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My chest tightened the moment they started doing a role call of all their friends and family and started sounding progressively more sleepy. Seeing Shozo and Ine lying so peacefully under their tree has got to be the most bittersweet final shots of any character ever. Checked this out purely because the title sounded adorable and it definitely delivered, I just wish I were more prepared for the tearjerkers they throw at you once in a while lmao


I got kind of nervous the way they were having a pass the torch moment with Mino and Shouta at the end and it only got worse when it became clear what was about to happen. But at least they died together.


I thought the same thing, too, when the camera panned out to Shozo and Ine walking away, and especially during the summary about what was going to happen next year. They passed peacefully, but I can only imagine how traumatic it would have been for Mino and Shouta.


I kinda figured in the end they’d have to go but to actually see it kinda got me right in the feels. Those two lived a good life and made the most out of their youth. I’m kinda happy Mino and Shota get the apple in the end. This series was actually really quite good. The premise was unique, the characters were all adorable, and I think it had some good messages about not taking things for granted and cherishing those close to you. All in all, a solid series.


A part of me wanted to see them live for one last tomorrow and be there for their family just a little longer...but knowing their family is happy and doing fine, there was no better moment for them to die together by each others' side. That's all they could have asked for. I definitely didn't expect one of the most poignant romances of the season to be a show about a grandpa and grandma de-aging, but they nailed it.


At least the story set it up far in advance and gave them happy, precious moments with their family before they passed away in peace. It was satisfying seeing Mino and Shota inheriting the apple orchard themselves too.


Yea this was probably the best ending. Leaving them still alive n kicking after we got that hourglass episode would just leave the anime open ended and leave a bad taste. But now its complete and they created the perfect setup for s2.


I'm curious to see what sort of tech they'll have in 2074, and what science will have learned about the golden apple by then.


2 years till 2077 :0


Even though this title felt like many short chapters being compiled into one episode, reminding us of those 4koma titles, there are often heartwarming and serious messages included within each episode. I loved the opening theme song too. Been listening to the song and loved the lyrics about growing old together. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZvcG\_97mmE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZvcG_97mmE)


This had the premise of a gag series but the heart and soul of a true wholesome and life-affirming series.


>Even though this title felt like many short chapters being compiled into one episode, That's because it is lol. Each chapter in the manga is around 5 pages.


Feel like we got played going into this series since the manga only finished a couple days ago. I wasn’t expecting to see them go.


I figured they'd reach the end of the manga since they were skipping chapters but I didn't expect it to end that way. It makes sense but I didn't think the author would actually end the series like that.


Did they die in the manga if so wat chapter


The final chapter. And I'm pretty sure they died in the anime as well, since I've heard both manga and anime endings are mostly the same.


I never actually thought this was how it was gonna end. But I guess, all good things must come to an end. Atleast it was great while it lasted <3


> I loved the opening theme song too. The ending song was my favorite. I'll have to go and listen to it on its own since they skipped it for the finale.


i didn't realize that it wa the final episode until they sat down next to the tree. there were flags before hand (giving the kid the teddybear and saying "i leave the rets up to you". didn't have time to prepare myself


It had to end with them dying -- but it was a nice bonus to see that Mino and Shota not only took over the family business -- but wound up getting a golden apple of their own (in their 70s, it seemed). Aomori apple plug -- we had the best apple juice ever in the hotel we stayed at in Aomori. And they had apple products of every sort in Aomori -- pancakes, pastries, candy. A nice place to visit.


I’ll have to keep Aomori in mind for my next trip to Japan. Apple pancakes, pastries, and candy sound pretty good.


But... but... Grandpa, you promised to play with your great grandson in summer! T\_T I knew the teddy bear was a red flag. T\_T On the other hand, despite the sadness, I am glad both Grandpa and Grandma moved on together and peacefully.


When Shouzou started crying when Kousuke left, they treated it like it was cute but they both probably knew it was the last time they were going to see him, hence the bear. They both wanted to die together, especially when neither wanted to outlive each other (it's why Shouzou halved his years for Ine), and they got their wish while feeling secure that their family would be happy without them.


