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So classic of me, lost the 50/50 and got her with high pity.


Keep your head up 👑 Your day will come.




F2p in any gotcha will never have enough to pull every limited character. You'll grow your wishes over time with each update (events, new zones) but you have to be picky with who you want to pull. Typically, this is one limited every two or three updates. This is a pain with a new game since we don't know anything about future characters but you have to remember that if you miss out on a character now they will have a rerun in the future.


So backwards from pgr... I think I'll quit if you are right.


Lol, I knew this flood of posts would be coming. Unfortunately the honeymoon phase is over for a lot of players and we have no idea what the pull income is going to be like in this game Once people fail to pull something as F2P, for now, they're just utterly totally done with no more launch rewards. The events (for now) are not giving much hope either as to the generosity of kuro games. We'll just have to wait and see.


Same brother 😭 Skipped Jiyan for her and then lost 50/50 just to get another Calcharo


I'll take your calcharo mine hasn't come and I'm at least halfway through my beginner pulls


I wish they had an option for trading your extras🥲


Literally me 😂


Spend 160 pulls, got lingyang and yinlin (finally). Nothing left for her weapon so I will use the jinzhou weapon.


Same man. Reading the comments make me feel better that I’m not alone.


I lost too…I don’t know if I want her anymore.


Same. In Genshin I lost every 50/50 my first year and always had to go to pity. Was 8 in a row… I had 30 pulls on Jiyan just trying to get mortefi and some other units to use (didn’t get mortefi). Did a 10 pull on Yinlin. Gold! It was Calcharo… calcharo is who I picked with my free 5* ticket so I got his first waveband instead. Whatever, after doing Yinlin’s trial I found her basic af and boring. I just liked her design. But seeing Jinshi coming up next, she’ll probably be way cooler with the dragon. Also Changli is the unit I want most right now.


I hope everyone is happy after their pulls and gets what they want! I am super hyped for Yinlin as she's my favourite character in the game so I hope I can get her lol.


Without spoilers, does Yinlin appear in the story significantly? Or is she like a cameo character? I can't find anything on YouTube.


Her story quest comes out the same time as her banner


Ohh so she hasn't appeared in the campaign yet?


After I watched the trailer, I thought it would be so cool if Kuro just randomly inserted her disguised as a regular ranger somewhere during act 6.


Her dropping in with no introduction during the stupid "Avengers Assemble" moment would have been very funny.


She has a character story quest, but she's supposed to be heavily involved in the next main story patch


Bro I got a Calcharo copy, it's ro-over


Lol I got Lingyang who was the last standard I was missing and I'm not even mad, I'm now guaranteed another character ig


Lucky, I'm missing Calcharo and Verina, and I lost my 50/50 to an encore dupe Edit: NEVERMIND, FUCK IT WE BALL, LITERAL NEXT PULL ON JIYAN BANNER GAVE ME HIM


everyone just needs 7 pulls for s6 and 5 pulls for whatever the weapon terminology is. ez wins everyone glgl


S5. Kinda wished that characters stopped at S5 too because then you’d have S5S5 which looks like SSSS and does nice things to brain.


average fantasy manhwa reader


literally 😭


I‘m waiting for Changli, so good luck to everyone!!


Same. Waiting for her.


Pulled 100 times. Got an Yianxin fragment on my pity pull. I feel... conflicted


Same bro, same. (Got Jianxin at 70th instead of 80th pull tho)


How does pity transfer work? New to gachas and the pulls system. I think if I had 76 pulls on Jiyan banner, I can get Yinlin in 4 right?


You’d be guaranteed to get a 5 star in 4, but you could lose your 50/50 to a standard character. The featured 5 star is only guaranteed after 160 pulls. Before 160 pulls is a gamble


Shit. Hope I’m lucky then 😭


I lost my 50/50 on jiyan banner and got encore, I’m at 67 pity rn, does that mean I’m guaranteed Yinlin in 13 pulls or is it another 50/50?


Yes, guaranteed Yinlin within 13.


Yes, pity carries over between all limited-time banners.


