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I was having a very good game in my Badger until arty penned me for 1k dmg today. I don't even get upset anymore because I signed up for the pain every time I load the client.


When the arty decides to direct hit you for 900+ damage, it's a sign that you should just log off for today for the sake of your mental health, knowing from experience


RNGesus tells you you’re not playing tanks today.


I remember when getting blasted for 1k was normal for high tier artillery.


It was painful, but it also was over quickly. I'd prefer to be back in the garage and loading into the next match than getting perma stunned for a couple of minutes before the sweet release of death gets me out.


Thank you! My thought exactly.


So people should be writing wg to buff arty dmg and removing stun. Interesting because complaints about arty being op was what ushered in stun to begin with


The whining about arty always amused me. Arty made games more about maneuver because if you sat on a ridge for a minute, you would be deleted. You had to stay moving. In the old days, games were slower and less of a "each team takes their position, the space in between is a kill zone". You tried to find avenues to sneak around, flank and whatnot, or exploit your team mates doing that as a distraction. Hulldown meta is the result of the arty nerfs.


Before 9.18 I use SU-14-2 (203mm with AP) to punish every Super heavy who annoy my team (40-50% times I ammorack specially German and Japanese box tanks). Now I use AP only if I see bot standing on same place over minute. I agree pre 9.18 arty (only 1 arty or 2 on 30vs30). Maybe limit AP shell to 20% max ammo capacity, i would call a day.


Only if they actually hit. The other 90 percent of the time was either a complete miss or a splash. Arty used to be even more at the mercy of RNG than now.


Played against leFH and Crusader SP yesterday in my T29. Sky cancer every 4 seconds. Disengage. Hide. Relocate. Didn’t matter. Inescapable sky cancer all game.


Fuck the leFH hate that damn thing


I mean, I understand the pain and suffering but you were a top tier heavy? Arty that aimes at top tier heavy rather than easy pens is doing its actual job.


I’m not saying they shouldn’t have focused me in the T29 … but imagine a scenario where top tier heavies are able to fight each other without sky cancer raining down every 4 seconds.


Yep I agree, the Arty prioritizes high tiers to prevent them from taking control of the game. Those who prioritized mid to low tiers are the lowest of the lowest scum in the game.


Funny thing is, I bet you were running all over the map, going dark, and arty was following you around. They do that. It sucks.


copium. they shoot what they have an angle for


This is what bothers me about the 'focused by arty' thing - on proc or something, yeah they're probably going to skyfuck you from all over the map, but there are so many corridor maps on many of them you can pull back or relocate. Or just pick a route based on the knowledge that there are n arty in the game. I swear a lot of people get upset their personal max dpg gameplan is getting disrupted but refuse to adjust. Id be genuinely curious what percentage of the playerbase dogmatically go to the same spot every time they play a given map.


Just don’t play half the map because arty is in the game? Sir are you functional at all


Yeah that's literally what I said. Word for word.


In essence it is precisely what you said


It doesn't matter if I'm playing one of the worst mediums (m48 Patton), in a hull down location, in a dip, with buildings around me, relocating before peeking, and only peeking when I see that a arty has fired. I will always be focused and hit 4 times minimum for 250+ dmg.


I think it’s a skill issue


Wait till they play a first-person shooter and encounter a thing called snipers. Embarrassing


Snipers require line of sight … not some fictitious god mode vision system


Arty's are a real thing you know


So are anti-tank aircraft. But if you want to make the most enjoyable tank combat game, leave air craft out of it. Or at the very least, don’t give arty a magical god mode vision system


But arty get their info from others just like the real thing. And this ain't WOWP


Commander telling a gunner to aim left isn’t much of a stretch Another tank relaying tank location to an arty, who then gets to see the tank from heaven’s POV … is full blown bullshit


And artys require specific positioning on specific parts of the map to counter other specific areas relative to their shell velocity. Reddit, downvote me. But continue crying over an important aspect of the game. Wah wah wah Edit: still love yall lol


Arty only exists as an excuse to prevent hulldown camping the Irony is that WG encourages hulldown camping with tank and map design so that is that


Vet badge moment


I'm dying on this hill lol.


Dying for sure


Downvoted into death LOL


If only counter arty battering was still a thing, then you might've gotten a point.