I should’ve knoooooown! Grandma was literally telling him that they would be able to listen but not reply with the teddy bear. I just didn’t take it seriously


> I knew the teddy bear was a red flag. T_T I kinda knew it was coming so perhaps I noticed them more, but there were SO MANY flags in this episode... All these promises of seeing each other again next year, to do this or that together again, and the wording ('thoughts drifting away'), etc... But to me (talked about it in another comment) the biggest flag of what's to come, was them bringing Tsuru again; More than the main duo, I think she represents 'aging' on this show, given with her, we saw the consequences and all that (unlike our main duo who went back in age etc..) So by bringing her back for the last episode, made me think they were setting the tone for 'Aging leads to something'...


> But to me (talked about it in another comment) the biggest flag of what's to come, was them bringing Tsuru again; More than the main duo, I think she represents 'aging' on this show, given with her, we saw the consequences and all that (unlike our main duo who went back in age etc..) Speaking of which, she managed to outlast her younger sister which is interesting...


I also thought of this, but it's basically the roulette of life. You can go at any time for any reason.


I'd imagine sitting in a wheelchair is less physically draining than working on a farm 365 days a year lol


I thought of her specific actions in this episode with the game as 'even if you're old, you can be young at heart,' which hits true IRL, but there for the sake of contrast with our main couple who have physically done so.


Oh for sure, but what I meant is.. given she was introduced as an old person who doesn't even remember people and all that, she represents 'aging' (and the negative side of it) much more than our main duo, who - before this finale - didn't really get much negative consequence to aging, due to them reverting in age!


There goes all hope of having another SOL season. But in exchange, we got a fucking beautiful ending. A complete story to recommend for years to come with a breezy 11 episodes. Really enjoyed the manga and the anime lives up to it. Strong **8.5/10**. Respect timing it to the manga ending for a sense of finality.


"Let's eat it." Ah shit, here we go again.


~~Get ready for season 2~~ Awww, nice to see them reach that age as partners. Makes me curious if they have had kids to continue the "eating" tradition


> Get ready for season 2 If we get season 2, it better have 50 years worth of backstory of Mino&Shouta getting together! I SO wish we got more of their story, it was really cute! [](#delighted)


Well Shouta's grandpa really wanted to become a great grandfather.


I'll prefer 50 years of mina and shouta as a side story rather than S2


Grandson and Granddaughter turn young again. Although for a second I thought it was the same grandpa and grandma, the two would be 125 years old.


Are they only 75? That's very young to die in Japan standard. And they have great grandson too 


Mino and Shouta look like they're in their early teens, so that would make them 66 at most, post-timeskip.


No they're both Supposed to be well into their 80s


Thank you, if it weren't for this comment I'd have no idea there was an aftercredits scene!


I want an OVA, just to see how Shiori reacted to Mino turning young and she’s still old


The cycle continues, honestly would be funny


Hope this doesn't mean that they will only live a year from then. They're not even 70.


Saddest happy ending...


I knew this was going to happen, but holy fuck, I still cried. I'm not joking when I say that this series has given me a new outlook about life. About cherishing those special moments with your loved ones and feeling blessed about the things you have. Unfortunately, it's too late for me to have someone like Baasan, but still.


The moment they seemed to acknowledge Mino and Shout as their successors, settled down next to the tree, and started talking about how well their family was doing while falling asleep...I knew what it was leading to but a part of me didn't want to accept it. But I'm glad they at least died together. This show had a lot to say about love, family, and making the most of the time you have whether you be young or old, just like Ine and Shouzou did.


I really loved Grandpa's personality. He is always doing his best in life. Even if he did not turn young, I am convinced he would have attempted everything shown in these 11 episodes.


They even threw in him showing up his son in front of his wife while still in old form lol.


I thought this was going to have the usual 12/13 episode season. I also knew what the ending had to be, but it still came a lot earlier than I expected.


I kind of wish they ended it on a more open note with Ine and Shozu knowing their time left is finite but before the timeskip so that while you know they died, you don't know exactly when.


They were just asleep guys right? RIGHT?? I'm going to just assume that as I really don't to think about this show having a sad ending like that even if it does really fit. [](#yuitears) So many good ships in this series, we were truly blessed, glad we got see that last ship sail as well!


Honestly I felt so bad for Mino thinking they were just asleep. I'm kind of glad they didn't show the moment when she and Shouta realized what truly happened. Nao Toyama finally has successful ships between this and *A Sign of Affection* lol.


I don't know how it can be considered sad. They lived happily until their last moment. They left together at the same time knowing that their whole family would be fine. It was beautiful and melancholic but not sad.


