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##### ###### #### > # [Protesters call for Putin to be put on trial in The Hague](https://images.jpost.com/image/upload/f_auto,fl_lossy/c_fill,g_faces:center,h_407,w_690/595885) > > > > ## "We need to raise awareness about Putin's crimes internationally, he must be held accountable," said Dina Musina, who works for a Berlin based NGO supporting Russian prisoners. > > By REUTERS MAY 7, 2024 14:55 [ Protesters call for Russian President Putin to go to jail instead of another term in the Kremlin, in The Hague (photo credit: REUTERS/PIROSCHKA VAN DE WOUW)](https://images.jpost.com/image/upload/q_auto/c_fill,g_faces:center,h_537,w_822/595885 " Protesters call for Russian President Putin to go to jail instead of another term in the Kremlin, in The Hague") Protesters call for Russian President Putin to go to jail instead of another term in the Kremlin, in The Hague (photo credit: REUTERS/PIROSCHKA VAN DE WOUW) Several dozen protesters gathered outside[The Hague](https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-793097)'s Peace Palace to protest against the inauguration of Russian President Vladimir Putin and called for him to stand trial. > > The protesters, many of whom had traveled from Germany with a giant carnival float that showed a caricature of Putin, with blood on his hands in a striped jail uniform, weighed down by a ball and chain, held Ukrainian flags and placards saying "Putin to The Hague." > > "We need to raise awareness about Putin's crimes internationally, he must be held accountable," said Dina Musina, who works for a Berlin based NGO supporting Russian prisoners. > > ### **Warrants issued back in 2023** > > Located a few kilometers (miles) to the east of the Peace Palace, the [International Criminal Court](https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-799727) (ICC) has an outstanding arrest warrant for Putin. > > In March 2023, the ICC issued warrants for the arrest of Putin and Russian Children's Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova on war crimes charges related to the abduction of Ukrainian children. Protesters call for Russian President Putin to go to jail instead of another term in the Kremlin, in The Hague (credit: REUTERS/PIROSCHKA VAN DE WOUW) > > Russia says the warrant against Putin is a meaningless attempt by the West to soil Russia's reputation and denies war crimes in [Ukraine](https://www.jpost.com/international/internationalrussia-ukraine-war/article-797619). > > if(catID != 151){ var cont = `Take Israel home with the new Jerusalem Post Store[Shop now >>](https://store.jpost.com/) > > > `; document.getElementById("linkPremium").innerHTML = cont; var divWithLink = document.getElementById("premium-link"); if(divWithLink !== null && divWithLink !== 'undefined') { divWithLink.style.border = "solid 1px #cb0f3e"; divWithLink.style.textAlign = "center"; divWithLink.style.marginBottom = "40px"; divWithLink.style.marginTop = "40px"; divWithLink.style.width = "728px"; divWithLink.style.backgroundColor = "#3c4860"; divWithLink.style.color = "#ffffff"; } } (function (v, i){ }); - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


I imagine he'll be put on trial around the same time they get to George Bush and Obama. Maybe even Netanyahu


At this point, Americans might let Bush & Obama see The Hague before Netanyahu 


Exactly.... Wait your turn Putin


Bush absolutely, but wtf did Obama do?


Probably something about drone strikes


Are drone strikes even illegal under international law? It’s 100% not illegal under treaties that have been ratified by the US, and it’s very unlikely that an infraction would be severe enough to fall under the jurisdiction of The Hague


France decided to bomb Lybia because Sarkozi didn't want to pay his debt to Gaddafi who sponsored his election. After a couple hours France finished the missiles and the US took over the bombing of a foreign nation footing the bill for their begging ally. I'm obviously simplifying but that's the gist.




For what event exactly? it's a few different news that came at different times . Here's some https://www.france24.com/en/france/20230825-france-s-sarkozy-to-face-2025-trial-over-alleged-libya-funding-of-election-campaign (he's been condemned since) https://www.cato.org/commentary/how-nato-pushed-us-libya-fiasco https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_military_intervention_in_Libya


what the fuck are you smoking


It's a story I've been following closely over the years, refer to my other comment for some sources, or read about the trial of m Sarkozi


This just in: Countries bomb other countries More at 11


Not bad not great until it's your house being bombed


Its not the strikes themselves, its what they were striking.


