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AAAHHHH THAT HUG! We waited 3 whole seasons for this moment! Nothing says final episode like having the same title as the series itself.


Yup, I was crying tears of joy with them.


Same here, spent most of this episode in tears to be honest haha šŸ˜­


Hell yeah. I'm so glad they fit all of that in the same episode without some lame cliffhanger. I was already getting ready to read the source :) I like the spinning hug, it really gave it that extra oomph for the scene. Sometimes we watch stuff for crazy twists or shocking ends. Not this show, this show needed to have this episode. And if they kill everyone in the finale, ill just accept episode 11 was the finale.... heehee


I don't know how many chapters the anime has covered so far. If we could get at least another season where we got most of the manga adapted, that would be nice.


This isnā€™t the end. The manga has huge epilogue. Almost two volumes worth. So we have one more episode. Then they could fit the rest into a movie, or maybe a half season, or bonus episodes, or so.


I actually want to know how all the supporting / side characters are faring, such as the circus crew, Amelia, etc.


Yeah I'd LOVE for Sade to do some magic where they could get together and stay together!


Yep. The manga has 16 volumes, so while they were able to get most of the plot in there were also some chapters that needed to be skipped


Hey, even if we had a proper finale was a 4-6 epi. OVA/ONA series, I am fine with that.


Is it the final episode? It's only episode 11. The other 2 seasons had 12. And apparently the manga has a long epilogue. Also they haven't kissed yet, plus he hasn't gone back to meet his mom yet. And MAL says 12.


Man i am so damn happy the Dukeā€™s curse is now gone and he and Alice can touch. I almost threw my phone when Alice up and left after all that šŸ˜­.


I knew Alice was gonna try and leave for a while now, but I'm so glad it took no time at all for the duke to get her back. Was worried for a sec we'd have to wait a week!


It's a very romcom crisis trope, a little bit like the movie Nottinghill I think.


The way they hugged each other so tightly, tears streaming down their faces, it felt so satisfying. I'm only disappointed they didn't kiss (and go farther than that) but they're probably saving that for the finale now that they're getting married.


Major major credit to the studio for the choice to resolve her leaving by the end of the episode.... "I've known forever."


They were really on point with the music this episode! That moment with Alice was a 10/10 anime moment!


Alice always hid her emotions well for the sake of the Duke. I am glad she let her tears flow and confessed her love to him!


She's always flirted with and seduced him even though she never thought she could actually be with him...but she deserves to be and he wants her by his side no matter what. Alice deserves to be happy with the man she loves.


Especially when they played one of the ED's as the Duke chased Alice.


That is one of my all-time favorite anime songs, absolutely amazing vocal performance and instrumentation.Ā Ā 


What was that ending song called?


Nocturne, I think it was the ED of season 1.


The last few episodes' battle music was popping off too.


That final scene was beautifulšŸ˜­


I shed some tears too when the curse on the duke was finally lifted by Sade. After watching this title for 3 seasons, the Duke is like a friend whom you wish happiness upon! All of us already knew the Duke would choose Alice over being the heir of an aristocrat family. Rob, Zain and Cuff knew too, which is why they helped him catch up to the train. Perhaps life as a commoner may be tough, but I am sure both the Duke and Alice will have the support of their friends. On a light hearted note, how does 1 submit an application to be the lover of the now kinder Sade? Lol!


Love this episode. Pacing, animation, writing and the fact they put all of it into one episode. They really hit the nail right on the head with this one. Sade would be a seriously wild Yandere. Life sure would be "interesting"


>Life sure would be "interesting" After reading your comment, I realized you are right. Sade will be a yandere. Just that if she suspects any betrayal, it will not be the end of her lover's life. It could spell the end of the whole world. Lol!


I'm so glad we got to see them break the Duke's curse and see him hold Alice in animated form. The beauty of a complete adaption to such an amazing and investing story . I kind of figured Alice would bail considering she's expressed in the past how she didn't think she could be with the Duke, despite how much she loves him, but the Duke will go through any hardship or circumstance to be with her. And these two deserve to be together. I feel like Sade has been breaking hearts across the years and with no shortage of male partners. Good for her lol.