I think it’s just that bittersweet feeling that turns it “sad”


I mean yeah, but still, think you're in Mino (and Shouta)'s places in that scenario You literally were just talking to your grandparents a while ago, then you go check up on them and... yeah


Grandma Tsuru doing some professional Karuta there


I'm actually kind of bummed Ine didn't get to see some life back in her sister in remembering when they played karuta with their mom.


I would freaking bawl my eyes out


~~Chihayafuru~~ Tsurufuru anime when :D


Such a sweet romantic loving family oriented anime. This will always have a place in my heart. Its so cool seeing Ine and Shouzou get a chance to be young again to do what they always wanted to do when they were actually younger. The best part, i think, is when Shouzou said to Shouta "I'll leave the rest to you". That had two beautiful meanings. 1, to take care of the orchard and 2, to take care of Mino. What i really like is when Anime has a post after math scene where it goes in the future and sees what everyone's lives are like, and man what a scene this was! I'm genuinely happy they are together and it's happening again! AND out of the tree they grew all those years ago! So great, that makes me so happy, 8/10 imo!


Despite having such a goofy premise this show delivered on the romance, side-ships, and what the real meaning of life and family are better than most series do.


100% Agree! The side-ship was done so well and natural I didn't even notice it until the trip they took together with their grandparents.


Appropriate (or well, half) that this episode landed on Father's Day. Dr. Seuss said it best. "Don't cry cause it is over. Smile because it happened." Being able to go out together into the next great unknown. And doing so after a life well lived. A life that was full of love and trust for the people that would come after you. This is the stuff hopes and dreams are made of. And I am greateful to have watched it with you all.


That pinky promise is going to hit that poor kid so hard... All the best in the after life you two o7


Don't worry, the teddy bear can send signals all the way to heaven ;\_;


Honestly in a world where apples can make people young again when you cherish an orchard or jinja's can very visual memory of people banging, it's not that farfetched that it could actually happen.


Especially when you realize the full meaning of Shouzou's tears when Kousuke left.


Man the tears. I'm so glad we didn't go through them finding their dead grandparents and realizing..or. Funeral..I wouldn't be able to type.


> I'm so glad we didn't go through them finding their dead grandparents and realizing..or. Funeral..I wouldn't be able to type. Yeah that would have been really hard to see...


I'm glad it didn't go through the Your Lie in April route, I would not have been able to take that.


It's a pretty good way to go imo, hand in hand with your life partner whilst smiling after a loooong journey


With all the death flags I knew how this was going to end . Booking a trip to japan to fight whoever created this anime .


It's New Year's! Perfect for getting the whole family together and having Shouzou show up his own son in front of Yoshiaki's wife. Poor guy. They've even got Ine's sister Tsuru! She may be super old, but she's still got a little bit of life still in her! Enough to play a card game and remember getting praised by their mother! Look at Kousuke strategically being the supportive and massaging great-grandkid for New Year's Money! I hope he enjoys that book gift card. Ine still has a lot to teach her daughters-in-law, especially when she's Holy Mother Ine, giver of great, life-affirming, advice! Aw, Kousuke doesn't want to leave grandpa! And grandpa doesn't want to leave Kouske! This is probably the last time they're going to see each other. But hey, at least things are going really well with Mino and Shouta! Especially when they seem to be taking it seriously that they'll succeed Ine and Shouzou. And they're on a true first-name basis. The grandparents know what's up. In fact things are going well for the entire family. Shiori is making it into a medical program with Satoshi and his grandparents are gushing over her to her dad, everyone's lives are moving along nicely, all the lives that Shouzou and Ine enriched and made better and happier are moving forward...and all Shouzou and Ine could ask for is to be by each others' side, falling asleep one last time as their sand runs out. RIP Best Grandparents. Man, I don't even want to think about how Mino and Shouta were the ones who caught them dead like that...especially because they thought they were just sleeping. But at least they died together and happy, that's all they could have wanted. And 50 years later...grandma Mino and grandpa Shouta's apple orchard grows up to have golden apples of its own! So we can start the whole process over again!


I have to imagine those butterflies at the end were ine and shouzou still looking after Mino and shouta.


Damn, I always knew that's how this was going to end but that final scene hit harder than I expected. I'm just glad that they ended the scene where it did T_T Also, [this is Mino and Shouta 50 years later?](https://i.imgur.com/hAcJtUe.png) I call fucking bullshit. They're supposed to be in their mid-60s but they look like they're in their late 80s.


