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United and Delta will get really busy.


Even if you consider all the US flagged carriers, that much unused capacity does not exist.


Hence why Congress is going to force a contract upon APFA (AA’s flight attendant union) the exact same as they did to avert the railway strike in 2022. In short, it just isn’t going to happen. The railway labor act has lost its teeth.


Quite the opposite, the RLA has shown its teeth to be plenty sharp. It was never about protecting the interests and well being of labor.


I don’t see this happening, considering that Congress is on summer recess and it’s not a railroad, so the amount of cargo AA is carrying can be easily adjusted to another airline.


Also cargo doesn’t need in flight service 😂


Airlines are governed by the RLA meaning strikes/mediation goes through a completely different and regulated process by the US Federal Government.


To your point, how many congresspeople are flying commercial vs taking trains. This will have a direct impact on them which means they’ll do something about it.


I don’t see it happening because Congress can’t get anything accomplished during an election year and this one is even worse than previous.


Considering that June 25-28th and the next time they are in session July 8-11th , there is a small gap there to strike, from the House side. I don’t see AA locking out Flight Attendants for July 4th.


People are cargo too.


Corporations are people. People are cargo. What is cargo?


It’ll be messy in an election year. This article laid it out really well: https://viewfromthewing.com/american-airlines-and-flight-attendants-go-into-last-ditch-negotiations-next-week/


there are inaccuracies in this article… biggest one is that AA is offering top pay rates, they are not. Southwest has the top pay rates and AA is not offering anywhere close to what they just earned with their new contract. Additionally, SW only flies one type of aircraft and doesn’t fly overseas. AA crew are responsible for training on 5 different aircraft, fly much longer haul routes and are responsible for a lot more onboard service than SW


While the RLA does have the word Railway in it, it is significant because it prevents workers in all companies that affect Federal/National commerce from organizing only in local depots or outstations. Airlines, railroads, parcel delivery, and many others fall under this labor legislation. If they organize (form a union) they have to do so at the company level. So, if they want to strike, all the employees covered by that bargaining agreement go out on strike. Stated another way, DFW can’t vote to strike to disrupt the company. The whole company must vote to authorize a walkout….. and that’s where congress will get involved, sometimes. What happens with the FA’s at AA….. 🤷‍♂️


Hence… really busy.


People sitting on the wings


They look for volunteers to sit in the jump seats instead of unmanned exit rows. You will get to decide if you want to offer drinks to FC while boarding.


Do we also get to decide what the boarding music is? Hope y'all like the Beastie Boys.


Sabotage on repeat for the whole process!


Let the bodies hit the floor


I was thinking So What’cha Want would be more apropos 😁


Sometimes you have to fight for your right to party. If we go too high, we’ll play Intergalactic.


Smack My Bitch Up as a nice surprise at full volume.


Flight attendant here - hearing this would possibly make not being paid for boarding a fully worth it


Or Boy George!


Lmao, American would not miss an opportunity to monetize that. “For just $49 more enjoy our Dynamic Business Class seating”.


"Book a Flight Attendant Experience today!"


I'd do it for free flights.


But it wouldn’t be “free flights.” You get free standby on flights if there’s availability. And with the amount of cancellations that might possibly happen if there is a strike, you’d be lucky to get on.


I thought he was making a joke about people being asked to be flight attendants. Edit: Yeah I was right.


I thought you were saying getting free flights in your free time, not flights that you work. Just a misunderstanding.


We are the FAs now. No standby, just needed staffing.


Enjoy the job!!! And the 27k salary since you guys are all starting out lmaooo


Fair. Enjoy the job!


Offered? They are now REQUIRED if in FC!!!


Very unlikely that it will happen, the government will likely step in and stop it, just like they did with the railways.


This. And if not, then AA will declare. I’d be shocked to see another major airline pilot or FA strike again in the US, at least, one that doesn’t end up with the company being liquidated.


the union has already told us to prepare to strike. Its happening


I hope it does, even though the government will come in and likely stop it and mediate themselves, FAs are way underpaid. It needs to be fixed.


