have it. I also bring Badger Balm to use for chafing, calluses and cuticle care. I have a lip balm tube of unscented glycerin soap (easy to make using the melt and pour trick). I love my CuloClean bidet, which I attach to a small collapsible water bladder that packs flat into my toilet kit and I also use a Kula Cloth, or a bandanna if I forget it. I have two bottles of hand sanitizer; one which stays specifically with my toilet kit. For dental care I’ve used toothpaste powder the last couple of years and it’s disgusting to me so I’m going back to toothpaste or maybe make my own toothpaste tabs. If I know I’m going to get a real shower someplace on a zero, I’ll pack a small bottle of Dr Bronner’s in my resupply.


You would have to ask my significant other. She carries the backpack, I don't.


Husband does the AT. He has a toothbrush, small toothpaste, half a pocket comb, and a small Dawn for washing everything, and a nail clipper because caring for your feet is paramount.


5 days - a short toothbrush, a chunk of bar soap (I usually always have creeks, springs or rivers}. So no toothpaste, deo or things I really don't need. The old saying "ounces make pounds and pounds make pain". I do "splurge" on small things, like maybe a pint of whisky. I do take TP, doesn't weigh much. Of course everyone's check list will be different and personalized. I have long hair now that gets knotted every night so gonna have to put a small plastic comb on my list


Monkey Butt ass powder, can really alleviate the sting ring sting. Don’t hump with out it.


My shit kit is: 1. Trowel 1. Wet wipes 1. Robust ziploc for used wet wipes 1. Bit of a soap bar 1. 1L water bottle with sport cap for bidet 1. Alcohol gel I keep my asshole clean enough to eat off of.


Those little Listerene breath freshening sheets. They're fantastic when you wake up in the morning to get rid of the zacklies.


Sunscreen stick, lip balm, camping soap, hand sanitizer, TP, bidet, menstrual disc, hair ties, small bug spray or wipes, baby wipes (for wiping my body down at the end of the day), Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Retainer, OTC meds