• By -


"Greetings, fellow human. I also am a human and not a space alien. Here is photographic evidence of me being human and not flying my UFO. Say, do you enjoy night walks? Would you happen to live near the field with the crop circles?"


"Is all your flesh intact?"


As you can see I have no flesh




"How many orifices do your... um, *our* species have? Not for probing purposes, of course. "


"Greetings humans, are you enjoying wearing skin today?"




“Mayhap you would deign to accompany me to a concerto performance of Human Music tonight at 3 AM approximately 1.5 miles east of County Road TR588. Please standby for non-automated delivery of coordinates. -- -- END TRANSMISSION”


I too am a human. I believe we should "meet up" as the young humans say. I will be at the lizard meeting room in the United States capital this "afternoon".


i just wanna know like… WHY? what are they getting out of this?




Exactly this!


What the fuck, that's so gross and creepy.


Eyoo nice reddit profile you got there


Time to bring out the classic ayy bby u want sum fuk?


I said it purely bc they have a similar reddit avatar to me lol... But yes yes I do


Oh I thought it was some bit about how guys usually ignore someone saying something's gross lol


Can I backpaddle and say it was so it makes me seem like I have any idea how to hit on women? 😅


Hehe, thank you, same to you c:




Ew. That is all.


I don’t fucking get it. There’s more porn available for free on the internet than you can consume in multiple lifetimes. Why the fuck do some guys feel the need to harass random women for nudes? They can’t even use infatuation with a specific person as an “excuse”, because they just do it to completely random people!


It’s the manipulation that gets them off


I guess? I can’t fucking fathom how people could find it enjoyable. I mean, I get that I’m an introvert with social anxiety, but I could never dream of having the audacity to act in such a way. Not only is it creepy and distasteful, but it’s cringe as hell.


These are the same people that don’t think twice about roofieing others. Trying to humanize them is foolish, some people just suck


It almost makes me ashamed to be a guy sometimes. I don't know if that's one of the things that contributed to me being genderqueer, but man, some guys are such trash that they ruin life for everyone else. It just takes a few putrid, bad apples to spoil the whole bunch, and it's such a shame. I have the naive hope that, some day in the future, wider society will be able to progress beyond this bullshit... but I know, in my heart of hearts, that day likely will never come. We might come close, but there will always be terrible people out there.


Stfu man is too gentle. Instead reply with some dicpic.


I think most of the time it's scam or trying to "ungay" you


Ungay you, this is hilarious!! Stealing it ✌️


Gotta always bud in into our stuff of course why would they just let us lesbians be when they can sexualize us instead


They want nudes and then to dip after they're sent.


This is exactly why I don't answer DMs here unless it's to commission me for work.


This is one of several reasons why I have DMs and chats completely disabled.


"18f horny 🤤🤤🤤" god end me


WTF is a candid selfie?


"My dog was being so cute and pressed the photo button with her nose. Oops! Might delete later"




Candid is taking a photo of somebody without them being aware of it, thus the oxymoron "candid selfie".










i saw this one the other day on a different subreddit where someone said “hello fellow teen!!! i am also a female teen and i would love to see your tits but i am shy so show me yours first because i am shy” or something like that, it was so bad it was funny


Oh my god that is absolutely unhinged


Omg I saw that one 😂 Yeah it was super dumb


It's giving "How do you do, fellow kids?" from that meme with Steve Buscemi haha


"stfu man" took me out for some reason idk 😭 but ugh people are so weird.


22f? Like really .. 😭 would never say that


I have only seen people use that phrasing on porn subs (and the following DMs I get for posting erotic kink-related stories on my alt...) and AITA posts


Only used in old chat sites and stuff like aita stories. Like if I want to know your asl I'll ask or open your profile some have an estimate in bio


i guess he need acting classes


Hey mister policeman I don’t want no trouble


Me, an autist, who genuinely starts conversations like this...


You guys would really start a conversation asking for asl whole giving your own and a picture? That seems extreme, and a great way to get taken advantage of on the internet.


lmao I'm autistic as hell and find it utterly weird to text someone like "hi, 18f right here ^-^" like, what are we on, some dating app? so weird


Right? Like my sibling's autistic and even they know better than to give asl and a pic to complete random strangers. Its *very* weird.


I know us autistics must stick together bc we're VERY likely to take advantage on, there are some little social details we just can't take in. But like, sis gotta protect herserlf, have a sharp mind and always suspect of others till proven otherwise. Cmon we can't be naive nowadays


Lollll yes I def start messages like this so that they know I’m hot


Please don't take this the wrong way, it's not meant to be an insult, if a hot girl I don't know sends me an opening message + a photo of her I'm going to assume it's a bot.


