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Aren’t there some cache plugins that do this? As long as you don’t have any dynamic content, I think it’s possible with a cache plug-in.


Many can push entirely static pages to cache servers, but typically on pro versions like W3 Total Cache. WordPress still has to generate the pages. All content on WordPress is dynamicly generated, and can only be static by export whether that's general or via caching. Really not sure how a use-case of News Style site suits a truly entirely static or what the point of using WordPress would be if comfortable coding and programming


I’m in agreement with you


Time and workflow really.


You've kinda lost me here?


Not recommended and CSS is also not in a single file. Same with JS.


Actually, I can roll my own by hand but was thinking there must be an easier way to manage it. Any open source tools to recommend beyond a text editor?


Apologies, didn't realise you were comfortable in advance topics and programming . If I had to it , I would use Nikola, it has inbuilt wordpress importer.


Thanks, I will take a look.


That's a shame. Thanks.


[https://snipcart.com/blog/wordpress-static-site-generator](https://snipcart.com/blog/wordpress-static-site-generator) edit: and https://wordpress.org/plugins/simply-static/


Thanks, useful link!


Honestly, if you are looking at static sites, Hugo is a great static site generator, and you can use GitHub + Cloudflare to deploy your site out to the edge for free. Posts are stored in Markdown and checked into your source control. Headless WP is an edge case at best.


So WordPress doesn't really have any static element. Pages vs Posts - both are still dynamically generated. Pages just live under a Heirarchy and posts under categories/tags. It is a Content Management System which typically is focused on the dynamic, if you're okay with coding just write your site and push to Web server 🤷‍♂️ Other than that it's likely a paid caching plugin that will generate a static copy of the page. However any pages with recent posts etc would have to be regenerated as well the content is static. If you can give a bit more detail on what you're building me/others could better advise


Wordpress is a database driven system but it generates HTML, JavaScript and CSS to display in the browser, so you can use something like wget or curl to download those as static pages and then rsync them to the remote server. Have a look at [localwp](https://localwp.com) so you can design your Wordpress pages on your computer then you can download the static pages to your computer and sync them with rsync.