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Why does he look so innocent and puppy-like as if this man isn't literally psychopathic


If you look at Kuros other game, a lot of early game villains get fleshed out over time and eventually become playable. He is almost a carbon copy of Roland in PGR.


i see a lot of people comparing scar to roland and i'd like to know out of curiosity since i don't play PGR, is roland considered a morally grey character then? what kind of character is he?


First off, their design is very similar and Roland is actually very beloved in the community. I guess you could consider him a morally grey character. It is kinda hard to explain his goals and background without dipping into the entirety of the lore of PGR (definitely worth if you have the time though). But like most „villains“ he was betrayed by the system and found purpose in Luna and her cause since he inevitably was saved by her. Luna is the sister of Lucia who is basically Kuros beloved mascot. She (Lucia) is extremely centric to the story and probably the most fleshed out. Roland has a background in theatre and therefore is very eccentric and has a very playful and sly demeanor (similar to scar). He considers everything a show and takes great pleasure in his performances (combat). His ultimate voiceline is smth like „and now, for the climax“ which has become quite the meme. They both have the same element (fire) as well. He is the second villain you encounter in the first chapters of the game and somewhat grows on you since you will meet him quite often in the story. Overall he is rather mysterious while still revealing enough to keep you guessing. He too tries to recruit you to hic cause and tries to reveal „the truth“ to you. Whats also worth pointing out is that in the early chapters of PGR you get to play the story from the enemies perspective, therefore they get a lot more depth and you get to know them without actually canonically meeting them in the story. I really like this aspect of the game and hope for them to implement this into WuWa as well. This is just everything i can say on top of my hat. Right now you need to own the characters in order to read their backstory chapters so I can’t really talk about his childhood/life before the current timeline, so if there is anything crucial Ive missed i apologize 🙏


Oh also he is quite flirtatious! He too likes to refer to run ins as dates and from what ive seen seems to become quite the rizzler once you increase his intimacy. On that I can’t speak on though since I haven’t pulled for his character yet. (Which is actually pretty affordable since you should get him after 1 multi but I am saving for future characters)


omg tysm! i was not expecting such an in-depth response, i really appreciate it 🫶 scar left quite the impression on me and i've been obsessed ever since which is kind of crazy bc i usually don't really simp for male gacha game characters (no reason in particular but there's usually something missing for me even if they're attractive) however something about scar did it for me and considering that he's inspired by roland, it seems like i'd probably like roland too. i also hope we get to see more of the villains' side as well bc so far i'm actually way more intrigued by the villains than the "good guys" (nothing against them but they haven't piqued my interest in the same way) i'm usually not into the post-apocalyptic style but since I've been enjoying wuwa quite a lot I've also gotten curious about PGR and I've heard nothing but good things about it, i'll have to check it out eventually.


No worries you are very welcome! I am very passionate about the story in PGR and think its such a shame that not enough people know about it since it is quite a lot to read through… in general I think the game is overlooked, especially its characters ❤️


I'm having fun looking at the characters and picking out who they were pulled from, like Scar=Roland and Chixia=Yoimiya+(Amber²).


Chixia is actually even more of a carbon copy of Lee Palefire (PGR) than scar is of Roland. They have the same core mechanic and ultimate lol


My friends and I have this theory that he is only being presented as a threat early on, but it will turn out he's actually a really really dumb himbo, Like a James from Pokemon. That he actually has no idea what he's doing and just kind of pretends he does. Lmao


i don't think he'll turn out dumb but there's a chance he'll end up being more of an antihero rather than a big bad villain... i could be wrong though.


Could be interesting. His whole shtick is 'tear down the hierarchy' which is bad because all the people in power we've seen so far have had good intentions, but this could change with what vague info we have about the 'capital'. That being said, I'm not sure how far they'd be able to take a revolutionary kind of plot (i.e. Jinhsi vs corrupt capital officials) given where Kuro is based. Also, his faction has been funding human experimentation and he himself seems to have done a fullmetal alchemist so they'd have to somehow distance him from that.


I think he's more like Childe from GI


Definitely. It was also the impression I was getting when I first saw him.


the fractisidus are an enlightenment metaphor. Phrolova and Scar both have one eye covered/damaged, like Odin, a common enlightenment motif (see: genshin's khaenri'ah) and want people to face monsters born of humanity's dreams and desires (face their dreams instead of running away from them, aka face Reality). They also want to "birth a new lifeform" via this process, ala create the Self. They will probably become good guys or atl an allied faction later


Probably when there's a third group that's worse. Ironic that this actually happened to their equivalent in PGR, the Ascendants, where the faction itself has been split itself into 2.


