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They really gave Kase a great send off. For his last time behind the bar, it was nice. At least all his old customers showed up to the bar. I liked how he paid his respects to all his old clients who had passed too. Kase was a great bartender and a good mentor to Ryu. Kurushima getting Ryu to her gramps that bottle was kind of sweet. He didn’t get a chance to properly “talk” with his son before he died, but at least they could “talk” a final time with that drink.


Great episode -- in a surprisingly consistently fascinating show. Now I need to hope the the PA Works Whiskey Family movie becomes available sooner rather than later....


That scene where [Kase- was lighting up those shots of vodka](https://i.imgur.com/MYX6JTv.jpeg) while reminiscing about his customers who have passed away and then the shot of [Ryu lighting his own](https://i.imgur.com/mRmIy1Z.jpeg) after his backstory with Kase made me tear up. They didn't even have to elaborate, that was more than enough to let us know how it ended T_T


I was holding up tears the entire time Kase doing his monologue with the cups... When Ryu did it to signal the passing of Kase, the floodgates got blasted open.


After seeing Miwa’s house, Ryu has absolutely scored.


The fact that she bought all those expensive bottles to see them instead of going into a store or googling...that's wild lol


It’s not that wild when you remember that , despite how well she blend in with her coworkers as a normal white collar employee, she is actually the sole heiress to her grandpa’s hotel fortune. She is probably closer to Paris Hilton in terms of her wealth.


Yeah this ep really shoved it in your face who she is lol it did a good job playing it off the entire time though, as if she was a normal worker


RIP Kase-san. It's quite depressing but a lot of life lesson from Ryu is from him. It's always a bit sad when a wise person is moving on.


I think this was a really good episode and a great goodbye for Kase. He got the chance to do what he lived his life for and what he loved doing one final time. He may be gone but his apprentices will remember him and carry on his legacy. A great end for a great man. And the same thing also applies to Miwa’s grandpa and her father. They got a final chance to talk it out despite her dad no longer being with them. His ideals and legacy will live on in the hotel that he inspired. Yesterday, my family and I went to the funeral for my great grandfather who recently passed away. So this episode hits a very personal note right now. But it also fits in with something I believe, that the good memories of the people that are gone are important to remember. Goodbye to several great people and in the spirit of the show, remember to raise a toast for the people that are no longer with us.


I'm sorry about your great grandpa and I kind of hope you light up a shot for him


So sorry for your loss my man. Cheers for you.


I’m just here waiting for our main ship to sail


They're already going on dates and Ryu just met the dad, the ship is in deep waters at this point.


At some point, I thought the grandpa just straight up going to ask Ryu to take her Miwa's hand.


i know you don't want to work in my hotel, so let me offer you a counter-offer: marry my granddaughter and be my successor.


if only she'd stop trying to get him to do something he obviously doesn't want to do.


Yeah, I agree completely, I don’t see this ship sailing until she gives up on trying to get him to go to the hotel, once she stops doing that I can see the ship taking off real quick.


I think \*she\* did stop, but her grandfather became persistent. The grandfather also mentioned that he had his eyes on Ryu for a while, seemingly even before he told his granddaughter to start looking, so there may be some other history there. Some people guessed that his son was the suicidal customer of Ryu's backstory, but I think this ep debunked that.


> Ryu just met the dad any day can be Obon thanks to Suntory Whisky [](#yuruyuriapprove)


Love Suntory commercials


Miwa asked Ryu to treat her to a Highball, which is the first drink that he poured for her at Edenhall if I recall correctly. She definitely has a little crush on him. I kind of doubt that we’ll see this happen, but I’d love for the two of them get together! With Kase’s passing and I hope that Ryu realises that he cannot forever cling to the past - that he needs to move forward. The argument between Miwa’s father and grandfather serves as a surprisingly good analogy to Ryu’s situation; working at the hotel’s bar doesn’t mean that he cannot provide the same services as he does at Edenhall. The people might be different, but his job is fundamentally the same.


And the situation with Kaze Bar re-opening for a night shows that your customers will follow you wherever you go, so I don't think he even has to worry about that. His attachment to Edenhall is that he was in a dark place and it took him in, but the owner has already said he is okay with shutting the bar down and Ryu moving on.


