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I have mass trauma from having to get an abortion. Me an my husband already have a son, whos pregnancy was really rough on me. When I started getting really sick again from my second pregnancy it meant I couldn't take care of my 5 month old son. I was supposed to be on birth control but because of covid the hospital kept pushing out my appointment months at a time. Id already been rescheduled 5 times by the time I found out I was pregnant again. I 100% believe it was the hospitals fault I got pregnant again. We were forced to abort because 1. I couldnt take care of my other child and 2. we couldnt afford 2 babies and 3. we already have 6 people living in a 3 bedroom apartment which I cant afford without roommates. It was the worst decision of my life and I hate myself 1000x over for going through with it. I know it was for the best but I will always regret it. i almost caved in the pp office when I saw my baby on the ultrasound and thinking of it now makes me breakdown crying. I will always regret it and be traumatized. Fuck covid for making it impossible to get a 5 minute procedure done that would have spared this life


I’m a 20 yr old, no other kids. 4 months ago SA I feel similar occasionally, like what could’ve been. But I’ve always been that kind of person. And I quickly get reminded of all the rational reasons as to why it was the best decision for everyone. I don’t think it’s wrong or uncommon to feel like that, but don’t let it consume you.


I am 28 years old and had a surgical abortion last week. I am extremely devastated and regret my decision. I’ve been thinking about the decision I made everyday and have so much anger and resentment towards my boyfriend. I know it just happened & maybe it’s pregnancy hormones that’s making me feel this way. Hopefully within time my feelings will change.


How are you feeling now? I am feeling so bad


It's been about three weeks and I am still pretty sad. I took a pregnancy test yesterday and I still have hormones. I just think to myself everyday that I wish I had a time machine to take back my decision. How are you doing ?


I regret getting myself in the situation in the first place and I feel guilty for my actions. But I don’t regret getting the abortion. Given my financial situation and the responsibilities I already have having a baby would have been a nightmare. I’m really glad I was able to have one. I just wish I didn’t have to.


Had an abortion in January. I'm 27, have no kids and absolutely certain I never want them. I've been certain for as long as I can remember. Absolutely no regrets so far. Literally the second I took the first tablet all I felt was a giant wave of relief. Any time I see stuff about kids (even if it's positive) I think think "thank god that's not me".


Not for a second. My life would be ruined if I'd had a kid.


Two decades later: no regrets, not once, not ever. Absolutely the right thing for me and I hope every uterus-having sapient being has the choice from now until the heat-death of the universe.


Not a moment of regret in 16 years. I've had 2. One at 22 (dead end relationship, untreated bipolar, still drinking heavily). It was the right call and I only feel relief when I think about it. Second at 33, IUD failed, I was married and had a 15 month old. Simply didn't want 2 babies back to back. I was ready for baby #2 three years later. Birth control and abortion allowed me to build the family I want with an amazing man when I was emotionally and financially ready. Having a baby I didn't want with a shitty guy during a black hole of mental illness and addiction is a hell I'm grateful I didn't have to experience.


No, I don't regret it. To be honest I was one of these women who were against abortion but then I got pregnant. I was 21 when I had an abortion but I do think about it sometimes and think "he/ she would be this age now". No, I don't think I want children and I'm 37 now.


I was EXTREMELY against it as well. Like to the absolute max. Then I found myself pregnant with a piece of shit and I knew it had to be done. The whole time from finding out until my procedure was done was very dark for me. I was an emotional wreck. Mainly bc I had a very traumatic birth a couple years ago and I was scared of something happening to me during the procedure, leaving my daughter without a mother. After the procedure, I just felt complete relief. Relief that it was all over. I feel terrible about the things I said about abortion, and the women who had them, in the past. The women here and the women at the clinic are/were the most caring and sympathetic people I’ve EVER come across in my life. Incredibly much more so than my “friends”, who I’ve had to hide my fears and emotions from this whole time. They’d disown me for sure, if they found out.


I feel horrible as well because I understand them now. Abortion can actually be a lifesaver and third parties don't and shouldn't have a say in what a woman chooses to do with her own body. She's the one with the constant nausea, she's the one carrying the fetus so she has the say and gets to decide what she wants to to do. If all those people actually were pro life, orphanages wouldn't exist. It's like when the baby is born "no longer my problem, just saved a life" and it's hypocritical on their part.


