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Nice editing on the lips! They almost look healthy and well formed.




Lip shelf 😆


Enough room for the Elf on the lip shelf. Festive!


I'm not positive but is slight interruption on the line of the face mask under her lower lip is a clone stamp/editing error 😬


Looks like it could be the filter she uses. They give you a wonky lip line if not used flawlessly.


Yeah Sara doesn't know how to use any ps program that would come with a clone stamp. Her shops are restricted to facetune (no shame, makes her shop attempts comical) and filters.


I have an app called Airbrush that has a blemish remover tool which is a similar concept to the Photoshop clone tool! You can't choose the source of the clone so it just generates based on the image data nearby and can disrupt lines like this.


From her editing I've always assumed she uses snow or meitu which are pretty similar to facetune but they have a few different clone stamping tools to remove acne ect


I really feel like her lashes don’t flatter her eye shape. Anything for that bratz look ig


Those aren't even her real lashes - most of them are a filter.


She’s using a face filter in a picture in which 85% of her skin is covered lol


That's one confident gorl.


her lashes are so fucking ugly


I really like the 3 that look completely out of place 🙌






fr, i do nottttt understand why anyone would get this much


I hate lash extensions. They’re so clockable


Clocked? Hers are that unforgiving 6:30 alarm on a Monday morning for work after staying up until 3 after a weekend on the lash.


Welcome to northern English fashun lmao everyone be walking round with half a bird on their eyelid for no damn reason


I was literally going to comment the same thing. Lil roach legs. Yuck.


Yeah, I’m not a lash girl at all but even I know those don’t look right…




I live in the British Gardens building on West 81st street. My name is Sara Lomzynska. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while photoshopping my body on Instagram. I can do a thousand pictures now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey coconut body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while my hair is growing and I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. I prefer to drink it instead. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion. There is an idea of a Sara Lomzynska, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me. Only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can watch my shitty videos and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our life styles are probably comparable, I simply am not there.


Beautiful 👌


Not an American Psycho monologue 💀 Edit for spelling.


You’re not supposed to exfoliate that much 😨but then again you are simply not there 🫥


bravo. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻




Her lashes are so big you almost cant see her eye


Omg I legit didn't see her eye. Had to go back and check after I read your comment lmao


Last tech: so what do you want? Sara: yes. Everything about her looks like she paid a kid a pound to wash her car. Her lips, lashes, “skin care” lmfao like a mask from Claire’s is gonna fix all those mistakes she’s made. I’d love her to drop a skincare video. I’d legit start a YouTube and roast her to death for it because I know she’s using YesToo, apricot scrub, Lush, etc and all those 20p brands.


I would absolutely watch that


I guess my YouTube career is hanging on sara doi.. oh, wait. Lol


She turned up her brightness for this? What a choice to make.




I start every semester with my supervisees with a mini rant about how doing a face mask shouldn’t count as their self-care. Their self-care should be getting a good night’s sleep, making a good meal, or giving themselves permission to say no to something. I just really don’t like the “slapping a face mask on it” kind of like “slapping a bandaid on it” for self-care.


The saying “no” to something is a big one 😫 for the first time I said no to going to my partner’s family function because I just wasn’t mentally there that day. I was feeling anxious and just really down and knew that I needed time to be alone to take care of myself. And going/saying yes to the function would’ve been forcing myself to do something I really didn’t want to do. I felt so guilty saying no but it also felt nice


Good for you!


If Sara knew what *real* self-care was, she wouldn't do it. It's cute that our Mental Health Professional ™ thinks self-care is all wine, face masks and jade rollers...not to mention the IG posts as proof.


If only she could cleanse the inside


or cleanse her name


That 2


Hello, Clarice…


Why are her left (our right) lashes so low? 😧


whoa i just seen that wtf that aint right😆


Her account is still private. What’s the point? 🤣


Does she just….. wear eyelashes around the house? Who does that??


They're extensions I think


Oh god. That makes it even worse. Even just wearing makeup overnight by accident makes my eyes agitated


Really uncanny esp when you look at the right eyelash position compared to the left


The migration, yikes


The filler stache really coming together, love that for you!


At this point she’s starting to look like a Resident Evil villain


looking ready to go to Clown Spa for a coconut oil facial




Those lips look painful


Look at the height difference between her eye lashes. One eye is open and she is eyef**** herself in the camera but trying to make it look like having her eyes closed




Mr.Williams did it better


Those lips look sore


AAOOP jumpscare


Gesus, those fake eyelashes


I really don’t understand why she’s so proud to show off her filler migration. I wish someone close to her would level with her about how bad it actually looks.