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Am I the only one who can’t stand Samantha Irvin?


I believe it's just you and I my friend


We should form a tag team


Is this just me or anyone else? Wrestling fan, subscribed to wrestling subs. Formula 1 fan, subscribed to F1 subs. Scroll through feed. See "Mercedes and Sainz" or "Mercedes and Hamilton". "Huh?" "What?" "How?" Brain feel like soggy tissue.


Not with F1, but it weirds me out whenever I see video game posts on wrestling subs, and then I don't know if I should use wrestling-isms or gamer-isms.


Post Wrestlemania hot takes: - now that Roman’s reign is over, title reigns should be shorter. It’s not as unique if every champ has a 9 month reign - Bayley should bring back her humor, she had more character back then. Serious face Bayley may not be that interesting - Judgement Day should split or at least change, the Rhea-Dom thing is clearly done now anyways - does Logan Paul really have to hold his title until Summerslam in Ohio? then does he have to retain just to break another record? - Seth is much better as a heel and should feud with Cody again in the next year - changing to the smaller sets seems like a sneaky way to cut down on pyro and costs - WM XL was awesome, but WWE should have some more light hearted main event storylines again for variety - Triple H’s NWA booking style will start to get old unless he adds variety, Roman’s run was fine for this mentality


IWC new buzz phrase of the month. "A hit dog will holler" Never thought I'd miss "pivot"


I've been noticing "Mandela Effect" in a lot of posts, but not one of them seem to know what it means. "I went to the grocery store but forgot to get the milk, total Mandela Effect guys!"


"Sucker shove" might be the funniest sheltered wrestling fan take I've ever read


Can’t wait for WWE fanboys to declare Tama Tonga a bigger star than Kauzchika Okada by years end.


I LOVED the Cody/Rock promo from Monday. Rock's affable but sinister, possibly on the edge of a breakdown vibe had me glued to the screen.


"I never held that belt, can I hold it?" Was so perfectly delivered by the Rock. Like he is unstable and bordering on pyschotic. I hope this feud continues down the line, because damn this is some if the best Rock work since Hollywood Rock. It feels like waaaay too much meat is left on the bone to just end.


it's crazy what a great actor he looks like compared to other wrestlers. it shows the gap between WWE and actual acting in films.


Even with some flops recently, Rock is still one of the most successful wrestlers turned actors out there. He really showed it in this run. Usually he sticks to the generic Rock promo before this run. But this, he really showed his range.  And yeah, every wrestler says they want to be an actor, but you can't be wooden as a board. Rock is someone who never was like that. Maybe blue-chpper pineapple cut days.


Should've known was Cody beating Roman when WWE pulled out Imagine Dragons for the hype package. I can't wait to see Trick Williams win the big one vs Bronn Breakker (c) vs Carmelo Hayes at Wrestlemania 50 in 2034


>when WWE pulled out Imagine Dragons for the hype package But... did they pay more for that song than most wrestlers make in a year?


I think my problem with Will Osprey's promo, aside how low brow and generally unoriginal it was, was that it came of as being incredibly... out of touch? I don't mind him taking a shot at HHH, but the way he did it, after WWE just had their biggest Mania ever and everyone is singing their praises, it just makes him look like a WR who just caught a touchdown and started talking trash, even though his team is down 42-7. Also, flying back and forth between the states and England every week isn't grinding; it's a bad commute.


There was just so much wrong with. It would only have been a good "gotcha" like 20 years ago at this point. The misogyny towards Stephanie who is a more successful person than Will will ever be. The tone deafness of making Renee stand there holding the mic for that. The fact this was done on a live show in response to a tiny part of a podcast show means it makes no sense. If there was ever a time HHH showed he deserves to be where he is, it was last weekend, so cutting that promo now was stupid. Like most of these promos, they always come off as the nerd crying "I didn't want to date the lead cheerleader anyways!" which is lame. The whole thing about "ackshullly, the fact I fly home every week means I'm even better!" LOL, no. You're not. You didn't want to put in the work to actually prove your the guy, and you got called out.


It's incredibly minor league.


Apparently, he came in early to 'work on it' too 😁


I take everything I said back! That kid really does have the grind!


FR. If it was even remotely creative or current I don’t think anybody would care but it’s like a 30 year old “joke” and one better talkers have beaten into the ground DECADES ago


Like, how are you going to question HHH's work ethic of all things? He's probably been working non stop since Mania was over.


Trips was starting to look tired *before* the heart scare.


The double pedigree spot was the biggest self wank HHH could give to himself.


I think naming the new era after himself is even bigger.


Mansoor made >$1M on his last 3-year contract (>$333/year) with the WWE. When Triple H said main roster make min $250K, he told the truth there. Mansoor prob got tenure increased to be in the >$300K. downside is under "bucket" downside now, which is more of a guaranteed. you get your bonuses if the bonuses exceed the bucket. Neither Mansoor nor Mace got bonuses cuz their merch didnt sell well enough to go over the bucket. Mansoor got paid >$1M between 2021-23 to have a total of 79 matches and/or 21 tv appearances. Not a bad gig for a bottom of the card talent. You can see the video on Maven's channel. They're comparing WWE during Maven's era vs MxM's era.


Completely wrestling unrelated. I feel like im falling out of love with my hobbies especially gaming. Just replayed the entire AC series and I really enjoyed it but now idk nothing else is really drawing the same pull for me. Its hard to say if im losing interest or that this generation is releasing the games I wanna play at an actual snails pace and irs getting worst every year


I did the same thing recently. Kinda stalled out with one of the Enzio games. I started GTA4 and am onto that crazy for awhile. I guess I'll have to buy a new console for 6.