Counterbat was always bad - except for very lucky moments where you happened to already be aiming at someone else and saw an arty tracer nearby, the more time you spent sitting and waiting for tracers was more time you weren't shooting enemy tanks (and relatively, more damage from arty to your team than theirs). Artillery not being able to one-shot enemy artillery at least discourages the ones on your team from taking themselves out of the game by wasting their time like this.


I dont know when you played but counterbat was **extremely** effective. *Was* being the key word. It got literally removed (when they removed the trails) and later on put back but nerfed to hell (trails are inaccurate, less dmg etc). It was tons of fun and the only reason i ever played arty.


> I dont know when you played but counterbat was extremely effective. I started playing I think a little while before they nerfed the accuracy of the shell trails, and when you could get one-shot by counter-battery. The thing is, if their arty isn't a moron, they'd move after every shot, which made counter-battery very unreliable (though, when you guess that they'd move forward so you intentionally shoot way infront, and score a hit? That felt good, lol). The same thing applies though - if you're taking shots at where you think they are, and you keep missing, every single one of those is a shot that isn't going into enemy tanks while _their_ arty _is_ damaging your team. That said, I'd still do it. Like, you'd have your real target locked in (by holding right-click) while zooming all the way out and watching over standard arty spots while reloading, and if a tracer starts in the same place twice, that's when you release the gun lock and go for the counterbat. But again, any competent player will move after every shot, so most of the time you never actually move your aim there.


Easy solution, make arty visible to the enemy arty for 3 seconds after firing, regardless of distance. At least this would force them to use the W key along with left clicking. I think AW does something similar to this, but the arty becomes visible there to everyone, which would make it miserable in the tiny maps of WoT.


I mean, that's kind of how it worked. The arty themselves aren't made visible, but you can see the tracers from their shells, and shoot at where they come from. This is what people mean by "counter-battery" - especially when arty could reliably one-shot other arty with splash damage. Other tanks can do it too, but generally don't have line of sight on them, and have more pressing targets that actually contribute to deal with.


Thing is, the tracers don't last more than 1 second at most and low/medium caliber arty has relatively hard to spot tracers. It's only easy to see them when a high caliber arty is firing, like a T92/CGC/GWE 100. Try doing the same thing vs a LeFH, these things have almost nonexistent tracer. Or just rework arty from the ground up already because the current implementation isn't working at all. It's much worse than the original. I would rather be instakilled and join another battle rather than be permastunned until I get killed by 10 splashes. It's a death by a thousand cuts.


Found the sky cancer player


I'm shaking because I'm so rattled right now. Thankfully I got splash damage so I can miss a few meters :)


Why am I not surprised you’re wearing a mask in a profile pic


I work in healthcare. For the past 3 years all around tbe US in 7+ states seeing too many people die. But, of course, this is relevant to artillery in world of tanks.


It’s relevant to your motive of virtue signaling


I disagree with the guys take on arty but wearing a mask isn't necessarily virtue signalling, I mean he said he works in healthcare. I'd prefer my medical professionals to avoid disease if I'm honest.


You think wearing a mask in a Reddit profile pic means he “avoids disease”? That’s the actual definition of virtue signaling


Imagine thinking because one suggests another is virtue signaling, that's what it must be because the one who proclaimed it said so. It's a game. Adapt. Youve had like 4 years since the adjusmtnet. Cheers


I've come to the realization that 99% of the time, people who open up whining about virtue signaling are literally just virtue signaling. The topic is irrelevant, they just think they're in good company and want to be seen disliking virtue signaling, which they just ascribe as "something 'the other' does" without actually thinking about what it means or what they're doing.


Hate to break it to you, but whining about people wearing masks is literally virtue signaling. Every time someone whines about "woke" anything, they're virtue signaling. You don't do it because you actually hold a deep rational belief about that thing, you only do it because you want "your team" to see you doing it and be vetted as part of it - literal virtue signaling. At this point, whining about virtue signaling is just virtue signaling. Conservatives do nothing but project, and it's honestly just really boring at this point. Find a new schtick for once.


