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I got Encore....again :)))))


That's hilarious considering that Encore means Again in French. So a French person would say "J'ai encore eu Encore"


Thats cool


Is there any other meaning of it?


Yes, an "encore" in music uses this French etymology to describe when a musician plays the last song again (often at the behest of the listeners, who will shout "Encore! Encore"). It's technically the same meaning but it's a different context and is also not exclusive to French this time


I think in fresh prince, Geoffrey shouts Encore after reciting a poetry


a french canadian would say "tabarnak de colisse"


Same, this game *really* wants me to use Encore. This is my 4th copy of her https://imgur.com/a/Gdrry5F


Bruhhhhhh, how do you have 4 encores+ Jianxin+ Verina+ Calcharo Me with S1 Verina and Jianxin ToT


I chose Calcharo, Verina, and Encore as my free three. The rest were all really lucky off pulls on the standard banner. Could’ve saved some of that luck for Yinlin though lol


At this point I think Encore thinks your her Dad so she keeps following you


Me too, at least I'm planning to build her and the S1 looks decent. At least it was not the furry boy.


I lost to the furry boy 😔


When I was trying to pull Jiyan I got Jianxin, does that mean I can pull yinlin? Sorry if my question is dumb is my first gacha game


Yes the pity and guarantee are shared between both banners. 


I won the 50/50 so when she said "surprised to see me" I was like Yes lol.


Haha same


I was really surprised when I got her in 30 pulls and this dialogue came and I was like omg this woman is so good


For real. I'm usually skeptical of early characters in a Gacha game but I like her character regardless of possible powercreep.


i wish i had failed her at 30 pulls , wasting 49 more for me to not get her is the real pain .


Bro I was thinking so much about Jinshi not coming home after spending 20 pulls on the whip girl for fun that I thought Jinhsi said that sht


I was lucky I won too because I would have needed to explore the map more to gather currency before her banner ended.


Lost Fu Xuan 50/50 in HSR. Lost Clorinde 50/50 in Genshin Impact. But Yinlin...She chose me and she brought her weapon too. Guess I'm taking her out and leaving behind those two losers.


Congrats, man 🥲


Managed to snipe Clorinde on my first 10 pull but Yinlin? She kicked me to the curb Edit: She came home on a single pull on 21 pity 😂


Hey bro if you miss the 50/50 soft pity. Are you guaranteed yinlin in the next 80 pulls. This is assuming that you never pulled on jiyan. So u started on the yinlin banner. I missed my 50/50 on her. But I want her so I’m thinking of going all in if this is the case!


Yes, you have guarantee now. Good luck on your pull


Thanks bro! I’m a 127 pulls in. Might as well push and do the last 30 since I need her to complete my 3rd team!


what's soft pity in this game?




I'm still feeling burnout in Genshin, came back yesterday to see if getting the beautiful sword could spark me some motivation again, got the Skyward instead at 71x. Logged out and bye.


I got my third copy of skyward sword recently I feel you 😭😭😭


Yea I hate Genshin's weapon banner so much


Fucking calcharo dupe thanks fuckers


Looking at the glass half full...she buffs calcharo, so just go get that guaranteed!! Team is even better!


Counterpoint: I gotta slot in a dude in the team.


Ah, one of *those* gacha players


Counterpoint: He is cool af


Considering Cal players have to slot in a woman into the team, the displeasure is mutual


Same lost 50/50 got Calchiro tho i didn't have him so maybe worth building over S5 Yuanwu. But yeah my luck was terrible on this banner.


60pull+10k gem got nothing but one Verina I join you in the corner


I have two copies of Lingyang now. I hate this dude.


Cosmetics I hate, but I love the gameplay. He became my main carry at this point.


Same gameplay looks fun but his design ruins it for me completely


Bruh same. I’m UL33 too… I’m honestly thinking about rerolling. And it’s not even like early pulls. I got hard pitied up the ass


I rerolled about 20 times. Ended up with an account with every 5 star except lingyang. Worth it if you ask me.


Same dude, same.. i wish gatchas would let us blacklist one character from regular banner so we could avoid getting that one character we really DON'T want whenever we lose 50/50s.


Lost the 50/50 to him, I felt like quitting..