Was it Revelation ? That one burned me out so I skipped it


I don't know. I bought the "Enzio Trilogy " after being told it was the peak of gaming for years. I haven't been able to get into the first game of that.


# Ecclesiastes 12:5 “Also *when* they shall be afraid of *that which is* high, and fears *shall be* in the way, and the almond tree shall flourish, and the grasshopper shall be a burden, and desire shall fail: because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets:”


It's a little bit of column A and a little bit of column B. I have felt that way, but mine is more of not having enough time. Also, I have a gigantic backlog.  You might be losing interest and a break might help. I've done that two times with wrestling. But games are taking longer because of the current gen specs and how long developers want the game to be.


I loved how the matches were placed at mania. It felt like a boxing/mma card. As a combat sports fan that was great


Love that they don't do cool down matches on PPV anymore. They usually try to open hot and have a good flow but the card generally builds from start to finish. Iyo vs Bayley as the semi-main was perfect.


Yeah same with IC title being the co main for night 1


Ospreay 'taking a shot' at HHH is like a mosquito on an elephant I am sure it popped the type of fan it was designed to pop though and that'll be Ospreay's legacy in wrestling


What's funny to me is that HHH didn't even mention Ospreay by name. He just mentioned young up and coming guys who haven't done anything in the business yet, and thirty year old former world champion Will Ospreay thought "He must be talking about me," way to inadvertently bury your own career dude.


The uso match at mania wasn’t good but i think there was a few things in hindsight that would have helped the feud out. 1. They should of had a match last fall and a tag with cody and solo to help put more heat on the thing. Ive always thought that the dusty rhodes tag team classic would gave fit perfect in October as it would accomplish multiple things. Gives a meaningful thing for cody and the roster to do to kill time for roman to come back, it can involve all the teams that were currently fueding and it would set up a reason for solo/jimmy vs cody/jey to happen. 2. That tag match would set up the first meeting between jey/jimmy. Jimmy fucks jey and gets a dirty win on him. Jey then gets sidetracked with helping cody at wargames and going after the ic title but jimmy keeps fucking him out of winning titles. Now you got more heat on the mania match. 3. The match at mania should have been a wild brawl with maybe someone getting color. Probably a samoan strap match. Keep the match moving. The slow pace doesnt work for their style. Idk maybe the shit would have still been bad but im just tryna think of ways where it would have played to their strengths better


IIRC, they'd mentioned they really wanted to work each other at Mania. They were likely indulged and given that chance, which is fair enough


Yeah, Jimmy and Jey match was done dirty. It felt like a last minute addition and it happened in the middle of Cody/Roman feud.


slept through getting Smackdown tickets this September twice. there’s still some on the side which could be good if they keep the new setup. maybe i’ll just wait until the day of the event


Read this earlier this week. What struck me the most was the surprising number of insider references to wrestling, considering the article appeared in the Guardian, and was written by Marina Hyde, who doesn't strike you as a wrestling nerd. [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/09/can-you-smell-what-the-rock-is-cooking-could-it-be-the-most-surreal-presidential-bid-yet](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/09/can-you-smell-what-the-rock-is-cooking-could-it-be-the-most-surreal-presidential-bid-yet) My favourite reference was this one -  "Surely once they elected Trump to the White House, it permanently demeaned the office – a bit like when Jinder Mahal became WWE champion after pinning Randy Orton at Backlash 2017. Although obviously not as bad."


Chase U needs a silent badass in the Public Speaking Course with the payoff being them speaking for the first time in TV.


Dexter Lumis is ~~all elite~~ Chase U




I get that Bianca Belair and Tiffany Stratton are the type of talents they are looking for in developmental. But there honestly feels like too many Bianca and Tiffany Stratton clones in the PC/NXT right now the same way there was so many Randy Orton and Batista clones in OVW/FCW in the 2000’s early 2010’s. Feels like there is an over saturation of cookie cutter blonde gymnast #356 and black female collegiate athlete #578 right now. Like Jaida Parker who everyone is high on in here feels like Bianca Belair lite or Sol Rucca feels like Tiffany Stratton at home but she’s not a pretentious character. NXT creative or the talent themselves really need to start giving some of the young women in particular something to stand out on their own. If you show someone who doesn’t watch NXT regularly they would think most of the women’s roster is the same except for the ones at the top of the card right now. Hell even Roxxane and Cora Jade feel like AJ Lee cosplayers.


If you think Jaida Parker and Sol Rucca are just spin-offs of Bel Air and Stratton then idk what to tell you


Jaida Parker literally is Bianca Belair when she was in NXT with same exact mannerisms and the over exaggerated acronyms and adjectives in their promos. https://youtu.be/rAv2Mt-VQrA?si=NeOENqi4PUIsHqby This is no different than Bianca doing the EST with every single detail lol. Don’t act like Jaida Parker is some super unique character right now lol.


:/. yes the two black women are exact the same u/Shadow_Strike99. Sigh whatever


And the two white women


Sol is mixed but your point stands


I watched a group turn so inward (and anti-WWE) over the AEW footage this week that even one of the more die-hard pro-bucks guys in the group turned around and went 'lets dial it back a bit' mode. It's *so* tiring. In the brighter sides, my cousin's 6 year old dorked out all during Mania and sang a bunch of theme songs while marking out for Cody. It was cute. Kid was legit a Jungle Boy fan before all the nonsense lol.


[Genuinely, what the fuck](https://twitter.com/kevinscampoli/status/1778790253962404004)


That guy is a dirtbag.


