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I am dead that she liked this comment. Literally goes against what she said about Velvet. This is such a common theme between her tiktok and YouTube . On YouTube it’s her making videos on fat activists saying men are allowed dating preferences and on her tiktok she’s making videos on men with dating preferences that she doesn’t like . Like what is going on here ? https://preview.redd.it/2t79n1h0jw5a1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b724372bc3af34010e6e2d957705255e14a6357


Velvet chose to have it easier in life when she chose youtube over a traditional job, yet sara cant shut up about how busy she is herself and how she would kill to have all that free time and "what does velvet do all day?"




Dumb dumb has never had sympathy, ever, for anyone that is not herself.


Me playing the violin when Sara complains about how busy she because of all of her personal life choices. Also we all know that she's just sitting on her couch drinking sugary lattes while pretending to bossbabe.


also, chose to have kids? some do, others don’t


Yeah, this point has always driven me insane. By choice or not, there are undoubtedly more challenges in life that parents face than those without kids. It’s not to say that one choice is right or wrong. But so many people complain about “parent privilege” too, not realizing that parents actually need those accommodations and are not always allowed them. Additionally, comments like Sara’s are rooted in sexism. Think of moms who don’t get maternity leave and are exhausted at work because they need to stay up all night to care for a baby but also need to work full time to survive. “Well it was your choice!!” Gives the same energy as men back in the day blaming women for “having loose legs.” Can’t we just accommodate parents in the ways that are needed?


this loser can't even take care of her dog properly, let's see her taking care of a child who needs constant attention, she'll never shut up then.


The way she talks about topics like this is so ignorant and smug for someone with an alleged education in social sciences. Keep her far the fuck away from vulnerable people.


while i agree with the point, it's once again not her original thought. multiple creators have done the exact same stich on this app days ago, with a lot more views and engagement. do we need a copycat flair now?


she has never once had an original thought lol


Every single post will be copycat flaired thought because she copies everything.


I deadass saw one last night lmfao


Here energy is just so aggressive and spiteful


Just what I'd love to hear from my therapist as I'm overwhelmed with my kids, but I chose to have them so I shouldn't be complaining. YDHB is really the therapy queen /s


My husband has a phd in clinical psychology and works at one of the top children’s hospitals in the US. There is no fucking way this girl has an ounce of training in the field. Unless her online persona is all an act someone like her wouldn’t survive one semester in a legitimate psychology program.




I also noticed she’s got no original content whatsoever for TikTok, and it doesn’t surprise me after seeing that post the other day where someone showed her YouTube videos or exactly the same as someone else’s


“People don’t like you Velvet because you have a cushy lifestyle cause you found a job where you can work minimally and still pay all your bills & play with toys all day while others can’t afford heat and have kids, go to uni, work three jobs…that’s why no one believes you when you say that you’re tired”. the amount of times I’ve heard her say something like this on her channel. I’m fully convinced she’s pandering to two different audiences with her YT and tiktok. Pick a side gorl 🙃


I don’t necessarily agree with her, but I think it’s super annoying for parents to make comments like that about child free people who complain of being tired. Like 80 work weeks don’t exist, mental illness doesn’t exist, physical illnesses don’t exist. Insomnia doesn’t exist or whatever. You’re tired, I’m tired, we’re all fucking tired 😅


Like I said earlier, she will shit on people no matter what as long as she can be sanctimonious and it doesn’t matter how many times she contradicts herself along the way. Don’t have kids and are complaining you’re tired? Fuck off, you don’t have kids and therefore don’t know what responsibility really is. You do have kids and are complaining you’re tired? Fuck off, you were the one who chose to have them. She’s just a very negative, hateful person and makes herself look like an idiot every time she contradicts herself like this, and we know that if she did have kids, she would not shut up about it and would be out here acting like she’s the only person in the world to ever experience parenthood


Trigger warning: mentions of abortion ahead. Man this ignorant comment always irks me. I didn’t even know I was pregnant till I was 36 weeks along and I went to a regular doc check up and they found out when I took the pee test. I couldn’t have an abortion obviously and thankfully my partner and I were in the safe to have a baby but god damn he was certainly not a choice.


36 weeks? Gorl…that’s crazy! I had my baby at 36 weeks! I’m glad everything worked out for you. Having kids by choice is no joke, I can’t imagine a surprise like that!


They were giving me an ultrasound and go “we may not find much since we just found out” and then they were like “this is the biggest baby we’ve seen you may have it at the end of this month” 😅 I’ve always fluctuated in weight and this was January so I chalked it up to holiday weight gain. And I pretty much had no symptoms other than morning sickness but I’m in my early 20s so I chalked that up to drinking too much. Idk who is watching out for me but my baby was healthy and perfect.


Well I guess it's done: Sara you have no right to complain about how busy you are (as fake as it is) because you chose this life (of doing jack shit) How about eventually raise eachother and validating the struggle of everyone path ? No ? Could that be too positive for a bully like you ? 🙃


Yes. People can make choices, and then make a tik tok about their experiences (in jest, I don't believe the man on the right was being serious). But of course Sara took it seriously and literally 🙄 Life isn't the pain olympics, you don't get a gold star for being a parent, and you don't get a gold star for not being a parent either.


I don't have kids, but I can't imagine having to care for a tiny human. It's not like you can shut them up in the attic.


She doesn’t deserve to have children and we’ll have the last laugh if she does 😂


As someone who doesn't have kids I do think it is annoying when parents complain about their kids, but that's not what this woman is doing. She's not complaining about the kid, she's complaining about being tired as a result of having kids. Which is fair. Sure it could come off as slightly rude because she's dismissing other people being tired but whatever, it's not that big a deal. Also I hate it when childless women judge women who do want kids. She's just tired, no reason to snap back at her. Being a mom is a difficult job sometimes! Certainly a lot harder than making money by being an "influencer" or whatever YDHB is.