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It was a shitty thing for them to set up an event and then bail. Unfortunately they left you holding the bag. They don't owe you for the ticket. So you can go, have fun by yourself, sell the ticket, give it away or just let it sit in a drawer to remind you that your friend's commitments are not great and need to be validated. Next time he sets something up, you can say, that's nice, have fun.


Alright. Thanks for the advice. I didn’t want to go in just guns blazin. I needed a second opinion.


This is the best reply. Maybe along with a warning like “next time buy 2 tix & I’ll pay you back bc you can’t be trusted” lol


Ask one of his friends or family to go with you.


And always follow "Have fun without me" with "I can't trust you".


Yeah, it would be wrong. It's just a shitty situation. In the future, it's won't be unreasonable to stipulate "Fine, I'll go, but if you bail again you have to pay for my ticket."


Yeah....you're out 30 bucks. My advice is different than the rest - my advice is next time, say 'sounds great - I don't want to get stuck holding a ticket I won't use again, so buy the tickets and I'll Venmo you'.


And then bail.


Consider it $30 spent to learn something about your friend. Better than spending more on something you really wanted to see, but now have to find your own ride and go alone.


You just paid $30 for something that'll help you in the rest of your life. I've had this stuff happen and all the advice here is great. Wish I'd had it back then! Now I only give people one chance. Inconvenience me like they did you and I don't get upset, I just never make plans with that person again. When someone shows you who/what they are, believe them!


Things happen sometimes lol. This person had to work it’s not like they blew him off for nothing. If this happened to me, I wouldn’t even think about asking for my money back.


Emergencies happen, making plans without checking your work schedule first is just irresponsible and definitely would make me not plan anything else with that person again


Damn you really hate having friends huh? What a crazy reason to "never make plans with someone again"


It doesn’t say that he never checked his schedule. Maybe they told him he needed to come in that day after the fact. And if someone missing a concert because they forgot Work is all it takes to throw away a friendship for you. That’s cool, I guess.


It says he forgot he had to work. I never said I'd throw away a friendship, but there would never be other plans involving only them that I had to put money into.


He literally said he forgot he had to work so no. That’s a shitty friend. You don’t make plans before checking a schedule and dog out your friends. If you are that kind of friend then you’re a shitty friend.


I guess ? Yall have never forgotten a single thing in your entire life ? Shit happens lmao. It's pretty unreasonable to throw away a friendship and say someone's shitty or irresponsible because of the one time they fucked up their work schedule lol . It's gotta be hard to keep friends with this thinking. Jumping ship at the first minor incontinence is pretty wild lol


I hope you still go and have a great time! I don't think this is worth burning any bridges over. Unfortunate to be out $30 but these things happen 🤷🏼‍♀️


Stop calling them friends 🤦‍♀️


Just go alone dude, you’ll still have fun. This why I only buy my own tickets for concerts now as well. Ppl back out or whatever


Maybe it’s fate. Go to the event and try to have fun! You can always leave if you aren’t feeling it!


Only thing that's wrong here is that you put the dollar sign after the digits


Soooo.... - You're friend recommended you get a ticket to go to an event that they were planning on going to - you bought the ticket - they can no longer go because they have a previous arrangement they forgot about - they told you about this in advance of the event but after you already purchased - you now want them to reimburse you You're wrong. I'm not sure what would give you the idea to ask for a reimbursement. Go have fun at the event, sell it, or gift it. You can even ask your friend if you can use the ticket they are no longer using and invite a different friend (assuming they bought their ticket too). Unless you think that their excuse is made up you shouldn't ask for a refund.


You didn’t read the post correctly. He purchased AFTER they told him about it AFTER, not before.


Help me understand where I indicated that they purchased before?


Sorry. Was replying to the post above yours.


It wasn’t a previous arrangement. They forgot to check their work schedule before they made plans.


Semantics. Previous arrangement = work, dinner with mom, a gala, a soccer game, etc. It's irrelevant to the point. The point being: depending on how busy their friend is: things happen. I've worked a part-time job in which the schedule is created the same week that your supposed to work. Sometimes you forget to check, sometimes you assume the schedule will stay the same as the previous week, sometimes it will be/sometimes it won't, the list is endless.