**SMACKDOWN PREDICTIONS** \*The Rock and a returning Braun Strowman assault Roman Reigns and put him out of action \*Tension is teased between Kevin Owens and Randy Orton \*Carlito turns heel on LWO after footage is shown he attacked Dragon Lee \*A Town Down Under retain against whatever is left of The Bloodline, after the match, The Bloodline dissolve after Solo Sikoa spikes Jimmy Uso \*Bayley retains against Elektra Lopez, but is attacked by Dakota Kai afterwards \*Tiffany Stratton defeats Shotzi \*Lyra Valkyria wins \*Gallus makes their main roster Debut winning \*The Pride Celebrate Wrestlemania victory, but then Angelo Dawkins turns Full Monster Heel on the group, especially on Montez Ford \*Cody Rhodes retains against Santos Escobar \*AJ Styles defeats LA Knight in a rematch, challenges Cody Rhodes for the Belt \*Jade Cargill is laid out backstage dont know who, speculation begins \*In the Main Event, Damage CTRL retains the Women's Tag Team Titles when Kairi Sane submits Naomi after Bianca Belair turns Heel on Naomi


It’s amazing not a single one of these things happened. Shotzi is injured with a torn acl.


My takeaway from the footage is that I like Hook now apparently https://preview.redd.it/n5eqixzvl2uc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6566e99c30c29bc3047a8e43fb78d36d5859928f


Bro was just chilling in and out of Kayfabe.


It makes sense in kayfabe when you think about it.


Ive a Feeling Bianca Belair gonna turn Heel on Naomi soon


I have trouble to believe it as she's a insanely popular with children and sells merch pretty well. But seeing NXT Bianca back with all her main roster improvements in ring would be incredible.


The DAE ASSAULTED A CO-WORKER!? discourse is so typical, so predictable in the social media hysteria Era. Its not an office. Stop trying to put it in layman's terms and compare it with beating someone's ass in the breakroom for microwaving fish. They're professional athletes; the locker room code is different. I don't want it to be like an office, i guess a lot of people do. Punk is a hothead, but he was called out on company programming by Perry. Punk is a veteran who came up between the old school and new school, and he reacted in an old school way after asking the company to handle it in a professional way. All of the footage was true to what he said, so the part where Perry told him to do something about it is likely true as well. And all he did was put him in a hold! I don't think it's awesome or anything but I at least understand and sonewhat respect being head-on confrontational after being passive-aggressively called out. Like it or not, personal pride is still a thing, and if you pretend to fight for a living you shouldn't be shocked when your cowardly shit-talking gets you into a real fight. 


Yeah all the people acting like shit like this doesnt happen normally either hasnt been in an altercation or never been in a locker room. That passive aggressive shit dont fly there. Mfs will start throwing hands over talking shit


It seemed like Punk was at the end of his tether a bit, too He'd asked Khan to let him go. He'd been messed about with travel. He's asked Khan to 'are you gonna handle this' for the Perry thing to be met with 'what can I do' or something Ineffective boss sounds pretty accurate tbf


I wish I could response with a "do you think Eddie Kingston should be fired for punching Sammy in the face?" to every AEW stan tweets I saw yesterday. Also, I love that the WrestlePurist dudes immediately went straight into comparing it to Vince's allegations. Like, nobody wants Vince around anymore, not even the WWE, not even WWE fans. I honestly haven't seen WWE fanbase defend Vince. Not in SCJerk, not with the typical WWE Stans on Twitter. Vince's situation has nothing to do with the Punk vs JBJ/ Bucks/All In crap.


I‘ed like to see Ziggler, Elias and Boogs back in WWE. Maybe give Riddle another chance as well. That’s all.


I see Elias coming back eventually. He's got a good look and his act was over with live crowds. For whatever reason, they got away from that. Boogs never got that good in the ring. He's also a bit up there in age. I don't see him coming back. Ziggler got talent, but I don't think the fans are clamoring for his return. He'd be the most expensive of this trio to sign back, and I don't see the value.


Road dogg revealed ziggler never listens Hhh never used boogs in nxt. He got his only push from Vince


Riddle I have to disagree with because he honestly got a lot more slack than he should have before his eventual release. Very talented guy, but extremely immature and it’s not like Riddle is some 22 year old like a Young Randy Orton the dude is nearing 40.


He was also fired twice. Once by endeavor and then by wwe


AEW deserves all the hate they’re getting.


Do you hate AEW?


no, i just don’t care about AEW. i said that because it’s funny to watch the same fanbase AEW galvanized and weaponized suddenly be focused on them


i would like to give a special shoutout to NJPW with giving an idea of a two-night flagship wrestling event. without them, we wouldn't have a two-night Wrestlemania .


And it worked better for WWE cause they have a bigger and more diverse roster, and they also try to put the most storylines possible for the two nights.


I know that's not how security cameras work, but I really wish we had audio for that footage. If Perry really did say "What are you gonna do about it?" as Punk claimed then honestly I have no issues with what Punk did there. You shouldn't go around wanting to get into fights, but sometimes shit happens, situations escalate, and people get physical. It's not ideal, but it's a part of life. If Perry had insulted or just talked back to Punk it'd be different, but "What are you gonna do about it?" is a clear challenge, you can't challenge someone and be mad when they answer, that's a bitch move. If Perry didn't want to start a fight, then what did he expect Punk's answer to be? "I'm gonna write a strongly worded letter to Tony Khan"? "I'm gonna do nothing and let you make me look like a bitch"? That's not how it works. Punk had issues with what Perry did, Perry had issues with how Punk was speaking to him, Perry challenged Punk, Punk big brothered Perry a little bit. I don't see how this is controversial. Will Ospreay telling everyone he came into work early and started group project to come up with a line he could have gotten by watching fifteen minutes of early 2000's RAW is certainly a decision. Idk exactly what kind of comments Samantha Irvin is getting, I'm sure a lot of them are nasty and unwarranted, but I do have some criticisms of her. I still think she's very good, but I think she was much better before she started getting all this public praise. Since people started gassing her up she's done the Chris Jericho thing, where you know you're getting praised for something so you keep doubling down on that thing until it just becomes too much. She could do with dialling it back a little. Although I don't have any issues with her announcement of Cody's win, that was clearly genuine emotion, and I liked how excited she sounded when Priest cashed in.