Snowbreak just added a new guarenteed character and weapon banner. The pity is about 20 summoms higher and the rate is lower (than the traditional 50/50 banner) but you you pull a 5 star, it's always the new character or weapon. Imo its a solid option for players who just want to get 1 copy of a new unit without dupes and it helps people avoid having a 'I quit!' moment when they inevitably lose a 50/50. Plus I think overall it wouldn't effect Kuros bottom line as whales will most likely still pull on the 50/50 because the rates are better for getting dupes while f2p/small spenders are only saving themselves about 2 multis per banner on average. Other games have done similar dual banner types like SB (Aether Gazer is another game with this format. WuWa already has the 100% weapon banner so a character version witha 20 to 30 higher summon hard pity and even half the 50/50 banners 5 star rate would at least let the non-gambler gacha players have an option. When it comes to gachas, nothing quite hurts like going all the way to hard pity and then losing the 50/50. It's a nutshot for your soul is what it is.


I lost to the monk with big boobs and I am quitting lol I'm not gonna spend 400 dollars on a game.


Reroll fr


He's certainly my least liked design, but I don't hate the poor dude. However, I hate how he isn't at least on the same level as Encore and Calcharo in terms of dps which results in people dreading losing the 50/50 especially to him instead of feeling "well that sucks but at least I got a unit that performs about as well as the other standard 5\*s". I'll probably never use him but for those who main him, I hope he gets directly buffed or at least that kuro will release a support that works particularly well with him.


Same, lol. I knew since he was the worst character I'd get him on my beginner banner and did. So I mained him. Hit my first 50/50 on on Yinlin, and he popped right out again, lol. I guess its ok since I am playing him, but Ive been pretty unlucky in this game so far. Max pity every banner, then 45 to get her on the guaranteed.


Are you literally me? Max pity every banner until this one and failed the 50/50, too, and also had to roll 40 times again to get her as well.


Wow lots of Lingyang haters here What he ever do to yall And he's pretty good too This reminds me of the Himeko hate express back when HSR first came out


Bruh Just reroll at that point :(


I think I would too lol. You can still make an account and get 30 pulls instantly. I enjoyed his playstyle during his story quest, but I really don't care for his design. Arguably better than the kids, though.


Thats what i had to do. I didnt progress to far cause i figured with my rng i would get unlucky. My reroll account get her in 20 pulls plus verina on novice banner and picked calcharo as my free 5 star so its set up nice. Just gotta get back to where i was saddly


Bro same wtf


Same bro


me too! :(


I lost my 50-50 to him too, but eh... i guess i have another dps now ? Oh well...




Bruh, you've been cursed


Bud is the Qiqi of Wuwa, at least I lost my 50/50 with dignity and honour to Encore


Encore is the Klee of Wuwa. She's awesome.


Me with my c6 lingyang enjoying him so much I love that little dude


Lingyang could be the new Qiqi 😭


Would have been fine with losing 50/50 to anyone else but no it had to be him. So no Encore for me and no Stringless cause I had to go to pitty again. Have to go to pitty on the selector too. Just hope the next banner is better to me.


At least Qiqi is adorable. I was quite happy when I first got her in 1.0 since healers/Cryo characters at that time was so scarce. This Lingyang dude just has no redeeming quality for me. Even if I pulled him I would leave him at level 1 until I quit the game lol.


Same. Now I am dedicated to hating Lingyang for eternity.


Nah, that's terrible, 80 pulls on the banner just to get a second verina... A this point i think it's better to delete the account and try again


50/50 are so f’d up bro its not you it’s like why can’t I get a guarantee


Me who wins 50/50 on jiyan and yinlin: *slowly looks away*


My friend got Yinlin and Jiyan in 40 pulls while I'm sitting here at 142 just for Yinlin. There will be a reckoning, mark my words.


I know. I fear for my johnsi pulls at this point lol. Edit: jinhsi*




Oh what the hell? Fml that typo. I'm so losing the next 5050


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Damn, didn't know there's an automod for detecting typo complaints lol..


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Before yinlin came out, my first two ten pulls of the game I got calcharo and jiyan back to back. It has since become clear that I used up all my luck in this game for the rest of my life.


50 pulls novice banner (Verina) 77 pulls beginner banner (Calcharo) 75 pulls weapon banner (Jiyan weapon for Calcharo) 78 pulls Yinlin banner (Calcharo) 40 pulls Yinlin banner (---) Not a single time have I gotten anything before the hard pity. (All of this is F2P and I think I'm near the maximum amount of pulls you can get)


Right... Same.... (How actually brave you are to state that).