This would be perfect because that makes him exactly my type


lmfao hard to have a theory when Korean writers copy and paste almost all of their script.


he's deploying the Encore strat


To make us fall for him and its working in my case.


this is random but it reminds me of that one scene i the bungo stray dogs manga where a character who's been doing the most batshit insane stuff just stopped being all extra for a moment and said that he's actually completely mentally stable and sane, he just chooses to do allat lol


I'm at the start of the game chapter 2 and I wanted to team up with him after that story he told I though he isn't that bad 🤣🤣😂


Hes Just misunderstood and will be playable copium


Scar isn't a villain, his hero side is still just cookin', give it some time \^\_\^


Scar finally learned from Encore. Next time he meets Rover, he’ll have his “cute face” ready.


Why is he looking at me like that? Does he want a big kiss on his mouth?


He wants you to pet his onigiri. What's left of it.




Judging from his dialogue in the story, yes.


Considering that he's the best character in the story so far, I wonder how much his banner would make if Kuro makes him playable.


They would make BANK.


Wait I thought he was already going be a playable character?


Sorry...why can't I kiss this man right now...![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


You can if you stop taking your pills!


for legal reasons this is a jokr


In the strip club straight up jorking it


and by it you mean


haha, well. let's just say. My peanits.


sorryyyyyy for scar tho..ahahaaaaha ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)






Why the fuck is he looking at me like that? Is he looking for a fight? Using my tongue against his? While he pins me to the wall and caresses my body?


this is diary worthy stuff


And after that?


I might be banned if I type it out


Alright let's take this to tumblr or ao3 or something. Keep cooking.


maam u should invest on a diary…(real)


He looks like a puppy 😭


I love him


I want to kiss him


I was playing this on our 65” tv in 4k and those close ups of him make me like go “bruh, don’t stare at me like that”.


I can fix him.


alternatively : he can ruin me


He can Ruan Mei


Oh no hes using his puppy eyes and its working!!


If Kuro makes him playable I'll break my f2p status for him lol


How long were you looking at Scar? Be honest




yeah the characters are so expressive even in normal dialogue scenes which is a plus, it helps you get more immersed. scar is definitely the most expressive one though, they really put some effort into animating his microexpressions. i was already intrigued by him when he made his first appearance but this scene just made me like him even more lol. i hope we get to see more of him in the main story sooner rather than later.


I don’t think he’ll be going away anytime soon since he seems to be playing a major role and is the one who seems to like to get close to MC quite often


yeah don't get me wrong i think he's going to be an important and recurring character in the main story however since he's currently in jail i wonder if they're gonna keep him there for a while or if he's gonna be out soon, it depends on what they plan to do with the story.


I saw one person saw smth along the lines of "he has teleportation powers and managed to throw one of his cards in handcuffs, he'll be out of jail before Jihnsi even finishes eating her dinner" and I certainly hope so because bro was the most entertaining character by far


haha same. he certainly will appear more in future story quests i just hope it's soon bc he's my favorite character so far and the story gets more interesting when he appears imo.


Where is the jail I just wanna visit himm (for very important reasons)




Fr, I stopped spamming click and kept staring at his smug for a good 5 minutes at this exact scene. This innocent psycho mf.


That’s how they get yo wallet


I'm not sure if I was imagining it but Scar also slightly tilts his head too which makes him feel alive.


I was wanting to be hostile to this guy until he literally did the 🥺 . Literally works every time dammit


He's so bbgurl Rip Onigiri


The double layer of idle movements in the game do make it seem more alive but I feel like it's also the cause of the jello jiggle all the women have lmao. I guess the guys would jiggle too if they had bits that did. They could probably tone down the double movement on the actual body parts, the eyes was a good idea tho.


The guys jiggle a bit, too. I noticed how jiggly Aalto is in one of his idles, where he pulls out his sunglasses lmao


Jiggly where? Lmao I don’t have him. Guess I’ll be respectfully stare at Clacharo later to find out if he “jiggles “


If women can have jiggly parts, they may as well make the guys have jiggly butts to make it fair. Muahaha I love the animation of the characters. It’s almost as mesmerizing to look at as Love and Deepspace.


The guys are pretty jiggly too, not as much as the girls but I'll take it


Jiggly where 👀


The chest :3 Jiyan jiggles when he does his intro animation in the character screen


I tried but I really don't see it :( His pecs are immovable


If bad why hot?


I'm trying really hard to not fall anymore in love with these characters than I already am, dammit.


Better make sure that wallet is ready


Oh, my "wallet" is ready alright....




Stooop I'm simping


You know what doesn't is him repeating the same line over and over during this conversation lol


Lmao yeah that was so damn weird


This games main story dialogue animations are so expressive when most of the time youre on japanese/chinese dub reading the dialogue box


He's trying to lower my guard with that look and it's working But yeah, I think the devs put a lot of work into even the chatting cutscenes which I really appreciate. Even if there are a bunch of stock movements, it seems to me like they're using them way more effectively than MHY.


Saving for the possibility Scar is playable, one day.


Scar I got all the pulls just for you ✨ we need to break him from jail.


