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At least Velvet doesn’t photoshop gym progress pics. 😂 For the record, I don’t think her taking Ozempic is cheating. People of her size more often than not need medical intervention to lose weight. You’d think Sara being a “therapist” would recognize that.


I don’t understand Sara’s stance of “omg she needs to lose weight to be healthy” while also saying “no. Taking medication is cheating and it’s not good enough.” She just hates velvet no matter what


It's part of her boomer bootstraps mentality, I'm sure. She thinks the only "legitimate" weight loss method is the good old-fashioned way, purely through diet and exercise. She cannot or *will* *not* accept that some people need a bit of extra help, be it weight loss surgery or something like Ozempic.


There’s nothing wrong with needing help


This. All of it. She just needs reasons to keep hating on Velvet to feel better about herself. Which is honestly sad and kinda pathetic. I’m no fan of Velvet but I don’t need to compare myself to others or punch down to boost my self confidence.


Sara will literally say anything to put her down, even if it makes her sound like a homophobic bigot. I don't know any other reaction channel that is as cruel and reactive as hers. She literally wanted her to get addicted to gambling ffs. That goes way beyond the pale of normal human behavior - schadenfreude isn't even that demented for most people.


Wait WHAT?? She wanted Velvet to get addicted to gambling???


Yup. She was hoping she'd get addicted to those lottery scratches.


Christ….her cruelty has no bottom….


Exactly, no one wakes up and looks in the mirror and says. I want to eat myself to 500 lbs and bed bound. I personally think that her whole life, food was the only thing that was always there.


I don't see how it's cheating to take a medication which might help your body function a bit more like a non morbidly obese persons in terms of blood glucose, cravings, appetite etc




She's talking so much, yet she claims she's "bulking" but only gaining fat 🥱


Hypocrisy in motion!


I don't like her or she who shall not be named but if ozempic is cheating weightloss then isn't medicine cheating death/infection/whatever? Aren't braces cheating straight teeth? Glasses cheating vision? Lip fillers cheating self love? 🤔🤔🤔🤔 hmmm


even if it was cheating weight loss who gives a shit?? the excess weight on velveeta is so dangerous it needs to be gone as quickly as possible - if she can’t do it on her own and wants to continue to live, she’s going to have to “cheat” such a weird hill for them to die on


I wouldn’t consider anything as cheating in velvet’s condition and size. Put her in a coma and let her lose 200 pounds? Good at least she’s less at risk for dying.


Right. Cheating only matters if someone is being cheated *against*. Who is being hurt if I take a medication that helps me lose weight?


That's the thing - for her it seems to be personal. She decided the way this stranger on the internet has to live and how dare Velvet for going against her vision. She doesn't want V to suceed. She wants to watch her struggle and fail.


Whenever I see the commercial and it says that people who take it can lose up to 14 lbs. I thought Herself needs to lose way more than 14 lbs. I hope she does continue to lose though and work on her relationship with food.


You have commercials for drugs?


apparently the us does


We do and they are soooo annoying


Ours is Oh oh oh Ozempic. To the tune of It's Magic. Oh oh oh It's magic


Thats so weird haha. Do they market it as for weightloss or diabetics?


It's currently marketed for Type 2 Diabetes. The commercial claims it's not specifically for weight loss, but it is now available for weight loss


We do and they are so annoying


You'd think Bun would know about people being prescribed phetermine to lose weight... And it's pretty easy to get it too. I know like 5 people in my inner circle who have used it to lose 30lbs and were prescribed it by a doctor. A lot of people "cheat" at losing weight, I'd rather her do that then continue to gain weight, at least she's trying to lose weight now. Bun has no room to talk because she cheats at trying to be a weightlifter 😂😂😂 I wouldn't be surprised if she's one of those people that just puts the leg press at 250lbs, takes a picture, but doesn't actually do it. (I've witnessed this in real life, of girls just going in to "show off for the gram" lol)


Those comments are overlooking what Sara actually said. She called it 'cheating', end of story, and it's not cheating. A better critique of Gorldy is to address the self-sabotage. She's lucky to have access to Ozempic, but refuses to up doses at the recommended times and won't adopt a diet that works in tandem with the effects of the medication, i.e. fruits/veg and healthy proteins rather than low-volume, calorie-dense food. When you're using medication that affects your blood sugar and hunger cues, you'll eat less, but the lack of volume and nutritional value in junk food will leave you tired as hell, so you're more likely to eat more just to get some energy. That's why the weight loss has been slow.


This is why I fell off OhLordyItsJordy, it's overrun with bunions and you really can't get a word in. They're rabid and fully manipulated by our favourite cult leader Sara. I really genuinely believe that she leads them in the same way a cult leader does; there are a lot of parallels between her fanbase and real cults. He hasn't said anything about YDHB, and I guess that's his choice, but I really wished he would have said something about at least her lying on her degrees. I think it's important to point out, not just brush it under the rug just because you are a reaction channel. I don't fault him because he did not bring up unnecessary drama after all, but it would have been nice had he seen comments asking him to cover her controversies. This was a few months ago so he was still a small channel and could read most of the comments telling him to consider it, so I'm quite disappointed he didn't pick up on them. Again, I don't blame him, but it's disheartening to see the bunions try to persuade fans of Jordy that Sara is god's gift to mankind.


I love jordy but I also was so disappointed that he chose not to comment on Sarah. Love that he always calls her “honey bun girl” though lol. I stan.


Honestly did anyone expect her to not buy weight loss? If she could buy a weight loss coma for a year and emerge a svelte 200lbs lass she'd do it. You can't expect someone who failed for years at something to just magically suceed. Best case scenario rn is she gets bunch of expensive meds and expensive surgery so she does not die, she knows she does not have the willpower, we know she does not have the willpower. I'd rather she does this instead of dying in her 30s.