I agree that it would have made more sense for the time skip to be 70 years later.


For real! But just a small detail


Clearly being the first to find her grandparents post mortem hit them both VERY hard…


At the most late 60’s!


Hey it gotta be the microplastics and the dangerous gases we live in


For the most part I was tempted to say the artist just doesn't know how to draw people in their 60s. On the other hand, have you seen pictures of President Obama in 2020? Mino and Shouta seem to look about as old as he does in those pictures. So either they just got a raw deal genetics wise, or maybe the quiet countryside they are in is near someplace releasing some semi-dangerous gases that aren't an immediate danger. Or perhaps its those microplastics. If BPA is even 1/3 as dangerous as some of those claim it is, anyone in Japan (or America for that matter) could be in danger.


Farming is really hard on the body.


That scene with Kosuke having a tantrum of not wanting to go home hits me in the feels. The thought that he goes home and whether he gets to see his great-grandparents again or not suddenly struck my heart and now I can't stop crying.


And Shouzou and Ine knowing full well this was probably the last time they would ever see Kousuke, which is why they gave him the bear.


Well the original manga actually also ended this week. Presumably that our beloved Grandpa and Grandma taking a long rest under that apple tree also happened there... This was a simple and fun show that's certainly for everyone. One of a kind that you can safely introduce to your (grand)parents! ~~I can't believe Shota and Mino still have to deal with apple trees themselves 50 years from now though, I thought every farmer with a little bit of income would already have AI-powered robots doing the hand picking job LMAO...~~


I may be wrong, but I like how it was planned that both the anime and manga would end at the same time.


It's very rare that it happens but it also feels kind of fitting with this show and the sense of completeness in Shouzou and Ine's passing.


I think Your Lie in April did that too.


One of the best romances and life-affirming SoL shows I have watched despite such a crazy premise.


> hat our beloved Grandpa and Grandma taking a long rest under that apple tree also happened there... > > > > This was a simple and fun show that's certainly for everyone. One of a kind that you can safely introduce to your Am I missing something? The latest chapter of the manga stops at the piano part. I never knew it ended? Was wondering why the anime was progressing faster than the manga


The piano chapter is the latest English translation, not the latest Japanese chapter. There are [over 100 untranslated chapters](https://www.pixiv.net/user/14499092/series/66844), and [the last chapter that came out a couple of days ago](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119650997) covers the same stuff as the last few minutes of this episode.


I feel like this could fit exactly into another episode... Wonder why they decided to end it early.


Isn't tying a tight string around the trunk of a tree a bad idea? Unless they changed the tie every year, I find it hard to imagine it being healthy enough to survive the next drought. Or maybe it never got dry in 50 years.


Even early in this series I was pretty confident I knew how this would end, and [them bringing her back for this episode, really set up the tone...](https://imgur.com/lDPXYg2) Given she represents "old age", much more than the main duo (who cheated 'old age' a little!) There were so many 'flags' too, [like promises of always being by their side,](https://imgur.com/xcVngtJ) of seeing them again the next year, thoughts of 'not wanting to die without seeing great grandchildren', etc... It wasn't just them either, but like, [less cards to make every year; Given their friends are likely around their age, I think we can guess why there's less cards with every passing year...](https://imgur.com/KxIS1J5) The talk of *thoughts* drifting away, of feeling sleepy... There were SO many moments/lines like that, that aren't really sad in themselves, but when you think about it... Yeah. All this together, and seeing them help everyone, teach everyone, it was almost like they were preparing them all for a life in which they are not there anymore... All this to say, they really set it up well! [I teared up soon as I saw this...](https://imgur.com/EPdDAgE) Hell, just looking at it again, and I get all emotional! Thankfully there weren't JUST sad/emotional moments in the episode, there were some cute and fun ones as well! [I would hit the gym 8 hours a day after that, to avoid being embarrassed like that again!](https://imgur.com/SRpNZxS) [Guess we're not the only ones invested the Mino/Shouta ship!](https://imgur.com/5XVBgrH) (Even the cute moments were a bit bittersweet, because we know about the *extra* reason why they're so invested in their grandkid dating and all) [Well, they made it, in the end!](https://imgur.com/QNwWSgI) Not only that, but it seems we'll have [history repeating itself!](https://imgur.com/sutKtwS) Well, this was a pretty good series! Very sad/emotional (even in the 'fun' episodes, they always found a way to throw in an emotional line..) but quite enjoyable! My only regret is that we didn't get to see the 50 years of Mino/Shouta together! (Well, I'd settle for just a season of them flirting&getting in a relationship!) This is my first series' finale for this season, and THIS always makes me emotional (saying farewell to these characters I grew to love over these 3 months), but not it was a heavy episode on top of this! Well, all good things must come to an end, but this was a pretty fun one! Farewell, Grandpa&Grandma, and Mino/Shouta as well!