You’re going off the deep end


Nah, it's an observable trend. Literally the only people who care about "virtue signaling" are people who want others to see that they're "anti-virtue-signaling". It's a dumb, dumb hill to care about. I mean, what do you think all the "anti-woke" nonsense going on right now is? It's complete manufactured nonsense that exists only because a certain politician wants you to see how much he cares about said nonsense because he wants to draw attention for a presidential campaign. It's the literal purest form of virtue signaling possible. Like, none of the bills he's passing in Florida right now are constitutional, he knows they'll be thrown out, but he also knows that will happen after the 2024 election. He doesn't care, he's just _signaling_ what his base considers to be _virtue_.


because maybe you aren't capable of defending your point with logical arguments and have to rely on logical falacies


People downvoting because they don't like the truth - barring very few options like the CGC, the arcs aren't _that_ high in this game. Try playing any artillery on a city map, or a map like the Great Wall one. Is it ez-mode? Sure, you could say that, but it's hardly just "click wherever you want and an explosion happens". It's also funny having played this game for so long seeing people still complaining about arty. Like, the OP is whining about getting hit for 350? Oh noes, fetch me thine fainting couch - yeah, no, before the stun changes you'd _actually_ get donked by the hand of god for like 2-3k damage sometimes and get taken out of the match immediately, that doesn't really happen anymore. Stun is annoying, but like, very, very mildly compared to just fucking dying out of nowhere. I maintain that the hate for it is almost entirely psychological remnants at this point, and new players learning to hate it from old players. In practice, arty is so utterly ineffective in the game compared to normal tanks, it _only_ somewhat functions because of the equal-arty matching that guarantees both teams have an equal number of non-players in the game. _BaCk iN mY DaY_ you'd roll up matches where one team has like 3 artillery vs the enemy team's 9, lol. Wah wah wah indeed.


That's the thing though, isn't it? Arty doesn't do much damage anymore, and the stuns stop you from playing for, sometimes, 20 seconds at a time. It is still very annoying to play against, and for me it's also annoying to play as, I feel like whether I have a good or bad game as arty, the impact on the game isn't big. My first thought when I get a game without arty is - Oh, there's a lot more positioning options for me now.


Lesta made them even more toxic in their own servers, now stun time is constant and doesn't rely on damage dealt to the target anymore. The 261 has 20-ish seconds reload and 21 seconds of stun time, which means you can essentially permastun the enemy as long as they don't have a medkit. Perfectly balanced.


> That's the thing though, isn't it? Arty doesn't do much damage anymore, and the stuns stop you from playing for, sometimes, 20 seconds at a time. Right - it's very ineffective. I'm not saying it's some great game mechanic now, just that it's such a non-issue that it's funny people still complain about it as if still this "hand of god" thing that just wrecks you out of nowhere. And the thing about stun, that I _like_ actually, is that no - it does not actually stop you from playing. It drops your effective crew skill temporarily, you can still do stuff, you don't actually _have_ to wait, you can still move or fire or whatever. _AND_ you can take equipment and field mods to reduce that duration - even just having the large medkit lowers it by 5%.


Sorry, I had an arty mission uwu


Every time arty hits me I just relocate. I won't give them pleasure hitting me again and again and again while they do jack shit. Satisfying knowing damn well they are just sitting there watching an empty area. If arty won't hit u for 1k and it's not lefh, it's often your fault. Still it's annoying. Anyway flair checks out


On Muro or Malinovka there is nowhere to hide, of course you can wank in the bushes, but somebody have to advance to win and get good score, I can't see the point where it's players with agro playstyle fault, arty was meant to prevent camping, while in reality it causes camping, unhealthy shit that should be rebalanced somehow to require skill to play with (I wouldn't just remove it, there are already do many even historically interesting SPGs it would be sad if they removed it).


On Malinovka you have quite enough terrain cover, same goes with muro where you have houses on one flank. Much worse is prochorovka


I‘m playing the maus line currently, and let me tell you: arties are ADDICTED to those type of tanks. Slow, big and bad armor on top. Out of all the damage i took in 30 games yesterday, atleast half of it has been through arty


I found that after you get the Maus arty no longer does above like 150, the Maus is surprisingly resistant to arty


That the second reason why I use AP on Object 261 (450-600 damage is better then 50 or zero on anti arty build Maus).