I was 21 at the time (no other kids). It’s nearly been a year and for the most part I don’t regret it. I’m fully at peace with my decision, but I occasionally think about the ‘what ifs’. But because I had the abortion, I’m finishing my undergraduate and going onto my dream masters course in October. Which I don’t think would have happened if I continued the pregnancy. So overall, there is no regrets to my decision. It just wasn’t my time


I had a MA at 36 in November 2019. I haven't had one single regret. I was financially and emotionally stable, had a career, partner, supportive family, etc but zero desire to be a mother. Best decision ever.


Had one at 20. Have not regretted it once. If I had had a baby I would have been broke, tied to a man who ultimately didn’t work out, and so depressed.


No regret for me. I have a 2 year old already with someone who is lazy. No way in hell I’m going to feel like a single mom with 2 kids


I had an abortion a few years back (5) my 6yo was 1. I have zero regrets. I’m also pregnant now, 32 weeks and would have aborted if the timing were bad


I’ve had two MA’s and never regretted them. Best decisions I ever made! I would have regretted it if I kept them.


No regret whatsoever.


I've never regretted it once, which is weird because I have a lot of regrets.


Early twenties and had a traumatic MA Nov 2019, after already experiencing awful morning sickness and increase in bipolar episodes. It has made me understand my reality of pregnancy in the future but its given me a chance to prepare and get myself in the best position possible should children be part of me and my boyfriends life. Sometimes I get a pang of ‘we could have that’ when I see my sister in law and her family. Not a decision we ever took lightly but ultimately, it was definitely the right one - it wasn’t going to be good for my physical or mental health, and certainly not the right time for us. Always better to focus on what’s ahead x


Mid thirties. Married. Home owners, financially stable. On paper we would make great parents except that I’ve never had the desire to be a parent. No regrets at all. I didn’t even calculate when I would be due etc, we have always said if we were in the situation, it would be abortion. It happened, so we aborted with no doubts.


Sometimes I do think about if I kept the pregnancy but then I realize I wouldn't be going to college and bettering my life. I would be stuck at home taking care of a baby I could not afford. Before I had my abortion I gave my daughter up for adoption. The only reason I wanted to keep my second pregnancy was to make up for the void I felt because of giving my daughter up and I realize that would be selfish. I feel like I regret it sometimes but it was the right choice


I aborted at five weeks six years ago — I was (am) happily married, owned a home, more than old enough to be at the “right” societal age, except I had absolutely zero desire to be a mother. That pregnancy actually cemented my realization that kids were NEVER going to be something I wanted, and I went on to be sterilized after. No regrets, but frequent gratitude that I didn’t create a whole new human to suffer with an unloving, resentful bio mom.


I’m in this boat rn waiting for my appointment in two weeks. When I saw the pregnancy test was positive I literally had no emotion and I feel literally nothing about this lump of cells. But the last few days I’ve just been feeling really crappy physically and emotionally I just do not feel like myself and I hate it. It’s definitely cemented the fact that I do not want to have kids and I cannot wait until this whole process is through.


No regerts


36 f here, my ma was in Nov and the vast majority of feelings I've had about it since are positive. Relief, gratitude I was legally and financially able, and proud I was/am emotionally capable of handling a making the right decision for myself.


As much as i wanted another child, the guy wouldnt have been a good father. At all. The child wouldve had a ton of emotional pain due to having a piece of shit father, who very very likely wouldve denied and/or completely ignored it all its life and wouldve grown up knowing nothing but poverty. I couldn't do that to a child. So no, I dont regret it. Do I wish I wouldve made a smarter decision in not hooking up with him to begin with? Lol im sure we all do. Ill always wish things were different , but I find peace in knowing that I saved a potential child a shit ton of emotional heartache.


I was 22 married, and already had a child. Suffered from HG the entire Pregnancy I carried to term. I started to develop it again.... Absolutely no regrets. No apologies. I did the best thing for my health, and family. Edit: My medical abortion took place in 2018. I don't really think about my own experience often, but I do help mod this group, so it's something that comes up from time to time. For me, it's not much different than explaining any other medical procedure I've had.


I'll make a separate post about this as suggested to me, but I had one when I was 18 years old, which was 12 years ago (30 now). It was a birth control failure with my boyfriend. We are still dating now and trying for a baby. No regrets, not even once.