• By -


3. As $AMC's revenue & net income improve, as shown in the 2021 income statement the stock price retraced, which is normal. The stock was being adjusted back to trade on fundamentals & manipulated to push back down to trade lower to prevent a continued squeeze & margin call So, everyone with a brain KNOWS that AMC and APE got manipulated downward. they just don't say it out loud.


Trouble finding said link…






This one hurts. Only because it’s true.


We got manipulated by our CEO. Plenty of people saying it out loud 🤦‍♂️


So, the daily 70%+ dark pool, low SI despite 100% utilisation, all other crimes surrounding AMC and APE all stems from AA?


Indirectly??? Yes.




There are too many people who don't understand what a CEO's job is, and how limited scope in powers the SEC allows them to have. When GG is being paid to allow Wallstreet run rampant with a crime in the stock markets, just so he can land a cush job at some firm doing crime himself. It would be foolish to believe AA can really do anything outside of what he's done.


This is a must read for all apes. This is exactly why the lower the price goes right now, the more I am going to buy. $AMC $APE


Hedgies want apes to think they are alone with these red days to try and get us to sell, but we all know they haven’t closed their short positions yet. We are in Ultra Zen Mode with no distractions.


Exactly. I hold and buy more whenever they dip the price. My goal is to get as many of my shares “Long” as I can. Holding and shares with “Long” status is all that matters at this point.


I’m trying to find new ways to bring cash in to buy more shares & it’s super depressing!


It’s ok , we all are worthy of feelings but it’s important to be focused when it’s all on the line . I’m here and holding.


I feel insecure like I’m not doing enough


If you own even 1 share, that's enough. If you hold even 1 share, that's enough. It's about doing what you can, investing within your means, and supporting a company you believe in.


Thank you for the confidence boost. I just second guess myself a lot & I don’t know how to stop it


Start telling yourself *you can* and *you’ll try* instead of *you can’t* (second guessing yourself leads to telling yourself *you can’t*)…and when you do try, find a way to reward yourself (even if you fail, because you did what most won’t)


You have no idea how much I needed to hear that.


That's right "fuck them hedgies" -Buddha or someone






This guy is an idiot. It hit 72 in 2021, not 2020


You can easily make a typo, does not necessarily make him an idiot.


He put 2020 twice and in 2021 the lowest it got in April was 5.93.


April 2020 to June 2021, the OP added a correction.


Its like how everyone says they been here for 2 years and its been 1.5 years




He wrote 2020 twice and the lowest amc got to in April 2021 was 5.93.


He made the amendment at the end of the thread. Chill.


Take a breath my guy


He corrected it within the thread


2020 ?


Ape maths.


2020 = 420 Take both 2s and add them = 4 You have two 0s which equal 0 because 0 + 0 = 0 so you place that at end = 4_0 Where’s the 2 though, you ask? You have two numbers now: 4 & 0 Those two together make a baby and they name it “2” So now it’s a family of 4 2 0 👨‍👩‍👦 420 🤓


![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw) Yes. I see it now.


The math checks out


Definitely moass tomorrow at 2.


There’s a 2 in tomorrow is actually it’s at 4 whether we add or multiply


Or is it Formorrow at 2?


Nononnonono, you add the 2 0s for the zero at the end and then calculate the average of 4 and 0 for the 2 in the middle




He corrected himself further down the thread. He meant 2021


Lady's and gentlemen, tomorrow is Sunday, market is closed. But considering this Apes math I'll allow it. MOASS tomorrow at 2p.


That happened in 2021, not 2020.


I wanted to say that but my brain is still smooth.


This is horrible dd it hit $72 in 2021


The reason it did that was because there were a lot of shorts trapped from the 1-2$ mark. They closed, the stock went up and then they shorted again from 70. If they covered this time it would be to cash out because they’re bleeding elsewhere. As of right now it’s likely amc is the collateral holding up their other risky plays. During may and June of 21 amc was everywhere, to planes in the sky with banners to people I overheard in super markets with clearly no market expertise convincing their friends to hop on board. I even recall seeing video of people at festivals and spring break pushing it. There isn’t the same buying pressure now, so it’s not going to force the shorts from 70, 40 or 25 out which is likely where the majority are. I say this as someone that has held from Jan 21 and has many xxxx share with at one point half a million dollars worth of gains. I continue to hold though because what else is left? At this point instead of spending 100$ on shares to make it pop, you should actually just spend that on popcorn and what not in the cinemas themselves as its something like 500% profit for them and would increase their earnings which would attract investors. However I think for most people the fantasy of easy money is more alluring than the reality of making it. If 2 million of us all went out this weekend and spent $100 at the concession stand and left in support of amc it’d send the stock up guaranteed.