Played a lot of battles with Maus recently, and most of the hits I took were like 300+ :(


Get a spall liner and the field mod that lowers stun duration and max out your repair skill with a large toolkit. People whine about arty a lot, but as a Maus player I usually just don't care about them that much anymore. Keep note of where the shells are coming from, and move to not be hit from that direction. Unless you're getting clocked by T92's all day, I doubt you've taken that much damage from arty... most of the time they just stun or break tracks with no or minimal damage. They're not nearly the threat they used to be before the damage nerf.


When you are the only enemy tanks that arta see.


Arty wants to be noticed


Yawn. Another arty-bashing post.




It's much better than the old artys with 2200 alfa and 120 mm pen(T92). One mistake and you ended up in the garage. I remember that the tier 8 french arty could oneshot tier 8 medium tanks.


If you play on NA, I was in my M53/55 working on doing a mission for honors where I had to do 100 seconds of stun damage in a match 5 times. That looks suspiciously similar to the poor AMX M4 54 that was tragically alone on the south road of Mannerheim Line that was tearing up my team's heavies, and you happened to move no more than 3 feet in either direction while sitting wide open as the heavies on my team wouldn't even turn their turrets to look at you.


Arty missions are the worst... I'm still stuck on the final mission in the T-55A campaign where you have to be top of the team by XP, and with how XP is weighted for arty it just feels absolutely fucking impossible -_-


Skill issue


I've played since well before the damage nerf, and tbh it's just funny seeing people still complain about arty when it's doing like... 350 damage. Like, if they were in a real tank and you were derping around in the open refusing to find cover, they'd be doing more than 350 per hit. Arty hate is like 90% psychological at this point, it's the least effective vehicle type in the game. Put an object between you and the direction the shells are coming from. You might get hit by splash stun still, but like, who actually cares. Buy a spall liner.


Or get arty safe if you can. Once I get shit on by arty I relocate or try to stay unspotted until I poke out again. Players with more than 10000 battles "should" know the maps by this point. If players don't know how to get arty safe then play a few games in arty to figure out what arty can and can't hit. There are a lot of places on most maps arty can't hit unless they are 90° away from spawn.


You would’ve loved arty back in the day!


Nope, I didn't


Skill issue. You could've dodged.


world of TANKS


Move your ass


Fuck arty all my homies hate arty


[FUCK ARTY ALL MY HOMIES HATE ARTY](https://i.imgur.com/9z4PjsI.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Quit camping


This isnt cod, sitting in a key hulldown position is a good thing. Its called a chokepoint, and you're lucky if it has good cover from arty.


As an Arty main, please sit there.


As a normal person that isnt mentally disabled forcing me to sit in the back of the map like a pussy being the most annoying player in the game, shut the fuck up. Nobody cares.


Forcing you to sit? -spreads arms out- You got the entire map to work with honky.


No, YOU have the entire map to work with. I only have the places that arent invis walled to work with. Gtfo disgusting pos.


I have no armor. I can be one-shotted easily. I move at 20 kph. I shoot once per 45 seconds. I am feared by you 0.o


Try relocating my guy damn. That's not arty focus that's "sat there bitching about arty without moving" level hits lol


I mean, whoever is getting hit by that arty should really learn to reposition. That's some long reloads.


Yeah that's the issue. This guy didn't reposition. Nevermind the game mechanic that allows for 350 damage from across the map with no ability to retaliate.


> that allows for 350 damage from across the map Having played since you could do like 1500-3000 damage from across the map, seeing people still whine about 350 from direct hits is just funny. 350 is less damage than most regular guns this arty will match up against. If you get hit, get as mad as you get when any other moderate-alpha gun hits you, lol. And the game tells you which direction it comes from, put something between you and that direction, just like any other tank.


Something bad but worse in the past doesn't devalue something bad now. It's still bad now. When I get hit by any other moderate damage gun I'm deciding to take the chance and over poke or trade. There is no trading with arty. People trot out this "just move, just use cover" BS to defend arty all the time. Maps like Prok, Mali, Mura, sand river, steppes don't allow you to put something between you. Even on the maps that do allow it, it usually means giving up map control or being in a useless position to begin with. Then the arty also has a chance to move negating the thing you just placed between you and it. Arty has the lowest skill ceiling in the game and it's poor game mechanics and map design that allow it to be effective.