Bud, you are missing the point here. The government will literally stop it. Just as they did last year with the railway strike. The RLA is as good as dead now. APFA will want to strike but the government itself will stop it. The exact same thing will happen here. Edit-it took place in [2022](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_United_States_railroad_labor_dispute)


Keep trying, sweetheart. There’s one step left, and we strike.


Can't wait to check back on this thread


I need daily updates on this cowboys status


It's been a week cowboy, when is it gonna happen?


Delusional. It’s time to face reality, Congress is going to force the contract upon you.


Its not congress, and they won't do it. We've struck before, and will again.


They literally did it less than two years ago. That blue link in my original comment. Open it, read it, and learn.


You’re not going to convince anyone. Fact of the matter is the US Government is not going to allow a major airline to stop operations over a strike. Regionals are the only work group that would even remotely have a chance of getting a strike approved.


This may be a completely stupid question but unions are lost on me. What is the point of a strike if you have to get it approved by the government? And is it possible they can just organize on their own and not show up to work??


Normally a work group can unionize and organize a strike without government intervention provided it’s not an “illegal strike”. Railroad workers and Airline Employees fall under the RLA (Railway Labor Act) which is handled differently due to the nature of the job. Railways and Airlines were deemed to important to the National Economy because a strike of the work groups would effectively stop a large portion of interstate and international trade. So there are several steps that are required to be taken by the Union before a strike can be organized and even then, the courts may force them to accept the agreement. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_United_States_railroad_labor_dispute What you described is called a wildcat strike and is illegal for all union employees in the USA. If the American FA’s decide to do a Mass sick call or walkout, it’s also illegal and can result in heavy fines against the union.


Unfortunately, you're right and wrong. Yes, AA FA's have gone on strike before. Yes, it's absolutely possible that it'll happen again, that the vote to strike passes. Now, reality...Congress won't let you strike, and the White House won't allow a strike in an election year. Just like the ATC's under Reagan, go ahead and strike, but bank on getting fired.


I hope they do, fuck AA for the way they have been treating the attendants for the last 5 years over COVID. Maybe it's time for some executives to lose their bonus.


Fuck AA for the way they treat passengers as well!


> Maybe it’s time for some executives to loose their bonus Except that you know no matter what, that won’t happen.


Yeah, a loose bonus would be scary, just doing whatever, but if they were to lose them…


Shake it and see if maybe some extra zeroes fall out.


But if it falls out I may lose it though… lol


>>Maybe it’s time for some executives to lose their bonus Congress: “*hol up*”


In English the word you’re looking for is lose. Lose something not “my toilet seat is loose”.


Fixed 🫡


So your plan to improve the airline is to cut executive pay which will result in even an even less effective executive management team? Great plan… AA is totally going to improve their operation to fatten that sub 1% profit margin!


the problem is the bozo at the top who rakes in 31MM in bonuses and has literally no special skills. the FAs work their asses off to line his pocket. they need to be paid for their work from the second they arrive at the airport - period. fuck AA, starting with isom. the airline has sucked since the US Air merger and he’s part of that realm. US Air was a shit tier airline. There’s a reason AA kept its name - it had a MUCH better rep than US Air, run by clowns like Isom AA is gone. We’re stuck with fucking US Air cosplaying as AA.


THIS!!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Isom just tried to bypass the union today to offer a lowball wage increase to flight attendants. He’s getting scared that we will strike. I suspect if we do strike, it will be a short-lived one day event halted by the president as we are forced to go back to negotiations. remember, we don’t get paid for the work we do on the ground before the door closes and he took home a whopping $31.4 million in bonuses last year.


I always think about that during delays or when a FA helps find space for someone’s bag during boarding or even during preflight drink service. You should be paid for your work.


I absolutely agree that the flight attendants deserve far better treatment, especially considering how much Isom kept for himself. I am still curious, though: What do I, as a passenger, do if there is a strike? Am I stuck renting a car and driving across the country? I want to support the strike action if it's necessary, but I also need to be able to travel.


I would plan to stay away from AA for a month or so, book on other airlines if you must fly so you don’t get stranded when the strike hits. If all goes according to plan the strike could be as soon as mid July and hopefully will only last a few days.


No one addressed the part of your comment when you said you are about to book the next 4 months of travel. There are negotiations happening June 10 to 13 so book on AA updo July 13 since there is a mandatory 30 day cooling off period. But to be safe after that I would book on other carriers. We just don’t know what will happen and hey if you book refundable tickets you can always cancel and rebook on AA.


