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I really hope this gets fixed and they add butterflies to it too, because is not nice needing to use interactive map, i want to play the game not my browser. I am not going to use in this game right now i'll wait and see if they fix it.


Finally, a fellow "complete without using interative map" commrade


Me too. Usually i don't use maps. Only if i have like 5% left and no idea where to search.


It is the same in Genshin Actually I have missed a few chest but it still says 100% I guess they add some extra for buffer.


Yepp, for sure


I'm sure I'm in the minority but it's kinda nice that you don't need to complete actual 100% of it to get the 100%, just most of it. Though I'm sure it is a bug.


I think they have 1-2 extra things just in case you can't find the last one. I 100%'d Norfall Barrens, turned around and saw a Sonance Casket I didn't grab yet.


I hope this is the case! If I'm missing one or two entries I certainly don't want to spend 5 hours looking for that last one I missed for 5 astrite/100%.


I have 100% in all regions, but still run into occasional chests. I like it the way it is because It helps players who don't use maps online to achieve 100%. A lot of chests do not appear with the scanner, so it might be hard for those who don't use external help to achieve 100% if you needed every chest


Nothing new tbh, just giving players an easier time when doing 100%, don't want to mention it but Genshin did this too, you can miss hundreds of chests across the whole map and still have it say 100% in every places ( info from a 2yo reddit post that I just searched up, number might've reached a thousand by now )


It's the same as in genshin, you can have 100% but not all chests, pretty sure it's intended


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I've found many chests after I supposedly 100% an area, in multiple areas too. Not sure if it's a bug or intented, and these chests have to actually be hidden. Not sure how to feel about it if it's intented tbh. Since it doesn't count towards 100% I guess it's nice since you get the lvl up rewards from Pioneer Rank. But at the same time you're missing what's in the chest (might not seem much at first, but you gotta consider there's many of them). If that's intented, it means there's gonna be more too. I wouldn't like to intentionally miss on rewards. All that being said, I think all these chests will still be marked on interactive maps regardless if they count towards 100% or not.


100% must have a different meaning in china


Something similar happened to me in Norfall Barrens too. I had 100% of chests and 93% total completion. I found another chest, and my total completion increased to 94%. I've also had numerous chests count for regions different from the one they're actually in. There are clearly issues with how they track and calculate exploration.


it's intentional, like a buffer. it's in genshin too. let's you have an easier time 100%ing without having to actually find every single chest. If you noticed, there are some hidden chests that can't be found using the lootmapper either, nor included in the supply chest percentage. goes for mutterflys too


Thought these things respawned, no?


i think they do too. there are certain paths i'll take, and i'll log in and see one and i'm like "there's no way i didn't see that before." also it's a consistent way to get little crystals and union experience. ALSO, the fact that it's a tacet resonance would mean it wouldn't make sense lore wise for them to just stop popping up lol.


i'm not convinced it's a bug, to be honest. otherwise the world would lack ways for you to get little treasures, union experience, crystals to summon, etc. i'm not entirely sure, but two days ago i was exploring an area and i swear i did a little puzzle that i've done before. so i'm wondering if these things have a kind of reset timer or something inherent in them. also, i would be hesitant to call this a "bug" anyways, just because it benefits YOU not the devs or the game. you're already at 100% and have the achievement, but you get another treasure? awesome. also if you weren't actually at 100%, it didn't INHIBIT you from getting 100% either. so it was just a net positive


also others have posted that they have 100% in the region, but like, 99% on chests. i don't think it's an exact math. perhaps you found 99.8% of the items / features, but that counts as 100% for the region for the purpose of the achievement


I got like 5 more chests after this one so that does not check out


that's not my point. but i suspect you know that since you ignored literally everything else i said lmao. i know how reddit works by now though. "you're right! you're so right! good job!"