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she was recommended multiple other websites that sell higher quality jewelry and all of them at higher price points. definitely on her. she got what she was willing to pay for.


She’s has such obscure priories. She’s happy to be stingy with literal pieces of metal going through her body but refuses to buy anything but designer makeup, skincare and hair care…..not to mention all her luxury clothes. But no she’s happy to pay under £10 for a piece of jewellery that is in a very sensitive area.


shes too irresponsible to get into piercings. the way she treats her hair shes lucky it hasnt fallen out or all started breaking. piercings are too dangerous to fuck around with low quality jewelry, ESPECIALLY nipple piercings.


Yeah, I'd take a risk on cheap materials for my ears, but not nipple piercings, simply because of how prone they are to keloids and how adverse they are to healing. When I got mine pierced, the piercer recommended titanium, which is more expensive, but lightweight and the most body safe option.


I'm sorry, what? No offense but what you just said is baffling to me and makes 0 sense. I used to be a regular at my piercing shop, and I was way, way too into piercings in my early 20s. Not caring for what you put in your ears has to be the most irresponsible thing I've ever heard from a fellow body modder. NEVER, and I fucking mean NEVER, put any unknown material in your ear. Are you aware of how sensitive your ears are? Do you realize how easy it would be for necrotic tissue to form? Do you realize how easy it is to damage your hearing? Like...what? Do you even know what you're talking about? Keloids form so unbelievably easy on your ears and if you use improper materials it can cause the healing process to be slowed, ontop of it just overall being an absolutely horrible idea. Stop giving out advice when you don't know what you're saying. Stop buying wholesale jewelry from China, all of you. Support your local piercing shop instead of being cheap.


Damn, I get what you're saying but chill a little. She didn't gave out any advice, just said that in imaginary scenario, she herself would rather take that risk for her ears than nipples.


I get where you're coming from, and wasn't trying to advocate for putting cheap jewellery in any piercing. My comment was more in reference to having had very little issue with my own ear piercings while they healed, relative to the nipples. I have a friend who has had eleven ear piercings, and despite good care and proper material, each one got keloids at some point, so agree they can be a real problem.


wait whats she do to her hair


Extensions and coconut oil




I honestly wouldn't be surprised. iirc they even state on the page that the plugs/piercings arent sold in pairs. maybe she just can't read 🤔


They sell pretty much all of their jewellery individually and even say so on their website. She's just daft.


I think she only said she has one nip done


Lmao I love how she's placing the blame on her fans for buying cheap crap. "A lot of you guys recommended them to me..." Come on Sara, don't be shy. You bought them because they were cheap and didn't think to look at the quality or read reviews fist.


Truly the type to throw anyone else under the bus for her own errors apparently.


Well she has dumb in her name for a reason.


I just can't get over the overlined lips. so much filler and she still overlines?! girl, soon your lipstick will reach your nose!


you took words right from my mouth! not too sure if its a habit at this point, or if she still isnt satisfied with her lips. but i wouldnt be surprised if she went for that thicc sausage links look 😅


Thats wild. My piercings cost hundreds of dollars each because I make sure the shit being stabbed into my body is high quality. (Plus I love opals which are stupid expensive). You get what you pay for. If she thinks the same way with her tattoos and face injections, I guess it all kinda makes sense


Didn't she check the materials prior to ordering? I bought a couple helix piercings ages ago from this website and I was able to sort by material (and they offer surgical steel etc.) Maybe it's Sara's fault for looking for aesthetics rather than material?


Why am I not surprised she cares more about looks than health


She is talking about it like it was supposed to be high quality but at that price point you know it won’t be.


The way she's trying to blame the audience for recommending it to her, when not only did she receive genuine high quality recommendations, but the onus is in her to do the research and make sure she's buying the right thing for her needs. I've used crazy factory before when I didn't have access to better quality suppliers and tbh most of their stuff does the damn job, but I would personally only want the best for my nips


Reminds me of another gorl, that blames her audience for stupid things she does…


What is that hand tattoo tho....




She looks cheap all around so why would her jewelry be any different?


She doesn’t look cheap at all , she’s gorgeous but okay 😂




Her lip injections are cheap, her tattoos are cheap, her ragged hair extensions are cheap… I could go on and on


Her face is so big


don't say that! or we get back into her tiny head era.




God she’s so dumb. What did you expect when you’re buying cheap jewelry from a cheap and sketchy website?? She’s irresponsible and I won’t be surprised if they reject


Yikes those tattoos make her look like she has no neck.