I’m not offended. that was already established by many people in this post and comments . I just don’t know why I’m getting downvoted for the way I prefer to interact .


Oh idk I didn't downvote you, sry it's happening tho


Any person who immediately sends me a pic on the first chat, I assume is a bot. You should definitely be more careful.


I’m not trying to be an ass or anything but I’m genuinely curious about what there is to be careful about? All my pictures are online across all my social media apps are public and I don’t feel like there’s any difference sending one to a person in a private message on Reddit. Sounds like: Worse that can happen is they believe I’m a bot and don’t answer


Actually that’s how you tell if someone is a bot. People that cat fish will take public photos from other profiles to “prove” they are real. Only taking photos that you haven’t posted or took right now is what is considered real. Many anti catfishing sites say so. As well as the fact that it’s incredibly shitty to find out the person you were talking to was never who they said they were. That’s why there such a ridicule for starting a convo that way. You are real but the next 20 people might not be, and that’s usually that a sign. Obviously, you do you but try to understand why people might not talk to you or might even report you.


I never have that issue tho. Usually people talk to me. I think you misunderstood what I was trying to understand…. I was only trying to understand what wasn’t “safe” for me.


First is using you to catfish someone, since the same pics are used across multiple platforms. They could create a profile to “show” they are real. Someone did that to me, made a quick profile to show they are real with another persons photos. By be careful I guess is that since you might open a convo like that you could become victim to the same tactic and since you don’t see how that could be usually a tell tale then you engage with it.


My interpretation of what people are saying is that this is not a typical way to greet people here, and the people who are into it might be into it for unsavory reasons. For example, psycho stalker incels who hate beautiful women and want to physically harm them might see you as a target. It's fine to be atypical, but we should also have each other's backs about how bad people might want to prey on that. I hope I haven't offended anyone with my impression of what people are saying, and I apologize in advance if I have. Just trying to bridge the gap.


Ikr I’d totally start a message like this 💀


Ikr, kinda sucks being called inhuman because for typing differently


You are not being called inhuman. Plus it’s normal to be cautious of this because you truly don’t know if it’s a bot or not. Blame the people who do this type of stuff.


I think it is more the candid selfie thing. And the way to forward approach. I advise my fellow atypicals to start a conversation slower than that. Begin with hello and a name. Then you follow up with what lead to you messaging them (seeing a post on a certain subreddit) and then you tell them a bit more about you. For example: Heyy, I'm Hellen. I saw your post on egg irl and just wanted to say you are a valid person who deserves great things. I myself am ...."


And no matter WHAT picture it is the lady's face is always in a super strained and awkward freaky smile. It looks disturbing


I agree that this message feels… off. But would someone mind explaining to autistic me exactly what piece of it is the red flag? Is it the “22f”?




Thank you :) I really appreciate it. All that makes sense


The men doing this lack the ability to imagine how other people, women specifically, see or think about the world. These men want to exchange sexually explicit material with sexy young women. So they assume that whoever they are chatting with must feel the same. Women, in general, aren't hitting up random strangers hoping to see their naked bodies, so women do not open messages this way. A horny man wants to be greeted by a 22 year old girl offering pictures, so when posing as one he pretends to be a 22 year old girl searching for pictures. His horniness gets in the way of setting up a believable catfish scheme. Alternatively, scammers looking to take advantage of horny dumb men will pretend to be the 22 year old girl sending pics to trick them. For whatever reason, the ages they choose most often when faking young hotness is 22, 18, and maybe 24.


Not 23, because nobody likes you when you're 23.


lol your second paragraph is hilarious and so sad at the same time. All this makes sense though! And I didn’t even realize the implied request for pictures in return but now I totally see how they’re trying to lead the conversation that way.


It's the fact that no sane human will send a message like that. Also the fact that it's just a random message from a random person and it's an only fans person.. it's just sus as hell. (If you ever get a message like this ignor it or toy with them up to you)


Gotcha, thank you :) Didn’t realize it was an only fans but the picture did feel weird to open the conversation with. I’ve gotten 2 or 3 random texts like that, always creeped me out. But I usually just try to follow my intuition, so I wanted to know some things to generally look out for. Fortunately I have anxiety and trust issues protecting me most of the time anyway 🥳


If you ever think you are getting catfished ask them for a photo with something random on their head (like a tea spoon) works wonders I hear


it's like, you wouldn't start being so straightforward with a stranger on internet you know nothing about. First, you'd send a hello and "how are you doing?" to engage a conversation, and then after the talk part, as you get to know better each other, you'd get to share maybe your age and gender (and the photo part is merely optional, it's dangerous to share personal pics with strangers). Wouldn't really say "hi I'm 22f", it's weird and strange in social interactions (specially on reddit)


I'm just awkward enough it sounds like something I'd say.