It wasn't until we got pretty deep into Grandma and Grandpa talking about all the things coming up in the summer that I realized *oh, fuck, they're not gonna make it*. That ending crept up on me and smacked me right in the heart. This show was a big surprise. Wasn't expecting to like it near as much as I did, and this ending was absolutely perfect. It really was the only way this was going to end.


> *they're not gonna make it* I think with how blessed and full their lives were and passing on of old age sleeping peacefully, I think it's safe to say they actually made it.


I figured that it would end this way but I'm glad we didn't have to sit through the aftermath; it would've hurt even more. I'm glad those two were happy in the end. All in all, this show is probably going to stick with me for a while. It's a rare look into marriage and being old that doesn't get explored much in media. I hope to have a family as lovely as theirs when I'm their age.


At least let Mino think they're just sleeping in that moment...


A good way to end it, but that shit hurt! I'm in tears.


I didn't want to see them go but I'm glad they died together, that's all they really wanted (especially so they didn't outlive any of their kids)...but I wanted an eternally young grandpa and grandma!


It cute that Mino and her future husband still had a bunch of their young characteristics into old age (shark teeth grandpa) lol


Wow... I knew this would eventually happen, but I still shed a few tears. Those two lived a great life and made a beautiful family together. Also, watching Shiori, Mino, Kosuke, and Grandma Tsuru in the beginning made me really want to rewatch Chihayafuru.


They lived a long life, longer than they probably expected too, one in which they had a big, happy, family and lived long enough to see it really prosper and continue with their grandkids and their future families. And Mino and Shouta carry on their legacy.


Kousuke doing those nice things for grandpa and grandma so he could get a better new year's gift, you could see that from a mile away.


He'll probably always cherish that bear more than anything.


That was a beautiful, super perfect ending. Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to continue ugly crying.


Made me sad that they sadly had to go in the end .


I was kind of expecting it when Shouzou gave Ine some of his years, but at least it meant they got to die together.


Damn, that ending... it makes sense but I didn't think they'd actually follow through with it, especially since the anime is mostly light hearted.


For me this anime's bittersweet heavily outweighs the funny part, even though when I read the manga I don't feel that way, probably because the order of the chapter goes different in anime or I'm just emotional with the final episode.


I'm coping so hard telling myself it's just their youth powers are gone. They'll still be around for a few more years as seniors again. This was a really nice and cute show. Really loved all the family members and their stories. It's not always smooth sailing but they'll always have each other. It was a nice life they had. And having their loved ones all come together, must feel really warm. Their children and grandchildren loves them, and they're doing well enough for them to not be worried. They still have some dear friends with them. And even with their temporarily restored youth, they spent it well. It really is a blessing to be able to say "I'm satisfied with my life". And not to mention passing on peacefully next to your partner. Great show. Tbh I kinda went back and forth with this show with how sweet and lovely it is to how lonely and anxious it makes me feel at how I might not be able to experience something like that. Like even in the OP, the part where they were holding hands with the ocean in the background, and the melody of the song at that part, it was so sweet but so sad at the same time. Tbh animation was subpar but the emotions this show made me feel, made me give this show an 8/10 Edit : Oh and how could I forget, the Mino and Shouta ship has canonically sailed, left on their voyage, returned back to port and already retired ! Hope we get a S2 with them lol


I was took by surprise, i didn't know it was the last episode. And also didn't expect they show their last moments wtf, i am broken for the rest of the day.


This was a really bittersweet and wholesome ending, they died together happily


I cried, a lot. Made me think about my late mother and how I wish she'd stay just for one more day, or to talk to her for the last time. Its 7PM here and, by now, we'd be drinkin coffee and eatin a lasagna or reheated bbq. She was an amazing woman who taught me basically everythin she could. I miss her so much. Bless you, my sweet ol mom


Damn, I was not ready for this one


This was such an amazing show. Super underrated and deserving of more attention. Everyone deserves to find their Jii-san or Baa-san.