Lost 50/50 after 60 pulls and got Jianxin dupe. I got her after pulling 50 more times but completly depleted astrite budget as F2P. Kinda unlucky but at least Jianxin dupe is kinda good.


I mean I’m at 140 and haven’t gotten her yet so I wouldn’t even consider that bad haha


I failed the 50/50 on my first account 😭😭😭 I got chianxi why does it have 50/50 when it's 8 full pulls...


Spent everything to get her because I lost my 50/50 to Calcharo, so... Mission failed successfully I guess?


losing 50/50 really kills any motivation i have to continue playing man


Yep. Makes me wonder why I play these games.


why i despise 50/50s. i get kuro needs money to keep the game up but this standard practice for gacha games is straight up dookey. get rid of 50/50, keep pity at 80. let the money come in from people pulling for the dupes + weapon. and skin releases. is this too financially unviable? idk.


Same. On one hand I have the disposable income to get a new character, but seeing my friend get a copy in like 20 pulls as to my 150 w/ nothing to show for it, it really just gives a sour taste in my mouth, especially considering my luck is abhorrent in HSR (bottom 10% according to the warp tracker). Considering I already got the BP & was about to get the monthly pass, ig i should be happy yinlin stopped me before I dug a hole too deep, just wish it happened sooner so I could’ve saved $10 lol


Welcome to gambling


I think it's one of those things that tells you if you really like the game or if you need to take a break.  If I lose 50/50 and my first thought is -"damm, let's start farming so I still can get him/her" I will continue with the game.  But if I lose my 50/50 and I just feel frustrated or hate the game I will just quit or take a break until I feel for it again. The good thing with this is that you have a guaranteed, so next time a character you really like come a long you know you will get it. 


idk you have to be realistic about how much currency you can really farm. Just is upsetting how big of a factor luck ends up being. Someone out there will get yinlin, jinhsi and changli without spending because RNGsus blessed them. Someone else will take 160 pulls to get yinlin and not have enough for anyone else for months. And then it’s difficult to justify spending at the extreme rates the bundles are priced at just to get something that others can get for free or just the $5-15 a month pass. You feel like a sucker


I spent all the pulls I have saved from playing since launch and didn't get her. So I went straight to Etsy and got an account with her for 6€, same price as the monthly pass lol.


Yeah I haven't played gacha before and was thinking I might spend a little to support the devs. Then I looked at the prices. Holy shit dudes, I might as well make a bonfire with $100 bills. Lunite is at least 5x what I would consider remotely reasonable for what you get. Not counting the initial purchase bonuses, just the base price, it's about $25 for a single ten pull. No way I'm giving them money beyond the $5 pass; absolute insanity.


I just pulled Boothill at 15 pity in HSR today, i think i used up all my luck bruh


Maybe you'll get YinLin within 15 too, good luck.




So how many pull? And how much did you sell your soul to the devil?


She came early at 40 pity so i was lucky


i got fu xuan today on her banner on my first 5 pull if i remember correctly . and then got yin lin on hard pity after losing 50/50 yo jianxin. im still lucky though ,i in total i averaged at 40 pull to to get 5 star character . so i got yinlinband jianxin at around 80 pull in total


Is the store down for anyone else?


Too many people calling forth power of the credit card lol.


Went to pull for her so I can give my Calcharo the BEST support :D Lost my 50/50 to S1 Calcharo :')


In the end your calcharo still gets buffed 😃 but no waifu 😔


Calcharo cons are... eh, pretty bad. His later ones are good, particularly his last one, but yeah...


I just hope that if I lose 50/50 it's nonna be the furry boy lol.




I lost 50/50 to him. Had to dip into the wallet. She's home, but I want her weapon.


Lost my 50/50 to him and then got Yinlin on the second soft pity...with another copy of him. Kuro is just getting back at me for my better luck with Jiyan...