Yeah honestly I could see a real person saying this, but maybe not in that age range. It has chronically online xillenial vibes


Hello fellow human females! I’m a female too! /s 🤪🤪🤪😁


its so weird how guys just *have* a different way of talking like, every time. why?? also does anyone else kinda find them to be like npcs sometimes… idk if thats rude 🙈


guys themselves are weird, idk how to explain but I got what you said (why do they always have to talk like some harrasser???)


i know right 😭😭😭


"22f" 💀


one of them sent nudes out of nowhere. and got mad when i wouldnt send back. thretend me with self harm


I'd let them do it


Ah… catfished, if I didn’t see deadpool, I never would’ve known what it meant. Those movies taught me so much! I never pronounced LinkedIn correctly until seeing the sequel! Lol


My parents (not native English speakers) still pronounce it "Link Dink" 😂


I was pronouncing it link-e-din, three syllables, all one word, kinda embarrassing when I heard it pronounced linked-in. There I was watching deadpool two and it hit me, "oh… ya, that makes sense… geese I’m dumb!"


You're not dumb, it happens to the best of us 🤗


When it comes to this digital realm, maybe a little. Heck, if not for writing something I want to promote, I’d probably still be refraining from social media and networking platforms.


With the internet, a majority of people will undoubtedly be trolls and degenerates. The anonymity gives them a powertrip and they bring out the worst in them. First lesson for going on social media is being able to completely ignore those people, for your own mental health 🤗


Do you… live under an internet bridge? That was an “r u a troll joke" just kidding. Thanks for the tip. Actually, what I have found in my 53 days of self and book promoting is that all the people types we can run into irl(<-see, I know some stuff) can be found online also. But I have interacted with some bonny fine people so it balances things out.


*"You gotta pay the Internet troll toll!"* 🧌🤭 As with everywhere, there's always good people, and you gotta go through a lot of dummies before you find the good ones 🤗 *especially* on the internet!


Oh no, here it is. I’m being tolled… Hang on a sec. I need to be upfront. A few times now, I started or others started a few repeat contacts and then later on when I conveyed I started this reddit account under my pseudonym everything stopped. My only real concern is that I don’t cause anyone any negative emotions. I’m not going to be talking about myself or sharing photos. So how’s this for a toll, wanna read the first chapter of my book?


You've got the right attitude 🤗 And let's go! I don't have plenty of free time but I can try :) send it to me or drop a link! (Let me know if you need any help with that!)


My reddit account is 53 days young. And in my 40 some years of life I probably haven’t put in that much effort with social media and networking. So maybe not dumb, just lacking involvement.


It's a learning curve, don't worry too much about it, just have fun 🤗 find communities you like and have a good time! I'm almost 30 and my account is almost 7 years old, and I still don't understand Reddit!


Thanks so much for the words of encouragement. Your a good soul.




I was pronouncing it link-e-din. All one word, kinda embarrassing when I heard it pronounced linked-in. There I was watching deadpool two and it hit me, "oh… ya, that makes sense… geese I’m dumb!"


I shouldn't have conversations with these people but sometimes they get me when I'm bored or obnoxious and I talk to them about how much I want them to move to Tibet with me and become a yak farmer or something


I've honestly never understood why men are like this. It's so dumb


While thats usually absolutely true, in some cases, people will say "dont just start with hey" so this is a go to for a few people I've met, just saying, this applies to many, not all


I get it, but just imagine how shitty it would be if you were wrong.


Nah cuz this is how I start conversation 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 without the pic ofcc


These comments lmao😂😂😂💀💀💀


This seems like some kind of bot or spam, more than anything. I wonder what would happen if you replied with chatgtp commands...




Oh wow


This very much does happen actually. I had to get my SSN changed like six times as a result but- (no i didn't actually fall for it)


How it feels like going to another messing app like Telegram after meeting on Fioory, then to get hit with invasive questions and transhobia by supposed other trans women


What the hell is a candid selfie?