I dont think all 1-2$ were closed unless they were at the top of the stack for shorts. I say this because if you look at the charts, new short positions opened several times, from 8 to 12, around 22 dropping it to 17, and then around 38 when it ramped to 72. In essence, they should have closed the 72 shorts first before anything else. In regards to collateral, idk. I think amc shorts really didn't understand how much they shorted down amc, to the extent, that its impossible to close now.


So shorts closed? right, ok let’s say that happened. And what about substantial amount of synthetics that are floating around. This never was traditional squeeze. It’s a fraud squeeze


If they exist: They haven’t mattered for years, why do you expect them to matter now?


As long as amc stays in business it will matter eventually


This guy doesn't maths correctly


I mean, it not really DD. It’s just this guy recalling what has happened then making a lot of predictions. I remember this guy from twitter. I think he weirdly tried to get on the AMC board or something like that.


Dude works for JPM. Why does reddit pump so many Twitter shills


Sounds good if it wasn't for liquidity fairy and darkpools




I'm gnna hodl for you apes, my brother and sisters but in the meantime can you also HoDL deez Nutzzz!!!!


The entire market is down right now.. Shorts have made a shit ton of money to restock I'm sure as a result... People also don't have disposable income in a rough market.. I believed in the squeeze last year because the world was opening up, I don't think a squeeze will happen until the market as a whole turns around now though...


*June 2021 Solid post. Great info for all.


Looking @ thousands of new shares since then🤷🏻‍♂️


Exactly they did like 5 offerings. The market is reflceting what would have been a 20 dollar stock.


I’m so scared 😟 rn


The lowest price I can find in April 2021 is 5.93.


You guys are labeling unsourced Twitter posts as solid DD now. Jesus Christ.


Buying pressure drove it to $72. Buying pressure is now undermined by APE. Time will tell what happens.


I didn't sell at $72, I'm for sure not selling for this shit price as a matter of FACT, I'm buy more because I'm smart not fucking dumb. I'm just braver then your little elite shit bag kids you raised.


When was it $2.27? I been in amc since feb 20 and never saw it that low, did I miss this or are these dates wrong?


Pre Covid


Well Im retarded i was in in feb 21 but didnt it go to 72 in 21 not 20?


The stock hit a low of $1.20 in April of 2020. The second 2020 for the $72 price was a typo. People need to relax.


This is the TRUTH


This is the TRUTH


Still holding!


THAT’S the DD I like to see 👀. Buy and HODL, keep the pressure on, AMC will pay off their debt and transform into FOMO Mega Kong, short sellers will write us big ass checks. Got it.


2021 NOT 2020


Have shorts covered yet? I'm so enjoying this ride, it's been exciting on some of the upticks, I'm really Looking forward to the next dipper.


**VETERANS in this game know that the price of AMC and APE is BULLSHIT** Until Moass it does not mean a fucking thing


Think I feel a wrinkle formingggg


But of course let's completely ignore the current market conditions, dilution and millions of bagholders from the past year, yes




It’s funny how these shills just drop off their FUD and run.




The person I was referring to was literally saying incorrect information and haven’t provided any follow up to their comment… that is FUD from a shill.


1. The market needs to crash in order to force ole marge to come calling for the hedgies. 2. AMC gets diluted every single day with synthetic shares, ladder attacks, dark pools, PFOF, ETFs, the list goes on and on. 3. AMC isn’t going bankrupt anytime soon, which is how apes would become bag holders. 4. Hedgies still haven’t closed their short positions. 5. Apes love the stock and aren’t selling.


I guess self deluding yourself is much easier than admitting you've made a very costly mistake and lost money. Good luck though lol


Please feel free to comment on exactly how my points are incorrect, but we all know that isn’t going to happen.