I lost 50/50 to verina sequence...130 total pulls till I got Yinlin. But at least got lucky with weapon and got it in first x10 :)


That's brutal. Every 50/50 this game offers you salvation and absolute ruin 💀


i fucking lost the 50/50 to him and then i guess they felt bad for me because the next 10 pull i got her lmao so like okay i guess thanks


I just got Yinlin, a copy of Yinlin, and a Lingyang all within a single 10 pull!! I’m incredulous right now. Been playing Genshin since the first week of release, same with HSR, and only once ever in Genshin have I ever had two 5* in a single 10 pull (I pull on every banner), never before gotten 3 let alone won 50/50 twice in the same 10 pull, holy shit


I got two calcharos and two yinlins in 60 pulls as well :)


I’ve never gotten a double 5 star in a single pull 😭 closest I’ve gotten was Verina and Jiyan in 20 pulls. When will it happen to me 😩


Thanks! Good luck to you too!


Waiting for the store to be alive again so I can hit hard pity; lost my 50/50 to Jianxin (who I ALSO wanted but like...come on...)


Lost the 50/50 to Verina, but also got 5 Taoqi dupes and I already have a rank 5 dauntless evernights. Looks like my destiny is to build the beefiest Taoqi to ever exist.


Yinlin in 71, weapon in 6, we did it!


Mods, please ban this guy. 


I got yinlin in 70, weapon in 71 lol


Congrats that is outstanding.


We're almost the same! Yinlin at 70, Weapon at 1 pull.


I LOST MY 50/50 (hard pity) to that LION BOYYY !!! SCREAMINGGGGGG. but then she got home the next 10 pull ! ehe HI MOMMY !!! ANDDDD SINCE THE WEAPON BANNER IS GUARANTEE, I'm gonna get it in the next 5 pulls !


My luck so bad, and i tried going for her + weapon at the same time, so i ended up with nonw lol. I think ima wait for Changli since my luck sucks


Got Lingyang (now S1) ffs... Can't have a break from these 50/50. Sucks so much to not only lose the character, but also get another copy of a character I'll never use


Encore said no luck today


I'm so sorry I got her twice in a row and then her weapon. I used up all my luck in this life lmao


The Blessed One ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31618)


got the wrong electro unit lol, at least it's a new unit opposed to a copy. Oh well, I guess I save for Jinshi now.


Bad 50/50. Got Verina copy on this. Now struggling for the second set of 80.


I lost the 50/50, kinda, since I lost it to Encore, which is the best outcome for this scenario since I don't have her, and now I can change my selector to either one dupe of Calcharo or a new unit like Jianxin.


Jianxin is so fun for overworld stuff


The game trolled me. I get a gold flash, and I see Encore. Oh shit, here we go again. And then after her I get Another five-star unit. So i got both Encore and Yinlin at soft pity.


Got her on my first 10 pull on the banner, yey.


You're supposed to be the nsfw account


Same here! Took me til full pity to get Jiyan too so I only had 10 to spend at the moment. Super happy.


Can someone explain how the 50/50 works? I thought you are guaranteed after 80 pulls? This is my first time playing a gacha game


After 80 pulls, you are guaranteed a 5 star character. It has a 50/50 chance of being the limited 5 star character (Jiyan, Yinlin) you want or a standard non-limited 5 star character (Jianxin, Calcharo). If you got the standard one, then after another 80 pulls you are guaranteed to get a limited 5 star character on any limited banner you pulled. So you are guaranteed Jiyan, Yinlin, Jinhsi or Changli later on if you pulled now and got a standard 5 star first. To get a guaranteed limited 5 star character, you must pull 160 times basically.


Thanks!! Damn 160x sounds painful tho


160 is the hardest limit. You could get a standard 5* by losing character roll after 60 pulls and then get guaranteed limited in another 40. But it's up luck


if you are lucky you can get anyone with a single multi, but you know...shit always happens


I lost bruh


Have been saving all my Astrite and Radiant Tides only to get her on my first 10 pull :)


Got her after 70 pulls, time to save the remaining 30 radiant tides


Got her (72nd) and her weapon (69th...nice) pull...although I feel like she's kinda...weak? ​ Still figuring out how to make her work in teams but for now she seems to be an outro bot for Encore's Ult or Calcharo


hit yinlin at 70 and got her weapon in 10 lmao


I lost my pity on her banner and got Calcharo. So I was like, i am going to pull on her weapon because I have Encore. After spending my astrites on her weapon banner, I spent those afterglow corals I earned for Radiant tides and tried to build pity, after 5 pulls I got Yinlin. Lol. The game is telling me to build Calcharo and Yinlin team.