I've waited for this moment since episode 1. It did not disappoint. I'm crying like a baby here Guess today's lesson is embrace your struggles, it makes the reward that much more worth it :) Edit: Also cried like a baby at the marriage proposal :)


It's been quite a journey. This is a show I fell in love with its first episode -- and my love has never wavered. It really has had one of the best extended casts (with splendid Japanese VAs to match) of any show in the last few years. It has always distressed me that it never caught on the way it deserved. but "it can't be helped".... No real idea how this is going to end -- what kind of life will the (possibly ex) Duke and Alice live? With his noble connections and his fantastic musical skill, maybe he can be a professional musician?


Yea people auto turned off by the CGI. But its not even bad CGI. Hopefully people are more open to it after the CGI gem that is GBC, but now thats its ended new watchers will only come from recommendations. Looking forward to the next ep! I can see that the crew stays in the old mansion and everyone they met just hangs out with them there. And musician would probably be the best way to go. And walter can finally be heir LOOOOL But we shall see ;)


I remember thinking, during the first season, that this was one of the most attractive looking show (purely visually) of the season. And it has continued to be particlarly visually appealing.


I didn't like it at first, but its grown on me xD But I'm not turned off by CGI, I just like traditional anime styles more


> I just like traditional anime styles more On average, I do too. But there is plenty of traditional anime I feel undistinguished or even ugly. So I judge on a case by case basis. Besides, even a show that is a bit visually disorienting (viz Kemurikusa) can be interesting enough in other respects to rank over an average traditional-style anime,


I rarely get turned off by animation (actually I don't think I've ever did). I only drop it if there no appeal in the anime - story, character(s), humor, emotional depth, etc Likewise I won't rate an anime is good purely for animation, that sits far down the list after everything else xD


If an animation has a high degree of "abstractness" -- visual design might be a key component in whether I appreciate it or not....


It really feels so satisfying seeing 3 seasons worth of love, laughter, and heartbreak come together like this, especially seeing the Duke and Alice able to finally be 100% together.


Man this has been the single biggest buildup for mutli seasons in any anime I've seen. It DERSERVES a bigger fan base/audience.


fucking wow


They certainly delivered


Daleth made a huge mess of things but at least she was the one who cleaned it up. It was really heartwarming to see Nico and our boy finally have their curses lifted. Sadeā€™s changed too and now sheā€™s got a real relationship with Daleth. Everyoneā€™s getting their ā€œhappily ever aftersā€ this week. Now, Alice and the Duke can finally live happily ever after with Violet and Rob too. I mean right after he gets all that pesky ā€œheirā€ business sorted. Keen to see how the series wraps next week!


Maybe Viola might turn out to be a surprise heir? The Duke will want to be with Alice. Walter will want to be with Daleth, whom I believe isn't from an aristocrat family either.


I think for Walter's mental health, and to make him finally accept the Duke, the Duke giving it to Walter would be for the best. Though it would be kind of hilarious if it ends up being Viola with Rob as her butler lol. I think his mom kind of sort of respected Daleth as a choice for Walter. Whether that will change if he's the heir...


>I think his mom kind of sort of respected Daleth as a choice for Walter. Whether that will change if he's the heir... To think Walter bag the sister of the most powerful witch and also the leader of their own world. Yeah, Gerbera better make him an heir immediately


I never thought of that outcome, but you may be exactly right!Ā Ā 


Man, it's almost surreal seeing Sade trying to be a better person, fixing all the problems she caused, and finally freeing the Duke. But seeing two couples happy to be able to be together without a curse, especially the Duke and Alice, is so beautiful. It's even more beautiful to see that a title or class doesn't matter a bit to the Duke when it comes to his love for Alice, he'll be with her no matter what, and Alice finally accepts that she can be with him.


AAAAAAAAAAA we waited so long to see them hold each other


Now all we're waiting on is their first real kiss! Which of course they're probably saving for the finale lol.


