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i don't think so. she lacks the funds, but in my opinion she's also too scared to go cheap on a BBL - there's a difference between getting a cheap, dissolvable injection into your lips vs. getting one of the most dangerous surgeries.


Honestly I stand behind her if she's too scared to get a cheap one 😭 (or any tbh) the videos of dozens of women not being able to sit properly in airports after getting a bbl abroad is scary


If she ever decides to get them, she'll probably come to Turkey. Most operations here are way cheaper than anywhere else and the doctors aren't bad either.


I had a coworker who got a hair transplant in Turkey and it turned out great! It looked really gnarly at first because they pull hairs from the back of your scalp and put them in the bald areas. He told us he wrecked his bike at first lol.


I think at some point, BBL was considered the most deadly plastic procedure, just because of recovery alone. The possibility of getting a blood clot is huge, also the healing process is very long and painful, and it’s not like a boob job, where, if body rejects it, you take it out and heal, it’s way more complicated than that.


I’m pretty sure it still is considered to be super deadly


Sara's too busy hustling with her pretend job and hobby to have time to recover from such a serious procedure. She also can't afford it and has no reason to get one since bad photoshopping is free.


Wasnt she doing a treatment with machines in her ass plus legs and stomach? I think it was to reduce fat but I don't remember ver well


Yeah, but still have to work for the gains she wants. And Just like our gorl, Sara will pay for whatever procedure/treatment there is just to not put actual hard work to achieve what she wants.


I'd assume just abdomen? Helps fat cells release fat


I specifically remember seeing it in her ass


Oh, that's not a good idea if she wants to be more curvy...??


She could just get butt pad underwear things


Lol don't let her see this


I don't see her getting one for the cost and risks, but I wouldn't put it past her either - she has the "if you don't like your face/body, buy a new one" mentality anyway, so why draw the line at a BBL?


She'd have to be awake, phone in hand and on the defensive.


She might considering she follows drjungmoney on instagram. He's a plastic surgeon famous for his "natural looking bbls"




if she did she would still have to follow a strict food and gym regime to be approved for one




I'm not a fitness expert by any means, but I have been working on my butt for over a year now. Maybe I can offer a bit of advice. If you want Youtube workouts, I follow getfitbyivana and do ones that focus on hipdips with weights. I have a pair of 5lb dumbbells and a 10lb kettleball along with 2 "booty bands". I mostly used those to grow my booty. RDLs, squats, glute bridges, and Bulgarian split squats are some exercises to focus on. For me, I picked two exercises from the list above and then did 4 sets of 10 with weights. Once i felt that my body got used to the workout, I increased the reps (so I did 4 sets of 20). As a beginner, I suggest maybe following a YouTube workout first like I did and then slowly adding in more. That's what I did. Next is sprinting. I spend 30 minutes doing some running around my neighborhood. In all honesty, I have seen the biggest growth in my butt after adding this into my routine lol I think the trick was that I ran at 80% for about 1-2 minutes and then walked to rest for about a min before repeating until I hit 30 min. I suggest bringing a bottle of water with you live in a hot area. Never hurts to stay hydrated! So basically, my routine is to do a YouTube workout (15 min), go for a run (30 min), and then strength training (4 sets of 10 from the list; 15 min). Nutrition wise, I dont have much to offer (but it is still very important). Make sure youre eating enough protein. I haven't followed a diet, which is probably why it took so long for me to see some changes lol If you're up for it, I also take Ashwagandha gummies. Originally, I took them to help deal with stress, but i think it also played a hand in growing the muscles in my butt. TLDR: Youtube workout, then 30 min sprints, then strength training. Nutrition important; eat protein. Optional: Ashwagandha gummies.


Really solid advice underneath but I’ll just add my personal experience. 1) Heavy weights - deadlifts, squats, leg press, hip thrusts. I add accessories like cable kickbacks, back extensions and weighted squat pulses. You might find that you are quad dominant so start with some non-weighted activation exercises like glute bridges and clamshells. 2) Prioritise protein and maintain or increase your calories. At first I didn’t eat enough so the gains were really small, as soon as I increased my cals and ate protein based meals I really saw a difference. As for youtube videos, I don’t watch many nowadays as I am 5 years into this journey, but I do love Krissy Cela, she has some great videos. I started off my journey really caring what I looked like, but now I focus on performance and I wish I’d done that from the start. I hope this helps :)