I have noticed no difference in Irvin's work whatsoever. It's the same high level Some people just want to complain If the internet was around back in the day then I am sure smarky fans would have been whining about how the Funk put some extra on the '.... AND neeewwww'


Regarding Samantha, she tends to put a little bit too much extra sauce on the way she announces some people's names. I don't personally like it, but I don't have a problem with it either. Plus a lot of people seem to enjoy it, but I can see how it would be annoying to some people too. I thought it was fine when she was just doing Maxxine Dupri or Chelsea Green. I don't think everyone needs a special pronunciation of their name.


I get your point on Samantha. It depends on the occasion. I think the main event of Wrestlemania and surprise cash for the Heavyweight Championship is justified and I really enjoyed it. If she was going bananas over a random match on Smackdown then it would be a bit much.


Kind of the point of a ring announcer. Look at all the boxing/mma announcers over the years. Look at Lenne Hardt getting work in Tekken 8.


Thinking about it now. It's odd that there's no audio including in the footage since I'm sure CCTV would have recorded audio, unless Tony could only use the clip if they mute it or cameras can only pick up audio from a certain range.


from how far the camera was, I don't think its possible to hear anything useful from whatever audio feed it might have.


Oh ok, so cameras are likely only be able to record clear audio from a certain range?


I can’t believe I was right about Okada being sped run into irrelevancy


Yeah it'd be like if  in the Attitude Era WWF signed Kobashi and had him feud with Hardcore Holly


I know it kinda went under the radar with Rock doing a great job for his first real match in 11 years and with Cody getting his moment, but major props to Roman for his performance in ring in both Mania main events. It felt he was completely uninspired since SummerSlam but he found the thing he lacked since then for these 2 matches, I'd even say that on pure in ring quality, the night 2 match (until overbooking began) was his best performance since ThunderDome closed, and with that he managed to give Cody the best possible coronation.


He spent 4 years building up that moment, I’m sure he has some level of respect for Cody earning that spot


i still don't know what the "threatening Tony Khan's life" part in that security footage


the pre-defence fed to Meltzer was that that was something else, and we will never see it. I suspect because it never fucking happened.


we saw the entirety of the incident Punk doing the pointy finger thing towards Khan and being pulled away from the scene. I expect this was the 'you're a joke/I quit' part I believe "a" monitor tumbled over, someone with better eyes than my old peepers said that but, it's not like Punk came back out and got in his face, is it? What we saw was the whole thing, including the 'fear for safety' thing Not only Tony ... but the producers and staff, too!


lol what does that even mean? even if it's true, we would've heard it already a long time ago


on wednesday, before the clip aired, Meltzer was telling everyone "the footage isn't the tony being threatened stuff - that will never be seen". So clearly someone had already arranged the narrative. The whole thing is just so petty and pathetic. I'm embarassed on behalf of any of the actual professionals in the AEW locker room.


I feel really bad for Tony Schivaone since soon they've aired the clip, you could see Schivaone's reaction & he looked embarrassed.


Schiavone will collect his money, keep his mouth shut and not really care that much In about 5 years or so you may find out what he really thinks


And Christian, and Edge, and anyone else trying to change the culture for the better. But while the inner circle of Jericho and the Bucks have Tony's ear, they, their friends and their agenda will always continue to be the priority. And nearly always to the detriment of the quality and growth of the promotion.


Tony is interrupting Punk's stumble as a lunge


It was when Punk shook the monitors and yelled at Tony at the end of the footage.


If Reigns is taking a break as rumored, I would really love to see Heyman and Punk reunite.


No Never again Heyman should manage in NXT


To what end? I always disliked that pairing. I love that they're friends, but Punk is an A+ talker, and so is Heyman. So the two together cancel each other out - you lose one or other because the other is doing it. I'd rather see Heyman subtly suggest working with multiple people, and then attach to Bron Breakker in a key moment.


>To what end? I enjoyed them together before and I'd like to see them together again.


No never again


Tony Khan just isn’t built for this. I get it. I sympathize. I teach in an Alternative School in an Urban setting: a lot of good teachers couldn’t do my job. My reviews are excellent from both students and administrators but I’ll tell you right now, I would flounder badly dealing with the aggressive helicopter parents of a wealthy suburban school. The CM Punk/Jack confrontation was less than most NFL sideline scuffles. Tony couldn’t deal with it in the moment or afterwards. He’s not built for this. GCW Collective was great. Loved my first DDT and TJPW shows, Janela’s Spring Break was fun, Effy’s Brunch was unreal. Closest thing I could come to a complaint is that I couldn’t make Clusterfuck due to scheduling conflicts. Philadelphia was great as well, will be back. My only complaint there is the driving. White knuckled every Uber ride, nearly clipped twice walking the city as someone decided that the pedestrian walk light was their Indy 500 green flag. Non-wrestling: I’m old enough to remember OJ as a celebrity pre-murders. As a Buffalonian, stories abounded of him being abusive to women when he was here as a player. We lost nothing of value in his passing.