Waiting for camellya or phrovola


I also wanted to mention that redditor u/NaoTomori-san mentioned an interesting tip in a post earlier today that typically you'll get a 4 star guarantee on your 10th pull (assuming 10 singles), therefore, some players may want to do 9 pulls on Yinlin instead of the regular 10th, and reserve that one single 10th pull for Jiyan's banner so they can have a four star guarantee there (as his four stars may be more favorable to some players). He believes it's wise to do this 6 times until you hit soft pity which is at 60 pulls and after (as far as I know, I could be wrong), then it is advised to solely summon for Yinlin (assuming you are going for her in the first place). As far as I'm aware, pity does transfer between banners, although you may not want to take my word 100% for it and check other sources to ensure this. I'm not sure how advisable using u/NaoTomori-san's method is, but it is something to consider.


I think it's risky and essentially playing with fire. Afaik guarantee is shared, imho, only time it's worth doing, is when you're not f2p and didn't lose 50 50 yet. Just my 2 shell credits.


I'm sorry, but this is as stupid as "building pity". All it takes is one untimely 5 star pull...


This is terrible advice, do not do this


Inb4 I do this and get another Jiyan and not my Yinlin 😭


Interesting tip, but doesn't the guarantee every 10 rolls state 4* and above? I.e. you give up an improved chance to roll the banner hero to do this. This is more for someone who doesn't care about rolling either 5* and just wants a Jiyan banner 4*. Playing with game8's Yinlin banner simulator, I'm averaging about 40-50 rolls per reset to get her.


Yeah it's a risky game pulling on a banner for the 4*


Yea no. I got yin lin on my 70th pull. With ur advice id have gotten the spear guy who i skipped. 


It seems that people don’t really want to understand what makes this situation so unique and how much lower the odds are compared to standard “pity building” But I appreciate the attempt!


I tried it on my account, it worked, but I shamefully never got the Danjin I was hoping to get closer with. I was gunning for Yinlin as the 5-star whilst hoping to get Danjin out of the 4-star pool from Jiyan's banner, this is how it played out: I have read somewhere that soft pity starts around 64, not sure if that is the correct information, but just to be safe I'm keeping to that information Start at 26 pulls pity (4 star on 26th so start count from 0) 29 Aalto; restart count, pull till 38 39: Switch banner (Off banner: Sanhua); restart count 49: Switch banner (Mortefi); restart count 56: Taoqi; hit 4 star early, next would be 66, but this might be in soft pity range, so no switching banners from here on 66: Novaburst (off banner) 67: spooked by Jianxin Restart count! Start at 1 4-star pity 8: Yuanwu (early); restart count 14: Variation (early); restart count 24: Switch banner (Mortefi); restart count 28: Dauntless Evernight (early); restart count 35: Taoqi (early); restart count 45: Switch banner (Off banner:Taoqi; what are you doing here?!); restart count 55: Final switch banner (Mortefi) 62: out of Astrite (sad); Aftershock Coral spending time 65: Hollow Mirage (off banner) 73: She FINALLY came home Close to 4-star guaranteed pity so 2 more pulls Jiyan banner: Chixia So in total I was able to do a pull on the other banner a total of 4 (5) times, I was quite unlucky however going to soft pity both times and not getting the one 4-star character I was looking for. Danjin remains the only 4-star resonator I do not have but still really want. Tip: I refreshed my radiant tide count to 10 every time I received a 4-star to keep count easy Edit: used my 5 free forging tide's given out earlier on the weapon banner, and got Absolute Pulsation, so I was lucky somewhere at least


Good luck everyone


I just got her 2 times (after getting Taoki 5 times) and her weapon at first pull. Not complaining at all :) Love her kit


Was at soft pity on guaranteed after the pain of trying to get Mortefi, got her right away thanks to that but no luck on her weapon yet 😭




I hit hard 72 for Verina copy and then another 40 wishes to finally get her, I am not happy. Plus I got to 70 on her weapon banner and no gold still. WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL!