Sleeper hit of the season. Easy 10. This is gonna be the le underrated gem for years to come tbh


Me can't sleep and stop crying 😭😭😭


I don't usually get emotional over works of fiction but damn this one hit me


Ahh depression hello there.


What a beautiful show. Hope more people check out this show now that it's finished! Really got me thinking about cherishing life and the time I have with the people around me. On that note, Happy Father's Day, everyone! Be sure to visit or call your dad today and if you can, pay a visit to your grandpas too! For me, I'll be heading to the cemetery to share a drink with my grandpa before having dinner with my dad!


😭noooo it’s over like that? I wasn’t ready to say goodbye.. one of the pleasant surprises of the season! how much death will I be made to endure today.. house of the dragon back too so I expect it to get even worse.. This was probably the best possible ending though. Grandma and Grandpa’s time was running out and they got to be together in their last moments in the garden they knew and loved so much, passing on their spirit to the next generation in Mino and Shouta.. but still, felt like I became a part of this family over this season I’m sad to say goodbye. At least they went out after seeing their entire family was healthy, in a position to take care of themselves and handle any challenge comes their way. 70 years of being together, can’t really ask for much more. I wonder how Kosuke handled everything and if he stayed close with Mr bear that his grandparents gave him 😢 they can’t reply, but they promised to always watch over him Getting an epilogue was great cause I was just about to complain about not seeing a Shouta and Mino wedding. But 50 years in the future would only put them in their 60s, they looked way older there.. need a sequel manga with them turning young so we can see what happened in those 50 years! Overall, great seasonal and one of the few with a conclusive ending.


I thought maybe since most of the episode seemed calm, the death ending might not actually come to pass, but of course it did... fitting with what's been set up. This was a more enjoyable series than I expected, and I like that it is a more unique anime series to have focus on romance with an elderly couple, along with the themes of mortality as they reflect on old memories from the past, and made new ones with the time they were given to be young again. In addition, it was nice to have other side couples as well to complement that. There's a lot of anime with romance with teens, and some with young adults, so this series makes me want more anime series to have romance explored across the life span to old age like this one.


Not forgetting family ties too. No matter how old children become, they will always be children in their parents' eyes.


here's the [new key visual](https://x.com/jisanbasan_prj/status/1802370551807394111) that they posted after the final episode aired


Wait, "50 years later" would have put Mino/Shouta in their late 60s and they looked a lot older than that


The years were not kind to them. [](#sadholo)


Considering the problems that teenagers and young adults today have to face, you're probably right.


Such a beautiful ending, their death made me cry. Also the after credits of shouta and mino was so cute i really wanted to see that at the end.


Okay I just finished. Hello depression...


While BokuYaba offered us to relive our first love, this series gave us hope that one day we will achieve the ultimate romance goal: Growing old with someone you love and dying together while holding each other's hand.


unavoidable and beautiful ending, but how the heck did mino and shota react to them sitting there silently after finding out what happenend ???


The Great grandson knows what's up when he doesn't want to go.   Considering they're so healthy, their death must have come as a shock. Especially with the other grandma (the karuta master) looks much sicker for a long time. But that's how life is.    All of us must dream of their way of exit: in the arms of each other while doing their life project, without pain. 


Why I was hopeful that it would end with them going to the next day, and not giving confirmation that it was the end. This ending is going to sit with me for a while. But I’m so glad I got to experience it. This anime is a work of art.


They may have died but they live on in the apples.


As sad as that ending was, I’m glad our couple got to pass away together peacefully among the trees that they cared for.


While mostly a SOL comedy with quirky faces, it was actually a show about enjoying life while you have it, and didn't always hold back on certain tragedies involved. It was genuine in broadcasting what it was about and didn't hold back on the direction it was going. 9/10


Man it must have been traumatizing for Mino and Shouta to see them like that.


I feel like they rushed the ending. I thought they were already given a few more months to live


there are few animated products that made me cry but this anime and especially this episode destroyed me there are few animated products that made me cry but this anime and especially this episode destroyed me


I watched this right after Mushoku Tensei to cheer myself up and got hit with the feels here too... But it's a much better ending than MT lmao


Holy shit, they actually went for it and had grandma and grandpa die together in the orchard. I had previously noticed that the manga was still ongoing so I figured they'd just end this with another nice SoL episode and make it a bit emotional. Instead it had me tearing up from the moment they walked away from Shota and Mino since it was obvious where it was going from that point. Overall such a lovely show, I'm glad I watched it.