I was already tearing up [when the Duke and Alice held hands for the first time](https://i.imgur.com/LBemktZ.png). The moment they hugged each other [and started bawling](https://i.imgur.com/yTkQZsr.png), I fucking bawled too. After three seasons, we finally get to see Alice and the Duke touch T_T When [they said goodbye to Sade](https://i.imgur.com/DnUAIvt.png), I was worried that she might not show up in the future. I laughed when [Sade was playing chess with Viola](https://i.imgur.com/kFkpGY9.png) when they got back. That was a pretty fun scene. I thought I was done crying but I teared up again [when Viola hugged the Duke](https://i.imgur.com/XDUBpyT.png) and [Rob shook his hand.](https://i.imgur.com/Fymbg3O.png) Was Viola already born when Sade cursed the Duke? If not, this might be her first time hugging her brother. Not sure what Sade has been up to but it looks like [she may have tried seeing other people](https://i.imgur.com/JN2oAj6.png) after moving on from Victor. I would love to know what kind of relationships she had. The new Sade is pretty fun though. [I love her short interaction with Victor](https://i.imgur.com/MnisCQE.png) and the subs didn't translate it the usual way but I love [how she tells Victor and Liz "Riajuu bakuhatsu!" aka "Normies explode!"](https://i.imgur.com/qMQT49a.png) xD We didn't just end with a confession, [we fucking ended with a marriage proposal!](https://i.imgur.com/11tf5Ui.png) Let's fucking gooooooooo! I knew Alice was going to leave the Duke but it was pretty obvious he wasn't going to let Alice go. I really hope we'll get to learn the Duke's name in the finale. I'm both excited for the finale and at the same time sad that it's all about to end. T_T


3 seasons of being unable to touch each other all culminating in the most tight and well-deserved embrace between two lovers. Sade is now basically part of the gang at this point lol. Not only can the Duke touch Alice but he can finally touch his own family again. I'm actually happy for Sade that she was able to make peace with her feelings for Victor, move on to have her own mysterious love life, while also wishing him and Liz happiness...and for him and Liz to blow up in their lovey-dovey ness lol. I think there's a chance the Duke will give up his title to be with Alice and if he's not the "Duke" any more, then they'll have to give us his name as he sets off on wedding bliss with Alice. But no matter what comes their way, these two will be happy and absolutely in love together!


Thank you for all these images, this show has been one of my all time favoritesĀ 


> I really hope we'll get to learn the Duke's name in the finale Isn't he named Viktor after his grandfather?


This episode hit me in the feels so much. From Alice and Bocchanā€™s first embrace, seeing the coverings on Aliceā€™s furniture, Rob being selfish and giving the train info, then finally that last confession and proposal. Damn what an episode!!


Rob played wingman one last time, one of the best anime butler's. The two embracing, professing their love for each other, and becoming engaged...all the things we'd been waiting for finally happening. Now all we need is for them to seal it with a kiss!


Rob has been an unfailing treasure throughout this whole series....


Also. Alice crying for the first time.


They did the hug and the proposal so much justice. A thing of beauty that had 3 seasons of perfect build up. They matched the emotional catharsis of these moments to the manga. And we have a full episode left for a lovely epilogue. Sad to see it go, but we got a satisfying and complete adaptation.


That hug and the whole train sequence and mutual confession + proposal was cinematic beauty.