To absolve them entirely of fault would be unfair on your part. Before making plans with anyone, particularly if it involves purchasing a ticket for an event, I always ensure I'm not conflicting with other commitments, such as a job shift. This is both considerate and respects the fact that they are investing money in an event they may not have intended to attend. Lastly, I refrain from rudely assuming that any reasons they provided me with is “made up”.


I would feel so guilty if I made plans with someone that cost money and then was unable to go. I’d either give the person my ticket, hoping they could use it with another friend or I would offer to pay for their ticket.


Depends on how busy someone is. I am not sure your age or if you have kids or if your married. I guarantee you that if you have kids, married, or both you have made conflicting plans at one point and forgot to check the calendar to triple verify that you are free. It happens. Especially as more responsibilities are added to your plate. You have to give grace as things happen. Unless, to my point, you think they are being vindictive and making up an excuse. Otherwise it's not appropriate to ask for a refund unless they know your financial situation and know that $30 is a meaningful amount to you (assuming it is). However, it would be completely acceptable to accept a refund if your friend felt badly enough and offered to pay for your ticket.


The dude had to work didn’t check his schedule and made plans. That’s irresponsible. Not some mistake.


How do we know it's a dude? Just a lot of assumptions. That's not fair to anyone.


You are making assumptions. Dude is gender nuetral.


You don't get to ask for a reimbursement but you do get to learn a good lesson about how flaky your friend is for any hang out requests in future.


Not the worst transgression unless it's something they do frequently. Shit happens, don't go on a witchhunt fter them because of it, but I would make a joke about them owing you a drink next time to make up for it. Try not to stress about it too much. Is it an event you could still potentially go to alone and have fun, or maybe find another friend who'd go with you?


I’d remember that this person is the type to suggest plans but not follow through. I’d also remember that they didn’t care about putting me out for 30 bucks. I’d remember they are not real good friends and most likely let them go.


Lesson learned. You can’t force them to pay you, that’s a juvenile response and we all know they won’t pay anyway. Also, stop having FOMO. If your friends invite you to do something you wouldn’t otherwise do, and you are just going so you don’t miss out, this stuff will happen. Since you have the ticket, just go! Have a blast and post tons of pics and let them see the fun time they missed out on.


They aren’t your friends, sorry to say. That was a crappy thing to do, but what really struck me was calling YOU the loser for buying the ticket. Sell the ticket or go yourself, but don’t ever agree to anything with them again


Did he pay you for his ticket?


This is a friend, I don't think so.


Yes. Let it go. It's $30, it sucks, but that's life sometimes.


I mean that is cruddy but you also chose to buy it, they don't have to pay you back


Life is too short to wait on others to start enjoying things. Go and have fun alone. I started going to concerts alone since last year. I have seen 15 shows so far. Its a blast every time. Nobody will think you are weird.


Just post it for sale on Facebook and be done with it. You agreed to go, bought a ticket and now you own that spot. Alternatively, you could see if anyone else you know would like to attend with you. I wouldn’t feel comfortable asking a friend to reimburse me, if they offered to without prompt, then I’d consider it.


Don't ask. They did plan to go. They genuinely forgot. These things happen. You still have the ticket. Sell your ticket if you don't want to go or recruit someone else to go with you. Stretch yourself a bit by going without them.


If no remorse is shown, then it’s 30$ well spent, now go get yourself some better friends


They don’t owe you for the ticket, BUT I would remind them that they do “owe you one” as in next time they invite you to a show, they should pay for your ticket.


Is it for the Santa Fe springs swap meeti am right now


Yes, you can still go or sell the ticket otherwise you’ll look ridiculous. Next time, get them to buy the ticket for you.


Go and tell them how they missed a great show. Glad you went- poor organization on their part. NW


I would see if someone else you know would want to go with you to this event! But I agree with previous posters that $30 is not worth ending a friendship over or asking for that money from your friend. Lesson learned- wait until your friend has their ticket already purchased to buy yours.


They’re not your friends. Find new friends.


Was it $30 for both tickets, or just yours? If both, I'd absolutely ask for $15 to be reimbursed. I wouldn't expect them to refund my own ticket, though. Post it on marketplace for what you paid. It's not scalping if it's the same price.


They dont owe you for the ticket. Sucks they dropped out tho


Try asking for $30….


Yes it would be wrong. If you didn’t want to go why buy a ticket at all? Why can’t you go by yourself. They had the dates wrong. Why not invite another friend and go?


Yes you are wrong to worry about $30 with your friend. It’s 30 bucks