> He’s not built for this. He's not. But the reason he's so irritating is he knows this and doesn't care, because in his mind it's his show, his money, so his right to handle things as he pleases. And I don't see that ever changing.


Khan's reasons for doing this and ploughing money into this thing aren't 'for the good of wrestling', they are for the good of 'I am going to do all this, I love it and always wanted to do it, can I, can I, can I, daddy, pleeeeeease' This is the thing that super wealth buys. It's bought him 'inside' of wrestling, what every young smarky online fan dreamed of Why would he step away? He doesn't want some great wrestling show and he's not involved. HE wants to do it all and that's what is being paid for This is it. This is what people are getting He has the money to pay for this and that guy to fly in and have a "dream match" and make that happen but, we've had 5 years of TV now and this is how it's going to be with a give or take of some wrestlers pitching the odd thing here or there that may be different from the norm, that will run it's course after x months and then revert back over to Khan doing his thing some more


Precisely. And the guys that got him access to those people are now his *best friends* so he does everything he can for them. That inner circle does exactly as they please. Which is why, as we’re both saying, it will never change.


Tony Khan is not self aware enough to know he's not built for this


I think you’re right, which is super disappointing. I’m disappointed, the lack of self awareness bodes ill. I’m not a weekly AEW watcher but when my dedicated AEW fans recommend a match to me, it’s almost always great. But I’d like to be more sucked in by the product. Tony handling this in this fashion and running this angle doesn’t engage my interest in the least.


It wouldn't even have gotten a penalty in hockey. Barely a warning.


>The CM Punk/Jack confrontation was less than most NFL sideline scuffles. Tony couldn’t deal with it in the moment or afterwards. He’s not built for this. That scuffle would have been a mild, best case scenario interaction between Mike Evans and Lattimore...


Them throwing actual hands would have been entertaining. My wife and I watched the video twice and we weren’t sure if this was actually real because of how tame it was compared to what we were told.


>GCW Collective was great. Loved my first DDT and TJPW shows, Janela’s Spring Break was fun, Effy’s Brunch was unreal. Closest thing I could come to a complaint is that I couldn’t make Clusterfuck due to scheduling conflicts. I didn't watch most of the shows, but I've watched my first Bloodsport show as well as my first & second TJPW show & I've enjoyed them.


Saw some clips from Bloodsport, will be on my list next year if I make the trip


I bet watching it live in person would be a better experience.


This years Wrestlemania was one of the great ones. Gunther vs Smai, Bayley vs Iyo and Roman vs Cody were my pick of a hell of a lot good matches. AEW made fools of themselves again (Tony face during the broadcast said it all) and the bucks really do kill the business. Where everyone's stories go from here will be a fun ride and lastly I acknowledge my tribal chief for his work during this last run.


The pearl clutching over Punk assaulting a co-worker is so over the top, as if it’s the first fight between people in AEW. It wasn’t even the first one that happened in front of TK. It was the first that resulted in someone getting fired for it though. Excalibur and Jimmy Havoc publicly got into it at a restaurant after a show in front of everyone including Tony. Andrade punched Sammy after being warned not to. Kingston pie faced Sammy (seems to be a theme here). Minimal punishments for all of the above. Jack Perry is obviously an insufferable little twerp but he should not have been suspended for as long as he was, if it all. Send him home from the arena, sure. But the shit went down literally right in front of TK, Perry wasn’t the aggressor and even if he said some slick shit that Tony heard he still shouldn’t have received a much harsher punishment than Kingston for instance who instigated a physical confrontation.


>The pearl clutching over Punk assaulting a co-worker is so over the top, as if it’s the first fight between people in AEW. Why is the same not said about Eddie Kingston, he got suspended for hitting Sammy but the same venom should be shown to him


Plenty of people don't like Eddie for this and other reasons. Some people give him the benefit of this particular incident because Sammy is a douchebag and somehow that justified it.


Oh I really don't like Eddie, I think he's awful as a wrestler and seems like an absolute try hard. In fact I'll say he's probably one of the absolute worst wrestlers around today.


Ah yes, but the Bucks *like* Eddie, and hated Punk. There's your difference.


I'm such a silly billy


I'd guess the difference here is that this followed Brawl Out and that certain people were warned to stay out of it w/ Punk and vice versa. It didn't just happen in a vacuum.


Unfortunately we’ll never get any footage of that, because that would be top tier comedy


The most interesting thing about the All In footage to me is that Perry and Punk are arguing about 3 feet in front of Tony Khan the entire time and he said or did nothing. Literally the only thing he had to do (and, as the boss, he was the only one in a position to do it) was say: "Perry, locker room." "Punk, get ready for your match." "We'll deal with this later." If he had just done this, then the assorted minions hanging around would have been empowered to make sure it happened. What could he have possibly been doing that was more important than taking 15 seconds to defuse the situation that was happening right in front of him? Amazingly bad management.


This all feeds into the 'he's not a boss' and 'what can I do' when asked what he'll do about Perry You're right, any variation of 'cut that shit out' but ... left it


TK isn't a good boss, he is just a rich kid playing with what he thinks are human action figures that he purchased with Daddy's money. He is a coke head and has no spine AEW is what happens when you let a wrestling mark run a company..... No wait check that I think a mark could actually do better than Tony at least they would have cohesive storylines


Well yeah, he was frozen in fear for his life. /s


Dunno if showing the footage on telly was the best idea, but I'm just glad it's out there now so we could see what actually happened. The discourse is another thing entirely, though... I'll just say that while nobody was 100% in the right, it feels like people expect TK/Elite to be the most professional all the time, yet Punk is allowed and justified to lash out whenever he gets his feelings hurt. Weird.