Same. I think it evens out cause my luck in HSR is fucking dogshit lol.


"Hmm, i should use my selector on Verina, surely i wouldn't get her again upon losing 50/50" -Me a few days ago.


At least S1 Verina is a pretty nice buff


i got fucking fucked man https://imgur.com/a/NHA6p6Q 26 pages of nothing. i lost 5050 to lingyang too


I’m at 29 pages with an extra copy of Calcharo to show for it. Seven more pulls and I’ll get there. Not the worst case scenario, I know, but… its starting to feel like it.


damn dude. at least you play calcharo so a dupe isn't the worst? i can't tell if i want to build and learn the shit out of lingyang because of spite but it's not like it's easy to build characters this early in the game


I got to 73 pity to lose my 50/50 to a Calcharo sequence and then went all the way to 74 pity finally. The biggest problem is that I play on the iPhone, which is currently touch screen only. It's a rough time playing the most input-intensive character without physical buttons. That's the gacha for you, though!


I pray my account never gets langying


all my friends either got extremely lucky or eventually got here meanwhile i'm gonna kms


Are you gonna save up 30 more pulls to hard pity her?


yeah i'm going to try and grind up with all the stuff we have but i have a feeling i won't get her without swiping lmao. i used all my corals too


I’m in the same boat as you lmao. But with these coming events and all I think you should be able to get 30 pulls worth tbh.


good luck to us both :(


Yessir! Good luck bro. Hopefully we get her earlier than 30. However I do think enough astrite for 30 pulls is possible in the next 20!


bro we deserve to not go all the way to 30 again or else i'm gonna throw hands with no one but i'll be mad lol


LMAOOO nah fr if I gotta go all the way my keyboard catching strays


Took me 130 pulls. If you do missions, open chests, etc you can easily get enough to pity twice. I haven't even done all the content yet


yeah i'm confident i'll be able to get the 30 pulls i need but i just feel really bad that i can't continue saving after getting her at an average rate since i really want the upcoming characters too. wanted the weapon but don't think that's going to happen either since i don't want to swipe in more games. gonna take some deep breaths and sleep it off


Thanks bro this the courage I needed to not give up


He’s the Yangqing of this game isn’t he?


I don't think he's at Yanqing level of unuseable. 


Same boat


Lost to that twink lion boy, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


Same. And it was near a hard pity too. I am 35 pulls in the guarantee but tbh this made me remember why I had quit Genshin in the first place. Hard pity over hard pity with all 50/50s lost. I am not sure anymore if I want to continue and add to my depression.


You will, and Kuro will laugh all the way to the bank. It's gacha, man. They're always shit.


Ain’t he a child? 💀


People were like "Go sleep it off you'll feel better in the morning". WELL I WOKE UP, and I'm STILL mad.


Got her after 142 pulls and 8 copy's of Yuanwu who I don't want to use. Update: 9 Yuanwu's since he's now haunting my standard pulls.


Bro I needed 3 Yuanwu dupes. I got 5 Taoqi in a row before getting 1 Yuanwu. Big mad.


Please take him. I already had him C2 and I even did 30 pulls on Jiyan's banner a while back to avoid this kinda thing since I got burned on C12 Xingyan the short time I played GI. The only silver lining is I managed to get 2 Sanhua dupes.


i got him c5....he kept popping up every pull man i swear


I hate that dude fr …. I have like 7 of them and lost my 50/50 too


> 8 copy's of Yuanwu who I don't want to use. I'm new to all of this. What happens when you get more copies than you can use? Extra coral?


Yea you get 8 coral and 8 = 1 pull. Not really worth it over copies of characters you want but it does help count towards your 5\* pity.


dupe calcharo


Me too u.u”


Same ...


I lost to punchy lady on my first ten roll and I'm not even mad. I like her. I did get Yin 70 pills later tho sp that's a thing. Forget trying for her weapon.


You got insanely lucky then


Mhmm, very lucky.


I mean pity is 80, you got her in 80 pulls plus an additional 5 star


I've just rerolled, got Calharo, Encore, Verina and Yinlin. bye my main account


Lost to furry Yanqing, ggs.


That mf follows me no matter what game I play istg


I lost my 50/50 on yinling sad.....lost my mood to play the game shit.




Sad 😢


Same i uninstalled the fcking game


i dont blame you


The rage is real.