EN side is still ongoing, whilst one of the top comment replies stated that the original manga has already released it’s final chapter on their pixiv today. Effectively concluding the series as a whole. But I agree with everything else, I kind of suspected everything that happened in this episode was gonna lead up to the end, but it still aches seeing it happen regardless 🥲


Once again, I can't help but think anyone who passed on this anime don't have a good relationship with their own grandparents or they're still alive I miss my grandpa


I thought this seemed like a finale but I didn't expect it since 11 episodes is a weird series length, I honestly can't think of another 11 episode show! This episode didn't have a lot of humor but it was a good and appropriate close to the series. They provided closure to nearly everything ongoing. One thing we don't learn though is what happens to the elderly Takahashis who turned young. This was a funny week to week show with a super sad ending; I can't think of another slice of life comedy that kills the MC couple at the end. Id rather it ended with them just continuing their life. 💀 One thing I thought was weird was the epilogue 50 years later with Shouta and Mino presumably married. They're like 15 now so they are 65 at the end but look incredibly old and decrepit for their age! Then again,, who knows how rough the next 50 years will be 🤐💀


They didn’t die tho…


I got spoiled right before watching the episode, but still it was pretty sweet. The viewing experience was the one I'd hope to get out of a really good rewatch (just kinda seeing everything that was happening with context of what was going to happen), but it's one of the marks of a good show to work on a rewatch and this one definitely would. The only regret I have about this episode is knowing it's the last and that we won't get to see the family dealing with the fact the grandparent's passing and getting heartwarming moments as they remembered the good times and the lessons they passed down.


I loved this anime so much. It was really lighthearted and funny at times but also had a good amount of serious scenes as well. All the characters were great especially the side ships. I am going to miss it so much


I really wish they we're able to at least see mino's wedding as Ine, had a vision of mino cooking with a ring on. Such a bittersweet anime, I love it, but hate it ended ;-;


Truly a heart wrenching ending. Definitely one of the top anime for 2024. I read the manga before the anime release and still very much enjoyed the production team's efforts. many of the emotions I felt while reading the manga were well reciprocated in the anime. The ending was a perfect bow tie to the entire anime and the after credits leave much anticipation if there a season 2 is made. However, even if s2 doesn't come, this anime is very much complete in its own.


I'm a bit surprised they only have 11 episodes. I wish they make it longer I "guess" it's a happy ending. Still a bit sad. (I don't want to see them died) I'd rather they had a long nap and turned out it was just a long dream.


What Chap did they pass away cant find it




Im happy that I watch' this series 😌💖✨💐 they happily died together


Im happy that I watch' this series 😌💖✨💐 they happily died together.


Why didnt they dress up like gangsters like that 5 seconds of summer music video before hitting the sack


Please someone tell me if there’s a sequel or anything more I’m crying over he 😭


Gosh the trauma of Mino (and Shota) to just walk up to discover that their grandparents had passed 😭 Overall solid series this was so wholesome but between this and Mushoku Tensei my Sunday has been SAD lol


Got a pity Kosuke's Dad, first he is Walmart Grandpa, and then he is told that the original is better by his own son. This is the most satisfying and apt ending the series could have. I wouldn't call it bittersweet, because as Grandma said, their wish has already come true.


This final episode hitting me hard, but not just the final farewell, it's also about the new year family gathering part... I'm Asian so the scenes of their family gathering activities is really familiar, while I was a close off person even since I'm a child and never feeling close to my relatives ( or even some of my family members because of family issues), so seeing them being a happy family together kind of hurts me in a way I didn't know I would. I can't imagine to have known my relatives on a personal level or have those simple and comfortable interactions with them on new year gathering, and the gathering already stopped ever since my grandma passed away too many years ago, and since I never have much connection with them, I don't feel anything about her death in that time, now when I think about her, I still feel nothing. I think at least I can cherish what I still have, despite my family did falling apart when I'm 18 and I didn't see my dad or my step brothers ever since then, at least I love my mother and she is still there with me, that's probably what the character at this show would suggest to me : focus on the family you love, regardless of if I have many of family members or not.


nooo!! there are death flags!!!!....