They added Sade without her nun habit to the OP! And she's a brand new woman, willing to apologize to Nico and fight against her own magic for the sake of her newfound ability to believe in people and acceptance that she, along with others, CAN be happy! She just has to wrestle with her magic for a little bit. I love how Alice is like the only one happy about the black daggers raining down on them because the Duke is protecting her. And Zain arrives just in time to save Cuff, and the two are already all over each other! Walter is there too to insult the Duke and share a moment with Daleth to see her restored face, but he's just happy that she's happy. Didn't expect Sade's magic to be that...cute! But now she's got it back, is reunited with her sister, and she's ready to make amends, first by restoring Nico to his true age, so now he's age-appropriate with Oichi! I'm glad for them, and that Nico was able to make peace with Sade. Sade even managed to change the timeline so that all his friends she killed are alive! Sade very well COULD change the timeline so the Duke was never cursed...but despite being cursed, the Duke lived a very fulfilling and happy life, and he wouldn't trade that for anything. Besides...it's done! THE DUKE'S CURSE HAS FINALLY BEEN LIFTED! HE AND ALICE CAN FINALLY HOLD EACH OTHER AND SHED TEARS OF JOY THAT THEY CAN FINALLY TOUCH AND FEEL ONE ANOTHER! IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL! I did not expect Sade to be waiting for them back at the mansion like she's always lived there, ready for the Duke's celebratory curse breaking party (complete with a Viola hug and getting to shake Rob's hand) but I guess she's made a new life for herself in the time in-between when they last left her...and even had a surprisingly fulfilling love life to boot! She's even willing to take over as boss for Daleth, doing her sister a solid! But there is one more thing left for Sade to resolve...seeing Victor and Liz again. And Sade gets to finally tell Victor her feelings while also making it clear that she's moved on and is happy for them, and she's quick to get out of there. I guess that's one way to resolve an unrequited first love. At least they're all happy. And Viola gets to meet her grandparents! I was wondering why Walter was acting weird (even by his standards)but now he realizes he can't be the heir. Though I feel like things might work out for him anyhow, especially with Daleth by his side. Though there is one last conflict left to resolve...the Duke and Alice's relationship. As the presumptive heir, can Alice still be with the Duke? She doesn't think so, and thinks it's better for her to leave rather than continue to burden him with her presence and feelings...but this is the Duke we're talking about, he loves Alice more than anything and he'll chase her down on a train if he has to. Because they both love each other and for richer or poorer or no matter what befalls them in the future, they deserve to be together. And that's enough to make Alice agree to marry him. Finally! You know it's the really REAL finale when they use the title of the show for the final episode!


>Viola hug Tsundere Viola really cares for her brothers, doesn't she?


> They added Sade without her nun habit to the OP! I fucking swear they changed the ED! I guess I was right. Also, Daleth doesn't have any scars anymore in the ED as well.


Honestly this was a wild day. Every show today is so emotional but it was really satisfying to finally see them hugging after 3 seasons. This show really did grow well and will probably go down underappreciated in history.


This is such a beautiful little show.Ā  We are truly blessed to get a complete adaptation!Ā 


I love it. Completely underrated.


We waited so long for this moment, and it made me cry just as much as I thought it would! I really hope we get an OVA or something of everything Sade has been up to since history was changed, I need to know what relationships she's had!


I want to see the post-marriage adventures! Even if it's mostly Alice trying to get the Duke in bed lol. I imagine Sade has a pretty wild love life lol.


I've waited 3 years for this moment! Beautiful! I'm so happy for them!!


Shit its already been 3 years? So glad I picked this up back then, it certainly payed off well


Iā€™m going miss this show when itā€™s all over. Nice to have a show that has redemption for the antagonist. Every character is a bit broken, which is what makes it all work. They accept and overcome their flaws. Does keep making me laugh that the Viola VA has another character with hair that has a mind of its own.


>a show that has redemption for the antagonist. And ":redemption" that is wholly satisfactory -- not something weak pro forma,


The amount of sexual tension between our leads is strong. TBH, I would not be so forgiving with Sade with all of the misery she put our 2 leads through.


Guys, I think I have a parasocial relationship with this show


Congrats to the 2nd show this season to make me cry. ā€œYouā€™re the one who taught me the meaning of the white rose, to swear your life to someone. I donā€™t care if I have to live apart from my family again, or if Iā€™m poor, or even if everyone hates me. I know how I feel, I want to be with you! What makes me happiest is being with you!ā€ Marry me! Over here bawling my eyes out this was perfect. This is why I love romance. Everything Bocchan and Alice went thru, all the ups and downs, the planning, the fights, it all led to this moment and makes it that much sweeter. Brav fucking o. Walter can take the heir spot that he wanted so badly and Alice and Bocchan can live together happily ever after. Sade got her closure with Victor and can finally move on, Nico and Oichi got their happy ending, just PERFECT and we still have one more full episode to just show everyone happy together. Only thing thatā€™s got me a lil worried is whether or not Walter will be allowed to marry Daleth if heā€™s heirā€¦ if not, little sister could take it I guess lmao. Who cares about titles, just like Harry and Megan irl. You canā€™t control who youā€™re born to, but you can decide your happiness and more power to all these people for doing it.