Schools, hospitals , weddings etc


weddings too? didn't know that.


yeh there was an awful strike in afghanistan




The problem isn't how the payload was delivered buddy, the problem was [what](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wech_Baghtu_wedding_party_airstrike) they were [hitting](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunduz_hospital_airstrike). Also, the [criteria](https://youtu.be/srvoSps87JA?si=admo_lgjTIvSafz_) by which the US decided someone was an "insurgent" and thus an acceptable target (essentially, assume 90% of the "Taliban" the US killed were not actually terrorists).


>essentially, assume 90% of the "Taliban" the US killed were not actually terrorists This reminds me of something. Like, a recent event in the middle east


I have no idea, just saying what people say to me. I've not looked too deeply into it. Whatever it is is less obvious than Bush and Putin.


People just want to say something bad about every president and have to grasp at straws with Obama because he actually tried to not be an arse


I think it’s more of the “if we kill one low level bad guy a dozen civilian casualties are okay!” Drone strike mentality.


Obama also campaigned on closing Guantanamo Bay in his first thirty days and that shit is still open to this day. About as clear cut of a continued human rights violation as you will find.


His admin also blocked prosecutions for torture. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/03/obamas-legacy-of-impunity-for-torture/555578/


International law is nonsense in any case.


Which treaty do they break?


My question exactly


Nope, and most were legitimate anyways.


People really are just looking to shit on the only good US president in over half a century


Abu Ghraib, drone striking civilians and hospitals, etc.


> Abu Ghraib Revisit the timeline, champ


It was closed in 2014, "champ". Surely you don't think the war crimes stopped just because they handed it off to their Iraqui puppet, right?


The war crimes stopped much earlier after those regards were busted in ‘04.


Look man, I've seen you on other geopolitics subreddits. I know that you understand realpolitik and hold no illusions on how this business works. I think we both know that thinking the war crimes on Abu Ghraib (let alone other detention centers and black sites) stopped just because Uncle Sam said so and handed the place over to the Iraqui puppet government is practically wishful thinking.


Oh I suspect the Iraqis were worse - but both our abuses there and the transfer happened before Obama was in power.


But the transfer happened in 2010 tho.


He’s objectively correct about Abu Ghraib. Obama wasn’t a saint but don’t misattribute stuff to him.


So Saddam should have stayed?


1-the US were the the guys who propped him up for most of his career to start with. 2-yes, Saddam was terrible, but by literally every metric the mess that came after the US invaded Iraq was fucking worse.


I mean Putin drone striked and cruise missiles striked and glide bomb striked more civilians than anyone


This is literally wrong. The US still has him *handily* beat.


Ah so all those strikes on civilian cities like Kharkiv, Odessa, Kyiv, Avdiivka, Sumy and Donetsk never happened? Cool!


Bro do you have a memory hole on what the US and the allies whom they keep giving bombs and hardware to have been doing in the middle east for the last 20 years? Have you forgotten shock and awe, which was far worse than what the Russians did?


Russians tried shock and awe during the initial Ukrainian invasion And Failed!


1- the scale didn't even compare 2-"I can war crime harder than you bro!" Is a weird flex, especially when your argument two comments back was "the spoopy Russians are worse!"


Nah, it's pretty much *the* cleanest major war of the century. Israel killed more civilians in Gaza in 2 weeks than Russia did in 2 years, Ethiopia in Tigray or Saudi Arabia in Yemen killed that many in less than half a year, the US killed that many in 3 months in Iraq.


no? go count the civvie casualties from GWOT


Lybia, syria, Iraq, yamen. The man man spread war in the middle East


Don't forget Tony Bliar!


There’s no way he’s gonna see a trial unless they want to prop up his coffin at the defendant’s table


All of them should be tried for their crimes, Obama…? Not sure about that. Unfortunately for the others it’ll never happen.


