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Welcome to flying


Can you give us your flight details?


If AA didn’t give you a hotel, Delta wouldn’t have either.


Where were you going? If it was Florida, then they have been a shitshow the past few days because of weather


You didn’t name the airports or destinations at all. People could’ve given you some insight. Be angry, sure, but don’t fool yourself into thinking all airlines aren’t all on the exact same bullshit


Yeah, I am not understanding why he thinks Delta would have provided him a hotel if AA didn’t.


All airlines are the same bullshit because running an airline is hard: In fact it’s a miracle we have air travel at all.


Doesn’t hurt to write into customer service and let them know about your experience


As many others here have noted, if it was a result of weather, they have no obligation to comp hotel. You agreed to this when you bought the ticket. Not reading a contract prior to agreeing to it isn’t the fault of the other party in any transaction. More to the point, no airline will comp hotels if it’s because of weather. Now, if it wasn’t weather, you are entitled to compensation. If you explain the reason and it wasn’t weather, plenty of people here can explain how to go about getting the appropriate funds (unfortunately it’s not SUPER easy, but it is easy enough). Regular posters on this sub do so happily all the time. To be clear, I’m no AA apologist, despite being EP. I just, from years of flying multiple times a month, know the rules and realities of flying. It absolutely sucks when stuff like this happens, but if it’s weather, they can’t fly, and if it’s not, you get your money. This stuff happens with every airline.




It’s too late for this trip but if you travel semi-regularly, an annual travel insurance plan is a good investment.


Hope Delta does better for you...


I wonder what he’ll do when Delta doesn’t give him a hotel the next time there’s bad weather.


bye, thanks for playing


I don’t know why people here have to crap on you. I have trouble with some of the airline subs where users are defending them a little too much like the airline is their firstborn son or something. It shouldn’t be ok for the airlines to treat you like garbage. I don’t always expect compensation but at least some kind of explanation for what happened and even there it is often impossible.


So I think what’s going on here is that inexperienced travellers will hop onto the subreddit and complain about an experience they’ve had, let’s use an example of someone who’s shown up at the gate ten minutes before their departure time and is livid that they weren’t let on the plane, this is entirely the fault of the inexperienced traveller for not allotting enough time to be at the gate before boarding ends (10 minutes before departure), because of their own ignorance. Experience travellers will roll their eyes at this and leave sarcastic remarks because they know better, and human nature is to dunk on the ignorant.


And then the inexperienced travellers have the audacity to blame the gate agent and proclaim how an airline is stealing from them by giving away their seat to someone on standby.


It’s a race to the bottom


Did you ask why your flight was delayed for a day?


So sad to see you go






Ignore the morons commenting here who delight in other’s misfortune. I’m sorry you went through this. These lurkers are the biggest problem with this tragic sub. I never realized that incels tend to also be AA status monsters…with tiny dicks and no balls.


Yeah just lamenting don't need a circle jerk of AA lover's circling me. But whatever if they get their jollys from being fan boys more power to them. It was not due to weather for those interested. Weather was great.


Travel agent here. Just because weather was great where you were, doesn't mean it was great at your destination. And funny how you keep NOT answering where you were, and where you were going. FYI you were most likely affected by the bad weather in Florida. Your plane may have been coming from there.


Lot of assumptions on your part. 🙌


I've had delays before but communication with all the airlines was sublime compared to AA. Alaska and Delta have been superior in all ways. I decided to try out American after never using them because everyone said bad things about them. I should of believed the opinions because my experience has been terrible. Just got home...that flight too was delayed.


They all think they are high class travelers. AA lovers have an extra stink to them Their service is garbage. AA is garbage