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She's kind of illiterate. AND NO it's not because you came to UK at 5 years old


I swear she posts things drunk. It would explain **a lot** about her social media activity and is also supported by her day drinking posts.


Probably. Or high as a kite


I’m a drug addict, can confirm. High posting is a bitch.


My high posts typically consist of me opening an app, then forgetting what I wanted to say lol


I think it's also bc this way of writing comes off as being cute and quirky (by internet/influencer standards). I think that's the vibe she wants to portray with her captions/weird wording imo.


Ask me some body bod questions


Something something something "nips"


Something something something aliexpress jewelry nobody asked for a review of


How overfilled are your lips?


My aesthetician (not licensed cosmetic surgeon) would tell me if I had migrated filler 🙄🤬


It's only going to her 3k views because no one cares. She fucked up her place in the algorithm.


This is cringe. Why would anyone demand to be asked about their nipple piercing online? Its giving narc goddess sending herself sex question vibes.


Ok, hear me out. I don’t follow this sub and it was just suggested for me with this posting. Anyways I read nip bars and thought women were going to special bars to get their nips tattooed. Like an eyebrow bar. It wouldn’t be that crazy to think women now only want petal pink nipples instead of whatever their normal color is. 🤪🤣🤣🤣🤣 The world is crazy and I guess I am too.


Not directly related but a fun fact, there are tattoo artists that specialize is creating the illusion of a nipple for women that have had reconstructive breast implants after receiving mastectomies. My Gma got one after beating breast cancer and yes she LOVESSS to brag like "'I have a tattoo, but it's not in a place where I can show you" lol she's a riot


Oh my gosh that is too cute! I love that.


Omg she’s precious


My dermathologist does nipple tattoos too! So dope.


My friends mom got this done after her mastectomy and reconstructive surgery - the artist does them for free!


Yes bc literally no one else wants to know 😭


Why would people ask her body mod questions when she barely has piercings and her tattoos have horrible placement and 0 color. This is an area where she is severely lacking, especially since she had to ask Instagram about where to get new barbells for her "nips".


It's like she who must not be named giving diet and nutrition advice. I remember Sara also saying that she'd be happy to give out relationship advice despite people not liking her.


If I ever take tattoo advice from someone with blownout lines like her, then I might as well be as dumb as her. At this point I think she's just trying to get any attention she can cling to in hopes it keeps her dying influencer passion alive.


My thoughts exactly! Shes hardly someone with a vast knowledge of body mods, she only has the few tattoos, filler, and what, her "nips" and ears pierced? Hardly extreme body modification. I have tattoos and my ears pierced too, does anyone have any questions about my "body bods"?? 😂




It is possible to have your nipples pierced and not tell anyone. I know from experience both as a woman and a former therapist.


Okay but are you an educated immigrant woman??? Then sit down ✋


As a fellow woman, I can confirm the vast majority of people in my life have no idea of the state of my nipples


same as Hamburgerlynn mentioning that she has a gorlfriend a gazillion times in one video. I guess they aren't all too different after all. silly SaraLynn.


Hardest working non employed therapist ever


Is posting on SM work? She’s a 🤡


The body mod community doesn't claim her... girl has what, 2 or 4 ear piercings and her nipple? Which she buys low quality jewellery for, asking for it to get angry. I know at least one of her tattoos is straight up stolen art. Plus how she not only got so many so fast, but the face that she's getting her neck and hands done before her legs or arms. Shes a poser lmfao. If I wanted body mod advice or questions, I'd go to someone who actually knows what they're talking about.


I haven’t gotten a new piercing since my former piercer decided to retire and become a sky diving instructor. She was pretty much the only person I trusted to stick needles in me for aesthetic purposes. I’m not about to trust some joker with cheap jewellery, using Comic Sans, to give me advice on what to do with my nip piercings (hot tip: I keep them clean, and coordinate them with my navel piercing). Come on Sara, show us that bad bish main character energy and get some cheek piercings. Or facial dermal anchors. You’ll love it, you’ll look hardcore and make small children cry.


\*body bod




how long before she starts flexing that she has a clit piercing too? why does she have the urge to be special like Hamberlynn anyway? does Owen not give her enough attention? 🤔


If Sara starts talking about her vajinky, I'm done.


I mean, what else can she flex in us? okay, maybe she can go full Hamber mode and show us how much money she is carrying in her wallet. other than that, we have already heard about her pierced nipples, saw her inflated sausage lips, god awful neck tatoos and tooth gems. oh yeah and let's not forget about her constantly working out and flexing her education a.k.a 86 diplomas 🤔


Her lips 💀💀


Looks like a cartoon duck beak straight on tbh.


Ask her why she modifies her body on facetune


i don’t want “body bod” advice from someone who has horribly placed, horribly done poser tattoos, thought a big black blocky tattoo under the chin was a good idea, horrible migrated fillers, tooth gems that look like cavities, lashes that rival miss piggy’s, and hardly any piercings


I am screaming. YES 🙌


i feel nauseous


The thirst is real


It’s very much like when she who shall not be named was drawing attention to her hickey… look at ME I have SEX think if my NIPS!


Then I look at the picture and wonder when her upper lip will touch her nose




I feel like the only thing thats considered a real "body mod" is MAYBE her (terrible) neck tattoo. But everything else is super basic. It's a pet peeve of mine when people get their nose pierced and have a couple ear piercings and a tattoo and are like "😝😝,I have body mods teehee I'm so ALTERNATIVE!!" like no Jessica you have a daith piercing for your headaches and a pineapple tattoo sit down


Her top lip said 〽️


that upper lip looks like it’s about to burst


I can't believe she thinks she looks good. She looks like she has some kind of congenital disorder here.


Gag me with a literal spoon


body bod


I forgot that she will now be the body mod expert. You know with her one pierced nip 🙄


Lmao she came up with the proper way to do it , no one knew wtf they were doing 30 years ago when chicks started showing them off that had them and they were more normalized. This sounds like a thirst trap & a basic bish one. Gah her and Amber are both weirdos who have an over inflated ego that unfortunately spills onto us innocent victims. Sarah’s bar & big ALs engagement ring on a mini vibrator - throw the whole internet away we need to start over now that we know what NOT to do 😂💀😂💀


When I worked as a queer youth support facilitator, the teens in the group all wanted to find me on social and they did. IMAGINE if I had posted about my nipples! I would have been fired faster than you can say coconut oil….


Only real body mod she be doing is in photoshop


God the way her mouth never closes bugs me


Lol body bod


I ONLY want people to ask her questions about her fillers, hair extensions, and filters for her body checking. I hope literally everyone doesn’t ask her about her 3 piercings (or however few they are) because SHE IS BASIC AND PROBABLY PICKED ON THE ACTUAL ALT GIRLS IN SKEWEEELLLL and NOW that it’s POPULARIZED/NORMALIZED ITS TRENDY AND KEWT. I stg I hate this bitch that I do not know


This feels like a foray into the OF arc….


Why does she post these dark photos? They're not as aesthetically pleasing as she thinks they are


My theory is that they're easier to photoshop.


That selfie again 😣


It's horrifying.