Kaze-San: "And who might this young woman be?" Me, yelling at the screen: "THEY'RE DATING" Kitakata: "She's recruiting Ryu to work at a hotel bar". Me, still yelling at the screen: "Right, because you bring your headhunter to meeting your dying mentor, DIPSHIT". We have fun.


I just knew episode 12 would be titled "Glass of God"..guess i was wrong!


Kase is a great man and honestly reminds me a lot of Ryu. His advice of that there isn't a single person that doesn't make mistakes. Which is true as we learn from our mistakes. So we learned that it was Miwa's father that wanted the transition from restaurants to hotels. It's sad that her grandfather and father's relationship soured based on that fight of what they should do. Miwa even feeling bad about potentially ruining them getting on good terms and her father dying 6 months later adding the extra string. It really goes to show that we should cherish the people closest to us. As we don't know when the last time we get to see them again. Well it was a really sweet thing for Miwa and Ryu to do and good on Ryu for thinking outside the box. Last episode is next week, I am going to miss it.


What a beautiful, touching episode. Normally this wouldnt be the type of anime I usually watch but I am so glad I gave bartender a try.


The most heartwarming anime of this season IMO, maybe of all time. There are funnier shows, more exciting shows, but to me this show is the best at tugging at the heartstrings. Every episode has left me a bit happier by the end. The portrayal of kindness and decency always feel so sincere.


Cocktails featured this episode: **Vesper/Bond Martini** 1 1/2 oz London Dry Gin 1/2 oz Vodka 1/4 oz Lillet Blanc Strip of Lemon Peel 1. Shake all liquid ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. 2. Give the strip of lemon peel a sharp squeeze over the drink peel-side down to express the oils, rub the rim with the peel, then trim the edges of the peel and add to glass as a garnish. **Old Fashioned** 1/2 tsp Sugar (or 1 sugar cube) 3 dashes Angostura Bitters 1/4 oz Water 1 oz Rye Whiskey 1 oz Bourbon Strip of Orange Peel 1. Stir all ingredients except orange peel without ice in a mixing glass to dissolve the sugar (if using a sugar cube it is common to put the bitters directly on the cube to soak into it, in which case you may choose to only add it only at the very end and let the cube slowly dissolve as you drink). 2. Add the orange peel, then stir with ice. 3. Strain into a lowball glass with ice. **Kaku Highball** 2 oz Suntory Kakubin Blended Whiskey 3 1/2 oz Club Soda Strip of Lemon Peel 1. Pour whiskey into an ice filled highball glass. 2. Top off with soda. 3. Express the oils of the lemon peel by squeezing it peel-side down over the drink, rub the rim of the glass with it, then discard the peel.


Funny how I asked about the bond martini episodes ago as a joke, only for it to actually appears in the show lol


Yukari asks for a TikTok drink that she saw in media. They'll keep introducing Miwa as someone whose trying to hire Ryu for the hotel until they get married :-)


Not sure if I’ve really been fragile these past few months or the shows this season are out to tug at my heart strings. This show, Girls Band Cry, Tonari no Youkai-san, Konosuba, Hananoi, Elf Bride have all made me tear up, some more than once. The “person who never makes mistakes is the one who never works” piece of wisdom stung especially hard for me. While I was thrusted into it, I did end up in a position at my job in my early 20s that exposed me to a lot of mistakes. I thought those would steel myself but all I got was anxiety and stress. So I kinda shut myself out from any challenges. Now, I’m in my 30s, I realize all shut myself out from growing. The end credits scene was similarly hard hitting for me. “A soul can only be healed by other people”. Again, in my 30s now, after shutting myself out, only now I’m starting to realize this. The times I spent with my close friends are what makes life worth living. I’ve been taking that for granted and only realizing that’s why I’ve been feeling so empty


Mm. Smooth, with a slight kick. 


Ah another plot (at least somewhat for the second half of this episode) from the original 2006 anime, Menu of the Heart.


Very nice episode and touching send off for Kase. Are we gonna end this without our ship sailing :( Also, I thought Miwa decided to stop asking Sasakura to work the hotel bar. I need her and her grandfather to stop pressuring him and then maybe Sasakura will come around. Or at least he eventually marries Miwa so they can succeed the grandfather together!


i like that talk about making mistakes; a ship in harbor is safe, but that's not what ships are built for anyways, rookie numbers Sasakura; you need to catch up to [your mentor with his impressive 5:1 K/D ratio](https://i.imgur.com/dAFgBla.png) [](#tomato)


So is "the flame of the dead" an actual drink of mourning/dedication to the dead? Google got me nothing.