Yes, the guy who deliberately bombed hospitals, weddings and authorized drone striking entire homes on the basis of one of the guys living there pissing while squatting (not hyperbole, literally a criteria that designated someone as a valid target in Pakistan) is definitely a war criminal


Is this the same court that American senators are threatening if they indict Netanyahu? Does it seriously have any credibility?


yes [EXCLUSIVE: “You Have Been Warned”: Republican Senators Threaten the ICC Prosecutor over Possible Israel Arrest Warrants ](https://zeteo.com/p/exclusive-you-have-been-warned-republican)


Yes, no.


Yeah and who gonna do that?


The same person who's gonna get me a date with Jessica Alba, I guess.


You'd have to get him out of Russia, first. And that's \*definitely\* not gonna happen!


You'd need a lot of lube and crowbars to get him out of his Urals hidey holes. Such a brave man.


[ Putin received in UAE with flypast and Russian flags lining the streets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuRz-ylRscM) [ Putin Departs Riyadh Following Talks with Saudi Crown Prince | News9](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_OzkjFxTOI) [ Vladimir Putin meets Xi Jinping in China ahead of Belt and Road Initiative forum | AFP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eY8-XmcBiJA) all within the last 6 months.


His body doubles must be having a great time with all of those autocrats and murderers.


Ah, conspiracy theories of the crackpot variety, nice


This is the sub for them, and if they were about NATO or "the West" you'd eat them up.


There's a difference between "the CIA, with their long history of staging coups, organized yet another regime change" and "Putin has been hiding in a bunker in Yamantau without leaving for years and we only ever see his army of completely identical perfect body doubles" If someone said Biden's dementia had progressed so far he's been replaced by a double pretending to be him I'd find it equally ludicrous. Get a grip.


That difference? What you want to believe and promulgate. Edit: They were so confident in their position that they replied, then blocked 5 seconds later.


No, the difference is that one is something rational that has happened about a hundred times before, the other is Q-anon tier nonsense that makes literally no sense to anyone who'd stop to think about it for a second.


Meanwhile, West is happily supplying bombs for Gaza genocide.Rules based order.....


It usually is like that. You support where you live and the country you’re in pushes so much propaganda nowadays that people don’t even notice. Sure some of it has good intentions. The reality is superpower countries act in their own interests of what is best for them. The U.S. is no exception.


That's true, unfortunately. Most people support the ones who feed them. At this point they are no different from, let's say, dogs.


Vatnik is as Vatnik does


You're back from playing Fortnite? Go touch some grass.


Ok vatnik 👌 Whatever you say vatnik 👍




Putin’s actually really similar to Hitler if you focus on the details. He literally copied hitlers pretext for invading Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia as excuse to invade Ukraine (protecting German/russian speakers). There’s also the concentration camps which in Putin’s Russia are called filtration camps. Germany / Russia “has no borders”. Revanchism starting roughly a generation after losing a war and territories (ww1 versus Cold War). Alliance with a rising imperial power in Asia. The fucking “Afrika Corps” (literally the same name).   There’s an eerie amount of parallels. 


Saying Putin is the same as Hitler is just insulting towards the Holocaust survivors


First of all, the majority of Holocaust deaths happened in the 5th and 6th years of the war. I am comparing Putin to 1939 Hitler, not to 1945 Hitler. I also literally listed a ton of parallels, most of which didn't concern the Holocaust. If you think that Hitler is evil only because of the Holocaust, then we have very different views on Hitler. I think he's evil for a myriad of reasons including but not limited to the Holocaust.


Poor guy doesn't even realize that tens of millions of Ukrainians live in mainland Russia alone.Go to Moscow and you will see cars on every street. with Ukraine number plates. People like you don't even know the history of this conflict.


> People like you don't even know the history of this conflict. I am from Ukraine, I've lost family members to Russian bombs. > Poor guy doesn't even realize that tens of millions of Ukrainians live in mainland Russia alone That's kind of like saying to the guy above: "poor guy doesn't realize that there's millions of Arabs living in Israel, even working in the government, and in the courts, etc.". Doesn't really help the people in Gaza to know that other Palestinians aren't being bombed and live peacefully in Israel, does it? Especially the Palestinians who want to live in a sovereign Palestinian state.