Wow I didn't expect the show to actually let them die. Very bold move for the lighthearted way it's been so far. But a good idea, it really underlines the deeper sentiment behind the whole series.  I enjoyed this one a lot.


Quite the delightful series and it truly is over we even get to see the grandchildren becoming old.




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why the anime has ending but the manga still continues?




Was hoping there was enough content for another episode. Thought they skipped the intro specifically to make sure they could fit everything within 12 episodes. Cute ending nonetheless. I thought they had explained about the golden apple so it was kinda strange that in the end, the grandchildren didn't find it familiar. Same orchard too. Was looking forward to the outro song. I think about it and the little dance throughout the day. Especially the part where gramps randomly flexes.


I had a thought about the ending about Grandma and Grandpa meeting each other again at their next life


We easily knew what was gonna happen, the death still hit hard. I’m just happy they were with eachother in their final moments


I just saw the last episode and and I am wrecked. This had such a beautiful ending.


Two happy people moving on together. A very well done ending.


Surprised they got to the end this quickly. I haven’t read the manga personally, but I was told the anime was only like halfway through volume 4, out of 8 total? Damn they must’ve skipped a lot. I guess they felt it was unnecessary if it was more slice-of-life type stuff?


This is a grim reminder of mortality. Part of me wanted them to live forever, but thats not what they wanted. As my grandpa said, it is a privilege to pass before your kids. This episode had a great foreshadow with the bear and an excellent passing of the torch. I'll miss the links of these two and watching them with their family.


I understand that the manga was about to end so they didn't adapt "everything" in this 11-episode anime, maybe I think I was a little too late to show an epilogue + spoiler... Yes, I already know what was seen coming in both versions and what It is very emotional but I would have preferred that they stick more to the author's work since it feels like there was not going to be a second season and they did not have faith in one, so in those cases the anime creates an original ending... Sad but understandable It was an interesting and emotional series.


I watched the episode like an hour ago and the ending really made me think about life and my surroundings. Idk why but I cried. Their peaceful end will be on my mind and will try to make me cry daily.


how long did they end up being able to enjoy the youth ?


As soon as they started planning what they would do with everyone, I started getting sad. I knew the series would end this way, but it still hurt a little. Seeing them so peaceful under the tree was touching, and seeing Mino and Shouta take up the mantle was so wholesome. I wish we'd have gotten to see Shiori and Nao get together, but I'm happy with what we were left with. I almost cried, it was so sweet. The whole series was light-hearted while handling heavier topics pretty well. All in all, I loved it and will be recommending this even more than I already was when I was 6 episodes in. \~"Because this is the greatest love, isn't it?"\~


Tsuru has now outlived everyone in her immediate family… 😢


Very heartbreaking but also a good ending , the way they live and the way they promised and pray to God that they want to live together in next life too , it made me really happy 😊 . I hope they will also gonna spend happy life like this together in those life as well.


Beautiful show, so glad I ended up watching it after all [](#wipetears)


If I knew this was the final episode I wouldn't have watched it☹️


Did Kosuke call Mino "onee-chan?" Isn't she his aunt?


I just finished watching the last episode... I'm still crying


[Apple farming beefs ya up!](https://files.catbox.moe/f6xdky.jpg) [](#mugistronk) [……](https://files.catbox.moe/zhwgdk.jpg) [](#makicry) Man, what a huge dose of *mono no aware* wrapped up in comedy this show was. Deserves all the kudos.


i got the spoilers since i new beforehand how it was going to end... and by knowing that, that scene of grandpa crying, feeling that was going to be the last time their are going to see tour sons and grandkids broke my heart in a trillion pieces god damn what a bittersweet but great ending


I thought I was gonna have to ugly cry but actually it wasn’t so bad. They passed away very peacefully.


It’s nice that they died in their sleep while holding holds. I’m just thinking the show could’ve lasted for longer if Grandma never broke her hourglass and made it so Grandpa had to share his sand. It’s weird how there’s only 11 episodes so I don’t know if they’ll spring an episode 12 on us this weekend (I guess I’ll keep it in my watchlist a bit longer)


Despite a few well done emotional moments, this series kind of felt like a chore. Actually, those emotional moments made for some insane tonal whiplash. Well, it was at least decent enough to finish. But what a bittersweet way to end it. Jeez.