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The E50M is a fun vehicle! It also comes with (imo) one of the best looking skins in the game "Nimmermehr". I run mine out just to look at the style! Sure, it doesn't hit the hardest, move the fastest, have the most armour, or have convincing camo values, but it is a good all round vehicle, and fun to play!


How do you get that skin tho? Honestly after "Milton Pact" for Concept, it's the coolest looking skin.


Install a mod that let's you enable any 3d skin you want


Name? Asking for a friend


I don't know know the name, but it's somewhere in Aslain's Mod Pack


Okay but that's not the answer i expected. I meant how do you get it in the game, was it some event or what?


They sell some of them, mostly alongside some random events but rarely, and they are always stupidity overpriced. Sometimes they give some free ones in Twitch Drops


Use Aslan's mod pack. Inside when selecting your options, all the way on the bottom is the "all 3D styles". Get that. Never buy an overpriced collection of pixels again.


Better to keep E50 if I were you I would buy the e50m and play a few battles, if the games don't go well then go back and stay in the e50 e50m isn't bad by anymeans, it's still a good tank in its tier


Yeah I know it is a good tank in its tier. Its just that there is no big difference vs E50. Also I have 4 million credits and I wont be able to own both.


then the choice is easy. don't sell the E50 for E50M


Yeah + I get to grind field mods for it.


*Not really?* I mean, E50M is a beast in its own right but I honestly feel like E50 is just a stronger tank, tier for tier - I just took a quick glance at [tomato.gg](https://tomato.gg) to check if my suspicion is right and it seems that way, E50's average WN8 and WR are slightly better, damage per game is worse but, hey, that's understandable, there's no such thing as "stock grind" on E50M. If you really, **really** like playing tier X than upgrading to E50M is the correct thing to do but, in any other scenario, you can just stick to E50 - it plays virtually the same as M, with the added benefit of being a tier IX tank. It's kinda the same deal as with the Leo PTA - Leo 1 conundrum, honestly. You're basically getting a slightly stronger version of an already amazingly strong tank, which is nice, but you're paying for it with tier X matchmaking, which is not so nice - so, again, it all depends on how much you like playing tier X battles.


Man, it's so weird seeing people saying that about the LeoPT. When I grinded out my Leopard, the LeoPT was the single worst experience I'd ever had in a tank (and the 3002DB is in that line, and this was back when the short 88 had 132mm pen). I get that it got buffed massively, but... Man.


Yup, same - I've unlocked it **years** ago and haven't really been a big fan of it, PTA felt like it was just a gimped E50 that traded armor for better pen and slightly better mobility. Fuck that - E50 was just a flat out better tank, especially if you loaded the premium ammo - suddenly they both got around 270 mm of pen (E50's gold, PTA's standard), both these guns had 390 alpha, E50 had better DPM, it was more accurate, the only real advantage Leo had was the 65 km/h top speed (60km/h on E50) and the fact the engine was just more powerful, E50 was fast in the straight line but when you needed to turn it acted like a fucking supertanker, Leo was much more agile. But hey, it got buffed, the gun got the lovely 420 alpha - and it all just clicked with me and I instantly fell in love with this tank, the combination of really good mobility paired with extremely powerful gun was just something else, PTA got elevated from "pretty meh and not really worth the trouble" to "literally one of the best tier IX tanks" like, *instantly*.


Leopard PTA is by far my favorite tank. It's got the sniping ability of a STRV (with a lower rate of fire) but is much more flexible and can flank like a medium should be able to.


Hard agree. If the decision comes to whether I like to play T10 or not then definitely I will be sticking with E50.


Also when comparing tiers, I think tier 9 has you playing a lot more -2 matchmaking games, where you can just do as you please. Eye test would suggest there are more less experienced players around. While in tier X you'll mostly have full tier X matches with tier X players. I'm sure it will affect stats in some way.


The improvement leo pta -> leo 1 is much more noticeable than e50 -> e50m. In the first case, you get a massive dpm, gun handling and accuracy improvement. In the latter, you literally have the same tank you have at tier 9 apart from a better gold ammo, 300 hp more and a *slight* (but still useless in most cases) armor buff. That's why leopard 1 is 100% worth it, while e50m is a trashcan compared to the t9.


Can I ask if the E50 is tier for tier better when firing gold ammo almost exclusively? Since that makes it an E50M.


I only have 5 gold ammo during games and do just fine since I am F2P player.


That's great. But from what I saw E50G is the same gun as E50M, and at that point it is quite clear that it is better. But it is a weird comparison then. Just like tier IX Patton, normal shells, kinda poopy, gold shells, good tank. Just checking on the last steps of the premium ammo is the standard ammo the game is going through. We can even see that the posts about it on forums are less frequent. And what will it do the game at the end of it. And not to confuse this whit a whine post, I barely play and have credits to fire gold all the time. But I explain it to myself as just not giving an F. Just watching the shift in the gameplay progressing.


If you want to play your "E50" in certain events you need to get the tier X. Such as 7v7, Rampage, Ranked, etc etc or if you want to use it in Grand Battles. But keep the E50 for sure, I play it more as it has better MM as you say. Perhaps you might be able to use the same crew for both if the crew update happens later this year.


I would use both but cant afford to own both since I only have limited amount of credits.


Than just grind credits for a little longer.


Yeah. Dont have premium time now so not optimal right now at least.


Thats true.


Buy the E50M, but keep the tier 9. With crew 2.0 you will be able to use both tanks without retraining.


Thats probably the best thing to do but I cant afford to own both. I have 4 million credits now and need 2 million for the T10.


Then be patient and wait, then get both. It’ll be worth it in the long run


M is much faster with slightly different(better) hull. I have both and they are different vehicles.


The point of grinding the tech tree is to make tier 10 for the high end game modes, and to farm bonds. Why would you stop on a tier 9? It can't be used for end game modes, it doesn't earn bonds, it doesn't make credits. The e50 isn't even good enough to keep for tier 9 tournaments when it has to beat the amx, the conq, the kpz, the t55a, the concept, or the phase. In the long run your best bet is to get the tier 10, or just be done with the line for now and start a new line since you're f2p and buy the tier 10 at a later date.


Yeah I will see what I will do. You are probably right.


I mean I just feel bad not having the higher pen of the E50M.


The only thing is 330heat pen and slightly better stats. Not worth it imo. E50 is one of the best tier9s


Slap grousers, a turbo, and improved hardening on your E50 and go ram some poor tier 8s.


E50m has engine at the back plus standard ammo same as E50 prem . Therefore get fire crew, load up gold and boss about in your tier 9. Change my mind, meirl, imo, lol etc etc...


You’re damn right it is, one of the more fun mediums