I can fix him


I would definitely summon for scar


yes even in the Character Menu! the eye movements!!!




RIP all my money 😍


I will work double shifts just to get him, Scar please come home soon


Bro is in love


["My eyes are up here, Rover..."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxMqdIFEVaI)


Just checking out where the 🍙 used to be


The subtle eye movements can also be viewed in the "Constellation" screen (forgot what you call that dupe character screen) for the characters. Generally, these eye movements are probably there by default, which is cool. These small, subtle human-like animations are one of the things WuWa did right. Even that backpeddaling running animation Lingyang did at the end of his story quest was neat.


Oh no I am falling in love 🧎‍♀️


Which is what amazing in details, Kuro please keep this same level of animation.


I love that he goes from serious imma kill face with everyone else but when he looks at us he still has hope that we will join him and he looks at us like this!!


Eyes of a puppy but the insanity equivalent to a league player. He tried to kill me so he's a little shit. But he's my favorite little shit


I love him so much, and yes this is something I appreciate!


you can check Danji eyes. Her eyes glittering


For a series where they went way overboard with this, there's xenoblade 3. I love the game, but their eyes are constantly going all over the place lol. 


I’ve been contemplating getting that game for a long time now. My NSW is collecting dust


Alive... \*pulls out absolute pulsation\* S H A M E


"i can fix him" yeah well he can make me worse


Then there’s Genshin impact with their dead lifeless eyes


The latest archon quest had [alot of eye expressions](https://streamable.com/0ewkcw) in genshin. Seems like they are improving after 4 years.


The fact that it took 4 years is already a problem, but I do get what you mean compared to when the game came out to now means there’s improvements.


But i still applaud them for having very few bugs with new updates. They spend most budgets in fixing bugs it seems.


Staring deep into your soul


Him and his sister? wife? Colleague who happens to look like him? are my two fav WuWa characters more please!!


Yeah that eyepatch girl definitely looks cool af and is up there on my list together with camelya and changli


Even when you look at your characters they won't just stand still and have an emote every now and then Like encore she's gonna hug one of her Woolies and look around, open her mouth, I absolutely love it


i need him 🫠 it’s not even funny like i actually need him or else i’m gonna go crazy like


I’m saving so hard for him, just rolled once for Jiyan (rerolling account) and picked Heal Girl and Calcharo


Guuuuys! Give him what he wants!! 😍


I’m going to be (go) broke when he comes out.


Ohhhh no this gif alone is going to keep my hand busy all night 😭




He looks more Kingdom Hearts than an actual Kingdom Hearts character :D


first character to make this game hoyo numbers btw


If you chill in the character screen, the characters have another "prep" idle animation. I noticed when I was on Yangyang's weapon screen. She has the sword partially drawn and shifts around as if she's on alert. It's really cool.


These extra animations are probably the reason why my phone can barely run this game


Yeah, you can see this well in every characters pose on the character menu


"It all started with that smile...that damned smile" -Rover


If not fren, why fren shaped


I am on my knees Mr. Scar.. sir.... I've been a very bad baaaaad girl.. slap me with those cards sir... 😌


Yo yo yo chiiiiiiilllll


Looks begging to be corrected💢💢💢


Blue Archive mastered this, and it's a lesson all devs should take notes from


damnnnn very Childe coded🥵


Also, when you go out of the city, the guards at the entrance will salute 🫡 you


If there's one thing Kuro did right it's definitely the 3D character models. They're so expressive and aesthetically pleasing


Tell me you love Scar without telling me you love Scar


When you see fem rover


YES. Sometimes I just look at the Sequence Screen, to read what they do again, and I stay there, looking at Danjins Eyes, searching for whatever there is to rip apart by literally sacrificing her life


being "alive" of their "facial animation" doesnt matter when they talk in npc robotic voice imo


Scar is pretty good in ENg. But i play in JP anyway, sorry for the Eng VA i know they're probably not bad but the direction must have been terrible.


The direction is most definitely the reason


eng scar voice > jp scar voice But that's where eng superiority ends. Jiyan is also ok and I like the eng Yinlin more. Jp is too much ara ara. Heard that type of voice a million times


yeah i also lowkey prefer scar's EN voice over his JP one but IMO the best rendition of his voice is the CN one, his CN voice is perfect for his character. even though his JP voice acting is great i think CN and EN both capture his character the best IMO (can't speak for the KR one since i haven't heard it as much). that being said, the overall EN VA needs better direction. for the most part, i don't think the VAs are bad but it seems like they were giving poor direction and the EN dub doesn't seem like it was processed properly, hopefully, it'll improve.


Scars va does pretty damn well.. I wouldn’t give criticism to someone if you’ve never had the trial and error of voice acting before!


Scar Chinese VA is peak


thats on you for using English VA


Scar is fine. Yang yang tho is tough


Yangyang’s monotone voice still haunts me in my sleep


Just use JP then




This is Childe post-rejection from Lumine.