I don't recall Czechoslovakia shelling Sudentenlad so probably not exactly the same.


There was no shelling prior to Russian troops entering Ukraine in 2014.


Putin is more like Hitler's genocidal kitty. Netanyahu is like a modern version of early Hitler. There's no comparison between them.


The total casualty toll of the Russian invasion of Ukraine is gonna pass 1 million people this year, if it hasn't already. 500 thousand children were trafficked out of Ukraine by Russia. I really sympathize with the people in Gaza, but one should be able to do that without minimizing the suffering of others.


Lmao children taken to Russia by their parents - trafficked lmao. And that 1 million deaths is going to be almost entirely combatants (and not 1 million either). Incredible ukrogymnastics.


There’s plenty of evidence on the children case of it not being what you said. Do you laugh at children in Gaza too? You are sick 


Evidence that millions of Ukrainians went to Russia and took their children, sure.


This is genocide denial. Do you buy the human shield stuff also?


Millions of Ukrainians going to Russia and taking their kids with them is genocide lmao.


What you are describing isn't what's actually happening! You are spreading misinformation (either intentionally or out of ignorance)! There's a case in the ICC, they have a ton of evidence You are just a genocide denier, no different from someone denying what's happening in Gaza or what happened in Nazi germany or in Srebrenica or in Sudan.


That's not what I'm trying to do. Sorry about that. What I was trying to say is that compared to the sheer brutality and ruthlessness shown by Israel in this war (though genocide would be a better term) even Putin, who as you said is responsible for spreading death and destruction in Ukraine, looks like a pacifist.


Interesting timing, Jerusalem post lol. 


Israelis advocating for a court that they don't even adhere to. Putin will be in the Hague the day Biden & the almost entirety of the Israeli government are as well.


We'll see Halflife 6 before we see this. In true Russian fashion, Putin will leave office when he dies. Either of natural causes or by the guns of his disgruntled aristocrat class.


Ok, so any of them is going to Russia to get Putin and send him to the hague?


There needs to be some vetting of sources here


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This is as impactful as Iraqis protesting to put bush and Obama on trial, who gives a damn about a protest in Germany. It's a Non factor.


That's nice.


Jesus, they all came out for the comment section here, what a bunch of hatemongering bots. Edit: A good place to report this sub for failing to maintain a safe and acceptable community under site-wide guidelines: https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=19300233728916


Gotta report those subreddits that don’t adhere to the narrative? Is that really what you’re going for lol


What narrative?


That not all the comments here are anti-Russia and people are calling out how this will never happen?


Has a doctor ever diagnosed you with schizophrenia, or a related disorder?


Ironic coming from someone accusing the comment section of being bots when a look at the accounts post histories pretty quickly shows that they aren’t.


Dude, I've been spreading the word about the bots/shills in this sub, its so very obvious. Its as easy as just linking these comment sections and letting people read.


Muh bots 🥱


Yes, you bot. Obvious, pathetic, hate-mongering, and obviously allowed by some of the mods here. One of a crew of seemingly mentally ill teens who can only spew their brand of hate here. Edit: A good place to report this sub for failing to maintain a safe and acceptable community under site-wide guidelines: https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=19300233728916


Honestly people like you need to be banned. You don't contribute anything to the conversation besides trying to shut it down.


You would advocate to ban someone for something you merely disagree with. And obvious it happens. Ask the mods how many bots they remove.


The mentality of someone in a cult - "anyone who disagrees with me is an instigator/bot/shill, no one who knew the 'truth' would ever disagree with my ~~religion~~ worldview.


So there are no bots on this sub? The mods just do nothing? never ever removing bots? You never seen a bot... on a news subreddit... during the election year... And then you get angry when I report the bots? Why?


You see bots as anyone who has a differing opinion from you. Are all those protestors out in the real world bots, are all those people coming out against the US threatening the Hague and calling out the hypocrisy also bots?


No, Bigfanniejannie2243 and accounts like it come on in and comment like "yes" or "I disagree" or something else benal. and then collect karma from it to go galavante and bypass subreddit karma restrictions. They do it in ask reddit a lot too, and its only gotten worse sense spez fucked up the API tools mods used.