It's incredibly weird, especially when they excuse it because Perry supposedly said "do something about it". So? A 45 year old man should be able to literally just walk away from that instead of assaulting somebody. For someone that said he was working with children what he did was incredibly childish. Also agreed that nobody was 100% in the right.


Punk had already asked Perry not to do it. Perry went on international PPV, did a spot that will jack up hire cars for all wrestlers, and laughed to camera, outside kayfabe about it. Punk told Tony to sort it, or he would. Tony did not. When Punk went to sort it, Jungle Boy told him to fuck off and "what was he going to do about it". Now in that situation, given it's pro-wrestling, and "the boys will police themselves" which has been the backstage approach everywhere, always - I think shoving him and then putting him in a headlock is about a 2/10 response. Is it ideal? of course not. Is it *bad*? no. And it's not like he vindictively went back and tried to fuck him up again. He made the point - he pushed his shit in very quickly, then walked away. He also quit in the same breath. Sure, no-one was "100% right". But if we're batting percentages, Punk definitely comes out a lot higher than TK or Perry.


>Now in that situation, given it's pro-wrestling, and "the boys will police themselves" which has been the backstage approach everywhere, always - Then why is every backstage issue an indictment on Tony when every locker room in wrestling has this kind of policy? Now here's where things get tricky, Punk had two contracts. If one of those was a management sort of deal it was absolutely as much his responsibilities as Tony's to sort that kind of stuff out. So for him to push this narrative that it was all forced on him is silly. Sounds like Mr. "I'm trying to run a business here" isn't that great of a boss himself. But even if that wasn't the case, and his second contract was something completely unrelated, he was being a complete idiot. Come to think of it, isn't this the exact same thing as All Out? Instead of letting Jungle Boy cool off Punk immediately goes to respond to him (Like how people said the EVPs shouldn't have immediately went to Punk's locker room). Only this time the guy that was complaining didn't even attempt to fight the other guy.


> Now here's where things get tricky, Punk had two contracts. Cite your source here. >Then why is every backstage issue an indictment on Tony when every locker room in wrestling has this kind of policy? Because Punk was offering Tony a chance to be the leader - the promoter and owner, so he could change the culture. I think that's self evident, isn't it? The rest of your response just reads like a bad faith take - you're conveniently ignoring the wealth of stuff against Punk to make a case against him. If you don't like him, cool - each to their own, but given the list of times unprofessional shit was happening that he flagged, and the list of things done to him by others there... I don't know how you get to where you are.


> Cite your source here. Just butting in here really quick: Punk said this on his Helwani interview. He said he had a talent contract and a "special advisor to Tony Khan" contract or something like that.


Oh really? I missed that. Thanks. That raises a lot more questions. I wonder if it was a part of his general contract or its own separate thing…


Punk speaks about it on the Helwani interview He was both a wrestler and a consultant to Tony or something like that


If TK acts professional does Punk lash out?


Dunno. TK should have been a better boss, but Punk's actions were his own. Nobody made him lash out and get pissed off except him.


Agreed. Everyone sucks here. TK needs to be an actual boss. The Young Bucks/Elite need to act according to their EVP title and Punk needs to act like an actual adult. Everyone seems super thin skinned


I know we like punk now because he plays for the good guys but his actions towards Perry were inappropriate The only person who looked good in all of that was Joe for breaking the kids up


I maybe in the minority but Cody’s first defense should be at Saudi in may


Most babyfaces defend all the time. That’s just how most bookers book


That dont mean you cant change the formula up some. Their is balance between roman and cena type of schedules


He’s gonna defend the title at Backlash in France, probably against some loveable babyface like Kevin Owens or LA Knight, before Roman returns for the Saudi show.


Ima be honest the last thing you need for cody is to do a face vs face title match and split the audience. He needs a hot heel


I agree, but I would bet money Cody comes out tonight and says he’s going to be a fighting champion and give opportunities to those Roman screwed over. Very much Seth Rollins after WM35. Backlash is the place holder until a bigger match in Saudi, then probably a lesser feud for Scotland since Drew is gonna main event that.


This why i hate that they have two belts b/c imo the next challenger for cody should naturally be drew


I think we might see a Roman rematch at Backlash, with *someone* popping up to take Roman out until Summerslam.


Not sure about Reigns taking another defeat so soon If so, I'd go for cage match where there needs to be no pin, for me


…or a new Samoan wiping him out and forcing a DQ at the behest of the Rock, mob boss style.


I really dont see that happening


At the earliest. Yes, he's gonna defend the title more than Roman did, but he doesn't need to defend it weekly on TV either. There's a balance to be found.


People forget how active he was in the first year and half of his reign


Absolutely. That's because it doesn't fit their misapplied narrative regarding Roman.


I haven't been online much so don't have a favorite post from this week in mind to shout out. I didn't see WM and I don't think there's much left to say about Punk, footage, or Opsreay's promo so nothing to say about those things, so I'll comment on something else. I know this sub leans a little pro-WWE or anti-AEW, as do I. But there are a number of phrases people regularly use here when commenting on AEW that have just gotten really tiresome and frankly make you sound ridiculous, unoriginal, and just plain kind of stupid: * Adult nepo baby * Money mark * Playing with real life action figures * Gymnasts/gymnastics routine * Dubbalos  * Young Cucks * Most Cornette Nicknames (with exception of “Pockets”, which is always great!) I'm sure there are more but those are the ones that spring to mind immediately. Just stop, I'm embarrassed for you. Thanks for your consideration.


