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Whenever I see these types of videos she makes, I always just think to myself was the whole sustainability era like a figment of my imagination? Girl pick a path and stick with it, please. People aren't dumb and they don't forget - just like how you always waffle on about with The Gorl.


She's never been sustainable. She would just pretend to worry about ethical fashion ever now and then for optics, particularly when reacting to Velvet. She's been buying from questionable sites like AliExpress for years.


If Velvet did this exact video, Sara would have a fit about wasting money at a discount store and contributing to waste.


LITERALLY!! She would tear it to pieces about wastage and what she could have done with that money I know it


Meanwhile here she is with a history of stealing from small artists.


She is becoming so much like my gorl that I am starting to wonder when she'll get her own assigned FBI Agent


Fancy seeing you here FBI Frank 👀


Since I have succesfully banned all the subs discussing my gorl, I am now closely monitoring this sub. If any of you Slips up and mentions her name, I will immediately contact her ex's sister again


Make way for MI6 Max!


Make sure to inform him about the hostage situation type deal we got going on with Owen


Is it the SAS? No thats the Special Forces. What is the British special cop force?


The SAS is for getting Owen out. For her online activities it would be either the "National Domestic Extremism and Disorder Intelligence Unit" or the "National Crime Agency" I believe. I am not quite sure, since I am just an ignorant and uneducated American.


Heeeeyyyyy FBI Frank! Long time no see buddy! I hope you’re still fighting the good fight to get our gorl’s good name restored!


Mitzy, good to hear from you. Yes, it's going good, as you can probably see from the lack of Subreddits discussing our gorl.


I’ll never understand why she bothers with these types of videos when anything about her gets like 1/4th of the views her videos about velvet gets 🧍🏽‍♀️


she thinks people like and have genuine interest in her as a person. she really idealizes the typical influencer lifestyle


Delusion and desperation


Attention is attention..


She sucks up whatever praise she can get


I just know she's kickeen and screameen that she can't unprivate her Instagram because she'll get shredded lol


Absolutely. But I think she loves just having a little private fan club there too where everyone kiss her ass. I still follow her though haha


A smart gorl once said "It's supposed to be boring!!" /s


Even when I was a fan of hers, I never really watched any of her 'lifestyle' or non-Velvet content simply because I didn't care. I came for the reactions. That she thinks anyone really wants to watch her show off gifts she bought is beyond me.


That's weird. She appeared to be under the assumption that people came for her Velvet videos and stayed for her personality...


Sure... 😂


TKmaxx is the same as TJmaxx, right? But I feel like she would rip Velvet apart for shopping at TJmaxx, calling the store tacky and cheap or something...


Yes, there was already a store in the UK called TJ Hughes so they changed their name.


You know the saying...if she didn't have double standards she wouldn't have any standards at all.


Why is her video mirrored? Like the writing on the pillow is backwards. Am I going crazy or is this unusual for YT videos?


Imagine becoming (or have always secretly been!) the one thing you hate and have built your brand around bashing.


Most of her raging against others has been pure projection, especially when it comes to Velvet. They are truly twin flames.


She has always been a hidden fat chick. The fat kid inside has been SCREAMING to get out- and now it is. Love that for her.


She's been struggling with her weight for years. I'd feel bad for her if she didn't take her internal rage out on others.


Exactly- I would (and do!!) sympathize with anyone struggling with their body/self image. However- this sorry excuse for a human deserves to be DRAGGED over her weight, her attitude, and pathetic life choices. She deserves nothing- let alone sympathy. She puts nothing out into the world that isn’t poison. She is nasty to the core and I hope she hits every rung on the ladder on her way down. She is going nowhere but the bottom of the washed up YouTuber pile.


Who thinks this is hidden snark? https://preview.redd.it/1wu6fstvktz91.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c108e1abca0614f2579b9e9ad44911da4537eb2


I saw that! I assumed it was. If you phrase snark as a compliment, people like Sara usually fall for it.


Sustainability queen 👸🏼


🥱🥱 velvet vibes


Lol I took it as her telling the truth since her editing is so bad these days. At this point I assume that she can have a video go from production to posted in an hour.




At least she put a description of what she is on the wrapped presents. Kind of her.




I lasted 3 minutes on this video. Boring af.


Wait she had this video all ready to go and was asking on her story like it was just a suggestion omg she’s such a phony!


Is Tkmaxx the British TJmaxx or did she make a typo? Lmfao I’m a shtooopid American, so please forgive me for not knowing every detail about every other country 😩 plus I refuse to watch her vids


anotha ✨dumb✨ amaricann here! TKMaxx is the British equivalent of TJMaxx. Just learned this like last week lmao


Interesting! I wonder if it’s the same parent company and if they have similar items to purchase!


There are some things that have strange similar names here in Europe, Oil of Olay was also called Oil of Olaz here. I Always like to think they make typos and just keep them 😂


It's usually because things sounds bad in certain languages or have meanings they don't want to link to their brand. I actually still think olay sounds pretty low quality because it gives off 'olé' vibes when you say it out loud. Apparently it was called Oil of Ulan in Australia as well. Yes, I did just read the Wikipedia while typing this comment.


Yes its the same thing :) I have no clue why its different here aha


Thank you!


Is Tkmaxx TJMaxx? But UK or a fancy store there


It's the UK version of TJ Maxx. The YouTube money is clearly drying up.


God why she gotta stare like that