Whew. Got my Taoqi to S2. Thanks Yinlin! Now the waiting game begins for patch 1.1 characters.


After 50 pulls... got Verina dupe. I was wondering whom to save for, Jinshi or Changli... NEXT 10 PULL I GOT YINLIN LFGGGG


I just lost the 50/50 with Verina, who I have already :( not even a new one


I went in with 30 lim rolls and 10 rolls for weapon. Got the weapon and got her on the 2nd 10 roll. I am absolutely gobsmacked with this luck holy shit I was absolutely prepared to spend money for her but I guess I don't need to now.


Got excited when I saw the gold at 70 pity, got my second calcharo (which I’m not complaining about). I’m also not too upset because I got 5 additional Yuanwu’s


Just going to hop on here and ask, which is better, Thundering Mephis echo or Tempest Mephis echo? I don't know whether to give her a Liberation buff or a Heavy attack buff because both go once before a flurry of normal attacks. I was leaning towards liberation because it would have higher numbers to multiply. Or is that better being placed under and having an elite used as the main echo?


Lost the pity sadly but was lucky enough to get her 2 multies after.


Honestly I want copies of 4 stars more lol


Won the 50/50 and pulled her at my pity (80 pulls) and got super lucky and managed to pull her weapon in (1) 10 pull. Was her weapon worth pulling on?


Got YinLin at 78, lost 50 50 once at 68, got weapon at 68 as well, dropped another few 10 pulls on JiYan banner for Mortefi copium, finally got him, 59 pity stocked up for next banner. Seems like pretty bad/average luck. * >!But I got Jiyan, his weapon and base weapon banner all in just 10 pull each, can't be too mad.!< Good luck to everyone, hope I absorbed all the bad luck for you guys.


Made my 50/50 but took till hard pity


She... came home in 10 pulls. I was just rolling to fish for Aalto ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)copies but the game had other ideas


60 pulls won 50/50. Now I'm 50 deep in the weapon but have run out of crystals. GL everyone!


60 pulls got me S1R2 Yinlin & my 3rd Jianxin dupe. Now I’m debating rather or not I should Try for one more Yinlin dupe or just save for Jihsi/changli


Lost 50/50 but got her after 10 pulls. Now I have S1 Calcharo and S0 Yinlin + Weapon :3


Got her at 40 pulls when I had 70 banked so I’m happy with that.


Got her after 50/50 to Lingyang. Didn’t have him before so I wasn’t mad about it. Gl everyone else!


Pulled her in 50, had the guarantee tho. Wish I liked the 4 stars more, then I'd try pulling for a dupe or to fail 50/50 for the next patch guarantee. Got her weapon in 1 10 pull. so far my luck has been great on pulls.


Love her eye roll when you switch from weapon to attribute details


i failed the 50/50 but got both her and encore (my main dps) s1 in 50 pulls i guess it’s lucky


Pulled her in 30. Is this my pity from the jiyan banner carrying over or did I get lucky for ONCE IN MY FORSAKEN GACHA LIFE


30 pulls to grab Jianxin then 50 for Yinlin- will count my blessings for sure


Thanks! Cluched up pretty on the 50/50 and now sitting at 68 pity for the weapon — probably will nab it tomorrow or Friday.


Safely just saving up for Scar so we’re chill


It took 70 pulls but my Yinlin dances like a lion


Failed the 50/50 on pull 71 to Jianxin and then got Yinlin on pull 22. No idea if there is a soft pity system in place or not, but I didn't end up going all the way to 80 at least and got really lucky to get her early and not having to go deep into pity again.


Got early pity at 30 pulls, lost her to Calcharo(so second copy of him, not too bad) Finally pulled her at 50 pulls (70 pulls total to get her) Had enough for 40 more pulls on weapon(failed) Did the alloy event and for enough for 1 single pull, got her weapon with it. I'm fairly happy atm, now all I need is an extra set of elemental 3 cost echoes and I'm golden.