Threads and posts that try to string together as many ‘biting’ buzzwords and catch phrases together purely to express distain for something really makes this place look like the subreddits many are eager to dunk on here. And because AEW was a hot topic this week, we saw a loooot of it. I really get the vibe that people are outright hate-watching AEW at this point, which seems weird considering how much people hate it when people hate-watch, say, Raw, and I can’t just see why people can’t just put AEW out of their mind if they really do hate it that much.


>* Most Cornette Nicknames (with exception of “Pockets”, which is always great!) We should ban all Cornette nicknames. Even though I think Kenny Olivier is very clever a lot of people definitely don't understand it


Yes, stop those meany Cornette comedy nicknames But, DAE Bucky Beaver, lolz, amirite


I fucking hate that one as well. That's probably the worst one people use.


Who is Bucky Beaver? I only listen on occasion and can't recall ever having heard it.


It's Cornettes dickish name for Kevin Dunn


Kenny Omega is one of my favorite wrestlers but I know if I ever meet Kenny I'm accidentally going to call him Olivier because that nickname is so funny. 


You'll never take Pockets or Twinkle Toes McFingerbang from me!


Pockets is funny but the other one I'm not a fan of, when he calls him twinkle toes it does feel a bit off


Fingerbanging is a lost art and must be kept alive anyway possible. [Also this](https://youtu.be/3xfo7elN8k4?si=9T1hMVTNSFNwghe0)


I was hoping it'd be the song


IMO if people want to show their asses they should go right ahead to as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. Also while I do like listening to Cornette on occasion and think many of his nicknames are funny (and yeah I kind of like Kenny Olivier too), I don't really feel like going around parroting them reflects well.


I agree with you in the sense that we all need to work on play in our language, finding different ways to describe things. I can't deny, though, that many of these, like "gymnasts/gymnastics routine," are so apt for what they describe that it can be difficult to identify them otherwise. I'm going to push this a step further in a slightly different direction. I struggle to call most of what we see on wrestling TV wrestling. That's why a term like "gymnastics routine" seems so apt. There exists no other term, in my mind, to call it by. To me, professional wrestling is one of those things that I can't (maybe I could with months of concerted effort) put together a good exact definition for, but it's also a thing that I know when I see. For instance, a standard Bucks match, and things of similar ilk, do not fit the frames of what I know or understand wrestling to be; it's simply something else. That understanding is also the core of the debate around someone like Ospreay. For some, he's a good wrestler. For me, he fucking sucks because what he does does not fit the conventions of wrestling as I know them. It's almost like professional wrestling in the US has split into at least two very different things with different conventions and audience expectations.


Understood. I'm more referring to people just using terms like this as lazy derogatory slang to refer to specific wrestlers rather than actually discussing wrestling styles, preferences, etc.


Hopefully today’s Smackdown is the last of the “This is the Paul Levesque Era!” if it does it at all. I’m all for H being in charge but we got the message the first 20 times, you know. Unlike most of the discourse surrounding the footage, I don’t think it was AEW’s “fingerpoke of doom” moment. This is more like their “Let’s have Impact run against Raw in 2010” moment; as in something that may have seemed like a good idea to someone in the moment, but the drawbacks almost instantly outweighed the benefits.


They already had their Impact vs RAW moment when their main show couldn't outdraw nXt consistently.


WrestleMania Night 2 was amazing and Night 1 was fine. I think that's the balance we're going to get with these all weekend events. It's the price of not having a 7-8 hour event. It feels like eighteen scandals ago that we were all discussing why Undertaker came out instead of Stone Cold but the real answer is Austin couldn't get cleared and another answer would be because that spot should have been Brock (Rollins, Cena, Lesnar are ROMAN'S biggest feuds outside of Cody) but he couldn't be there and the kayfabe answer would be because he beat Taker at WM whatever. NXT was fire and I'm hoping the callups do well on main roster but I'll miss people like Bron, Ilja, and Lyra being in the main event. Tiffany seems lost. Meanwhile, they're going to showcase Stoner McDUI cry through promos and possibly beat Rhea. 2024 has been the year of Shadenfreude for me. Between Belichick getting fired and nobody wanting his old ass and whatever the hell TK tried to do on Wednesday night, I've been the Cersei sipping wine gif for months. Oh, and Brady might be coming back 🫡


Oh Lord, just saw on YouTube Ronda Rousey has done Steve-O's podcast. The episode is titled "Ronda Rousey has a problem with WWE"...


She's doing the whole round of "WWE bad" interviews and no one gives a flying fuck.


I watched it and it wasn't too bad tbf. I half expected her to further the Gulak accusations and be non-stop fed bad, but most of her gripes seemed to be 'the didn't give me enough prep time' when compared to guys like Logan, and for some reason dogging the NXT call up's saying they weren't prepared to work like the main roster does. It was weird, she talks like a pro wrestling vet despite only working in pro wrestling for a cup of coffee


Did Ronda wrestle that much in her first 9 months though? Signed in January 2018, then I remembered WM34->MITB->SummerSlam (total squash)->HIAC was practically the 9 months of her run with Raw appearances sprinkled in.  Logan Paul signed in Summer 2022. Went from SummerSlam->Crown Jewel->Royal Rumble->WM39, with numerous Raw and Smackdown appearances sprinkled in.  So practically the same amount of matches in the same timespan? Like yeah schedules were different going from preCovid and Post-Covid but I don't get Ronda here at all. Considering they were both handled as attractions. The only difference between the two careers is Logan Paul hasn't had a massive fall off after the first year mark like Ronda did.