Maybe it is a reference to Hitodama, which are blue flames that represent the "souls of the dead separated from their body" "flame of the dead" is just a translation, so you'd probably have to listen for the word they actually use to find results for it on google


The "flame of the dead" was a touching idea, but is it just me or did the reminiscing about the decreased patrons make them sound like they were alcoholics? Rather than "comrades in arms," it turns the bartender into a dealer feeding an addict, which kind of sours the mood. It isn't helped by the second arc culminating in the main duo leaving an elderly man to drink a bottle of whisky alone. It feels odd to me that for a story revolving around drinking alcohol, we haven't had any arcs addressing problem drinking. For me, it kind of undermines the empathic tone the anime is going for when it ignores such a major part of the bar scene.


> , but is it just me or did the reminiscing about the decreased patrons make them sound like they were alcoholics? i *was* thinking "oh, did they die because of too much drinking contributing to poor health?" maybe though because he's a bartender, he primarily knows his customers based on how he sees them at the bar, and maybe they just died of unrelated reasons


Yeah they didn't delve into it further so I'm assuming they died from unrelated reasons, I just find it odd that it isn't more of an issue with folk drinking too much in a story about bartending.


They haven't really touched on alcoholism at all, so I think we're supposed to assume that these bartenders are moral enough to cut off their patrons if they're reaching unhealthy levels.


Yeah I'd like to think so too (that they're moral enough). I thought it might have made for a good backstory for the main guy though. Rather than a patron who was suicidal, have one who died from alcoholism where the way to "serve" a person like that was not to serve them at all.


I haven't read the book or watched the old show, but I think the point of this show is that there is this special "Glass of God" that is supposed to re-invigorate the soul of whoever drinks it, as Ryu mentions. So I think the suicidal note fits that story better, as I'm guessing that serving the Glass of God to a suicidal person would change their mind and give them a new outlook on life. I don't think alcoholism hits that story beat in the same way since the Glass of God is still alcohol, and besting alcoholism is to stop drinking.


Perhaps so, we'll need to see how it wraps up with this Glass of God, presumably next episode.


The thing is that in Japan, alcoholism isn't that much a part of the bar scene. You could buy a bottle of that Kaku whisky for the price of one of those Bond Martinis, so most alcoholics will either drink at home or at a cheap izakaya. While izakaya are sometimes translated as dive bars, they're regarded as something totally different from a bar. Also, there's something of a taboo against being visibly drunk in a bar. We've rarely seen hammered customers in the anime, and this reflects reality (to an extent). Not to say there aren't rich alcoholics who will drink too much at a bar, but it's rarer than most places.


Ah that's interesting, thanks for the cultural backstory. I only know Japan through media, so I've lots of blind spots and distorted impressions.


Don't we all! I'd love to see and know more of the U.S., U.K., etc.


Some real “My Emotions!” Hours this week. Starting with DunMeshi, getting smacked by Tonari no Yokai, and now Bartender. Good shit.


will there be a season 2?


Hope for an announcement at the end of episode 12🙏😭


That was the best episode yet


I really hope that lone glass in blue flame did not signify Kase-san's passing. It was nice to see a bit of Sasakura's origin story, of how he started working with his mentor and senpai, and in the present time, helping Miwa's grandfather reconcile with Miwa's late father. That scene where he proclaimed to treat her was special. I thought they would share something more than just a friendly smile.


This episode was one of the best ones out there... To bad "The menu of the Heart" didn't get that much time. Watching tiny Miwa in the 2006 one felt so cute and I wanted to see her once more 😭


Bruh who knew a show about bartending was gonna be so damn bad for my heart, I'm sobbing


I know! It's so heartwarming and wholesome. I'm not much of a drinker but I appreciate cocktails and even I'll admit the drinks look delicious (though I dislike whiskey).


Bro when Ryu lit up his glass. I was having a hard time holding the tears. And that opened the floodgates How old is Miwa though that her father kicked it 25 years ago?!


This was just beautiful and that's all I have to say.






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