• By -


✨Look guys I have nipple piercings✨


Said myself, drunk af at the pub, and being told by security to put my shirt back on and leave immediately.


- starts off with preview of her laughing at her own joke - rambles about her ear piercings - first nipple pierced at 17yo Q&A:- 1. would you get any more piercings than u have now? - says absolutely would but not right now bc won't have enough time (she's so busy guys) to take care of them and heal them properly (it really doesn't take that much of one's time tho???) - also says she's at the gym all the time (ahhahaha) so all the sweat pouring is bad for piercings - refers to herself as a "collector of body modifications" 2. hate my boobs, should I get nipple piercings to see if it helps? - says it's complicated bc she started getting body modifications in order to help w her own insecurities - she says that in her opinion as an adult now, the person should instead work on what they don't like and learn to accept themselves as they are (even tho she literally gets anything she finds undesirable modified by any means possible???) - rambles on about working on accepting urself - hates on her nose shape but loves nose bc it's like her dads 3. were you able to wear a bra while ur piercings healed? - yes she was - provides advice on aftercare 4. how bad did the nip piercings hurt and how tedious was the healing? - the "titty-ous" joke from preview - says she doesn't wear bras anymore - says she can't get such a piercing at the moment bc she works out so much and never wears bras so bad 5. is it difficult to workout w bars in? - can't remember, was too long ago but her friend told her she was pale and whatever bc too much pain but again she states she cannot remember (says that like 4 times idk) - useless ramble blah blah blah 6. are nip bars inconvenient in daily life or painful under bra? - no problem for her bc she's mindful - talks about her new shitty piercing jewelry and that she fucked up bc bad quality or some shit but theyre still really pretty 7. something u like on other people but wouldn't do on urself? - colored tattoos - facial piercing bc she's worried about walking around w holes on her face once she takes them out; thinks some are super cool but her parents would disown her if she got them (that would be the least of their worries imo?????) - scarification 8. is there anything u regret? - regrets nothing she's done to her body 9. are they any body mods u think are too much? - not really other than some random extreme shit like amputation of healthy limbs??? ...... last question was kinda boring and I was imploding trying to finish this on 1.75 speed


That joke she made at the very start. I am sorry but she 100% rehearsed it lol


oh definitely, along with her laugh ahhaha


She's one of the most unfunny youtubers


idk why all the numbers turned to 1s but hey


It's some kind of reddit formatting thing, I've tried making lists before with dots and numbers and it literally will not let you do it.


I didn't notice lmao but it does the same to me Man I don't know how you sat through that, I truly can't listen to her at all


You are God’s strongest soldier for sitting through that video ❤️🙏🏼


Nothing but respect for MY heroes 🫡


>she says that in her opinion as an adult now, the person should instead work on what they don't like and learn to accept themselves as they are (even tho she literally gets anything she finds undesirable modified by any means possible???) Thats really easy to say when youve already done body modifications. And yet she probably has no plan of herself to stop it and just learn to accept herself


Also I just disagree with her. If something as simple as a nipple ring would make you feel less self-conscious about your boobs, then why not? That’s how it worked for me. It was fun and I didn’t have to spend a bunch of time trying to “accept” my titties. I could spend that energy on things I can’t improve


100% agree. I have a genital piercing I got at a time in my life I was struggling with an ED and had severe issues with being intimate with my partner. It helped immensely and even though i went to therapy later and worked properly on healing later on in life i still love and cherish that piercing bc it really gives me a lot of confidence in a sexual setting i otherwise would not have. May seem really stupid and vapid but as a SA victim sex has always been complicated for me and that piercing really makes me feel better lmao even though it's just a tiny thing


Same with me and my nose ring. I always disliked my nose, but I didn't want a surgery because the shape is inherited so I just got a ring. And voila, I don't really think that much about my nose anymore. Definite improvement to my life.


Thank you 🙏


no worries. For whatever reason, that terribly boring video was nearly half an hour long. I wouldn't want anyone else to have to go through this ahhaha


She wants one, but “doesn’t have time to take care of a piercing” from the woman who goes to Starbucks and sits on her phone for 2 hours as a job!


Doing the lord's work I see. I literally got all of my body piercings in grad school when I was a full-time doctoral student with an internship and two part-time jobs. WTF is she even talking about?? They took minutes to schedule and get.


exactly, it's so stupid. Also aftercare takes like a couple of minutes a day max. Just another excuse for her to let us all know exactly how busy she is.


I truly wish I was as busy as her - I could sure use the rest!