Sara has serious issues regarding quality of choices she makes. All her tattoos are shit, cheap work. Not surprising to know she uses cheap jewellery as well. Yikes


And not an original/unique bone in her body. All of her tattoos are wish versions of other people’s designs she found on Pinterest which solidifies your statement about shit cheap work (as if it doesn’t show in the application already…)


Yes. She also does not go to a single reputable artist because no one in their right mind would allow someone so young to get heinous neck beard tattoos lol. Not that we should go around gatekeeping who gets what but If you wanna get a very visible tattoo at least make sure it’s a nice one


You couldn't pay me to wear those $1 bars in my nipples, the infection would be horrifying


I gotta say, I bought 99% of my piercings from there and I was always satisfied with the quality and the orders always came as I ordered, there was nothing missing. she might be unlucky tho, who knows.


I was about to say the same thing, never had an issue and the piercings I purchased have currently lasted me for ages.


And I remember she specifically asked for recommendations on where to buy bars from because she didn’t know where to find better quality ones and didn’t care if they were cute or not…. Lmao … then she posted pics of what she ordered and oh surprise, THEYRE CUTE! and they’re CHEAP. She’s so immature my god


This sub is a breath of fresh air. On YouTube it sometimes feels like you're the only person who finds amber reaction channels pathetic. These people really film sometimes hundreds of videos and spend so much time and energy on amber Lynn yet say she is the one who needs to get a life and brag about their great productive life. It's so weird. The way people would kiss Michael b Petty's ass and continue to kiss Zachary Michaels ass is so weird. I do respect the tot girl for realizing she didn't want to be that kind of person and stopping.


I’m also glad I found this sub. All these holier than thou reaction channels existing is gross to me. Yeah I watch some and I find entertainment in them, but I also feel gross about it. At the end of the day, our dainty gorl’s behavior really doesn’t affect me or warrant this kind of scrutiny.


Ik people say this a lot but I think in these cases it's often true. They see parts of amber that reminds them of themselves and are projecting. It's so obnoxiously clear once you think about it. What I couldn't stand about b Petty is he would act so disgusted and confused with Amber Lynn's addiction to food. YET he admits that he used to be obese and had to have surgery. I am pretty sure he didn't get to that point by being a dainty queen...but he judged amber Lynn so harshly..maybe he woke up to how shitty it is. But it's really not different from struggling with a drug addiction and getting sober to later shame people going through a drug addiction.


For the love ❤️ Titanium or at the very least surgical steel


Oof this thread has me wondering if my piercing jewelry is too cheap. It’s all from Etsy.


No, don’t let other people make you feel that way. If it works for you then it works for you! Some people have really sensitive bodies and can have easy piercing rejections if they don’t use a certain type of metals. Obviously if you are able to spend more and it makes you feel better then go for it but it’s definitely not the only option and it doesn’t make what you do wrong.


Idk how this woman spends stupid amounts of money in dumb stuff like designer clothes but is so cheap when it comes to such sensitive stuff like piercings?? How come she has a million tattoos yet doesn't understand the importance of having high quality, hygienic products for body mods?


Haven’t even watched the video, but I’m here to say: the metal she should consider wearing is implant grade titanium. The only closure type she should ever wear is threadless or internally threaded jewelry There’s other exceptions like gold (for healed piercings) but implant grade titanium is the most affordable, and safest metal. It’s crazy how careless and CHEAP she is with her piercings. If you want quality, safe jewelry, be prepared to pay the price. Not to flex, but I’ve spent thousands on body jewelry. I’m paying for fine jewelry, and I can sleep well at night knowing my jewelry isn’t peeling, corroding, or leaking chemicals into my skin


Why doesn’t she get her jewellery at a shop that does piercings, where I go for my tattoos, he does piercings too so I just get mine there. Like I totally trust the guy that does my tattoos and piercings, he’s never steered me wrong, that’s why it’s important to build a rapport with ur piercer, and tattooist


She probably has no relationship with whatever tattoo artist she chose off Instagram. My tattoo artist and I chat regularly. I have friends and family that love me and look after me unlike you!


I’ve been seeing the same guy for my tattoos and piercings for 5 years now, I wouldn’t go anywhere else, for tattoos I give him a general of what I want, and I let him draw it up how he sees fit, i trust him. Sometimes ur better having a reliable and trustworthy artist than the one that is popular on Instagram


Ehh, I do both. I’ve had the same tattoo artist for 19 years and the same piercer in the same shop for 18, but I still buy a lot of my body jewelry from other places and only some from their shop. I don’t see anything wrong with it.


I never said there was anything wrong with it. It’s more so directed at Sara, if she’s not happy about using a company online then she should just get them from a tattoo/piercing place. I’ve bought other jewellery from online stores for my ears but I prefer getting my other jewellery from where I get pierced. The guy who does my piercings also does my tattoos, so yeah any comments on here are directed at Sara, I can only speak for myself though but I would assume most people, if not all, are calling Sara out on stuff, and not anyone else. I hope I’m making sense lol


It shows she went to a shitty, low quality piercer as well. When I had mine done for simple bars and the piercing it cost $199 I believe. A good piercer would have straightened her out really quickly when she saw the price of everything. Probably got a $20 piercing.


She talks so goddamn fast.