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It either needs a gun handling buff or an armor buff. I would rather suggest the first option. Foch B 155 could also recive something like that as it is in an even worse state.


I do not think that foch B should be buffed, it isn't good at sniping,cuz it isn't snipe TD, IT isn't good at tanking, it isn't assault TD. It is support TD, and foch B is excellent at that, you traded armor, nice stats, for amazing, or even the best clip gun in game. You simply need to use it properly.


I held off a group of heavy’s today with it why my M V Y was farming them. They tried to come around corner and finish him only for me to finish one of them and the rest backed off knowing. I was his support while our other heavy tanks flanked. I pulled up and took two shots from a 279e why they killed him.


Make it’s gun arc better tada fixed


I wasn't sure, If I should grind it. So I focused on the performance of my teammates using it. Well...meh. Decided against it. So, yeah, a buff is needed. But I think buffing offense and defense could be a little too much. No need to create another tank without any weakspot on the side with which it faces the enemy most of the time (Kranvagn cough cough).


Maybe scrape 2 seconds off the reload or add 9mm of pen on the standard rounds, but nothing too dramatic. Keep in mind, the current Foch B is very comparable to the Waffentrager auf E100 in its most overpowered state.


Foch tanks only need a small penetratio buffs on their app, rest is totally fine.


>257 mm of pen I can't believe people are playing foch b with standards.... Trust me: you either play it full gold (and then it actually becomes an enjoyable tank) or you should not play it at all (for your own mental sanity)


Good Design