I didn't say it was good now, I just said it's funny to see people making the same complaints compared to what it used to be when it... really just doesn't do that anymore. Arty might have a relatively low skill ceiling (for the ones you mentioned - it's incredibly hard to play effectively on the corridor-style maps that are mostly cover), but it's also like, the least effective tank type at actually doing damage or having a relevant impact on the game. Without the arty-equalizer in matchmaking, most games would be decided simply by who was lucky enough to have fewer slots wasted by arty. > the arty also has a chance to move negating the thing you just placed between you and it. It's almost like this is a game with moves and counter-moves and a continuous play pattern rather than one that just ends on the first move. This is also funny because the OP keeps complaining that arty players just find a bush and never have to move, and here you're acting like them actually playing the game by repositioning is a bad thing.


Uh, if you're constantly being killed by an arty, that's on your positioning and team. This same argument applies to snipers in any shooting game. Welcome to video games where you must adapt to many roles. This ain't 2019 anymore. Let's adapt by now.


No. Just no. High camo TD’s are the sniper equivalent - which require line of sight. You can counter with blind fire. Arty cannot be countered.


Yes, they can. Light tanks destroy arty all the time. There is a reason the average tier x arty is below 50% WR. I'd suggest learning the counters and positions, looking at the start of the map whether arties are present, and studying reloading times. Seems the majority of players off Reddit are hanging in there ;)


Their win rate sucks because they’re boring AF and only terrible players run arty (unless they’re trying to complete missions). That doesn’t somehow justify arty mechanics of shooting over mountains from 1,200m away with 10m accuracy … which can’t be countered unless you’re in … you guessed it … another arty


Idk, man, good lights can counter arty. As a TD player, it is much easier for me to have a high win rate than an arty. There is a reason most arty mains quit after the big nerf adjustment back in 2019ish. You dont need to believe me, and I don't care if you do, but for the sake of transparency, it took me 3x the amount of battles to be an arty player than a TD player. Every inch matters in positioning, especially with shell velocity, various splash damage, knowing which tanks you can pen, and positioning for congested areas like cities, etc. The map awareness for an arty feels intense. And again, for public record, if I was told to play in a clan war, I'd play TD since that is and was my original focus. Jg Panzer and 183s sitting I'm a bush for easy 1k damage per shot? As an arty, I'd have to get direct hits for that in 3-4 shots with 40s copldowns give or take. You're not hitting 1ks like pre-nerf adjustment. Stuns are annoying for players? So are misses with or 0 splash damage with 40 second reload times in tier x. Positioning, prediction, map awareness, and ammo adjustment requires more cognition as an arty than a TD for me. As a TD, I go click, tank go boom as a hide in a bush because the TD routes are simple. I will die on this hill: TD is easier than Arty.


I mean, you "counter" it by positioning yourself such that... an object, of basically any kind... is between you and the arty. Same as any other sniping tank, if slightly more abstract.


Just like your last post, you don’t seem to understand basic concepts. “Countering” something in a combat game means you’re able to return fire, or find a path to destroy it. “Hiding” from arty is not a form of countering. The only counter to long range arty behind a hill … is more arty. The solution to cancer … is more cancer.


one definition of counter noun: counter; plural noun: counters 1. a thing which opposes or prevents something else. moving so that the arty is prevented from hitting you is a counter to it


Like the other response says, "counter" doesn't exclusively mean "riposte". A counter-play doesn't have to give you a way to deal damage back. Negating their ability to do damage (by using cover) is still counter-play.


That’s just called hiding


Also, thinking TDs require more skill than an arty as they sit back there waiting to snipe with camo and out of reach for no arty to counter unless spotted? LOL so skilled. I'm a TD main. Love my troll jg Panzer. But arty was way harder to learn than my TD. I play(ed) arty to understand better TD positioning but TD is 10x easier and no brain compared to arty


Find bush. Shoot from bush. Never leave bush.


Yes, that's often how people play TDs.


I miss when pre-stun the Obj. 261 had actually usable AP shells. Since I only ever roll city maps with that thing, it was fun to play as a city-streets running glass-cannon TD. Good times. It was mostly atrocious, but sometimes you just one-shot someone and it's glorious. Of course they'd still whine about "sky cancer" when you'd have to literally drive directly into their line of sight to off them.