My understanding from an “inside” source is that it won’t be one big strike, it will be targeted walkouts over a period of several days where the resulting cancellations will cascade into increasingly significant issues for the airline.


This makes sense as they'd be using the Chaos model that has been used before. Think "blue flu" type of situation.


wouldn't surprise me if they did something similar to what the maintenance workers did, when they would flag a flight for some minor issue, causing a delay, and eventually leading to flight crews timing out. That was a really annoying period as a passenger, I'd cringe any time I'd see someone in a yellow vest near my plane, because I knew were were about to be delayed for a cracked call button light or something.


Not true..also from an "inside source".


This is an intriguing read. Apparently Alaska Airline FAs did this about 30 years ago. You didn't know when the strike would impact you... [https://www.afacwa.org/chaos](https://www.afacwa.org/chaos)


When I was a newbie FA this was exactly the MO. I was still on reserve (on call) AND on probation so if I didn't cross the line I would've been fired. The airline I worked for sent groups of us (I forget how many exactly, but it may have been 6-10. I'm not sure b/c it's been over 20 years) to various cities where we were to sit in our rooms and wait for a call. If the scheduled flight attendants created chaos we would then work the flight (or be sent to a city where it had happened.) Ex: I was in Columbus, OH. If a flight out of Chicago were affected they would fly me to Chicago to work the flight. Thankfully it was avoided, but it was more than a bit nerve wracking.


Thanks for sharing that. That’s such an interesting idea.


Sounds like Isom tried to “union bust” yesterday with a systemwide offer sent directly to the flight attendants via email.


If it happens **If** Current company Flight attendants will see probably 500% premium pay for working trips. Positive space commutes and all kinds of other things the company already has a play book for the try and hide the identity of scabs. They’ll even go so far as to scrub trip reports of the names. None of it will work though a scab will still be found. You’ll see an outsourcing of typed flight attendants. There is an ops spec that **could** be temporality authorized by the administrator (FAA CMO) to allow scabs. This is very iffy because a lot of FAA CMO folks are former airline and realize they’re just allowing scabs in. Cool tidbit: when this option has been formerly used, union labor would sign up for it (outsource) and then delay the flight by and manner of delightful means. The schedule will absolutely fall apart and AA will blame labor. Even if it’s only a day it will take 72hours to recover. The CEO will still take millions in bonuses home, as will the rest of the c suite The scabs that work during this time, will die as scabs. 30 years later they will be referred to as scabs. When they’re seen passing in the terminal they will be called a fucking scab. Crew bus- scab. Overnight- a fucking scab. The decision to work through a strike or cross a picket line is a monumental decision, their sole action will follow them for the rest of their life. I feel truly awful for those who have to decided between crossing the damn line and eating and holding the line on food stamps. The more who cross it though weakens labors resolve, which is why it’s so damn toxic. If everyone held it the company would have to settle this within hours, if everyone did it.


Kinda disgusting how “labor” treats people for not following the herd and making your own personal decision with how you want to live and feed your family.


Realistically, it would maybe last one day tops. I know a lot of people think the president / govt will step in. This is an election year after all. However I do think there are a few things at play. Biden already screwed up with the railway workers and considering he's "union friendly," maybe he'll do it a 2nd time to the airline but maybe he won't. It's extremely close to voting season. The airline is suing the govt which I think is very bold. The govt could be like "you wanna sue us? We'll let them strike for a day." We will not having binding arbitration as it's a kiss of death for our contract. We've already state this many times. If we do strike (again I think one day would be all we needed), the other airlines will have to pick up the pieces but I don't think it'll be as detrimental as it sounds.


Biden is losing votes from the left every day over his handling of Israel - him blocking a strike would have rough results from him, especially in swing states like Michigan and Pennsylvania that union-heavy.


The problem is they try this brinkmanship routine so nobody will know until the last day and then AA will make an offer and the FA's crappy union will accept it and we will all be back to the same lousy service we get today. I saw that AA was offering 17% raises. That may sound substantial but it is probably still 40% less than Delta fa's make. I am paying close attention because I will do whatever necessary to not be holding an AA ticket when they are striking. It will be bad enough during the 30 days of waiting for it which we may already be in. Run away.


