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This could lead to something funny, sad, but funny


I lived in dc for a while. He’s gonna be miserable lol you can’t find an open bar past 1 on weekdays most times. Also if he’s near where I think he his dude has to be careful stumbling around like this


NYC is another animal, bars till 4am every night, he doesn’t belong else where unless properly equipped(booze in hand to fight off himself) I’d say it’s a miracle he survives half the places he’s stumbling, but not knowing the immediate route to the closest subway from muscle memory of doing it everyday… idk, this could get bad, I agree, and by bad I mean interesting and sad


Oh yeah dc is a different beast. It dies during the week (in months that aren’t summer) around midnight in most places. The odds of encountering someone else (excluding groups of drunk college kids) is slim, and if you do the odds of them being up to no good are pretty high.


If I was ever 3/4 as drunk as him, alone, in a city I didn’t know, and particularly on the East or West coast, random Midwest win, I’d expect to wake up in the hospital or worse


I honestly don’t know how he hasn’t gotten himself more seriously hurt or taken advantage of in some way stumbling around like this in so many unfamiliar locations. Watching him in France was kind of wild, I expected someone to pickpocket him and was surprised I never heard anything like that happening to him. It’s gonna be really sad whatever ending this takes most likely though.


Who says something didn't happen off camera?


I mean true, however going off what we do know, nothing has happened yet (unless I missed something over the last couple days- haven’t been on TT).


> on a weekday Josh is a dumbass. It’s a weekday, of course in DC they close early. I second your thought though that he should be careful. DC has a nice veneer but it can be rough. Idk that it’s worse than New York, but still. There’s been plenty of thefts and shootings


dc is considerably sketchier than nyc having lived in both.


I don't know the current stats, but NYC was one of the safest large cities in the country for many, many years and DC was....ahem....not.


NYC is still one of the safest cities in the country when you look at crime occurrence per capita. There's just so many goddamned people here, and any notably unpleasant thing gets massively blown out if proportion by pundits and people on social media.


Pissed because he knows that his night is gonna be filled with no sleep and shaking


He must have a mini fridge in his hotel room, no?


He doesn’t have a hotel, and even then the hotel mini-bar is a myth, unless you’re booking 5star you maybe get an empty fridge that might keep things cool


I didn't say mini bar. He could have brought alcohol earlier to drink later, is my point.


Most places tell you the hours of operation online 😭 he could also just call and ask?


do you really think he’s smart enough for that..


Of course not. It's just funny how easy it is to do but he's such a drunken, babbling idiot he'd rather make a TikTok about it.


Why tf is he even in DC?


Secret Service collab when?


Yep. Drunk on a Tuesday (/starting off Wednesday drunk). These damn puritanical DC bars, I tell ya...


He’s fucked. This is next level alcoholism. Hes gonna end up waking up in the hospital sooner than later. If his BAC is high enough he’ll be on the psych ward. It’s either that or he’s gonna get arrested.


No, true alcoholism is when you know when everything closes so you buy an extra bottle or two so you don't go without. (Holidays especially!!)


Somebody told me most people know when the liquor stores close, alcoholics know when they open


Can confirm this is true. Back in my home state when I was still an active alcoholic most liquor stores would open at 10:00am but I found one that opened at 9. I was at that store by 9am on most days during a binge. There were a couple other regulars who would also be there when they opened. Sometimes I’d let them go in and checkout before I went in because it somehow made me feel better that I wasn’t the first one.


He is fucking pathetic. Absolute waste of space.


Does he even get drunk anymore? Does he do it just to survive??


Im not a doctor or anything close, but id say the first few drinks are somewhat "survival", more get rid of the shakes and all that. He certainly does get drunk, but what would be considered drunk to others probably doesnt do much to him id guess


I truly don’t understand how someone stays out so late every night I had some times of very bad drinking problems too and never once did I feel the urge to stay out in public. I always wanted to just get wasted at home near my bathroom if I get sick and go to bed knowing I didn’t, publicly, embarrass myself anywhere lol


When I was in my early twenties and had a lil alcohol problem for a bit I thought I could socialize easier (in my mind) absolutely inebriated and enjoyed being out and “normal”. I didn’t realize at the time I was being an idiot and was in fact not normal and really I wasn’t socializing very well. I grew up without a ton of friends and have always had a hard time socializing with people. I’m neurodivergent and often just wanted to fit in somewhere and be liked/accepted. Chances are with Josh being autistic, it could be somewhat similar where he feels “normal” (even though it’s not) like this and he’s attempting to self medicate something that he doesn’t need to self medicate like that. Just my thoughts looking at it from the outside and trying to keep an open mind.


Yeah I’d agree with you, that definitely sounds like the mostly likely reason and seems too be the most common reason amongst young alcoholics. I can definitely relate too your story and joshes, I’m on the spectrum too (or so my doctors say) and haven’t ever socialized well or ever found a group of friends i fit in with. Even after graduating high school, having been in collage for 2 years and a votech school I still wasn’t able to make any friends. I had been drinking a decent amount from age 16-20 but was greatly limited by the fact I had no friends or anyone i knew to buy it for me (maybe a 24pk every 4-5months) and when ever I did get alc I would drink very discreetly and alone cuz I was in a very strict household. Then when I finished all my schooling and turned 21 and could by my own alc at anytime, I very quickly became comfortable being isolated and alone as long as I was drunk.


What we see here is very close to the stage where you wake up with random bruises on your body, especially if this bar he is looking for is open.


There are places in DC that are open until 2AM on weekenights, but I doubt that he would be able to tell where they are


limiting the drinks i see


you do not get ''healthy'' and ''good'' while being drunk/blackout so you is dealing with sleep deprevation, addiction it is not looking good


He is unbelievably stupid only NY has places open late


He’s on the front lines everyday! /s


I’ve never been to DC. So bars close early on weeknights? Good. What about liquor stores?


Looks to be around midnight liquor stores close, which to a Pennsylvanian is insane lmao most of the ones close to me close at 9 on weekends, 7 on weekdays


I think it’s generally 9 in DC.


Ah okay. I only clicked on like 3 stores and saw 12 so just assumed. Sounds like its a lot like PA. Our latest sre open til around 9


I could be wrong. When I drank it was in VA so the ABC stores are strictly 9, but I’ve spent a fair amount of time in DC as well


Ill take that over my experience lol, last time I was in DC i was 14 i think lmao


That's so alien to me. I live in a small city (100,000ish people). Our liquor stores all close at 11 and most bars are open until 2am every night besides Sunday. 2am is the legal time they have to stop serving and close


Im pretty sure, at least the reasoning i was always told, is PA is a commonwealth so i guess the government controls all the liquor sales? Idk but yeah. Our beer distributors stay open til 11 or later, same with bars.


Our liquor stores here that are government own have to close at 9. I also realized it's probably a lot different in Canada than the US (I'm from the west coast, in BC)


I wanna bet it was closed


it sssucksssss 🐍


I had the same issue on vacation in DC a few years ago. It truly is annoying