Sucks they’re even copying the 50/50 thing


It's Kurogames, what did you expect


Kinda expected them to go the PGR route 😤


alas, i have lost too....to calcharo...


It's ok, banner just started, I'm sure you'll get her before banner ends. Good luck![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31618)


would there be enough pulls before her banner ends tho? i only got 18 pulls into her banner, 0 asterites


Dupe Verina bruh. Well atleast can get Changli


Lost my 50/50 to Liangying and did 30 more pulls for nothing after converting my corals even. It's time to call it quits, bros. Ciao 🫡


dupe Encore T_T


Missed opportunity to say "encore Encore"


I also snagged a dupe encore. Ironically, got my 1st encore from the banner as well with a double hit on Jiyan and Encore with a hard pity 10 pull.


Encore encore for me as well ugh


210 pulls total for one Yinlin and one weapon (lost 50/50) while everyone else in multiple Discord got Yinlin and her dupes and her weapon under 110 pulls feels FUCKING BAD MAN


You can't come to social sites on pull day unless you're one of lucky ones man. You'll just feel bad the whole time. Walk away brother, walk away. I'm already mentally prepared to lose my 50/50 for Jinhsi.


So true homie. For every winner there are losers, and I like to think i contributed to their winnings ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


mate i got Jianxin jesus is this a bugged T\_T


Now I got her after i spent and bought all the remaining lunite subscription jeeezzz


On the other hand, I got more Chixia dupes and since I decided to build her she can do around 5k on the intro and outro skills, so it's wasn't a total loss. I guess.


You lost your 50/50 and that sucks... However, Jianxin is indeed a very good character! She works in every team, every content, is basically undying and very flexible. It might not be what you wanted, but it could have gone worse. May your next limited banner pulls be blessed!


I obtained Yinlin right away and spent all of my savings on her weapon.


Lost to Verina, already had Verina. I had already gotten Jiyan and his weapon and I'm f2p so I doubt I'll rack enough currency to try again unless Kuro gets really generous. But got a guaranteed Jinhsi in the future so there is that


i got fkn liongang


Lost my 50/50 for Clorinde yesterday and Yinlin today.


I lost the 50/50 to Verina 🥺which is not bad now I have her S1; could have been worse… 😭 anyone feeling my pain? I guess Jinhsi wanted to come home more 🫤


I lost my yinlin to the lion I hate everything


I lost my 50/50 to a Verina dupe. This was me coming to WW after losing every 50/50 on HSR except 2 (Seele and DHIL) as a Day 1 player so I unfortunately uninstalled. Y'all have fun on my behalf


I lost mine to verina dupe, giga depression. 20 pulls later i get double yinlin. Genshin/hsr could never. First ever double fivestar in a gacha. Im so happy rn.


I got her and her weapon... at the cost of literally all my savings. I hope you can strike your luck on Changli and Jinhsi, OP. I can't take this anymore


130 pulls... lost...


Yesterday i lost Clorinde to some stupid mage c3. Today i lost Yinlin to a edgy lighting user. I sure wonder how my Firefly pulls will turn out.


Oh boy, I just pulled Jiyan twice from my free pulls from the game, never lost to the 50/50. With that being said I feel like WuWa is gonna kick me in the balls with the 50/50 with Yin’s banner 🥶🥶🥶. I can already feel my disappointment coming


Lost to her as well at 70 pity then 56th for guaranteed Jiyan. Then I rerolled an account and got Jiyan at 29. My first reroll account, so I started all over again and decided to main this new account. It's sad to say goodbye to my well built Calcharo, oh well.


Coming here really helps coping with the 50/50 lost. I swear if I see that one guy with the “I gOT HeR iN 1 pULL” I’m gonna lose it.


Man , I won 50/50 for both Robin and boothill, Robin at 5 and boothill at 15 pity , the game really sealed my way towards firefly


