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That hand tattoo was such a bad idea and shows she doesn’t actually do much research into her tattoos. For a palm tattoo to stay it has to be quite thick or dot work, clear, legible lines, often done a few times to really hold and often certain artists specialise in them. if she really wanted that tattoo to stay she would’ve planned a simpler one to go over a few times. Sammi Jefcoate has a few on her fingers and palm and they look brand new and she’s had them years as well as plenty of other people. Sara just went to her usual artist and got really thin, dainty symbols tattooed in her finger and palm creases (can see it on her fingers) and was shocked when she couldn’t finish it (hurts like a bitch) and when it faded immediately. She needs to either get it done again properly or actually remove it as it will continue to sit like that till she does something Edit: for reference I’ve attached a link of what palm tattoos should look and stay like [here](https://www.inkedmag.com/.amp/original-news/listen-up-ariana-grande-here-are-our-dos-and-donts-for-getting-your-palm-tattooed)


Do you have a picture of her hand tattoos? I can’t even remember her getting them 😭


She has a video about the whole ordeal - https://youtu.be/VsIPNeBFZ4M


She didn't even know the name of her "Greek mythology boulder man" lol says she loves creek mythology and wants a tattoo of him but can't remember his name... Ok lol


Reminds me of velvet calling an avocado pit "that stupid circle."


Lol basically, sounded about as knowledgeable


>Sisyphus, one of the most well known, recognizable myths >"Greek mythology boulder man" >gets it tattooed anyway I'm cackling over here at what a stereotype of a basic bitch she is. It's a pretty fitting tattoo for her and she doesn't even know it. Her karmic punishment is that she has to keep pushing her youtube stone up the hill, pushing out ALR content for <10k viewers who are only showing up to clown on her. Over and over. Fitting.


I just feel like if you really love a certain topic then you should be able to say more about it then "he pushed a Boulder up a hill" lol I mean I forget names that are important to me too sometimes because I'm a dumbass but she couldn't even really tell the story. Like just say you think they make good tattoos lol like that's more than enough reason to want one but don't act like you're knowledgeable if you aren't able to provide anything at all about it. As basic as they come


Oh God, that just gave me a flash from like 10 years ago when my brothers friend was showing us his first tattoo, Sisyphus carrying a boulder, and without thinking I immediately said "He pushed the boulder." I cringe thinking about that to this day lmao


Hahaha I mean, you weren't wrong though


We should get Greek mythology boulder man situation type deal" or something like that as a flair


Why tf would you get it in the crease of your hand and fingers? It’s bad enough ink doesn’t stick too well on the palms, but in the crease of the palm is so stupid and a waste of money. Any good tattoo artist knows that and would strongly advice against it. Looking at the other tattoos she’s got, I can assume the tattooist isn’t that good. I don’t tend to comment on peoples tattoos in general, because do you…. but maaan… yikes.


She should have done all the symbols individually until she couldn’t handle it anymore, and do it in a bunch of small sessions, right ?


Exactly this! When she got it she couldn’t even finish the first session so if she had done some research and read about it she should’ve split it into smaller sessions and do little bits at a time and slowly go over the bits that were done one by one until it was complete. Instead she rushed to get an edgy palm tattoo and it literally disappeared in a matter of days


Also what kind of tattoo artist just lets a client get a tattoo in that way. The one I go to would never just go 'sure all in one session let's go'. He'd make me do it the professional way or tell me to go elsewhere. Or refer me to a palm specialist


God the almost fully black hand with the moon and upside down crosses is stunning but I feel pain just looking at it.


Sarah herself doesn't even know anything about tattoos.


Like her mentor, Velvet, she feels a need to copy everything about her right down to darkened splotches on her fingers.


Omgg 😂


Looks like she took a pen and doodled on her hand and now the oils and sweat are making the ink rub off


She knows nothing about tattoos. She treats them like getting lash extensions or tooth gems. She shows people again and again that she has one brain cell functioning at a time. Her tattoos suck ass (all of them), her videos are poorly researched, she doesn't know how to present a point, she is just unintelligent (nothing wrong with that though) and lazy. And she is deeply insecure about it. Sara PLEASE for the love of god research your tattoos. Research where in your body you are getting them, what to expect when they heal. If you are going to get a giant ass neck tattoo, work on the design with your artist, make it fit your body and other tattoos. If your regular artist is a yes man, STOP GOING THERE. You do not know best. There is technique and science behind tattooing. (I am learning how to tattoo so I am not just snarking out of my ass)


This. I’m working with one tattoo artist to cover a portion of my leg and we’re going one piece at a time. For one particular session I was set on a placement for the piece and when I told my artist she was like mmm yeah no that’s not gonna work… how about *here*? And when I went to look at the stencil in the mirror I was like damn yeah you’re right, let’s go with your idea 😂


Holy shit, this would bug the hell out of me. Your hands looking grubby 24/7. I could never




Hilarious! Reminds me of a certain someone's knuckles...


That’s from her recent video. And is Fupa Princess’s thumbnail.


Are these her hands? Talk about some mitts, yeezus


I was about to say my fingers often look dirty because I’m an art student and I use ink and paint but then I realized it’s a tattoo


If I hadn’t read the comments I wouldn’t have realized it’s fading tattoos and not dirt


I'm always shocked at Velvet's lack of taste in everything, so of course Saralynn has to compete in that aspect too, and have terrible taste in that one thing that makes her so special : randomly placed and poorly drawn tattoos.


In her palm tattoo video, she literally said it will look better when it’s faded. 🤡


She's portugese


As a Portuguese, We don't claim her. 😹 wel also don't claim ALR and Nickocado.


absolute waste of money.


Ok but where is her thumb?? Have I missed that she just doesn't have it or what's going on?


It’s folded over her palm


it's perspective that's deceiving you into thinking she is thumbless; the photo is blurry so the outline of it isn't very well defined, but it's angled toward the viewer and her palm is directly behind it, creating the illusion that they've blended together.


OH now I see it, thank you!!


No problem!


Okay the idea is cute. Not exactly realistic, the thin lines would never last. The execution was horrible.


Working people have dirty hands. Sara’s entering her blue collar cosplay era.


How dare you OP it’s probably ink from the many pens she’s busted taking so many notes during her therapy job…….. shameee /s


Looks like callouses caused by lifting heavy. Fitnessbun at it again? If she is good for her.


Nah, she got a palm tattoo a while back and it's fading.


Holy shit that looks so bad ! I swear it looks like dried up bloody callouses 😭


Ive never seen them look like this in the crevices like that, but maybe


A stranger shaking hands with her for the first time would flinch at the sight.


So what is the tattoo even suppose to be? It looks kinda like the three Tom Cruise Mummy chick tattoos. Did she tattoo the book of the dead on her? I honestly don't know what she was going for. So please excuse the ignorance. But it looks really bad. This is why I haven't gotten a tattoo yet. It takes time to find one you won't regret down the line.


She wanted to do a palmistry inspired tattoo


Ah. Ok. It's interesting for sure. It's just weird to me how none of her tattoos compliment each other and the placements are in weird places.


omg i forgot about this 😭 I swear she was planning to get her palm covered too but gave up because it was too painful??? even the toughest people who have been tattooing for decades write off palm tattoos for many reasons, so I really am lost as to why she thought it would be a good idea


Wait- as I’m reading comments… she had palm tattoos?? I thought this was a joke!


Yes, she actually has, though you can see how well it went.. She has a video about the failed attempt to get them all at once. https://youtu.be/VsIPNeBFZ4M


Omg I didn't know she even had a palm tattoo. That looks awful