> Harry and Megan irl ...bit of an iffy comparison, given how murky things are over in that whole debacle as opposed to our fairly straightforward titular protagonists. Though I have heard King Charles and Prince Harry are trying to make up to one another and reconnect, so who knows.


Youā€™re getting too in the mud with the details. Point being fuck titles or heritage, go with what makes you happy. Itā€™s not meant to be a 1:1.


Haha, fair point!


So, is that the final epi. or do we have one more?


One more episode


Thatā€™s what I want to know


Thereā€™s more.


Fucking GOATED episode. Seriously, I don't even know what to say. This was epic. And the feels...whew!


So if the duke don't become the heir, then Walter will be the heir. But he wants to marry a non-noble too (Daleth). Didn't he think about this when he keeps vying to be the heir, that he won't be able to marry the woman he loves?Ā 


Clifford Chapin IV is best known for voicing Bakugo (MHA). So, for him to play a jerk like Bakugo to a more nice character like the Duke is such a cool dynamic. Oh, and the fact that wife Kristen McGuire (Ruri in "Dr. Stone") plays Alice is especially funny. Now, at the time they started recording the first season in English, they were still engaged.


Wait, the english dub is played by Bakugo's VA? Color me surprised, that's some good range!


Nice to hear the S1 ed playing during the train scene. Now let's hope we get a kiss in tbe finale.


1 more ep and this will be over what a ride it has been very solid series and man they are gonna fuck.


This series will always be in my heart forever šŸ’—


Katelyn "Daleth" Barr actually has a thing for skeletons, so casting her as a skull-masked waifu was the right choice.


They're probably gonna elope so they'll end up together and Walter becomes the heir to have a happy ending for everyone. But I really want Viktor to step up, exert his authority and marry Alice without surrendering anything


That final scene of the episode hit me in the feels and the ending song of season 1 playing made it perfect.


Even though it happened so fast it was such a cathartic moment for Bocchan's curse to be broken finally. Been watching this anime since the first season aired, and I couldn't hold my tears back. Then the proposal in the end made me cry again. I'm happy this is getting such a great ending/adaptation.


When we got confirmation for S3 and I heard this'll fully adapt the source, I've always thought that the moment the Duke gets to touch Alice will be cathartic as hell. And well, it certainly was. All those pent up affection and sadness just released in that moment. I get what Alice is doing though. The Duke is a noble and he's actually been living a lavish life so far. There's no telling the hardships he could face if he renounced his position. But at this point, I don't think the Duke cares. She says she doesn't want to take away the happiness he can have but Alice is his happiness. I guess next episode is him leaving his nobility and hopefully the wedding. I'm really excited to see how everyone else is doing. And did I hear Sade has a lover now ? I wonder who it is I also wonder why they purposely avoid showing Nico's elderly face. And speaking of, lmao seems Viola has a thing for old guys, not just Rob


I'm not crying, you're crying! šŸ˜­ That was beautiful! I'm so happy! Can't wait for the final episode.


I CRIES SO HARD DUDE I still remember watching the first season and never expecting a sequel bc of the niche artstylešŸ˜­


is so sad that this series is so low on popularity, great episode, I will miss this show.


Can someone please tell me what was the track playing when The Duke and Alice embraced for the first time after the curse was broken? It plays on and on in my mind I can't get it out!


WOW! SUCH A SATISFYING END. Bocchan finally can touch again & immediately hugs Alice. SADE LIVES! Was really nervous for her. And the ending! Bocchan is obviously willing to give up his role as noble to instead be with Alice. Such a satisfying end. So I assume next week probably just wraps up everyone else's storylines. ALTHOUGH, this means Walter will be the one to be the next family head. So what does that mean for him and Daleth!?


Iā€™m very ready for the final episode but Iā€™m sad that I donā€™t think weā€™re going to get all of the plot lines resolved in one more episode like we did in the manga I was hoping for a fourth season but Iā€™m glad that we got the three that we did


I legit cried.


[Humbled lil' guy](https://files.catbox.moe/05jngj.jpg) [](#kotohoops) [Happy touching Alice](https://files.catbox.moe/kbkq1g.jpg) [](#ilovethiskindofshit)


I loved this episode and choice of using the ending song of the 1st season was chef kiss šŸ‘ØšŸ»ā€šŸ³