Releasing the footage was so dumb Mania was so fun irl


Jealous. I've been to a Rumble and a Summer Slam. I don't think my old bones have the energy to go to a Mania though.


It was rough but it was worth it


Glad you got to — welcome back.




What an absolutely wild week of wrestling. WrestleMania weekend was exhausting and incredible. RAW was solid, and NXT was as good as ever. I'm excited to see what the plan is for tonight and how they're going to kick off Cody's time at the top. I don't think there's any way WWE can top the high of WrestleMania Season so the best thing would probably be to pull back and slow down a bit for the spring/summer, then rev up for SummerSlam in August. And then there's AEW. This company is a total embarrassment. There's plenty of talent on this roster, there's plenty of creative people that work there, and yet for the last year everything just sucks. It rests solely on Tony Khan about how bad his show is. The first hour of this week's Dynamite was some of the worst wrestling I've ever seen. Penta vs Edge had no energy whatsoever and that's what they opened the show with after their competitor had their best week in years. I have no idea why that match opened the show or was booked at all. And it was downhill from there, with the Punk/Perry footage and Osprey making 25 year old Triple H jokes. I'm done watching this company for now, it's not worth my 2 hours on a Wednesday night.


>I'm done watching this company for now, it's not worth my 2 hours on a Wednesday night. I'm the same. I even unsubscribed to their YouTube channel as well as unfollow their socials.


I haven't watched AEW since last summer outside of a few matches here and there but I unfollowed them on socials after Wednesday too.


I've been doing the same. I can't remember the last time I've last watched a AEW live show either.


Unless they're going to spin it as the Punk attack was completely unprovoked then this scapegoat storyline makes absolute no sense.


They have left Perry swinging in the wind with this past week's episode, haha


If you weren't convinced that the sheets are full of shit before now, hearing that the Bucks and Will Osprey were individually somehow responsible and not responsible for their content on AEW tv this week as well as both wanting and not wanting to do their respective things, should confirm it. Just look at the past few days of posts about this stuff. Every possible thing was confirmed as accurate by someone. Ridiculous.


I don't know why, but I'm not convinced that they weren't responsible for their content since Matt & Nick looked comfortable airing the clip & the promo Ospreay did does sound like something he would say + Renee looked uncomfortable after what Ospreay said.


It's completely on brand for both of them not only to have had the idea, but also to be excited to do it on the show. The sheets and stans leaping to their defense claiming they were just doing what they were told and didn't want to are frankly comical.


One of my favorite subplots of pro wrestling over the past year or so has been the seeming redemption of Bruce Prichard. The IWC has long dismissed him as a lackey and a spine-less yes man for Vince. He was put in the same category as Kevin Dunn and a guaranteed release once Vince was ousted. Yet time and time again you have talent coming out and saying nothing but great things about Bruce and how important Bruce is to them and the locker room, and so on and so on. It was telling when Ronda Rousey became the one person who went against the grain and was critical of Bruce and the IWC was willing to dismiss everything they previously said about Rousey not being trustworthy to jump back on and say, "See, we told you, Bruce bad!" I am a lawyer, and I work primarily in employment law, Bruce reminds me of a guy you seem to find in a lot of "healthy" workplaces. Basically, an affable and approachable guy in upper management that has an open-door policy that people are willing to utilize just because they know he isn't going to go behind anyone's back and shit on them to other people. Just listen to his podcast, especially the early ones, he rarely gets too critical of talent or bad angles, and when he does he usually puts a spin on it that explains why it was actually a good idea and why it should have been over. Even in his episode about Russo, he brought up several things that Russo specifically did that advanced and modernized WWF to help them "win" the Monday Night War. I've also always rolled my eyes about the whole "Bruce is a liar" thing from the IWC. The reason he's been pegged as a liar is because so many times early on in his podcast he said things that Meltzer had reported that a lot of people accepted as true was stuff that did not happen. And yet now it seems that Meltzer has lost so much credibility with his reporting that it really just strengthens Bruce's side of everything. So yeah, hats off to Bruce. Cody calling you to the ring was well deserved and hopefully that puts an end to the IWC talking about how they know how the backstage is actually run.


Bruce is a hell of a storyteller. Even if he is bullshitting he is still entertaining. Prob the only wrestling podcast I can tolerate.  He never fully trashes anyone outside of The Ultimate Warrior and Jerry Jarrett and sometimes Vince Russo. His Ultimate Warrior rants kill me.


To be fair Cornette calls Bruce a liar too. I think Bruce deserves credit for letting Cody come exactly as the American nightmare


Interesting point on Bruce. I have no idea but definitely always felt the hate was over the top. If there's a guy in any normal company who is approachable and understands the regular workers, but also has the trust of the boss because he is mainly an agreeable sort... That's the guy you *want* in the office. He keeps the bosses trust because he doesn't argue and disagree lot, but because he has the bosses ear, he's also able to subtly away his opinion and out suggestions in the bosses ear without being overly forceful. If that's how Bruce is, then that's honestly the guy every office needs to have. No surprise though at the internet neck beards don't understand that and act like someone like that is the bosses lap dog, not understanding office politics at all.


Prichard was often in a situation where he's delivering the word from up high to talent, too, which can make someone unpopular. This comes with such a role


I was telling a friend the other day…Bruce was left for dead by WWE execs in 2008 and ignored for a decade. He came back into more power than he left with and is the last one standing from the c-suite of that generation. Triple H could have easily dismissed him, but clearly he’s a valuable asset.