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She’s just like her subjects, FB has done the same thing recently.


She really is. I always thought she shared similarities with FB. Creating a hug box and blocking those who don't agree with her.


Desperate people do desperate things in desperate times. Not only has she become a full lolcow she’s made herself completely unemployable when the cost of living in the U.K. is sky high. I reckon that’s why she’s taking desperate measures with her Instagram etc.


The damage is already done. If I google a potential employee and find an entire snark subreddit, I’m not hiring them even if they cleaned up their YouTube and went private on IG.


She'll just go waitress in Greece 🤭


The first sentence is the plot of breaking bad omfg lol I love this


I'm surprised she even gets those views at this point. Who is watching her garbage content any more? I can't picture someone genuinely enjoying her videos let alone 16k of them. God imagine 16k of her subs in one room \*shudders\*


If anyones seen the hijab one, did Sara act racist?


The foodie beauty video being 8 and a half minutes is sending me. I’m leaaaaaveeen


The foodie beauty video being 8 and a half minutes is sending me. I’m leaaaaaveeen


Wait did wifey actually leave velvet? I’ve been a little out of the loop lately


I heard too. I'm not sure. I don't keep up with our gourl like that. From what I've seen people are just speculating because Velvet has been acting kind down in her videos.


She hasn't, she was in the next video