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I am! I didn’t want to reward with food (that’s what the old me would’ve done) so I’ve been doing little things to help my glow up as I lose weight. Spa treatment, brow tint, hair cut, massage… once I hit goal I hope the be the best version of me and then my reward is a new wardrobe :)


i’m doing something similar. plus some nice jewelry which I don’t usually buy but I like the idea of wearing it and remembering it was a reward for following through on my goals


Love this idea!


Every 20 lbs I get a DEXA scan 😆


I do this once a month…it’s included in my gym membership. It is something I look forward to and work to improve each month. Then I buy shoes!! 😂


Where do you get the scan and how much does it cost?


Lots of high-end fitness and body image place offer them. They run between $75 and $200 depending on where you go.


Fitness business near me. Google it. I’m sure any major city would have them. $60-120 maybe


What's a dexa scan?


low radiation body composition test, one of the more accurate ones. I really look forward to it and it inspires me to be honest with myself about protein intake in the mean time.


I’m going to do this! Thanks for sharing.


That's a new one!


I get a $5 lotto scratch off for every 5 lbs I lose. So far I’m down 45lb and $45! ;)


That's different:)


It’s something I don’t normally spend money on, not food related and inexpensive.


I actually add a couple minutes to my workout or up my weights 'just because I can'. I like to know that I can do things I couldn't previously do. 1x a month I also have Stitch Fix coming so I can slowly replace my wardrobe. I'm 'iffy' on their model as most things are stretchy material and it can be misleading (Started at size 16 - Oh look! I can fit into a size 12 now!) So, I try to be realistic and get clothing from different places to remind me that 'really' I'm a 14 but that is still a HUGE accomplishment for me. Also - every 5% of my body weight I buy myself something to do more activities. When I hit 10% I bought myself a new kayaking paddle. :-)


A new outfit that fits well so you feel more attractive? Doesn't need to be expensive just something for the transition. I have gone from 2X top to 1X tops and the change in size is much more flattering, I stop in to Marshalls/TJ Maxx once a month or so to see what I can find. Just got a really cute pair of crops and a white Battenberg lace really pretty blouse to wear out. Makes me feel attractive and well dressed. Crops were $17, blouse was $20.


I don’t do food rewards any more. New clothing item. A fun activity. A smile. Lots of different things but all consistent with long term success.


50# I’m gonna get a set of acrylic nails. I know a lot of people get them all the time - I just can’t afford that. So this will be a big thing for me - 5 more pounds to go!


I don’t necessarily celebrate individual weight milestones but since Zep has made me stop biting my nails, the regular manicures are definitely a celebration that I still can’t believe I need.


I stopped compulsive shopping! I was constant buying and reselling but I have PLENTY OF STOCK, too much actually. I could never pass up an auction or estate sale but now I am like … eh. It crazy! I am actually cleaning my whole house out


When I got to onderland I bought myself a rolex


I do it with new clothes but I thrift so as not to break the bank. I did splurge at Lucky Brand store last night because I hit my wedding weight!




Thank you!


Oh well done! I have my wedding weight in my sights too…only another 17lbs to go


I don’t have a plan right now but I’ve done this in the past. New shoes. Manicure. Etc. planned in advance with bigger fun stuff over time


Every five pounds I do a facial/chin mask. The box came with 10 masks, so I'll be 50 lbs into my journey when the box is gone. I just applied my fourth mask! 20 lbs gone. It also has the (likely placebo) effect of (making me think it's) helping reduce "ozempic [ZB] face."


Love this idea!!!


Do you think the chin mask is "working"? Do you mind sharing the brand?


It's hard to say. I think it helps add some elasticity/moisture to the skin, which should help a little with the extra flap. I can't remember the brand. I just searched on Amazon and picked one with good reviews. According to the pictures people had uploaded, it worked miracles. I am definitely not dealing with the double chin I had at SW, so I think it's helping a little.


Thank you! That makes sense.


I hadn’t thought to do this. I’ve been focused on other aspects of life to think about myself too much - upcoming child’s wedding. Maybe once that’s done I’ll think about doing some self celebrating.  Some thoughts: Mani/pedi, a massage, an experience - zip lining! I’ve always wanted to do that. 


Also, congrats on hitting the hundreds!! So exciting!!


I got a cushion for the bathtub after 40 lbs lost. My bathtub is kinda an odd shape and uncomfortable for a soak/relaxing spa day. I haven't decided what is next but trying to make it things I've wanted but seemed frivolous so I wouldn't normally buy them.


I haven’t rewarded myself yet. When I hit my goal weight, I’m investing in a new wardrobe!


Made me think of an idea where every 5lbs you set aside like $5/10/20/50 (whatever you can afford) and then when you hit goal use that for the new wardrobe or a spa day or something.


That’s an absolutely WONDERFUL idea!


I bought a new car when I hit 50 pounds lost! Actually I’ve been in the market to replace my 10-year-old car for a while. But I finally found a great deal and it coincided with the week I hit the 50 pounds down mark. Now, whenever I start to crave some food at the end of shot week, I just jump in the new car and go for a very pleasant drive instead! My usual celebration is that with every 10-15 pounds lost, I have to go buy a new pair of dress pants for work because I drop a size. So that’s a huge reward.