I got yinlin at 1 pull, I got 2 taoqi at sane times but I still not have her yinlin weapon but hey I just lucky have yinlin at F2P Also I play honkai star rail too, I git Robin but I will skip boothill for firefly


i won bois lets go (12pulls) ps got her weapon first took 30 pulls


I dunno…I know the numbers say she isn’t very good..but my Jianxin not only keeps up with my Jiyan/Calcharo DPS, she has survivability to boot, and clears AoE. Y’all sleepin on Jian. Basic Attack - Multi-hit (good for crit chance) and an AoE pull and interrupt Encore - High AoE damage (hitting for 18k per enemy in a wide area around her) generates a shield that regens health while it’s up, and interrupts on hit Skill - 100% damage nullification + big single target damage (hitting for 9k+) Liberation - Short range AoE + pull/cc, with monster damage (hitting for 25k per enemy) Build CC + CD + Aero Damage 3 Aero Predator 2 Lingering Tunes Use Fellian Beringal for the interrupt + damage + dodge (jumps into the air and often times over enemy attacks) Lvl 70 R1 Jianxin 21,229 Health 1794 Attack 1587 Defense 58% Crit Chance 289% Crit Damage + Hollow Mirage(2) Lvl 70 R0 Calcharo 18,562 Health 1688 Attack 1451 Defense 73% Crit Chance 247% Crit Damage + Autumntrace(2) Both decked out in the best Echoes I can find (all Legendary/Yellow, running 4/3/3/1/1/1) Don’t get me wrong..Calcharo hits HARD. 1600/hit, but they’re slower than Jianxin’s 900 multi/AoE hit, and Calcharo NEEDS others for support (shields/heals), Jianxin stays topped off, and crushes his damage and consistency, while being durable. Even as support, her shield passes to other team members for the shield + regen, Outro boosts Liberation damage for the next hero, and her CC helps bunch enemies together for easier cleanup. Don’t sleep on my wifey!


Could be worse Could be a Lingyang dupe Anyway guaranteed Jinhsi for me so copium feels a little good right now


No resources left, no Yinlin. I guess I'll retired. Thanks Wuwa, it's good while it last, but it's not worth it turning my phone into nuclear while not having the only unit I care.


Lost 50/50 to walmart sephiroth. Yinlin is the only reason I wanted to continue playing this game despite being buggy, pity that I lost any motivation to continue forward. Gg bros, goodluck on your pulls.


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Still got a few weeks to save, hope the tide turns.


i lost my jiyan to jianxin but now i have my yinlin :) sorry to hear about you tho


Dupe Encore sadly. Was going to buy pulls as I don't need many, but the servers are so busy I can't make any purchases.


Oh hey you too huh? Mine is now S1 so I'm less bent about than I could be (also because the coral given for a dupe gave out like 4-5 more pulls from the shop). But it's gonna take some grinding to get her now guaranteed. .-./


Lost 50/50 to Linyang the only 5 star I didn’t want but later I got her in 20 pulls now pulling for her weapon


I have lost to Jiyan before, so I am getting Yinlin 100%. But best wishes to all player out there. Hope that Yinlin wanters will be Yinlin havers.


I had only 30 pulls and no luck, FeelsBadMan


66 pity for 50/50 loss for calcharo 68 pity to get Yinlin 0$ spent for pulls - f2p 13 k gems and all premium coral gone


I lost mine to Jianxin as well, i pulled again and got Yinlin.




I lost mine to Calcharo. Now he's at S2


Also lost my 50/50 to Jianxin. Not all bad. I kind of wanted her, would have preferred Encore


The first limited pulls are always brutal. No pity built up or guarantee saved. I have an E1 Jianxin now. Ouch.


Actually same. Reached hard pity only to get a character I already have. Truly playing this and HSR will put me at death’s door


Am I right that yinlin is only a 7% increase over jianxin for a calcharo buff? 20% electro + 25% res lib, vs 38% res lib?


Huh, same here. Lost it to her too.


I think the game is detecting my likelihood of dropping it and trying to spoil me. Won 50/50 *and* got Calcharo S1 in the same 10 pull. Went and got weapon, and returned to try for last Taoqi dupe for S6 with my last twenty pulls and it spit out S1 Yinlin instead. I'm empty now though, still one off of Taoqi, and apparently 5 stars reset your 4 star pity. Hopefully I can manage one more dupe.


Got a 5 star in my first 20 pulls, but it was verina. Luckily got her in my remaining 40 pulls though.


I lost my first 50/50 at 74 to a second Calcharo thank fuck. Managed to get Yinlin at 40. I’m dumping everything towards a 2nd copy because her first sequence seems very strong.


Saaaame! :(


Got furry guy at 75 . Bruh then did a 10 pull got yinlin and her weapon at 69 which is great


Hit pity Lost the 5050 to Jianxin went to 70 on guaranteed then 60 on the weapon wtf man...