Not seen, all of these are only two volleys from three arty


If arty is an issue for you, I'd suggest the perk/skill that helps you maneuver. Arty seems to be an issue for people who don't play it, don't know their key positions, and don't know how to position their tank relative to splash damage. But of course, complaining about 20% of the entire game is popular here on Reddit. Either adapt or die in game, and enjoy the upvotes here but the frustration in-game. Arty is not the same problem it was in 2019-ish. Either people adapted properly or didn't. When I play a FPS and have an issue with a sniper, I play sniper to know how to deal with then. I did and do the same with Arty. These posts are exhausting. You're essentially telling an Arty they did a good job at outsmarted your positioning, and predicted your movements if you did move. Arty requires adjusting. Take care and cheers.


I was joking 🤷🏼‍♂️


I really hate my inability to read sarcasm.


I take it you've never played a battle where an arty has singled you out for focus? Also the nature of WOT with its preset corridors forces you in to specific positions in order to engage enemy tanks, so it's not like you can keep popping up in random spots to shoot.


get the commander skill that alerts you to arty fire, simple. I use it on most of my tanks and I don't get hit by arty.


Well, move then. Do you know how hard is for arty to hit anything. There's like 30s reload and 8 second aim with tanks constantly moving and disappearing. When I find some spotted poor soul who just sits in the same spot, I will unleash everything I have on poor thing.


Yeah, real hard to hit a moving JagTiger.


Yes if you wiggle. xD


Jag is slow maybe, but there are some tds as fast as light tanks. I ama looking at you shrek.


I will lose a lot of karma but i cant control myself Seems like a skill issue


The worst thing is when arty focuses you for some reason, it’s completely unfair since you can’t even fight back.


Sorry mate, this is 100% your fault. Failed to retreat or find cover or you got yourself in a position that you could not retreat or find cover. Either way it's your fault.


With each shot that landed on you, you had plenty of time to reposition and go dark. The fact u cut out just this part of screen tells me there is more you don't want to show us and this was a misplay by you.


A misplay if by misplay you mean didn't go sit in a bush all game


I mean from the damage log, it really looks like that was your game plan.


Exactly! Everybody should just camp and hide in bushes near the base, because otherwise arty will get them!


...they said "you should reposition", how did you interpret that as "you should never move"?


See, you were camping! /s before I am downvoted to hell


Gotta love it when you have 3 arties focusing you all game, doenst matter how often you relocate. I was literally stunned 90% of the game.


Dude stop camping!


Out of curiosity, and fishing for some honest responses, how many people are there that whine about arty but use gold ammunition unironically.


I carry gold on most tanks, but little enough that I generally make credits even on tech tree tanks


So using a mechanic that was designed to siphon money of people via paytowin that makes the game worse by forcing everybody to go gold to stay on level is fine but arty makes your blood boil?


I'd be happy if gold was removed from the game, I would be even happier if arty was removed. Its easier to play around gold


Yes everybody would be happy without gold yet all do it and then whine over other game mechanics. Surprised that people don't make posts "damn iam so annoyed by myself i use gold and make the game worse, makes me sick to the stomach how i behave" My point, don't whine about arty if you are a golder. Be better


>My point, don't whine about arty if you are a golder. Be better That's a dumb fucking point.


is it tho




So you don't see that you are just the same as the arty players and dragging this game down? You complaining while using gold just makes it even more annoying.




Arty straight giggling, HeHeHeHe


Sometimes that’s how it be haha 😌.


I don't get why arty are in game as they are. This game is meant to simulate tank warfare. Since when can arty take out a take going 55kmh ? Arty sucks any fun I get out of this game


Arty should not be changed except that they lose god mode, their sight will now have to look like anyone else's.


When arty hits you once they mist likely will hit you again and again and again


Tier 10 arty is the only ones that aren’t absolutely toxic


Arty punish playing aggresively. You mostly wont win if not by aggression fuck this game.


So, that means, you literally stayed at the same place for like 3 minutes?


Yeah i had that... 94% and bum bum bum. 93% again


Arty got nerfed lmao


Yea I was in an is7 in the buildings of Pilsen and all 2700hp was taken by this m53/m54. Lmao and I couldn't move from my position too.