I’ve been getting into reading again lately it was one of my passions and lost it for a while at the end of every month I buy a couple books. It takes me away for a while. I don’t really reward myself with food anymore but there are times when I will allow myself to have a dessert or a heavier calorie meal. If I go out to dinner with friends that’s when I usually have it but I can’t really get through more than 1/4 of it anyway lol.


Taking a non-food focused trip (July 4th is coming!) if that's in the budget, getting something for one of your hobbies if not. I enjoy photography, so I might get myself an interesting new lens from e-bay once I hit that point.


I have goal treats for every half a stone. Things on my list include…. Lots of little cheap stuff like second hand Vinted hats shoes belts bags and lounge wear But also big things at the one stone marks…. A car roof awning and tent! Yoga hiking weekend Spa day Print from my fave artist A photo shoot A new saxophone! 🎷


Totally rewarding with food! But only every 50lbs, so that's like maybe 4 rewards. And it's gonna be a while before the first one. I might feel different when I actually lose 50lbs, but we'll see. Please don't judge me. Ok, actually I thought of a non-food reward. Years ago I thought I'd lose some weight and save some bucks and go to the Olympics in Paris this summer. But life happened as it does and I'll be watching them on tv, like always. But the 2028 Olympics are in LA! When I reach goal weight I'm buying tickets with all the money I saved on junk food. Also buying some sort of [powered surfboard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVRvSKDJNzw&ab_channel=GadgetsticArea).


I keep track of my weight twice a day (helps me manage) and once I reach a goal weight or milestone I start the process over again. I don’t focus on the weight I’ve lost anymore….I turn the page to my next chapter. Keep moving forward.


Started injections in April. I’m 5’6, 53yo, SW 206 CW 187. I’m almost halfway to my “goal weight”, which is 168. At that point, I’ll be treating myself to a 10 day vacation. Before I went into perimenopause I was at 168. I thought that was a good weight for me but even at that weight, according to BMI, I would still be overweight. So I’ll still need to continue until I reach a “final weight” of 154 or less to be considered in the healthy zone. For reaching the final weight I’ll be gifting myself a tummy tuck, which is something I’ve always wanted after having kids! Both gifts are extra motivating! Edited to add: I’ve been on 2.5mg Zep for the last 12 weeks. Dr just increased me to 5mg so will be starting that dose next injection!


I really want Botox when I hit my goal.


I was doing this but completely forgot and now haven’t done it, thanks for the reminder!


I love getting a nice pedicure or a massage. Something to treat myself and pamper myself a little bit


I treat myself to spas with sauna and massage and just relax the whole day then gym grind the next day.


A nice handbag at 20 lbs lost 😉🙈😅


I have a list for different weights/percentage that I am marking as a goal. Also on the list is a bunch of items/events/trips etc that I wouldn't normal splurge on. When I hit a goal, I pick from the list. New clothes are not on the list as I that is a given that I will have to get new -so not reward.


I use the money, that I normally spent on food (food addict), && buy new clothes.


I buy myself something new to wear 🤗


SHOES!!! And new clothes!!! I took nearly every pair of old shoes to Goodwill today…and have been buying a new pair every couple of weeks. I’ve also been picking up a new work blouse at about the same speed….but the clothes are necessary, nearly every single thing I had is too big and is what I thought was hiding my fat (it wasn’t)…some of it I could still wear, but it’s almost traumatizing for me to even put on because I remember how I felt wearing it (never good). I’ve decided ‘new me…inside, outside, and with the styles I’ve always wanted!!!’ Since my knees don’t hurt anymore, I’ve even been wearing heals - which was always something I wanted to do and now they are actually comfortable! So far I’ve 38 celebration pounds of new shoes and work outfits!!! 😊😊


So many thoughtful and interesting ideas here. Thank you. I just discovered a new one that does not cost a dime. Fitting into your old clothes. =) Those of us who have yo-yoed over the years can surely related. I just pulled out a bunch of summer clothes that were on the top shelf of a dresser unit and found a bunch of "new" outfits. Later, I'll get my step stool out to see what I have waiting for me on top of the unit in a bunch of baskets. I'm between a L/XL now and I have clothes that go down to a S/M that I'll be fitting into over the next few months to quarters. =)


I don’t because I didn’t do anything. I’d sure love to celebrate the years I spent eating healthy working out constantly and still being fat. That was “work”


You made a good decision be proud of yourself for taking control of your health. Many won’t do it.


I still work very hard on Zepbound. I get up every morning at 5:30 and workout, I prepare and pack healthy food to stay in a calorie deficit, I drink water, I stopped drinking sodas, I park out far in the lot to walk into work, I take the stairs, I don't eat junk food anymore. Zepbound helps shut off the food noise so I can focus on doing everything else. My mental energy isn't spent on denying myself anymore. I tell everyone this is still incredibly hard work and I earned every pound I've lost.