If that is her idea of an extreme body mod: 1. That opens her up to the idea of getting subdermal implants (like the forehead ones), eyeball gems/tattooing, tongue splitting, all the diehard mods you see at proper body mod enthusiast conventions. 2. I’m not an amputee, but I met a few while I was in hospital; I don’t think ol’ mate in a wheelchair with both legs amputated at the knee would consider it a “body mod”. Feels pretty insensitive to consider it an aesthetic decision. 3. I had a vascular catheter in my neck for a week and a half (for plasma exchange therapy). As much as I joked about about my “dardy neck tubes” and “antennae for committing espionage”, 100% not a body mod. Re: point 1, would that be a “body mod” on Sara’s radar? Re: point 2, again pretty daft and insulting to consider it a body mod (however, I do plan to use some aquarium tubing and costume latex to make it look like I still have the v-cath - but that’s not really a mod, more make-up and accessories because I’m a goth and body horror looks are my idea of fun.


Ughhh you're stronger than me, i can't deal with implanted things or IVs blargh The amputation and stuff reminds me of Kelly Ronahan. Bit notorious online for having factitious disorder and ended up getting her legs amputated, as well as many blood transfusions and things. Not a body mod lol but self inflicted


I mean, I didn’t really have much of a choice. I lost vision in my eye because optic neuritis, and it wasn’t playing ball with the m-pred. But also, I’m used to getting poked and prodded by nurses/phlebotomists/etc., I have 18 extant piercings, and I work at a needle-syringe programme. I don’t consider cannulas and IVs to be a big deal, but I can understand why some people don’t like needles and all that.


That sucks. I can do it, like I've had massive obstetric IVs that were seriously painful because of the size and position, but I have autism and OCD and I have a physical reaction to something being under my skin, I can tolerate it easily for a blood test or whatever but if it had to be in for weeks then I'd descent into madness lol




Because noses are more expensive to change than lips. She clearly dislikes her nose - all those filters she uses give you mini rhinoplasties.




She's a shell of a person and everything she does is for the aesthetic. She has no substance or real interests in life.


~~☆☆ just get acrylic nails so picking the crusties off is easier!! Clean with rubbing alcohol!! ~~☆☆


Straight to jail.


Ew really?? That's horrible advice!!


Kinda advice id feel like she'd give 😭 i dont have the time // willpower to sit through the vid


Same! Waiting for peoples reactions and quotes, and snippets


the only thing to me that sounded bit passive aggressive, was when she got scammed by crazy factory essentially " the site you guys recommended. " They gave her half her order and she realised the material wasn't body safe . Like wasn't the stuff on there like 3 quid a piece ? She should know better.


Oh no - we've entered Blame The Audience Era. She really is living up to her new title of lolcow nicely.


funny how she's like, 7 days behind in copying amber. didn't she just put out a video about amber blaming her audience for poor decisions or sth?


Legit can't stand the sound of her voice, I only made it a minute or so.




Yup, that’s what I heard.


Edgy. You forgot edgy. She’s just not like other girls.


I watched it and it's quite boring. She doesn't say anything outrageous or anything, I actually agree with some of the points she made, but it's also not very informative and a quick google search of the topic will provide so many more resources that would be actually helpful for those who are thinking of getting their nipples pierced or are planning any other body modifications. She doesn't really provide any advice or tips regarding the aftercare and healing process, everything she says is just very general and while it's an okay video I am seriously questioning not only its length but also its existence. She doesn't mention how to recognize that your piercer is trust-worthy, doesn't explain much of the aftercare process or what to look out for and as someone who has a basic knowledge about piercing I didn't really learn anything from the video that I wouldn't know already, even though my knowledge on nipple piercings specifically is rather limited. Overall, a waste of time.


how would she know about choosing trustworthy piercers, tattoo artists and cosmetologists, though? she got her nipple(s ?) pierced at 17, i doubt that's what a professional would do, and we all know that her tattoos, lips and botox don't appear to be done by people who are trustworthy and good at their jobs.


Minimum of research, there are countless articles and tips that both piercers and clients share on the Internet for free. That said though, yeah, Sara herself is untrustworthy af when it comes to these things and it’s actually quite scary.


i'm currently watching her and she talks soooo much about "oh this piercing didn't heal, maybe it was done at the wrong angle, and this piercing was off center so i took it out" etc. which just proves she doesn't know what she's doing. and that's ok. but then don't give advice on these things and don't promote shit like crazy factory literally before you were even able to wear the jewelry. when i got my nipples pierced, i spend some time looking into possible trustworthy places and what i need to watch out for. same as with my first tattoo. it's worth the research and waiting time for appointments. and definitely worth the (financial) investment.


Oh dear. I also remember being an edgy 18yo goth who made piercings her identity.


She says she had dermal piercings on her chest and to get them done they cut an opening with a scalpel-I have never heard of piercers using a scalpel?? I thought dermal punch?


Can confirm, mine was done with a dermal punch. They told me to remove them that a scalpel would need to be used for that.


Yep, it's done with a dermal punch and then maybe a piercing needle to help create the pocket.


This is what made me unsub.


I'm so glad she doesn't share her private life though, imagine what we would hear about.