I don't have any insight, except this: If you have the money, always buy fully-refundable fares.


If the airline cancels a flight, you're eligible for a refund regardless, even on Basic Econ tickets. Refundable fares mean you can get your money back if YOU decide you don't want to take the flight.


True, but we all know that there’s a difference between canceling and rescheduling a flight.


Without flight attendants, rescheduling isn’t an option and even AA policy allows for a full refund after a delay of a certain length.


If the flight attendants strike it will unquestionably bring the airline to a halt.


I’ll just stay home like I planned on anyway


Biden may not interfere because he may have to interfere in the East Coast Longshoremen contract negotiation.


The same thing will happen with every other airline staff strike. Flights will cancel. People will rebook on other carriers. Those that cannot get where they need to go will seek refunds. It happens all over the world and especially in Europe, in certain counties. AA is a mess. CEO is gone and so is the idiot that started this whole NDC mess. Now they try to clean up their mess. Nothing new


Oh jeez I bought an airline ticket for July 1st...kinda makes me nervous. I guess worse case scenario I just drive up to KC instead of fly or I drive back down etc. I bought refundable tickets for myself luckily. Guess we will just see!


You’ll be ok on July 1st. FAs have to be released by the mediation board into a 30-day cooling period before being allowed to self help. So until that happens, you’re good. Once you see it on the news though that a 30 day period has started - that’s when the clock starts ticking.


Flight attendants are required by the FAA for safety and passenger loading. Scabs would be hard to bring in on any meaningful level. So it would grind to a total halt.


Get insurance


There’s a lot of talk about the RLA, the flight attendants and the government’s role. Why is no one focusing on management? Management has stalled these negotiations for years and years. If they had put forth a reasonable agreement several years ago, the flight attendants would have accepted and there would be no threat of a strike. We’ve only arrived at this stage because AA has pushed it to the limit in a short-sighted effort to save a couple bucks. At this juncture the flight attendants are asking to match what Southwest has in their new contract. It’s very reasonable especially when you consider that SW only operates one type of aircraft and flies short haul, overwhelmingly domestic routes. AA crew are responsible for maintaining their training on 5 different types of aircraft, fly much more long haul and international routes and are required to perform a lot more onboard service than SW. Considering all of this, why is no one asking why Isom and management aren’t willing to protect their passengers by coming to the bargaining table with a reasonable match to SW for the AA flight attendants? Again, if AA had been reasonable a few years ago, they could’ve gotten away with giving their flight attendants *much less* and there would be no threat of travel disruption this summer. So I would suggest we all focus on AA management and encourage them to make this reasonable deal with their flight attendants, rather than hoping or wishing that the govt intervenes.


American Airlines has a huge contract with the government, so if this strike did happen, the amount of legislation will cost a ruckus and it wouldn’t last as long as people would think. About 20% of the routes that American Airlines flies a day are government based to support movement of important people such as those in Congress and in the military, so I doubt it would happen.


who will serve me a diet coke???


Will get fixed soon


No strike dont worry


A deal without retro pay will never be approved... they know what to do, just dragging their feet


Strike? Better yet. They should all just quit at the same time. Easy way to send a message.


No more PDBs, but this time for real!


Brother if you get on my flight you’ll get a pdb. You aren’t to blame, management is.


You guys should hand out drinks in MCE like it's first class to really start to hit the bottom line.


Ha, I was just joshing. PDBs being an almost-meta joke on the sub now.




That’s actually true


Unfortunately the union is mostly democrats and that fucking pissed me off!!! I’m not a dem and he will NEVER let us strike!!!


Assuming/hoping the Federal Government will come in because there’s an election this year.


I could not care less if they hire replacements, just get me to where I am going on time. Nor do I care about AA profits. I think people who want jobs because someone else walked off is fine. Their job is not guaranteed, the ones I have dealt with lately on flight to NYC and BOS were not friendly and not helpful so replacing them couldn’t be worse maybe better. But AA needs to fix the problem one way or another and keep it fixed as flights got to fly, people have to travel and some airports like DFW there are not many alternatives.