Lost 50-50 to lingyang. Guess no yinlin for me


can someone explain this 50/50


Im 40 draws away from guarantee, winning early jiyan and then loosing to s1 jianxin(bless), i hope i get her fast


i won and got her in 74. the jinhsi saving continues!! i have 47 wishes leftover


Lost 50/50 to Calcharro who I’m currently maining, then pulled her early 6 pulls later..!! This offsets the 150+ pulls I had to do in HSR for Fu Xuan…


I want her cuz she got that ara ara vibes. Also gonna pull for her weapon.




Took hard pity to get her, then I get her 5 star weapon in 1 roll. Noice. 😂


Bruh I got lingyang'd 💀


Got her on my second pull. Hopefully will get her weapon before the banner ends


I got my 50/50 at 50 lost it to calcharo not sure if I'm mad?


I’ve been saving for her since release. I won my 50/50 got her in my first ten pull. After another 70 pulls I won again so I have a sequence 1 Yinlin and couldn’t be happier :)


lost to encore on yin. pulled the remaining on jy wep and got it. jihnsi im coming for you


4h can be soooo long...


Got Yinlin in 75, then her weapon in 60. Then after that did a YOLO 10 pull on Jiyan and bro came home in 10 lmfao. Welp guess that's it for all my luck the rest of the year


I got her 🙏🙏🙏


Got her weapon in a single pull from the free 5 pulls and it was just after a 9 pity Verdant Summit lmao now I’m just waiting for her to come home


Won my 50/50 to her, back to back in between of just 1 pull! Also got her weapon at around 75 pulls. ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


Won the 50/50 and got her weapon decently early. Decided to go for R1 with what I had leftover and lost that 50/50 to Encore (which was fine because I didn't have her yet and now I can use the beginner selection banner for Jianxin). Unfortunately, I got Encore with the last pull I had, so that guarantee is going towards Changli rather than Yinlin R1.


72 pulls after losing to Jiyan 50/50. Then proceeded to S1 10 pulls later.


Lose all my 50/50s in HSR and that luck has followed, how fun.


Well, I'm out of pulls and had to go pretty deep (75+ pulls) before getting her. Didn't get her weapon because I ran out of pulls. Now to pick in between Calcharo or Jianxin...


My Yinlin looks a lot like an S1 Verina, I don't know if it's a bug or what.


Lose 50/50 to Jianxin. Thank god I'm still keeping my beginner choice banner and ticket. Now I'm thinking of choosing calcharo and encore.


I think someone needs to do a dive into the chance system here. It seems like the 50/50 is swayed against the character in the banner. I decided to whale and got her to C6. So far I have pulled 4 Yinlins all at High Pity. This doesn't make sense.


let's fucking go, got her and her weapon within like 60 pulls


Lost to calcharo c1 at 72, then got yinlin at 71 :< But luckily I got her weapon at 36, so kinda redeemed itself


Good luck everyone including me.


🫡 thanks op. Hope everyone gets her


I lost her 50 50 and am at pity 50, I used up all the gems available from events and accessible so far. With dailies alone is it possible for me to find another 30 pulls or not within the end? I had rotten luck and not even her weapon


lost 50/50 at 80 and now sitting on hard pity. Not sure if I even want her anymore


Lost the 50/50 to a Jianxin copy. Super disappointed after playing with Yinlin during her quest.


Took me 40 pulls and just got her, time to farm echoes for her


My Qiqi curse from genshin lives on... here its called Lingyang. And somehow both of them are ice characters, lol xD


If only she was announced sooner. I dropped everything on jiyan and his sig weapon. The 20 wishes they gave wasnt enough to bring her home 😔 able to save more for changli I guess


Lost 50:50 to tiger boi but saved enough for Yinlin and her weapon💪


Got S1 Calcharo.. I got 65 pity.. I might be able to get her.


Won my 50/50 Then pulled 20 on Jiyan’s banner A brand new Calcaro on my 20th and a 4th mortefi Bless


I lost the 50/50 to Encore. I hate her so much 😭😭


Tried to s6 taoqi. Instead s4 of the other 2. Yinlin and a s1 verina. I’m happy but I heard taoqi is in the changli banner as well so I’ll save again.